Blippi Builds A Rocketship | Learn Space and Planets | Educational Videos For Kids

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[Music] hey it's me flippy and i was just hanging out in this cardboard box check it out it's like a bird oh i have so many cardboard boxes around here what are we to do with them i have an idea why don't we take a few of these cardboard boxes and make something out of them this is gonna be fun [Music] oh hey how are you doing i'm just making a rocket ship out of these cardboard boxes i am using these scissors nice and safely to cut a giant window out of it whoa look at that wow now i can sit inside it later then we can explore outer space i am so excited okay here we go so now that i have my window i can then put the cardboard box well used to be a box now it's a rocket ship up and do you see this this is a square yeah but we actually need to make it a triangle so let's take our scissors yep your parents grown-up supervision you can cut this nice and careful [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay one side is done now we need to do the other side here we go look at that it used to be a square but now it's a triangle okay now we need some tape to then tape it to make the top of the rocket okay here we go let's grab the tape pull off a big piece of tape whoa all right let's get the little slice [Music] okay there we go whoa [Music] there i love making things out of cardboard boxes you can make so many things today we're making a rocket ship but one time i made a monster truck another time i made a dolphin and i named that dolphin uh what was that name i think it was dolphy oh sometimes the tape gets stuck but that's okay we got it all right there we go give it a little slice and then tape up the other side wow here we go i am so excited to go into outer space have you ever seen the stars at night yeah they're so bright and the moon i love the moon have you noticed that the moon sometimes is a full moon yeah sometimes it's a half moon and sometimes it's a new moon yeah okay let's uh give this a little twist now it's time to design our rocket ship i am so excited this is one of my favorite parts so the first step to design is to have a plan let's take this white piece of paper right here and let's draw the rocket ship so the first thing you need to do is plan plan how the rocket ship is going to look so let's draw the rocket ship so we have a trapezoid over here and then we have a big rectangle for the body of the rocket ship and then we have a triangle for the cone of the rocket ship and obviously i want a lot of color so first let's take some orange perfect i love orange then let's take some blue so let's color it in [Music] i have a plan i'm gonna use colored paper for that so i'm actually gonna use this black marker to symbolize that these are pieces of paper and we will do that later all right oh whoa there's a lot of stars here so let's actually you know make some stars right here yeah yeah i love stars because you see them at night time when you look up in the sky and they twinkle yeah kind of like twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are you know that song i like that song too oh and yellow yeah that's a beautiful color wow our rocket ship is looking so good all right i think i have a really good idea let's take the color red because it's nice and bright install my name will you spell my name with me ready e l i [Music] all right so that is the plan looks like this triangle the top of the rocket ship yeah we could color it how about we color it yeah blue i like blue and we actually have a lot of blue paint on the here so we can actually just use blue paint for this part wow perfect wow i think if we can make this rocket ship in real life it's going to be so good all right here we go all right like i said first thing we have to do is use the blue and orange colored paper to put on the side just like this so let's take the glue stick yeah yep put a lot of glue right on the backs just like that okay there's two pieces okay there's one [Music] and here's the second piece all right there's one two pieces of paper and we got to do two more yeah which will make one two three four pieces of paper i'm gonna put the glue on them right over here okay now we have four pieces one two three four so let me finish the rest and then we'll see how many we have in total after i'm all done all right it's falling apart well sometimes if things fall apart you just have to fix them okay here we go and after we fix this then we can count all of the colors so let's take our tape all right now the rocket booster is all fixed yep there we go okay now let's count all of the colored pieces yeah the blue and the orange pieces those are my two favorite colors okay there's one two three four five six seven eight eight pieces of paper good job okay what else did we have on our piece of paper over here of our initial plans of our rocket ship to go to outer space we had stars yeah remember we had yellow stars [Music] yellow star another yellow star [Music] [Applause] wow they're so bright my twinkle just like the real thing okay