BLIPPI - Humane Society - Learn | ABC 123 Moonbug Kids | Fun Cartoons | Learning Rhymes

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[Music] hey it's me flippy and today we're at the pasadena humane society to see which animals need a home i am so excited come on okay now we're at the shop where you can buy treats and toys and food and so many things for all the pets here okay what did they have whoa look every day is caturday that's funny this is where the cats eat their food look over here some toys whoa this is called lamb chop [Music] and it looks like a little fish i bet this is for a kitty to play with because kitty kitties love to play with fish okay some crates look if you need to transport your your pet from the humane society you will probably take it inside a crate like this see so then they're nice and safe when they travel [Music] unleashes wow look at all these colorful leashes this leash is the color red this leash is the color pink i bet you know this color i wear this color all the time yeah it's the color blue come on this side wow look at this color yeah it's so bright and vibrant this color is the color pink yum some more treats but wait a second this looks like it's for i can't open it anymore oh hey can food come here [Music] some cat food more bulls these look like dog bowls come over here you have a dog or maybe even a cat you've probably seen these bags yeah they have a lot of food in them oh i think this is for chickens or maybe it just has a chicken flavor to it oh and treats yeah look at this these are treats and dogs love these maybe we can get these and go feed them to a doggy come on [Music] do you see this dog this dog's name is timmy [Music] and do you see right here he has a bow tie on just like how i have a bow tie but my bow tie is the color orange and timmy's bow tie do you see the color whoa hey timmy timmy's bow tie is the color red wow that's a really cool bow tie timmy [Music] hey remember the treats we got earlier yeah timmy loves them hey timmy look at what i have for you a treat yum timmy loves these treats this is equivalent to like our um a nice tasty salad or even maybe like a piece of pizza yum good boy timmy okay last one here you go [Music] okay now let's play with pierre and panther there they are [Music] see this right here is panther hello panther hmm so cute and so soft hello see oh so cute okay you wanna go say hello to pierre oh hey oh hi oh i wonder if they're siblings i don't know but they look so similar hey there's some toys over here let's go get some oh let's see if they like these [Music] okay you want a toy oh i guess not hey you want a toy you want a tennis ball [Music] ready okay here we go [Music] oh you want this toy what about what about this toy they are so cute look at what it is it's a kitty cat this kitty's nice and tired i think it just took a nap you know in the middle of the day when sometimes you take a nap this kitty just took one of those i wonder if the kitty had a dream yeah look at this whoa this is a cat toy hey kitty hey kitty i don't think it wants to play right now but cats love to play and it's really important to play with your pets i don't like this kitty kitty kitty kitty hey kitty that's funny oh [Music] see there's more cats in here look at this one hey kitty hey kitty oh there's more over here [Music] wow a lot of them are sleeping oh hey look hey hi oh what do you have here i have pumpkin pumpkin is one of the cats that we have available to find a new home today yeah she came to us with nobody to care for her we're hoping somebody comes and takes her home and makes them hers oh wow can i pet pumpkin sure hey pumpkin pumpkin ooh pumpkin is really nice and really sweet hey so pretty yeah she is the green eyes so pretty all right bye-bye bye the critter house i wonder what kind of critters are in here come on wow this room is great look hello it's sleeping but there's a guinea pig right here oh that's funny okay oh what's over here oh hey oh it's a bird look [Music] cute little bird oh look that bird was white and look there's a white rabbit wow you see that rabbit [Music] hey i have a treat for you come look over here wow i have a rabbit friend right down here huh okay oh where are you going oh look hey rabbit oh there it is hey it's running around [Music] rabbits have really big ears okay rabbit hey how are you oh it's really soft and their ears are big okay bye-bye [Music] that was awesome yeah [Music] so many cute animals well see you later bye-bye [Music] a pet keeps you company it will be there whenever you're in need it cheers you up when you've had a bad day a pet can be your best playmate dogs and cats and bunnies and rats these are the pets pets turtles and snakes goldfish in a tank these are the pets my pet my pet is my very best friend gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend you've got to feed them and clean them sometimes you've got to teach them how to behave sick fight or sit some pets you have to walk with them others you can talk to them and some you have to clean out the cage spiders and birds and ants and worms these are the pets pets ponies and frogs hamsters and hogs these are the pets pets my pet my pet is my very best friend you've gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend come on everybody sing along my pet my pet is my very best friend you've gotta take care of your pets my pet my pet is my very best friend you've gotta take care of your pets so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout let me hey today i am at a giant ranch with my good friends axe family