Blippi Learns About Sea Animals | Sea Animals For Kids

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hey it's me flippy and today we'll be meeting some amazing sea creatures this is going to be awesome let's check them out hey it's me blippi and look at where i'm at yeah i'm at a marina yeah marinas our body of water where a bunch of boats live so cool but hey check this out wow today we're at the marine life center in bellingham washington and you and i are gonna learn a lot about some cool creatures and fish yeah i love fish let's go [Music] oh hey who are you hi my name is casey how are you nice to meet you casey i'm flippy what are you doing i'm painting a picture of some of my ocean friends on the ceiling here wow are those sharks right there they sure aren't they're dog sharks oh that's cool well it's a very good painting but hey do you mind if i go explore the marine life structure please do wow check this place out wow this is going to be so much fun learning about marine life yeah let's go whoa check it out yeah do you see that that is a skate yeah it's hard to see because it blends in so good with the rocks surrounding it yeah just like how i kind of blend in with this creature right here because we're both the color orange the skate blends in with the rocks and that is called camouflage whoa yeah that helps keep it safe from its predators whoa whoa check out this tank looks like there's some cute fish in there hello hey wow they're just swimming around and they look like they are having fun oh what else is in here oh looks like some seaweed and some rocks yeah casey says there's actually an eel in here and she's gonna come feed it yeah hey blippi did you find the wool field she's hiding inside of her den sometimes if she's hungry she'll come out and say hello it looks like she has a grumpy face but she's actually my friend sometimes she likes belly rubs and treats her favorite is shrimp let's see if we can get her to [Music] eat wow such cool animals in here i love all these creatures whoa check it out wow inside this tote there is a kelp crab whoa do you see him whoa look at him here let me move this piece of kelp whoa there he is oh the cool thing about this kelp crab yeah is it's camouflage yeah he camouflages by eating things if he starts to eat things that are light brown then he starts to turn light brown himself or if he eats things that are dark brown like this piece of kelp then he blends in to that dark brown piece of kelp whoa so cool oh look a shrimp hello shrimp you are so cute you want to be pet yep there you go oh there you go oh it is so cute hey speaking of shrimp check this out whoa doesn't that look like a shrimp yeah it looks like the shell of the shrimp wow yeah shrimp and crab they do what's called molt yeah that's where the outside of them their shell yeah comes off of them and this whoa this is just a shrimp shell because it came off the shrimp oh look at these critters wow these are both hermit crabs whoa yeah they're crabs that are inside shells whoa check out what happens when i pick it up it's gonna go inside the shell all right did you see that whoa yeah it used to be outside the shell but now it's inside the shell to protect itself okay i'm gonna gently put it back right there whoa look at this tank looks like there's some crabs in here some fish there's a lot of cool things in here a lot of seaweed oh do you see all those fish down there hello fish hey are you hungry yeah hey check it out looks like i have some yummy food for these fish yeah this is actually nutrient dense food for the fish yeah it's just like you and i eating vegetables basically really good for us all right here you go fish all right all right [Music] wow look at all of these shells they're so pretty this one is so big look at it it's almost as big as my hand wow okay whoa and this one is so shiny wow and this one is so pokey wow oh here's another pokey one and those are little teeny pokes whoa that is so cool oh hey what's this doing here look it's a stuffed animal and this stuffed animal is a stingray hey i have an idea why don't we explore this area and see if we can find any more stuffed animals oh check it out a giant sea turtle whoa sea turtles are so cool they're so graceful just swimming in the water flapping flapping flapping that is so cute okay there you go whoa check it out we have two salmon whoa looks like one is spawning and the other one is not whoa look at salmon go wow salmon are some cool fish they get so big yeah these would be small salmon in the wild okay let me set them right over here so they don't fall in there whoa a giant sea lion well this one would be really teeny but sea lions get so big and they make the sound [Music] and it's so silly oh it's so cute okay let's put you back right there whoa you found another one wow a giant clam look it's like a hard shell yeah whoa look it opened up and do you see what's inside yeah we found a pearl whoa that is so pretty whoa so shiny i actually heard pearls get created from irritation i think that's true whoa look down here whoa another shell yeah this is a hermit crab yeah check it out see a crab and then it actually goes inside its shell for protection see yeah it goes like this on the ground and then it opens up and then it crawls around then it goes inside okay we'll keep you right there there you go whoa another one yeah this is a fish and do you see how flat it is yeah it lays down flat its two eyes are on top of its body yeah and it just hangs out on the bottom of the sea floor and this is a halibut and halibuts can get so big yeah this one would be a small one this is so cute you know what kind of animal this is [Applause] yeah that's a hint