Blindfolded characters never miss

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So... Warriors... We are gathered here on the eve of battle to protect... the Soul Core I pledge my sword and my shield to defend it above all else Tell me What skills do you have that I may rely on you when darkness falls upon us? I am a maiden of the Order of the Holy Light With the strength of the heaven above I pledge to heal your wounds when all hope seems lost Impressive What of you mage? I am a fire mage of the Watchguard but do not be fooled by my humble exterior for I control the essence of flame I bring fire and brimstone to all that I see I prefer a colder touch My power comes from the frozen north I command ice and snow Impressive NYAH HA HA HA HA hahaha and who praytell are you? I'm an elite guard of the elves able to hit any target within my sight... Your sight? So- why do you have a blindfold on? I see in other ways If you have been blinded I can heal your eyes I do not need your aid You may use your HUMAN eyes but I see in other ways No, I totally get that Sorry are you actually blind though? No, I'm not blind So why do you use a blindfold then? Like I say, I see in other ways I ju- I just feel like it would be better NOT to have a blindfold on just in case, you know? *scoff laugh* Spoken like a HUMAN with human eyes... I NEVER MISS Okay then, prove it! Prove what? Hit that barrel over there! Where? Over there! Yeah, but like... SAY it Where- Where specifically? The barrel that I'm pointing at In front of me? On your right! HAH Easy You missed I never miss You completely missed That was a test shot Okay then! Um Hit that tree over there! Where? The one that I'm pointing at! But like which one specifically? The tree that's closest to you!! Where I'm pointing!! It's in front of you HUAH Easy You missed again I NEVER MISS I heard it hit That was just the sound of it hitting the ground ENOUGH OF THIS CHARADE I NEVER MISS I don't have time to explain why I see without seeing My sight comes from another realm The tide of darkness approaches Now is the hour to show your worth Stay behind me! Enough talk! Let me show you what REAL power looks like... What's he doing? That is the worst possible strategy Feel the power of the Elder Sight I NEVER miss FEEL MY WRATH He's missing every shot Bullseye Betcha didn't see that coming... I NEVER MISS!!! Well I guess um... We should... We should go and save him? I NEVER miss Fine... um CHARGE!! You know we make a pretty good team Agreed Shall I heal our fallen ally? I didn't need your help Oh for... Watcher of Realms! This skit was brought to you by Watcher of Realms! A game with a REMARKABLE amount of blindfolded heroes But we assure you they can actually hit their targets Scan the QR code or use the link to download now for free and assemble your perfect combination of heroes to defeat the Horde Now in researching for this skit I have I have legitimately become kind of addicted to this game It is a very cool fantasy RPG that I play way too much Watcher of Realms is currently hosting a team competition event with some pretty amazing prizes including iPhones and Switches Follow the links on screen or in the description There Nope There *nope* Hmmph I never miss...
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 2,029,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watcher of realms, nextgenrpg, the watcher, witcher of realms, watcher, realms, ben, blindfold, i never miss, soul core, rpg
Id: JmFm6UsdMKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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