and let's put some blue stars on there can you think of anything that's the color blue my shirt what about the big vast blue ocean yeah here's another blue star here we go what about a purple star yeah i like the color purple right there and last but not least another purple star right there perfect that looks so cool all right so as you remember we have to spell my name on it because that's what was on the plans but before we do that let's do the top of the rocket ship remember what color i said i was gonna paint it yeah the color blue okay let's take some blue paint and my painters palette i'm an artist and let's take a paintbrush i love painting okay and let's squeeze some blue paint right on top [Music] wow that's so much fun okay let's give it a little dab let's do some painting here we go wow this is such a pretty blue wow wow whoa there we go have you ever used paints before they're so fun you can use a paintbrush and you can even use your fingers sometimes we won't do that today but that art technique is called finger painting there we go how does that look do you like that yeah i do too okay let's put this away you need to stay nice and clean and organized there we go and remember the last thing we needed to do we need to dispel someone's name oh yeah my name blippi will you spell it with me b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job and do you remember what color yeah the color red okay so let's use a new paintbrush yep and then we need to make sure we don't mix the red and the blue because then it won't be red anymore and it won't be blue do you know what color you get when you mix blue and red yep purple but we're gonna keep them separate so let's take this cap off oh there is so much paint in here and i like to use a lot of paint whoa there we go we wow a little bit more all right there we go okay let's uh before we paint it we should probably lay it down sideways because we need to write my name which is sideways yeah there we go like that that's how we write sideways okay let's take our paintbrush and let's put the letter b right here [Music] all right now that we have the letter b the second letter is the letter l [Music] just like that the third letter is an i ready [Music] okay there we go b-l-i [Music] you know the next letter a p yeah b-l-i-p all right b l i p p yeah here we go all right one last letter b good job [Music] there we go we just completed the rocket ship so now we gotta get inside oh no do you see what i did we are so silly check this out the window is right there yeah that means we have to twist it this way see and now my name is upside down that's okay though we're gonna fly through outer space in this new cardboard rocket ship i am so excited with my name being upside down so silly are you ready because i sure am here we go hey i love outer space good job building the rocket ship with me now that we're in outer space i think we should explore our solar system and learn all about it all right here we go whoa whoa look at that that is our sun and its name is called the sun how original our sun provides all the light in our solar system and that light takes eight minutes to go from the sun to our planet earth and the sun is so big there's 1.3 million earths that can fit inside of it that's a lot of earths here we go outer space is so much fun oh look at that planet that planet is mercury wow that planet is really rocky and there's so many craters on it and actually since it's the closest planet to the sun one rotation around the sun is super fast it's only about 88 days on earth mercury is awesome now we're at another planet look at that planet that planet is the planet venus and it is so hot it's the hottest planet whoa it's getting hot in here the planet has so many volcanoes on it and it's actually really bright if you look up in the sky from our planet earth you can actually see it without a telescope wow here we go this has been awesome whoa is that you right there i think i see you hey that's planet earth that's where you and i live wow what a beautiful planet there's so much water there and then there's a lot of trees and mountains whoa and our planet earth yeah we have one moon let's hit there now hey moon thank you so much for lighting us up at night [Music] that planet is the planet mars whoa it has two moons wow what a lucky planet well we've actually sent robots and rovers to mars that is awesome us humans have yet to land on mars ourselves but maybe someday soon maybe you'll be that astronaut yeah here we go that asteroid belt was so intense whoa and look at that that's our planet jupiter it's the biggest planet in our solar system and you see that big red dot that is a storm whoa that's a big storm and jupiter actually has 79 moons that's crazy see you later jupiter hello saturn check it out this is our planet saturn whoa what are those those are saturn's rings wow there's so much dust ice and rocks that form those to make up those rings wow what a cool looking planet alright saturn see you later oh look another planet that is uranus yeah what a cool planet wow it's kind of blue looking huh yeah that's