yeah this is a seahorse yeah it looks kind of like a horse huh oh cute swirly little tail and look at what it has right in this little pouch little baby sea horses [Music] hey wow you're so colorful whoa okay okay let's see whoa a couple more yeah check this out a killer whale yeah an orca wow they are so cute wow an octopus octopuses are so smart yeah and they have eight long tentacles with suckers on the bottom to hold on to things okay there you go oh looks like we have some whales right here oh whales can get so big they get massive and they breathe air they go and then suck in air and they can go underwater and stay underwater for so long oh hey look a beluga whale wow it's so bright and white yeah it kind of looks like snow yeah beluga whales actually love to be in really cold frigid water whoa check it out hey what is this this is one of our crab pots and by golly we have a lot of crabs in here today yeah we do there are so many of them what kind of crabs are these these are called graceful or slender crabs and they look a lot like a dungeness crab have you ever seen a dungeness before yeah aren't they a little bigger than that they sure are these are almost fully grown whoa can we take one out and see it a little closer even better we could probably take two and figure out which one's a boy and which one's a girl okay that sounds like fun whoa check it out we just got two crabs in here all right okay how do you tell if it's a boy or a girl on these oh well that's a great question i get that a lot so i like to start with the female crab the girl crab and we look at her belly we flip her over gently on her back she kind of calms down and we look for a very wide triangle shape here compared to the boy and that's because she's going to have eggs inside her tummy there and she needs extra room the boy doesn't need that much room okay so that one is a girl and that one is a boy you got it flippy whoa check it out [Music] wow that is really cool and i like acting like a crab wasn't that so much fun learning about marine life together yeah that was awesome seeing those cute fish and all those creatures wow it's crazy how they live under the water and you and i live on the land yeah it's really important for you and i to help keep the water nice and clean yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job all right well i'm gonna keep learning hey it's me flippy and today i'm at the skyline marina in anacortes washington and marinas are where boats live and today you and i are gonna learn about boats look there's one right here [Music] this is gonna be so much fun [Music] i'm steering the boat whoa this is so much fun all right i'm gonna pull back the throttle this is the throttle this is what you use to determine if you go forward or backward and this is the steering wheel you knew that whoa whoa what else is around here oh hey i wonder what this button does whoa did you hear that that's the horn let's do it again that's so much fun and what's this this is a radio hello hello can you hear me this is blippi radios are used to be able to talk to the people on the land and other boats and the navigation system this is electronic and this one is not this is actually a compass it tells you which direction you're heading wow that's so useful oh and there's so many gauges and instruments hey and a muffin let's try some hmm so tasty all right check this out here we go let's go forward whoa whoa yeah check out the back yeah look here we go [Music] [Applause] boats are amazing pieces of machinery hey when you're in a boat and if you are 12 years or younger then you need a life jacket so let's open up this compartment and take out a life jacket this life jacket is the color orange okay let me put it on life jackets are really good keep you safe they keep you afloat if you go in the water let me turn this around go to the back perfect make it nice and snug how do i look [Music] whoa yeah yeah another piece of equipment that boats have on them is a life ring and that's used to throw it off so then the person that's in the water oh can grab onto it and then you can pull them in here i'll go get the life ring whoa check it out this is a life ring whoa i wonder why they call it a life ring hey i know because it saves lives and it's the shape of a ring okay so let me take it get it situated and i'm gonna act like there's someone out there that needs help so i'm gonna take the end of it okay i found it and from there i'm gonna chuck it out there really far three two one [Music] yeah did you see that and then once they grab it then you can reel them in like this okay grab on tight i'll pull you in yeah whoa it's like we saved someone there we go oh good job so [Music] this is a boat and it's out of the water see normally the water is up to here but it's out of the water hey and check this out over here come here [Music] whoa and do you see down there those are the propellers wow they spin around and push the water back to create thrust for the boat to go forward [Applause] whoa hey and look way up there there's some buoys whoa they're kind of like pillows and balloons so then the boat doesn't hit the dock and get hurt wow this power boat is really cool has big engines to provide a lot of power to the boat whoa look at this boat this boat is a catamaran check it out wow kind of looks hollow in the center that's silly and then kind of like a deck in the middle whoa and how it gets power is from the wind and then it blows on the sail and then it goes hey look here's another type of boat and this boat yeah it's a power boat but what it's used for is fishing wow i see a lot of fishing pole holders up there i bet they go fishing for salmon tuna crab and