Blippi Visits a Kids Museum! Learning Jobs & Careers For Kids | Educational Videos For Toddlers

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[Music] hey it's me flippy and i have a really cool fire truck here it looks just like a real-life fire truck with a hose and horns hong kong hong kong and some really big wheels and tires i think it would be so cool to be a real-life firefighter yeah whoa look at it it's a real-life firefighter pole hey let's slide down to the bottom okay let's do it on the count of three are you ready okay here we go one two three [Music] whoa i'm a little bit dizzy after that oh look at it it's a firefighter hello i think it's a really important job to be a firefighter because to help save people's lives and put out fires with a really big water hose hey look that's another job you could be you could be a pilot yeah and fly really big airplanes hey you could also be an engineer well what does an engineer do they're really good at math yeah like adding up numbers and subtracting numbers and they plan all types of things so that other people can build them that's so silly hey what do you want to be when you grow up [Music] that sounds really cool i want to be that too hey i have a really cool idea how about you and i go to this place where we can pretend to do all kinds of different jobs that would be so exciting and fun and then you can pick your favorite job okay will you go with me today come on let's go [Music] i'll see you there hey we made it to great explorations children's museum in st petersburg florida yeah and i am so excited to learn all about jobs let's go [Music] this is one of my favorite places this is a pizza oven inside of a pizza restaurant one job that you can have when you grow up is to be a chef chefs are so cool yeah chefs are in charge of cooking all of the food at a restaurant and i really like cooking pizza oh it's so tasty hey i have an idea how about you and i make a pizza together okay here we go first we need one of these pizza paddles to put the pizza in the really hot oven because we don't want to touch it with our hands okay look at that and we'll get a metal plate so first things first we need to start with the pizza dough yeah we'll get the pizza dough right here sometimes when you get the pizza dough it's crumpled up into a little ball so yeah stretch it and sometimes spin it whoa like this and that helps to make it look like a circle yeah look it's a circle good job okay put the pizza dough down and now we get to put on some yummy toppings hey do you have a favorite pizza topping uh i like that one too okay let's get started okay we'll put on some tomato sauce oh my favorite cheese [Music] i love pizza with lots of cheese okay we'll put the cheese there and now we can put all the toppings we have some spinach so tasty and we have black olives whoa and they're all sliced up yeah put those there we have whoa [Music] do you know what these are yeah these are mushrooms we'll put these on too put on some onions ooh and then once you get your pizza made then put it into the oven and you'll wait and it looks like our pizza is delicious and all done yeah and now we get to go put it in a box come on [Music] yeah cool you did a really good job making a pizza with me and now my favorite part we get to eat the pizza [Music] this pizza is really tasty and that's because you helped me make it ah thanks so much wow that was so cool learning about being a chef and making a lot of yummy pizza yeah oh look over here wow there are so many different types of animals i love animals hey do you have a favorite kind of animal yeah i like that animal too whoa look we have some kitty cats and we have this looks like a really big puppy dog hello puppy dog [Music] so silly whoa look we have a really colorful parrot and a bunny rabbit yeah let's go get a closer look come on [Music] look at this place this place is a veterinarian's office yeah a veterinarian or a vet and that's a person that takes care of hurt or sick animals yeah whoa look we have some really cute animals here hello ah this is such a cute puppy but we want to make sure that this puppy is okay so the first thing you can do is take it to get an mri yeah an mri it's basically a scanner that uses magnets to take pictures of this puppy but not pictures on the outside where it's smiling pictures of all the stuff inside like it's bones and make sure they're not broken and this puppy is doing really okay let's see okay puppy whoa look at it the mri is showing the inside of this puppy's leg whoa that's pretty cool well this puppy seems to be pretty okay but it looks like it hurt it's lit so we're gonna take care of it yeah okay here we go the first thing we want to do is put a bandage on its leg so i use some dots [Applause] we did it we bandaged up this puppy he's gonna be all better real soon and the next thing we want to do is give this puppy some medicine here you go puppy [Music] he's happy you're feeling better already yeah and the last thing we want to do is we want to put this cone around its head because sometimes puppies get really playful and they take off their bandages we don't want to take it off until he's all better he is so cute yeah i love being a veterinarian being a vet with you was really fun because we've got to learn about animals and take care of them if they get sick or hurt whoa this was awesome [Music] look at what it is it's a fire truck yeah whoa fire trucks are so cool and look at this it has really big wheels and tires and really bright headlights and a metal bumper i bet it would be really fun to ride in one of these come on wow it is so much fun riding in a fire truck and look up here yeah this right here is the fire fighters siren and it goes like this yeah when a firefighter has to go and help people from a fire they turn this on and they honk their horns and that lets everyone know in the area that there's an emergency and they should move off the street yeah so they can get there nice and quick and safely [Music] and look at this this is a very important part of a fire truck this is the fire ladder and it's really helpful for helping firefighters get up to really high buildings to save people and to use their hose to put