Blippi Wonders | Learn Fruit and Vegetables + More! | Blippi Animated Series | Cartoons For Kids

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hey it's me blippi have you ever wondered where something came from or how something works yeah welcome to my new animated adventure flippy wonders will you come with me yeah let's go [Music] hmm what's better than a delicious piece of fruit you're right deebo vegetables are yummy too hmm i wonder what's the difference between fruits and vegetables super suggestion we'll go into that garden to figure it out i'm gonna need wings and a grabber arm wings grabber confirmed okey dokey artichokey activate blippi station [Music] shrinking down the blimpy mobile is ready for adventure all right we're in a community garden where all kinds of fruits and vegetables grow look there's one right now you're the next contestant on slim cucumber certified fresh game show [Music] tell us your names hey it's me blippi and this is tivo now blippi and devo a quick review before we start all fruits have a pit or seed in them and grow on a plant with flowers fruits have pits or seeds and always flowers got it and vegetables are different they're a root and leaves got that too excellent let's play tell me is this carrot a fruit oh the carrot is a vegetable because it's a root and has leaves so tell me is this tomato a fruit or a vegetable hmm this is tough okay a tomato grows from a plant but it has seeds it's also a vegetable oh sorry tomato is a fruit now your final question flippy can you tell me if this strawberry is a fruit or vegetable strawberry is a fruit yes strawberry is a fruit which means this trophy wow thanks mr slim and i also have the answer to my question what's the difference between fruits and vegetables vegetables are roots and leaves and fruits have flowers in a pit or seeds upload answer deebo bye-bye mr slam congrats to you flippy that's our game i'm slim the cucumber and by the way i'm a fruit tune in next time for a special guest madame mango on fruit [Music] i love chocolate just a little bit now and then do you love it too deebo oh right dogs can't have chocolate it hurts their tummies hmm i wonder how are chocolate bars made great idea we can go into that chocolate factory and find out i'm gonna need wings hovercraft and a prop engine wings hovercraft prop engine confirmed activate flippy stations [Music] shrinking down the flippymobile is ready for adventure let's go meet some chocolate bars in the chocolate factory hey there you're not cocoa beans i need them so we can start making chocolate bars i'm not a bean it's me blippi and this is deebo hi blippi hi deebo i'm barb the chocolate bar welcome to my chocolate factory thanks barb i'd love to see how chocolate bars are made can we come with you absolutely it all begins with cocoa beans these beans come from plants so how do beans become a chocolate bar they go on a little journey first a beanbag next our beans get roasty and toasty then they get made into teeny weeny beans our bean powder then gets mixed with sugar and milk to make them sweet and smooth come on debo time to ski no but it'll be fun [Music] [Music] it's chocolate bar debo after the chocolate has cooled into bar shapes we've wrapped them and they're ready whoa you both look alike and i have the answer to my question how are chocolate bars made cocoa beans get washed heated crunched mixed with milk and sugar and then cooled down into a chocolate bar upload answer debo thanks for a sweet tour barb anytime bye blippi look at that snowflake whoa [Music] whoa i agree deebo snowflakes are beautiful hmm i wonder how is a snowflake made you're right deebo we can go up into a cloud and find out i'm going to need a grabber arm and wings grab her arm wings confirm activate flippy stations [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure let's go find out how a snowflake is made we're way up high and the air is very cold isn't it so chill i mean welcome to my cloud hey it's me blippi and this is deebo it looks like you're working hard you're right i'm a small particle now but soon i'll be a big snowflake can you pass me those big water vapor clouds the water in the cloud freezes on me and then i grow more crystals [Music] one snowflake can contain as many as 100 ice crystals all of those ice crystals sure made you strong mimi here yeah go catch deebo [Music] now that i'm heavy enough i can fall towards the ground follow me [Applause] mimi each time water vapor sticks to you and becomes ice crystals you get even bigger and more impressive thanks you have six points same as every other snowflake but your own one-of-a-kind design yep no two snowflakes are alike that means there's no one like me that's why i'm called mimi a snowman perfect i can land there with the rest of my squad i did it stop the landing way to go mimi [Music] and i have the answer to my question how is a snowflake made it starts as a particle in the air and collects ice crystals as it gets colder and colder eventually forming a unique snowflake upload answer deebo bye-bye mimi bye blippi whoa tabs look at this amazing rain forest [Music] you're right i bet all kinds of interesting animals are in there i wonder what kind of animals live in a rain forest i'm gonna need spider legs and the grabber arm spider legs grab her arm confirmed activate flippy stations [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure wow this place is so green they must get a lot of rain