Blippi Sink OR Float Part 2 | Funny Kids Videos | Blippi | Moonbug Kids

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[Music] hey it's me blippi whoa and look at this this this is a tank yeah i think we should fill it up with water to ride about here and then gather items so then we can put them in the tank with the water and see if the items will either sink or float let's fill up the tank with water first all right this is a lot of water here we go [Music] no more water okay i think we should put a little bit more in all right open this up here we go and one more here we go how about that amount perfect all right so now let's go get some items [Music] i am so excited to find all of these items let's go whoa whoa look a tote and an alien board whoa i'm gonna stand on this so then i can go super fast and find a bunch of items all right here we go [Music] all right here we go what a beautiful day it is i am so excited to find what items we find [Music] look whoa we have some marbles yeah i wonder if these will either sink or float yeah and some some shiny glittery goo slime that's gonna be cool all right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is awesome watch i'll go backwards hey oh look i was just gonna say i'm getting thirsty but look at what it is candy colorful candy yum i just want to eat all of them but let's go see if they'll sink or float all right here we go [Music] whoa look over here look at what we missed [Music] yeah some office supplies we have a stapler a blue stapler and a rubber band ball watch this [Music] watch out i almost got you all right let's go see what else we can find whoa whoa whoa whoa this is awesome whoa gotta go off-roading over here my big tires on this hoverboard made me go out in the grass and speaking of big tires yeah a monster truck i wonder if that will sink or float let's go [Music] that's so silly come on oh look another item it's a smiley face with a tongue what's inside whoa a bunch of rocks i bet i know if that will sink or float but we gotta test it let's put it in here let's go find some more items [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a second come over here look yeah you know what this is it's a scrubby dubby and i'm all clean i use this in the bathtub to get nice and clean i wonder if that will sink or float okay let's go find some more whoa look down there you see all those rocks i'm gonna get off the hoverboard and go check it out come with look at these me rocks i bet those would sink i bet there's some cool items over here there's so many trees and everything look at this wow a colorful shape do you know what shape this is wow yeah that is a star they're like cookie cutters whoa whoa so colorful all right let's put them in the tote so we can see if they'll sink or float whoa look at this over here [Music] do you see the monkey yeah it's a monkey look he's so cute i wonder if he'll sink or float all right let's go see if all of these items seek or float let's go [Music] look at all of our items i think this is the perfect time to put all of the items in the tank so we can see what ones go to the bottom and sink and what ones stay up the top and float all right let's see what we have here um the scrubby dubby [Music] now that i'm all clean let's see if this sinks or floats i think i know ready whoa look at it yeah it floats whoa hello okay what else do we have here we have the marbles okay got the marbles so let's uh open them up and see if they sink or float all right here we go [Music] look at them [Music] okay what else i love this this is so much fun okay um whoa oh look at this face okay an egg with some rocks in it ready here we go three two one whoa i was wrong i thought that was gonna sink because it had really heavy rocks in it but look it floats whoa okay what else do we have oh hey remember these yeah a bunch of stars all right here we go let's throw them in whoa they float wow i have three floating things and then one sinking thing all right what else do we have here a stapler and a rubber band ball the office supplies watch this it bounces [Music] okay bye-bye stapler whoa yeah the stapler sinks all right well hmm i wonder about the rubber band ball i wonder if it's gonna sink or if it's gonna float let's see okay here we go wow that floats so many rubber bands on that rubber band ball okay what else do we have hmm yeah monster truck all right it looks like it wants to sink but the reason why it's floating is because of the tires they're full of air whoa the big tires all right we have a couple more items let's see oh remember the monkey yeah the monkey bank you can put coins in [Music] here all right let's see if it sinks or floats whoa it floats but i wonder if we fill it up with water yeah look at it it was hollow on the inside so when we filled it up with water it went to the bottom so it sinks the monster truck is on the bottom huh i wonder why i wonder if the tires of the monster truck filled up with water as well okay a couple more things um slime yeah and colorful candy let's do uh let's do the slime shall we let's open it up [Music] look at this oh feels so funny and it smells funny too all right here we go ready one two three whoa the slime went to the bottom so the slime sinks all right last but not least i think we should do the colorful candy [Music] here we go whoa all the candy went to the bottom so that means it sinks oh hey what about some mallows let's see if they sink or float okay yep just have my molos i love mallows some some blue lint from my shirt all right ready here we go whoa oh yeah look at him whoa they're all floaty [Music] wow that was so cool seeing what items sink and what items float but before we go i have a special surprise [Applause] whoa some magical vials this magical vial has some slime powder that's purple it has a lot of it and this magical vial has some purple slime powder with just a little bit in it i think we should pour them in here we go [Music] whoa whoa did you see that that's magical now we should stir it up and make some slime [Music] whoa see the monster truck whoa in the monkey oh in the face that's floating i know all right whoa it's so slimy now [Music] whoa well that was so much fun gathering items with you and seeing what ones sink or float well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name do you know my name yeah it's blippi let's spell it together ready b-l-i p-p-i blippi good job bye-bye come on hey parents if your youngster loves my videos be sure to click that big red subscribe button so you can be notified when i have a brand new video alright bye bye
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Live Action Shows
Views: 37,155,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blippi, funny kid videos, playing with toys, videos for toddlers, blippi colors, activities for kids, Blippi, Blippi sink or float, Blippi videos, Blippi play ground, Blippi science videos for kids, educational videos for toddlers, Blippi park, sink or float, science for kids, cool science experiments, activities for toddlers, blippi toys, diy, sink or float 2, learn about buoyancy, blippi movements, blippe, monster trucks, vehicle toys, toy cars, buoyancy, activities, for kids
Id: gkvVBQmP3r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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