because there's so much ice on it it's known as the big ice planet whoa it has 13 rings and 27 moons all right see you later uranus this has been so much fun look at that planet that planet is the planet neptune it's so dark cold and windy on that planet let's get out of here the last planet of our solar system look at it it's really small that is pluto it's so small it's a dwarf planet wow and it's really cold i love pluto it's really chilly out here though let's turn around and count all of the planets shall we but now look at my name that was so much fun learning about all of the planets in our solar system together hey i think we should count all of them okay the sun isn't a planet so let's count the planets one two three four five six seven eight nine oh oh wait a second eight nine uh who knows some people say pluto's not a planet but i don't know it's all up in the air right now or outer space so silly eight or nine we'll keep it at that okay now let's name the planets ready mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto wow good job all right well i should probably get going now maybe we'll go and explore another solar system someday all right see you later bye-bye wow countdown began three two one we have left off the spaceship took off and i was going so fast oh and then i got outside the earth's atmosphere there was no gravity i was floating all around the spaceship front flips back flips it was like i was weightless i then looked outside the window of the spaceship and i saw our planet earth it was so small from up there and it was getting even smaller after about three days i arrived at the moon i got my astronaut outfit on and i went outside to have some fun i could jump so high one of the times i came down i landed on some moon rocks i went down to pick one up and whoa there was an alien it said and i said i don't understand how to talk alien but i could certainly try it said and there we had it i spoke to an alien what we talked about was how i love its moon rocks and how it was really thirsty there isn't any water on the moon so i hopped on back to the spaceship to go get my new friend some water and when i got back it gave me one of its moon rocks hey it's me blippi and today we're at kidspace children's museum in los angeles california come on [Music] look over here a bunch of blue blocks come on [Music] whoa these are so big blue blocks see the color blue whoa whoa oh i think we can build some things with them okay let's take this and let's put it in this rectangle see put it in the hole of the rectangle whoa and a big cylinder let's put it in this hole right there looks like it'll fit perfect whoa whoa [Music] whoa whoa hello whoa hey okay come on come over here look at this see the bottle right there it's gonna fill up with water and air and it'll create a lot of pressure look okay get ready [Music] did you see that that was awesome come on look at this go around there [Music] okay we have two big circles okay then there's some metal pieces let's put them on the outside okay this one they're on the inside and let's check the speed of them ready three two one whoa [Music] this one almost won it would have won if i let go of them at the same time let's see what else there is come on [Music] oh what's this looks like you put these colorful balls in the tubes and then they go down the track okay look over here here we go [Music] i'll do it again ready oh here we go ready that was awesome there's a big one over here come on [Music] i need to find a ball okay i have four balls two green ones a purple one okay did you see that how about come on this side so you can see it okay here we go go [Music] that was awesome come on cool hey looks like you oh hey put this right here sure there you go okay i need to go find a ball um okay i got some balls let's put them in this [Music] okay fire in the hole [Music] whoa i'm launching the balls and they're going through the circle targets [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] that was awesome let's go see what else they have here hey i'll come down [Music] i have another room to show you come here [Music] there's so many cool things in this room look at this giant rock it has holes in it whoa it's really heavy [Music] okay oh look at this check it out wow look at all of these rocks they're all different kinds see okay let's see this rock is called a slate rock look that's really cool what's the color black um let's see what else some fossils whoa i don't know what kind of fossil that is but that's really neat okay let's see what else there is oh look at this wow it looks like a snake but let me tell you something this isn't a snake this is a legless lizard yeah it's a lizard with no legs [Music] that is so unique and cool wow bye-bye look at his face [Music] hey okay see you later wow let's see what else there is oh hey look ooh some paw prints and hoof prints of some animals like this this is a deer this is a bear and a raccoon they love to steal my lunch what's this a mountain lion okay what else is around here wow bunch of insects look do you see this it's a butterfly wow oh a beetle