Blindfolding a PRO Luthier: You Won't Believe His Ears!

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can you play a little bit up the neck  yeah there you go up at that range   oh this is indeed Peter Oberg number 124.  you got this one exactly right you have   superpowers you know not all heroes  wear masks but you know some of us do   welcome back for part two I'm back with Marshall  brene at his beautiful shop and here we are   blindfolding ourselves and testing to see if  we can pick out which guitar is more expensive   without being able to see it or know what it  is in advance this is our handy dandy blindfold   good to see you Brandon good to it well I can  clearly see you again yeah last time I wore the   blindfold and you can watch that video here in  this episode part two Marshall is going to see   if you can pick out the difference between two  guitars at a time shall we start sure let's do it I can't see do you need your glasses no yeah all  the difference it's amazing it's incredible how   did you play without your glasses yeah I mean  this makes all the difference in the world I sense Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona's in  the air I love that sound that is a very   interesting sound isn't it it certainly is  keep going I'm having a moment here oh yeah oh my goodness oh that low end in the middle rage oh my goodness  you get lost in that so what's the price range   of this thing 70 000. interesting okay and you're  basing that off of you know I can hear the fatness   of the sound I can hear uh that lower end it's  got it the way it moves the air in the room is is   really telling to me you know it's a very visceral  guitar it's not overpowering it's not assaulting   the senses it's just moving every single molecule  of air in the room and the most enticing way I feel that too let's try the next  one here we go let's see I can't American why do you say American  it's very American it's a little bit   one-dimensional it's kind of lacks  uh complexity I hear a cedar top   interesting Indian Rosewood size and back boy I'll  be darned if I almost want to say I hear um can   you play a little bit off the neck yeah there you  go over that range oh I hear sound ports on this   you can hear some parts I can hear some points  I was always curious about that because I didn't   really actually hear a difference I'm gonna  call my shot on this one because I I think I   know this guitar pretty well uh this is indeed  Peter oberg number 124. uh he stated that this   was one of his best guitars and actually I'm just  finishing up working on another Peter oberg in my   shop right now and uh this one does have the two  sound boards and I can tell you because it makes   the upper end a little bit uneven well that was  just astounding uh so let's just say you got this   one exactly right 2011 Peter oberg number 124  with soundboards and a cedar top that's kind of   unreal martial law you have superpowers well not  all heroes were a mass but you know some of us do you uh you nailed this one okay that it was  incredible this one exactly but you did say   Barcelona yeah okay okay Miguel Rodriguez  there we go so 1958 Miguel Rodriguez yeah 30   000 you said seventy thousand but you were right  in the upper percentile of yeah well it had just   that huge fat sound and and I've I've it's been  a long time since I've heard of Rodriguez in a   simplicio side by side but I've been listening  to a lot of simplicios so it's really got that   same fatness and boy you stacked that deck on  me with the uh that Maple because that really   adds a lot of that sensation because this thing  really moves the air really well this is one of   the better guitars I've ever played well uh  that was an amazing experience I think if   you didn't already get licensed as a luthier I  officially laminate your life excellent foreign 's very Japanese smell it yeah I can smell yeah foreign okay number two can you smell it I do yes  what are you smelling well this one that   smells like an older musty Rosewood style the  first one that smelled like Cypress I believe   that the the first one I might be calling  my shot on this one but I believe that's a   2019 uh re Brunei number 780 something  or other 790 something uh with a cedar   top and uh reason I recognize it is because  it's got a very distinctive sound it's got   It's an experimental guitar that we kind of  changed a few things and we discussed a lot   so I I believe I know that guitar pretty  well interesting okay here's number two thank you yeah this always smells up sounds like a cedar top  okay out of the two which one is more expensive   number one or this one number two and I go with  number one okay you can take off your blindfold   nope we have a 2019 re brunette concert model  yep 10K yep and you can tell us what that one is   well now story is for three thousand so this was  the first one I did get it I said Japanese yes   okay yeah so we both failed one test yep although  I smelled it in the room amazing because you were   talking about it and I was like are you talking  about the second guitar you haven't even heard it   I could smell this guitar uh you know for me when  as a as a luthier smells great yeah and then this   one I my first initial impression was Japanese as  well it sounded Japanese and I wish I had stuck   with my insects and didn't let my nose override  myself because you know I called the shot on this   one but I was sensing Japanese at the same time  with my ears yeah okay should we do another one   let's do another one today's video is brought  to you by classical guitar Pro that's my brand   new online classical guitar course which is six  hours 53 videos it's a whole curriculum designed   to teach you what you would normally learn in  the first six months to a year of classical   guitar lessons so if you want to learn classical  guitar but are stuck struggling reading music   or struggling to learn the techniques check out  classicalguitara to learn more foreign so for those listening while I pick out  instruments one of the coolest things here   is that Marshall has all these instruments  to pick from and while he might know some   of his guitars like he amazingly named  the last one there are so many here the   fact that he can pick out the exact model uh  is just astounding so we have one more round   all right let's do uh two more guitars  and remember you were also aided by the   whole touch thing I'm not touching anything  that's true if you could touch I'd be too easy   Marshall oh