all of those tasty food whoa this boat is really big look how big it is i look so small next to it and this boat looks so big wow sailboats get all of their power from their sail whoa hey and what are these down here this is called a keel it keeps the boat really stable in the water so then when the wind blows a sail it doesn't fall over sailboats and boats in general look like so much fun [Music] whoa look this is a kayak and kayaks are another type of boat interesting kayaks are powered by humans going like this with paddles and in here there's more kayaks come on whoa oh look over here here they are wow this kayak is the color red oh and back here this kayak is the color yellow oh whoa this one's hidden but do you see this this kayak is the color green kayaks are really fun because you sit in them with a life jacket on yeah a life jacket hey let's try on a life jacket okay take it off the hanger all right so this is a life jacket whoa and life jackets are really useful when you're near and on the water in boats because they keep you afloat if you're in the water so then you don't have to go and sometimes if the water is really cold you might wear a wet suit oh look at them back here see it's like their feet and then the arms and i think these are actually called dry suits because they actually keep you dry so then the water doesn't touch you oh let's see what else is around here whoa wow yeah the paddles or the kayak whoa [Applause] this is so much fun okay i'll go back this way whoa holy oh ah [Music] this building is so big have you ever wondered where boats get stored so then they can go inside away from the weather like the rain the wind and the ice yeah a building like this stores many many boats hey check it out [Music] oh hey doggy look this dog is being nice and safe with this life jacket on hello oh so soft so cute and so safe what a beautiful day it's been oh look do you see what i see wow yeah sea life whoa let's get a little closer and say hello hey hey how are you wow that's a seal it's just laying out in the sun feels so good i'm gonna go a little bit closer hey how are you whoa it's so cute look at its big black eyes hey hello i wonder what its name is we should name it i have an idea let's name it celie hey celie all right celie have a good day bye-bye i love the marina [Music] look at how big this boat is wow geez it's so long oh hey it's so big it even has windows inside hello that's silly whoa look how tall it is hey i have an idea why don't i start at the back of the boat and then i'll step it out and count the steps to see how long it is ready two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven 12 13 14 15 16. this boat is 16 steps in length good job whoa what an amazing day it is to have this muffin on this boat let me show you around this boat whoa as you saw that was the table oh in this area is a great place to prepare some food check it out a fridge hello fridge you can keep all your food nice and cold oh in a sink what's that doing in there so silly okay what else is around here [Music] whoa this boat is awesome check it out that's the captain hello he's steering the boat and down here is the inside of the boat come on wow this is amazing whoa it looks like a stove top right here where you can cook some food ooh a sink whoa that's a big sink some paper towels can't forget those oh a microwave oh that's convenient there's even a tv right here hey that's me oh in a bed [Music] what am i doing no time for sleeping oh another table i could eat tons of snacks right here nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom [Music] a fuel pump that's gas and this is diesel hmm interesting hey i have something to show you come here [Music] just like how cars need gas and diesel to run on land boats also need gas or diesel and this boat right here needs gas so let's take this pump right over here and let's go fill it up whoa what a long hose hey check it out this is the gas cap of the boat so let's unscrew it okay be very careful and then put it right in there and pull the trigger [Music] did you hear that it's nice and full all right let's put the cap back on and now it's full to the top so we can have some fun in the sun [Music] that was so much fun hanging out in the water on this boat i sure do love boats and it was so beautiful out there hey i have an idea why don't we sing the blippi boat song [Music] floating down the river sailing on the sea cruising on the ocean boats are for me [Music] i saw a boat pulling another i didn't know the vote so i asked my mother she said that's a tough old son [Music] i saw a boat going faster and farther i didn't know the boat so i asked my father he said that's a speedboat sun i saw a boat [Music] you know what it was doing on the sea cruising on the ocean boats are for me i saw a boat transport cargo i didn't know the boat so i asked my friend marco he said that's a cargo ship [Music] i saw a boat with planes on top i didn't know the boat so i asked my friend rob he said that's an aircraft carrier i saw a boat that was fire fighting i you know what it was doing floating down the river sailing on the sea [Music] cruising on the ocean boats are for me [Music] yes [Music] floating down the river sailing on the sea cruising on the ocean boats are for me floating down the river sailing on the sea cruising on the ocean boats are for me that was so much fun learning about boats with you at the skyline marina in anacortes washington well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job see you soon [Music] [Music] bye-bye hey it's me whoa and do you see what's behind me yeah a bunch of logs [Music] today i'm at the port of olympia in olympia washington and these