howdy everyone this is gonna be so much fun because we're gonna check out some horses cows and other fun ranching stuff hey blippi why don't you go to get a saddle and we'll saddle up this is gonna be fun whoa look at where we are we are inside a real cow barn axe family's gonna bring in the horse and in the meantime i'll show you around look this is where cow dogs stay [Music] that's so fun oh and here's another one ah come on and another one look come here must be out working because the doors open the cowboys must have got him but look hello no one's in there [Music] whoa look at this hey no really hey this is hay and it's so tasty looking just kidding tasty to cows and horses not to humans whoa [Music] oh do you see that look take a really close look whoa yummy [Music] so [Music] whoa come on [Music] and look a squeeze shoot and a head catch this is where the livestock go right over here to go to the doctor and get all their vaccinations [Music] whoa it's like a wheelbarrow but it's really flat this is what you put the hay on wheel it out there and then go feed it to the cows [Music] i just got really dizzy okay one last place come in here this is the tack room look whoa all these saddles okay in order to ride a horse i need your help let's pick our favorite saddle okay come on [Music] this one nah this one nah yeah this one looks like a great one okay but first we need a horse pad these up top oh come here look at this one do you know what color this is yeah one of my favorite too blue okay let's grab this horse pad and we'll grab this one right here and then we also need a bridle come on okay got the bridle let's put it on the saddle okay here we go yeah [Music] okay hey thanks whippy for grabbing the tap yeah why don't you hand me the saddle pads all right we'll put those on first saddle pads what do those do saddle pads go on underneath your saddle to put some cushion for the horse the saddle is what the cowboy sits in okay and so this goes on the horse after the pads and it'll strap onto the horse so that the rider will have a place to sit the bridle or the head stall okay and a cowboy or cowgirl uses a bridle to steer the horse like a steering wheel so like this and then over its ears like this and you control the bridle with what we call reins oh so these are the steering wheel to the horse okay well does that mean that i'm ready to steer the horse i think so buppy all right blippi your turn all right whoa okay here i go that's a good ride thanks here i go [Music] this horse is dark brown she is so beautiful [Music] this horse's name is fancy and she is so fancy that was so much fun not only is fancy a beautiful animal but we use her and the other horses as workhorses to move cattle around the ranch [Music] that was sure a blast riding a horse let's go see what else there is on this great ranch [Music] here we go here we go oh four-wheelers are called four-wheelers because they have four wheels one two three four whoa whoa you're riding the four-wheeler with me isn't this fun whoa on the ranch there's so many great useful machines like this four-wheeler and like this this giant dump truck and this medium-sized backhoe and now for their biggest machine at the [Music] [Music] ranch now that's a big machine now that the skidgeon is parked and it's safe to get up really close my good friend cody from axe family hey everybody he'll show you around are you ready yeah let's go okay so this skidgen is actually used for fighting wildfires it's it's like a fire truck and a monster truck combined you see these big tires this is just like a monster truck tire look how huge it is these are so this kitchen doesn't get stuck when it's out in the wilderness let's go up here to the front up here we have the plow and we have the brush guard and this goes down to the ground and it pushes and it clears all the brush and it makes a fire line so that when the fire comes to the fire line it'll stop come on here to the back in the back we have a giant water tank right here this is full of water it's about 1100 gallons of water and there's a hose reel right here this red hose you can pull it out and run it out to a fire and put it down there's also a turret up on the top that spins around and sprays water but before i show you that let's go on inside the cab all right so now we're on the inside of the skidgeon let me show you around this is the steering wheel and this is basically what's used to drive the skidgen around and if you look right up here this is the dash where all the gauges are and if you press on this button right here that's the horn you see that now look down here by my feet this is the brake pedal and this is the gas pedal and then right here there's this little lever this controls the blade up at the front of the skidgeon let me show you the coolest part this is the joystick that controls the water cannon watch i'm gonna spray some water [Music] that was so much fun filming at this giant ranch be sure to check out axe family's youtube channel so you can watch more ranching videos alright bye-bye [Music] so much to what is this huh this is a tank and today we're gonna fill it up with water go around the park find items to see if they'll either sink or float but first we need water good thing i have a bunch of water let's fill it up [Music] one [Music] two [Music] three four [Music] [Music] five [Music] six seven all right this looks like the perfect amount of water now let's go to the park find items so then we can see if they'll either sink or float let's go [Music] okay now let's find some items at the playground and so