yeah you you can play Oh The Grain  is semilateral it has a chatoyin syntax of three okay nice oh gorgeous oh yeah hey you can hear this guitar  on a couple of David Sturman albums wow it's   a 23 Hauser Maple sides and back 630 scale  Spruce top with the house or patent bracing 1923 how's the Venus model 620 millimeters  that's incredible Marshall okay well you   nailed that one let's see if you can get the  next one all right I'm getting warmed up I'm   feeling good he says just before he falls off the  cliff into Oblivion calling his shot way too early foreign doesn't sound all that expensive I'd say  probably two thousand dollars or under why do you say that I'm not  hearing as much resonance   I'm hearing a bit of creakiness  when you're tuning it too foreign like it's got a very sophisticated setup is it your standard classic guitar  is it my standard classical guitar sounds a little bit on the hollower  side yeah that's true foreign okay in comparison to the first one that you  you named it perfectly yeah so in comparison   to the first one I would say that this one's less  expensive I'd say maybe you know uh four thousand   okay take out your blindfold oh I stumped you  on that one yeah you got me it's a curveball   though it really is because I haven't heard  this one too terribly much because when you   were here earlier you weren't listening I  wasn't listening but it is a smaller guitar   and it's definitely a sound that sounds if  you don't know what it is it sounds a little   underwhelming yeah especially after especially  after that Hauser model I mean that that Hauser   model you can understand why Segovia went to him  and said hey you know what this is uh this guy   really does know what he's doing because it's an  exceptionally great guitar this uh you know it's   a good guitar but it's very generic and I've  I've never really had a very high opinion of   these earlier guitars you know and there's  a reason why after after Taurus essentially   right uh that's why everything else here looks  like that and these always sound a little toyish   you know I know what you mean and I was thinking  about it when you're blindfolded what would I be   hearing and if after after the Hauser especially  you hear something that sounds super mellow   almost dull and then of course there's got strings  yep and that really because I I was listening to   that upper end and I I made comments about that or  at least I think I did you did but uh you know the   the base end wasn't speaking to me and well you  know clearly the the Baseline isn't going to speak   to you on the guitar the size anyways because  you just don't have the air volume inside of the   cavity of the guitar although maybe it's because  I'm playing it but I do feel that as far as 19th   century ago guitars go this one does have a bit  of a kick in the base it does it's relatively less   than anything else in here you know you're right  I mean you know it's a kick in the base much like   if you're used to ketchup uh you know A1 steak  sauce might have an extra spice to it right you   know you know we're talking about small amounts  and yes this is a nice sounding guitar this is   praised for its historicity and it's a surviving  guitar with lots of restoration yeah and compared   to that Hauser I would choose the Howitzer uh  likewise yeah although uh but actually I don't   know the answer to this this is going to a museum  at the national museum in South Dakota Yep this   historical value might actually make it more  than the Hauser I don't know does it I have no   idea what is it what is the value of this guitar  you know that's an interesting question it's okay   whatever somebody is willing willing to pay for  it right and so we know how much was paid for   it by the donor do we know how much that they  put into it for restoration obviously I think   that it's you know maybe somewhere in the general  neighborhood thereof of that guitar yeah roughly   uh just because it's historically significant and  you know conditionally speaking it was actually   in quite good condition you know yes it's  had its Hodge of hodgepodge of restorations   and stuff done to it but uh you know boy I I  hope to look this good when I'm that old too   188 years yeah so track record isn't looking too  good because I mean at just below 40 we're at this   oh come on I think you did remarkably well  Marshall I threw a curveball at you with this   one and I do agree that objectively the Hauser is  the better guitar and you picked out two guitars   blindfolded by model number and woods which is  uh really incredible so I think you passed the   test excellent thank you thank you I'm not sure  if I passed my test no I think you did quite   well you know the the first one I definitely  threw a curveball at you because I wanted   uh I wanted to show you the difference between  a very nice guitar that wasn't set up very well   versus a guitar that is not a very nice guitar  in the grand Pantheon of what I've got behind me   right and I wanted to show you something that was  set up beyond belief where I think over the course   of the last year I've done maybe a half a dozen  setups on it to get it dialed in it is perfect it   is absolutely perfect it just shows how important  that is I mean if you have a guitar and you have   never taken it to get a setup please take it to  someone like a marshall in your area or if you're   in the Chicago area take it to Marshall these  things uh completely change the the experience   of playing and you can take a pretty good guitar  and make it great and if it's a good guitar it   can be mind-blowing so uh get it set up if you  need one okay thank you for watching part two   stay tuned for part three where you guys are going  to be tested Marshall oh y'all good over there huh see you guys next time we'll just leave him be
Channel: Brandon Acker
Views: 566,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luthier, guitar maker, brandon acker, marshall brune, acker guitar, guitar, acker brandon, luthier, blindfold guitar, guitarra, fingerstyle, classical guitar, expensive guitar, cheap guitar, guitar price, guitar tip, guitar lesson, guitar performance, branden guitar, brendan guitar, siccas, tonebase, julian bream, 200k guitar, million dollar guitar, lute, theorbo, tarrega, recuerdos de la alhambra, chopin, chopin guitar, old guitar, acoustic electric guitar, spanish guitar, chitarra
Id: Jk79_47mshs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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