Blocked Drain 636

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so [Music] looks like we've got a block drain hey ready yeah block drain mag boy hello croc baby right fell off your back hello now you can tell it's under pressure because oh this goes coming out of the uh micro flat this is the breather so that's your boundary trap that's the breather it comes off it and this here is another access point which then light uh we might jump straight from here if it's blocked here but we'll find out if this blows which i think she will then we know it's blocked between here and the main line which will be running down this fence line here oh yeah she's blocked she's blocked badly that will start rising soon a little bit of a wash i don't even know how we get the uh how we get our nozzle through that it's so thick so very thick um what do we try i think we'll try the penetrator nice and skinny it'll push right through it make sure she's working all right looks pretty good tonight now this is going to be uh this is going to be the tricky bit and now it wants to rise like a cake here it comes like a sausage cake and every good sausage cake has some corn corn for the rat thank you you're welcome enjoy [Music] all right i guess we'll turn that on [Music] so [Music] [Music] there we of go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so [Music] i'll just clean this area off of it stand your legs magpie that's why you've got new legs sunflower grab the sunflower mag boy thank you you're welcome [Music] blow flies [Music] all right see those roots down there i'm going to get them with the shark hook pull them up and rip them out and then we'll jet the rest of them [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah good work shark hawk there's lots of uh lots of roots down there have a quick look with the camera yeah lots of roots there a little bit of a disjoint there but nothing to worry about and that i think is the mains or inside the mains there a few more routes there that'll be sparkling clear by the time we're done drop for the dc all right down you go dc43 [Music] so [Music] so okay perfectly positioned to work those roots so [Laughter] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you think that's funny hey kookaburra me getting a face full i'm sure [Laughter] that's why it's a good idea to have the protector there in these particular occasions i might put it on a kookaburra will be kokovaro okay so we'll drop that [Music] down no i won't get a face full of it that's the plan anyway hey guys yeah that's the plan all right let's crank her up [Music] [Music] so [Laughter] [Music] all right let's see the dodge inflicted there's no roots there no roots there there were roots there there were roots there but the dc has obliterated them we're well into the mains now there's our dc do a little spurt for us dc show your appreciation [Music] clean the lens what a wonderful cutter i'll pull him out we'll give them a kiss [Music] oh what a powerful machine i'll just take the lid off this do a little test and make sure it's clear and we're done that looks clear very good now we'll just uh get him to flush the toilet with a bit of paper and we're done ready you stay up there i don't trust you you've got a tendency of jumping in the drain all right we go flush your toilet i'll watch it come through all right guys on the count of three [Music] you guys must be hungry how about smoko yeah sounds good boss all right how about you park yourselves up on this rock over here kookaburra i guess we'll ask goku barrow to join us too kookaburra get down here it's smoko time are we having hold your horses today we're having a bit of nutella and a few timmy tams thanks boss you do love us yeah sometimes i do all good all good all good except for the face splash all good
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 1,175,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: zJ3dqhDemYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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