logs are chopped down exported to different countries so then they can build houses but washington state is really cool because for every one tree that gets chopped down the companies here have to plant at least three new trees so i think we should explore the pork but first i need some safety equipment i love being safe all right let's go explore the port [Music] whoa do you see that that is a crane and it's so big i love cranes because they can grab things from the ground and lift them really high up in the air yeah really heavy things i'm gonna go explore this crane check it out these are the cranes wheels and tires yeah the tires are black and the wheels are the color blue did you also notice how they're two wide yeah one two yeah it's not just one it's two hey i have an idea why don't we count all of these wheels and tires alright i'll start over here okay we have one two three four five six seven eight eight wheels and tires but wait a second remember how i said they're too wide okay so we have eight times two eight times two that's sixteen and a good job but wait a second we're only on one side so it has a whole other set on the other side so here we go 16 times two that's really hard let's see 16 times two 32 wheels and tires wow good job whoa do you see that there's actually a worker right here let's go talk to him hello hey flippy hey who are you i'm frank oh nice to meet you too what do you do here uh i maintain equipment on the marine terminal and today we're looking at the got walled mobile harbor crane whoa crane that's so cool can we go up heck yes let's go let's go come on [Music] whoa we made it come on in come on in whoa do you see it wow i'm gonna sit down in the chair this is where the operator sits whoa look at how high we are whoa [Music] whoa this is so cool so we're about 90 feet in the air roughly that's about 30 yards or meters whoa and do you see that those hooks right there they're used to grab things this can grab anything from logs to boats to pallets to yeah so many things [Music] oh and come check this out whoa look at the big cables this is the hoist room whoa they're so big [Music] look in this room is the electrical room whoa look at all these whoa hey look there's another worker looks like he's just working hey cool all right let's get out of this place whoa now we're going into the engine room whoa look at how big this engine is oh frank how big is this engine it's so big it's got 12 cylinders and it's a twin turbo cummins diesel whoa that is a big powerful engine whoa look at how big that hook is whoa did you see how big that is that's what they used to pick up really heavy whoa all right [Music] whoa check it out this is a massive ship yeah this vessel is the vessel that they load all these logs onto and then it goes out into the ocean and transports and delivers the logs whoa hey what does this sign say restricted area authorized personnel only that's you and i let's go whoa those are some big logs and there's so many of them i think you and i should count them ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen ten thousand four hundred and forty four ten thousand four hundred and forty five ten thousand four hundred and forty six ten thous oh no i lost track okay well anywho i think we should let all the log stackers get back to work so we should probably get out of here and then they'll stack some more logs on the ship all right see ya whoa this is a small boat this is a medium-sized boat whoa this is a big boat and what it also has is this travel lift this travel lift goes right over the water drops these belts down to the water and then it can lift up a boat or it could do the opposite where it can hoist the boat one of those parked boats over there over the water and then drop it down but hey check these out these are some massive belts they are so strong actually this thing can lift up about the weight of seven school buses that is so much weight okay let's uh get out their way so then they can lift up a boat this is gonna be cool [Music] this machine is so big [Music] whoa do you see what's happening yeah those belts are lowering down to the water and then they're gonna submerge themselves in the water and that's when the boat is gonna go on top of the belts and then the belts will lift the boat and then transport it to the land [Music] do you see what they're doing they're using these holes to pull in the boat nice and slow so then it doesn't ram up against the dock yeah because this might not be their boat so they have to be very nice and delicate with it just like when you're borrowing someone else's toy you want to make sure that you treat that toy with a lot of respect [Music] whoa did you see how they just lifted the boat yeah now it's off of the water now the tires are gonna roll on the concrete and then bring it back to land whoa that was awesome now it's time to scrape whoa check this out looks like a lot of barnacles and even some seaweed growth [Music] that looks yummy but not for me whoa all right nice and clean yeah well i should probably get going now because there's a lot more boats to explore yeah check it out there's so many well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i flippy good job all right see you again [Music] bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 4,017,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, blippi sea animals, sea creatures, sea animals for kids, animals for kids, blippi animals, blippi aquarium, blippi songs, blippi animals for kids, learning animals for kids, learning with blippi, blippi visits
Id: 3a6vNf61SIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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