then we can see if they'll sink or float oh come on whoa look at this how convenient it's a tote whoa so then we can put all the items in here let's go whoa a rock wall see you climb up it and look at what it is whoa look some toys glue and orange okay watch me climb up the rock wall hello okay here i go [Music] whoa look a big red slide whoa look at the bottom look at what we found two more items these are oranges yum i love oranges and they're the color orange okay let's go come on oh look i found another item do you see it yeah see right here this is a dumbbell makes really big muscles yeah yeah yeah okay i wonder if it feels sink or float it's pretty heavy put it in there let's go come on [Music] whoa another slide look this is the same color as the last side it's big and red look yum some chips i wonder if these will sink or float let's put it in the tote so we can go see [Music] wow look at this area whoa go the other way hello oh look another item whoa it's a dog bone what's this doing on the play set it's the color green i wonder if this will sink or float put it in there so we can go find out whoa wow the color green and then also blue oh hey some stairs [Music] oh hey so high up here whoa whoa oh look over there a big red slide okay i'll go down okay here i come [Music] whoa that was awesome oh hey look at what we found four yo-yos one is the color green this one is the color orange this one is the color blue and this one is the color red let's go see what else we can find come over here what is this looks like a steering wheel [Music] i am so dizzy okay let's go see what else we can find look at this looks like a staircase hello another slide yeah and it's the color red all right here i come do you see what i see yeah another item these are colored pencils whoa there's so many colors in there wow okay let's put it in the tote so we can see if it'll sink or float come on [Music] a couple more items then the tote will be nice and full come on do you see what i see look wow this is a magnifying glass watch this whoa wow hello whoa whoa you can see things nice and close whoa is that an ant whoa a little flea so many cool insects okay let's put this in the tote so we can see if they'll sink or float what's over here whoa whoa a bridge be careful on this come on watch out look at these oh cute little toys hey hello one two three wow so many cool things oh even more [Music] bright yellow golf balls one [Music] two three yeah three golf balls okay here i go another slide there's another item down here oh glow sticks i'm excited to see if those will sink or float all right this looks like a full tote of items let's go see if they'll sink or float awesome alright now that we have all of these items now we can put them in the tank and see if they'll sink or float all right let's see what do we have here a magnifying glass all right i wonder if this will sink or float i think i know ready yeah it went to the bottom so that means it sinks all right what else do we have here oh hey orange and blue yo-yos all right let's put them in yep they float all right wow so magnifying glass that's really heavy sinks and then the really light things that are full of air the yo-yos float all right let's see bright yellow golf balls all right let's see if these golf balls sink or float oh look a yo-yo went to the bottom so now the yo-yo sinks all right back to the golf balls ready whoa yep golf ball sink all right let's see whoo some chips snacks all right let's see if the bag sinks or floats ready yep it floats but wait a second what if we take the bag open it up and see if the chips inside sink or float ready whoa all of those float as well let's put the bag in there too all right let's see oh the dog bone that's the color green do you think he'll sink or float pretty hard it's very dense ready whoa it just went to the bottom real quick so it sinks all right two more yoyos [Music] yup we already knew those those float and then eventually sink whoa i bet you know if this sinks yeah this is a weight it's full of metal in there and it's really heavy ready [Music] yeah that purple weight sinks look at the water it's getting really murky because all of the chips are disintegrating and going in the water all right we better hurry before it gets too dirty to see if they sink or float all right these rubber toys that are hollow ready yep do you see they went to the top they float all right couple more some of this orange [Music] uh nice soft dough clay stuff it sinks all right here we go it went to the bottom it stinks all right and then colored pencils whoa colored pencils float because they're made out of wood and a lot of the wood around the world sink or floats i mean yeah cause they're all on the top all right and last but not least the neon glow sticks whoa whoa look at them they're so bright whoa all right let's see if they sink or float [Music] they sink all right that's all well oh i have a special surprise for you the magical vial this time whoa it has blue powder see whoa all right let's put the blue powder in here whoa [Music] all right now we have to stir it [Music] it's making it really blue it's so fun to see what sinks and what floats wow [Music] this blue water is like the water you see in the bahamas or thailand all right well this is the end of this video that was awesome doing the science experiment to see what sinks and what floats if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready l i p p i flippy good job see you again bye-bye so much it's me and today we're at laugh out loud kids club in ontario california this is