here yes we do actually hey it's me blippi this is tabs hello i'm bye the giant panda bear glad to meet you we want to know what kind of animals live in a rain forest can you show us around yes okay but i am meeting my sister for lunch and i'm always late so i'd like to be there first for once we won't be long super let's go see what we can find yeah thanks bye i do get a little hungry before lunch so could you help me collect some bamboo on the way just for a snack sure whoa this bamboo is as tall as a house the juiciest chutes are at the top would you mind whoa wow lovely whoa look there's a monkey he's a golden monkey hi fred sorry fred oh pandas love bamboo it's all we ever eat actually not even ice cream not even ice cream unless it was bamboo flavor could you get me a little more bamboo all this chewing makes me terribly hungry sure thing there's a nice stalk just there whoa little red bugs oh it's recent fiona they're red bamboo evils hi buggies oh no i'm going to be late again sorry we need to go oh not again i'm sorry but i was helping my new friends blippi and tabs hello could i possibly share some of your bamboo please [Music] thanks for the tour by you really helped me answer my question what kind of animals live in the rainforest golden monkeys red beetles and giant panda bears who love eating bamboo upload answer tabs i think it's time for a snack of our own see you later bye bye i see the moon stars and is that a planet oh it is tabs whoa there's a whole area out there in space with the planets in the sun it's called the solar system i wonder what planets are in the solar system good idea tabs let's go into outer space i'm going to need a rocket booster activate flippy station [Music] now it's time to get planet size throwing up great taps we're in space whoa it's a meteor hey it's me flippy welcome to outer space i marry the meteor i'm here to find out about all the planets in our solar system there are eight planets in our solar system let's meet them shall we closest to the blazing sun are the two smallest and hottest planets mercury and venus that is hot we should go the third planet is your home earth hi mom then there's mars the red planet mars is red because it's covered in rusty soil that's a lot of dust come on next up is the giant jupiter bigger than all the planets combined he doesn't scare me though whoa we should go we sure are a long way from the sun now welcome to saturn and her rings whoa they look beautiful can we get closer of course wait we haven't finished yet on your left is uranus billions of miles from the sun pretty cold now let's hear it for the furthest windiest and coldest planet neptune [Applause] whoa i have the answer to my question what planets are in our solar system mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus and neptune upload answer tabs thanks for the tour mary that was wild see you blippi time for a shower a meteor shower bye mary the meteor [Music] i love being at the beach whoa a flying fish hmm i wonder what's underneath the ocean good idea tabs we can go into the ocean and find out i'll need duck feet and a propeller duct feet propeller confirmed activate flippy station [Music] the blimpy mobile is ready for adventure wow it's a whole other world down here is this like some kind of underwater forest exactly it is a forest welcome to my neighborhood my name is jerry jerry the jellyfish hey it's me blippi and this is tabs we're down here to see what's in the ocean oh yeah there's a lot the ocean's full of surprises i'll show you i'm going to meet my friends i'll give you a tour along the way all right thanks jerry first stop our kelp forest this scalp can grow up to 150 feet wow that's so tall oh yeah but sometimes the water current around here blows the kelp around kelp cow oh no this never happens great idea tabs let's use the turbo boosters oh good glad you're okay let's move on whoa that fish is blue and has a long nose she's a blue marlin she uses her nose to find and catch food she's also really fast whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no this never happens yeah tabs it is dark in here wherever we are jerry jerry lippy is that you in there oh no hold on [Music] i scared a grey whale and she blew you right out of her blowhole that never happens thanks for getting us out of there jerry oh you're all lit up i told you the ocean was full of surprises didn't i hey look it's your friends hiya pals you guys found me and i found the answer to my question what's underneath the ocean there's a kelp forest blue marlins huge whales and a jellyfish that lights up upload answer tabs and we're only on chapter one in chapter two there's an octopus and a shark and a sea turtle and a tuna bye jerry oh and there's an otter and a sea horse and a lobster and a stingray wow that's a pretty tall mountain i'm sure they're way taller mountains tabs hmm i wonder what's the tallest mountain in the world great idea tabs we'll go to the himalayas and find out i'm gonna need wings and the grabber arm wings grab her arm confirmed activate flippy station [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure let's go find the tallest mountain in the world [Music] hey it's me blippi and this is tabs we're looking for the tallest mountain i'm climbing it right now [Music] i was just headed to the top that's where the best snow is nothing worse than old snow can i tag along i want to see what it's like on top of the tallest mountain of course but