wow oh hey beetle let's see what else is there whoa look at those big wings that's a massive insect there's some animals in here we'll let them sleep oh hey check it out whoa do you see that there's a turtle in there hey turtle what are these oh my dinosaurs i love dinosaurs like the triceratops [Music] [Music] tyrannosaurus rex [Music] hey speaking of dinosaurs over there i saw a place where we can dig up some fossils you want to go okay come on [Music] wow look at this vehicle it has big wheels and tires so it doesn't get stuck when you go dig up some fossils come back here oh wait not yet i need to drive it okay we arrived at the place where all the fossils are i already got one earlier in the day check it out wow that's a massive massive fossil oh and here's some more see wow look at that whoa check out this one whoa wait a second looks like a bunch of dirt but see how it's in a mound i wonder if there's a fossil under there a dinosaur fossil whoa do you see it [Music] whoa do you see this this is a dinosaur claw or maybe it's a tooth yeah i don't know what it is but it's a really cool dinosaur fossil [Music] whoa oh look do you see that there's kids riding tricycles that looks like so much fun look let's go right together come on [Music] whoa okay there you go okay got my helmet on do you want to ride on this one here yeah okay okay here i go wow [Music] yeah this is awesome [Music] all right let's go see what else they have here yeah look at this it's a bunch of moving water goes from the top all the way down to the bottom oh check this out and look at what i have a bag full of rubber duckies rubber duckies float so if i put them right here they'll go all the way down to the bottom watch ready three two [Music] one [Music] look at all the rubber duckies down here they made it to the bottom from the very tip top [Applause] wow i'm just making music with these see those little balls at the end whoa and these these are pieces of wood check it out [Music] let's see what other instruments are here look at these these are giant metal pipes and you smash them together check it out [Applause] [Music] listen [Music] that was awesome okay there's some more over here oh another mallet type of thing but then you hit on this big round circle metal thing i don't know what kind of instrument this is but listen [Music] i make such great music rainforest sticks sounds like you're in the rain forest here's another one yeah what's over here follow me wow this is a path above the ground whoa we're really high in the air right now check this out we're gonna have to go over here so as you can see we are really high in the air see oh hello okay this is called the hawks nest because you're so high in the air you feel like a hawk oh and speaking of hawks there are some feather costumes over here hawks are birds that fly really high on the air and they search for food like this they have really good eyesight will you act like a hawk with me are you ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] look at this this area is the mud and clay area you can get your hands really dirty and play in the mud look scoop scoop scoop [Music] look at this it's a spoon with holes in it wow okay let's dish up thank you put some right there put some right there see that okay then come back over here [Music] okay we got some mud right here yum and then let's take this spatula that one's kind of curved let's take this one let's scoop some out and put it in the muffin tin see six circles one two three four five six okay here we go put some in that one put some in that one all right right there and then let's scrape some more off put it right there oh look at this yeah okay there we go it looks like some tasty dinner yum all right okay let's put it back on this table over here all right here we go watch this put it on this wall ready actually no i'll put it right here how about that [Music] ready oh one two three four five only five came out oh the six one's right there all right there's the sixth one one two three four five six oh look over here at this tub area whoa there's a lot of mud in here if you like to get dirty this is a fun place okay i'm gonna put it in the circle put it in the circle okay the watch i'll poke it from the other side hello hello hi all right well that was so fun playing at this children's museum i guess it's time to go clean up all right so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout blippi
Channel: Moonbug Kids Play and Learn
Views: 3,040,974
Rating: 3.4082811 out of 5
Keywords: space, rocket, space rocket, space ship, learn, science, planets, earth, science for kids, Blippi, Blippi songs, Blippi videos, blippi learns, Blippi toys, Blippitoys, learn numbers Blippi, blippi kids videos, learn with me, blippi learning, nursery rhymes, kindergarten, kids songs, children song, youtube kids, toys, toys for kids, learning, learning compilation, preschool learning, numbers, animals, kids videos, learn at home, educational videos, learning for toddlers
Id: yhsvUiSly2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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