out the fires oh look and these are the valves where you hook up the hose but this is a really big fire hose it's not like a regular hose you might have in your yard it's really really really powerful to push out the fires and make everyone safe yeah fine [Music] whoa look at this this is the fire pole whoa the fire pole is really helpful because in a firehouse the firefighters they live up on the second floor and the fire truck is on the first floor so the pole helps them not have to take the stairs yeah oh did you see this yeah this is a firefighter's uniform it is so cool because it's fireproof yeah if you or i were in a fire that would be really dangerous because our clothes are flammable they can catch on fire but not a firefighter they can go and save you because they're fireproof whoa did you see the helmet yeah look at this this firefighter has a really cool yellow helmet and that protects their head from anything that might fall on it do you see this yeah this is a really powerful fire hose whoa this is so cool there are so many different adjustment valves and look it's really really big so that it can have a very powerful spray to put out all the fires wow maybe one day you and i can meet firefighters too we can help save people but to be a firefighter you have to be really really brave yeah rave hey do you know what being brave means yeah when you're brave that means you might be scared or something but you do it anyway because you're gonna help help people and keep them safe well i really want to do a job that will help people too yeah that would be awesome [Music] look where we are yeah a job that you can do when you grow up is being a nurse yeah being a nurse is a really great job because you help take care of others and make sure they get better when they might be sick let's go see everything that a nurse does yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa look at this did you see it this right here is a skeleton whoa there are so many bones yeah bones do you know what a bone is yeah these are different types of bones and a bone is what helps make you up yeah helps you stand nice and tall it's right under your skin bones are really important and it's important to take care of your bones well it's really good to learn about bones because if you ever break a bone you can go to a nurse and they can help you come on look at this box it's really bright this will help us look at different kinds of x-rays yeah whoa this right here this is an x-ray and it kind of just looks like a dark sheet but it actually is a picture of the inside of your hand so when you put it up here you can read the x-ray yeah you can see all the different bones inside your hand whoa and this is really helpful to take a picture and x-ray of your hand because if you break a bone the nurse can say you broke this bone and now we can fix it okay wow x-rays and nurses are pretty amazing and look at this over here another thing you do when you go see a nurse is just see how tall you are whoa look i'm 5 feet and 11 inches tall that's pretty tall hey do you know how tall you are whoa that's pretty tall too and i bet when you grow up you'll be even taller maybe five foot 11 or six foot or six foot one inch or seven feet tall whoa that's really tall being a nurse is an amazing job maybe one day i'll be a nurse when i grow and i can help make people feel better yeah well this was really exciting hey i'll see you in just one second hey whoa that was so much fun learning about all those different types of jobs there were a lot of them whoa hey which one was your favorite job [Music] yeah i liked that one a lot too it was really fun doing that with you whoa look at this over here come on whoa do you see what it says curiosity corner that means it's time for the curiosity corner where you and i get to learn all types of things but i wonder what we're gonna learn today i guess you and i are just gonna have to find out i'm so excited let's go [Music] hey welcome to the curiosity corner where we get to paint a really beautiful picture together and it looks like we have everything we need we have our paints look we have three different colors blue yellow and red these colors are really important because they're primary colors and primary colors are used to mix get mixed up and make every other color in the rainbow so we're gonna use these to paint a beautiful picture well we're gonna need our palette with paints and a paint brush okay so let's wet our brush first then we get the paint okay so first we want to make a really cool orange because it's my favorite fruit and favorite color so we'll start with some yellow whoa it's so fun to mix up the paints we're gonna make a circle [Music] whoa look we made a yellow circle but it's not quite the right color so now we're going to add another primary color red just a little bit of red and a little bit of water and then you can mix it up to make an orange whoa look at how pretty that color is it has little bits of red and little bits of yellow and a lot a bit of orange whoa that was so much fun learning about colors with you and painting a really pretty picture it's time for me to go wash out my brush [Music] whoops looks like we got some traffic here [Music] [Music] whoa that was so much fun learning about all those different kinds of jobs with you there were so many different kinds well even if you didn't pick your favorite today that's okay you have all the time in the world just keep on exploring and being curious then i'm sure you'll find what you will want to do when you grow up well i'm having a lot of fun with these trucks this fire truck and recycling truck whoa and this construction vehicle with an excavator arm well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job well i'll see you soon [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want shout lippy
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 3,530,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi videos, educational videos for kids, educational videos for toddlers, blippi, careers for kids, jobs for kids, educational, childrens museum, kids museum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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