get ready this mountain is super tall oh up so high and it's much colder up here [Music] thanks tabs i love hot cocoa [Music] that was a close one hey it's the mountaintop yeah we made it oh whoa it's so windy up here i got you blippi so what is the name of this mountain [Music] oh you call it mount everest you're right tabs i have the answer to my question what's the tallest mountain in the world it's mount everest it's 29 035 feet tall upload answer tabs and the snow up here is d [Applause] snow burps have a good snow snack bye buddy bye flippy [Music] right deebo this is a kangaroo crossing and we are in australia so i guess you never know when a kangaroo might bounce in wow what a spectacular jump hmm i wonder how high can a kangaroo jump great idea we'll go ask that kangaroo i'm gonna need frog legs for this adventure frog confirmed activate flippy station [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure we're in the outback so let's go find a kangaroo hi there i'm rooney what brings you to these parts in your cool looking car hi rooney it's me blippi and this is deebo we wanted to see how high a kangaroo can jump pleasure to meet you well i can jump as high as your mobile here but i can jump higher whoa rooney's hopping pretty high and super fast ah you're pretty fast yourself you up for a little rice blippi sounds fun all right let's rise around that big sandstone rock down there we call it uluru or airs rock it's the heart of australia whoa so cool and the first bag here wins you're on rooney by the way there may be a fence or two in the way good to [Music] oh know it [Music] [Music] this fence is six feet tall good jump ready to go even higher yeah how about a 10 footer [Music] to the best jumper we've ever seen and now i have the answer to my question how high can a kangaroo jump kangaroos can jump up to 10 feet off the ground upload answer deebo that was fun gotta cool down that's why i'm licking my arm it's a kangaroo thing bye bye-bye [Music] whoa this spiderweb looks amazing you're right deebo spiderwebs do have such artistic designs i wonder how do spiders make their webs yes let's go find a spider to ask i'm gonna need wings and spider legs wings spider legs confirmed activate flippy station [Music] shrinking down the blimpy mobile is ready for adventure bonjour i'm spencer you're just in time to watch me make my latest artistic creation hey it's me plippy are you about to make a web i am it's going to be my greatest masterpiece the webbiest web of all time want to help yeah i really want to learn how spiders make their webs time to create tebow i'll be right back oh blippi you can be my holder and tester my web will be a circle shape designed with some triangles in the middle what kind of string do you use to make your web i use silk strands that i make myself and they shoot out of my stomach to a spider or bugs these strands are as strong as steel that is so cool next this circles to complete my masterpiece can you use this strand in place flippy whoa it is a circle shape ah perfect grabs that strand lippy to swing out for a look whoa amazing wait is that a picture of me and your web it is you my masterpiece now you can test it bounce against it see if it hurts [Music] whoa the sticky part is for catching bugs to eat your web is beautiful and useful spencer and you answer my question how do spiders make their webs they use super strong and sticky silk strands to create a web with a cool circular design upload answer devops thanks for showing us how you make a perfect web spencer bye-bye [Music] salad [Music] oh thanks tabs didn't know this lettuce was stuck in my teeth i guess a toothbrush would help hmm i wonder how do you use a toothbrush to clean your teeth great idea we can go meet a toothbrush in a mouth i'm gonna need wings wings confirmed let's go explore activate flippy station [Music] the blippi mobile is ready for adventure it's time to shrink down and go into a mouth shrinking down [Music] we're inside a mouth you're right tabs we need a way to clean these teeth would a brush help hi i'm bill brushy and you are hey it's me blippi and this is tabs i want to find out how to use a toothbrush to clean teeth well you're asking the right brush hop on and i'll show you the best way to clean your teeth all right hey bill brushy is that toothpaste on your brush part yes sir it helps keep teeth healthy and food free okay now here's how to brush your teeth let's go to the front first so small circles on every two okay that's the front done let's go to the back now we turned we flipped little circles round and round great let's make some more circles circles circles these teeth are the moles i call them the chew crew since they do most of the work i know tabs tooth brushing is a wild ride wow i think i have the answer to my question how do you use a toothbrush to clean your teeth it cleans by brushing the front back and in between of all teeth in little circle motions and that pushes all the food out from between the teeth and makes them nice and clean upload answer tabs thanks for your help blippian tabs remember to brush twice a day for two minutes each time for super sparkling teeth we will thanks for letting us ride along brushy bye [Music] you
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 2,820,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 50P7RPEwngM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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