gonna be fun come here wow wow look at this place it's so colorful come on [Music] you're welcome well kids club come on thank you this is awesome wow it's so colorful the first thing we have to do though is take off our shoes okay here we go okay one shoe and two shoes one two all right come on whoa [Music] okay this ball is the color blue [Music] this ball is the color white [Music] this ball is the color green this ball is the color orange and this ball is the color red and the last color is the color yellow watch this hey an animal do you know what animal this is yeah it's a dolphin [Music] another sea creature this creature is a crab act like you have [Music] pictures oh hey another creature this creature goes in the water and on the land this looks like a crocodile all right i'm gonna ride the crocodile [Music] come on hey wow look at this there's more balls okay watch this [Music] okay i'm gonna put the balls down here and they're gonna shoot up the top ready [Music] three two one [Music] okay i have three purple balls one two three and i'm gonna shoot them out of that okay watch out [Music] all right here we go [Music] [Music] i got you oh look up here there's a big carriage full of balls up there do you see it look [Music] okay let's put a few more up there and then pour them out all right here we go [Music] come on look at this big slide this slide is the color green and this over here is the color yellow let's find the top okay come on whoa look at all these colors we have a yellow step a blue step a green step a brown step in the light blue step let's go over here [Music] we're really high in the sky whoa look look through here whoa see we're on the top huh hello [Music] we're at the very top let's keep going the slide top must be near [Music] whoa look we have some shapes right here we won't go this way though because i think it's the wrong way but look we have a triangle [Music] we have a circle [Music] we have a square and we have a pentagon whoa okay let's go back here okay [Music] all right i think this is the right way okay we're almost to the top of the slide it's right over here [Music] here it is okay i'll go down the yellow side and you go down the green side okay okay tight fit ready three two one go whoa [Music] great job [Music] i'm on a swing do you see me swinging whoa [Music] hey okay let's go over here wow there's a bunch of 3d shapes over here oh please whoa look at this okay let's put on the triangle right there like that wait first okay oh look at this masterpiece whoa good job what else can we put on here okay what about this yeah what about this whoa yeah you're silly too now you are what about this wow okay here i go bye-bye [Music] look at this okay looks like we have three cylinders hey wait one is really tall this is tall this one is medium and this one is short look at that whoa that's so big you're so strong you want to set it down somewhere that is heavy yeah watch this whoa yeah good job all right who wants to kick it over [Applause] look over here a yellow ball a green ball and a blue ball wait a second what is this okay i'll go down the slide all right here i come here look over there look at it it's like a red carpet like i'm a movie star oh you want to take a picture yeah okay watch out there's a bunch of flashes [Music] oh this is crazy this was so much fun at laugh out loud kids club in ontario california all right bye-bye so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout whoa look at where we're at we are at giggle jungle come on hey [Music] wow look at how colorful this place is look it's the color white blue and green [Music] oh look at this [Music] wow what is this this is so cool yeah hop on buddy [Music] wow look it's the color green whoa whoa whoa there's another one [Music] really that's so cool all right [Music] this is the color pink and this is the color green oh this pad is the color orange and this pad is the color blue [Music] a green dolphin a green dolphin and look at this one a pink dolphin and a blue dolphin whoa follow me come on okay you can go [Music] wow i'll come in there okay look at all the balloons look at this balloon it's the color red and this is the color blue and the color green [Music] and this is the color pink whoa this is so much fun in here okay let's go this way yep everyone that way all right there you look go slide okay slide down whoa oh my turn [Music] here i go watch out whoa yeah that was fun come on here we go look at what it is yeah whoa this thing spins around and you can climb up it [Music] whoa really high the color blue the color pink the color blue the color pink and the color blue did you ride the dolphins yet there you are [Music] wow this was so much fun at the giggle jungle in redmond washington bye come [Music] so much to on about it'll make you
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Preschool Learning ABCs and 123s
Views: 13,978,547
Rating: 3.316031 out of 5
Keywords: baby, Nursery, cute, baby shark, abc, 123, numbers, colors, spelling, education, little baby bum, learning, learn, rhymes, nursery rhymes, sing along, phonics, alphabet, baby songs, songs, dance, preschool, kindergarten, laugh, cartoons for kids, animals, funny, cartoon, fairytale, magic, bus cartoons, dinosaur, monster, superhero, kids tv, animation, trucks, car cartoons, english, language, teaching, health, hygiene, letters, stories, music, cut the rope, om nom, morphle, mila and morphle, blippi, pranks, toys, how to
Id: xwiK-Bq8c8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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