Blind Reaction: KonoSuba Season 1 Episodes 2-4 [REUPLOAD]

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hello everybody jesus flamin shark back with another video today giving you guys another blind commentary blind reaction kona suba episode two episode three episode four if this headache it gets any better um yeah i got a headache it kind of just came on in the last like 15 minutes or so it's really really stupid i don't even think i want anything to drink i was thinking about getting something drink i'm like no i don't even want any water i don't know um it's really annoying and it really came on pretty suddenly so that kind of sucks um but i'm still here to do a commentary the sun's kind of glaring in so the lighting might be [ __ ] i don't know we'll see it's kind of moved a little bit but we'll see it still looks all glarey we'll see what happens um but i am really excited for this uh we got a taste of konasuba a couple weeks ago with the first episode and the uh supposedly odd subtitles so uh these should be different probably uh these will be the uh cheero version um but um [Music] yeah i don't know what to say it was an interesting first episode it's been a while i admittedly have not rewatched the first episode despite going more than a week in between uh commentaries like usual um it was fun though you know meeting aqua and i must admit the main character's name is actually escaping me right now i don't remember it being a hard name i remember it being something that i remember quite easily it's just been that long since i've seen this um but i definitely did enjoy aqua she was pretty funny and it'll be interesting to meet the um everyone and uh it should be fun i don't know it should be a lot of fun so um glare aside hopefully you guys don't mind that too much i don't know how bad it is it's hard to tell um hopefully it's not too bad but uh yeah i gotta let's jump into episode two of konasuba in three two one and play little horse eating with big horse there he is [Music] love the music wow wow [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] fair enough [Music] [Music] wow jesus [Music] i'm not gonna even try that word whoa [Music] i do enjoy the intro quite a bit [Music] can't wait to see more an explosion for this chuni buoy [Music] i don't have much to say about it though it's a lot of cool action sequences whatever the [ __ ] that [ __ ] is [Music] really exciting to meet the little one i wouldn't quite say a lolly but uh the uh yeah the kind of short one that seems to be fire oriented giant toads in three days [Music] this is so overly dramatic what the hell yeah those are giant toads [Laughter] there you go thank you [Music] yeah they are giant that makes sense that's a step further jesus [Music] um wow so aqua is completely useless and jesus this glare is ridiculous and she's crying about how useless she is that's actually pretty cute though jesus christ this glare is gonna come up as like my face is gonna literally be white you're a very dirty girl aquaman [Music] is get wrecked it doesn't work in this world wow this [ __ ] girl oh my god good for you good for you cosmo you killed two giant toads cause we both know aqua didn't have [ __ ] to do with [Music] [Applause] that [Music] dang that savage foreign even though you're useless [Music] i've had frog once before not a big fan frog legs anyways of course i don't even know if two people counts as a party foreign [Music] is explosion magic eh well someone's full of herself and also kawhi [ __ ] [Music] this [ __ ] girl is trying to be an anime [Music] [Applause] no [Music] oh oh you're just hungry the ultimate enemy of all crimson demons wow oh my god i love this girl [Music] [Music] jesus yeah they're both like what the [ __ ] is [Music] that [Music] [Music] uh quest progress two out of five god these cards are so over dramatic i foreign me [Music] [Applause] foreign that's all that ever happens with you how do i get a feeling this entire series aqua is going to be completely butt [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful jesus [Music] christ [Music] oh dear god and there's another frog or toad wow what is up with these girls i know right [Music] i mean at least he's able to put in some work [Music] you did it though and you ended up having to kill four of the five freaking giant toads so as it turns out you're actually the best you do stink wow i'm not even going to comment on that yeah i'm with him so all she could do is basically one giant hit can you do little explosions that don't [ __ ] you over [Music] foreign [Music] you were obsessed girl it is pretty romantic but yes i'm kind of with him [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign not as strong as you think we like getting strange toe juices all over your face aqua it's hot wow it's not like that dang you're trapped you're trapped [Music] wow [Applause] you [ __ ] evil [ __ ] i love you [Music] [Music] 110k i don't know what that mean i don't know what that's like in this [Music] world of there she is there's here's your here's your super beast yes [Music] [Music] [Music] what the heck what the [ __ ] is this [Music] i apologize ladies and gentlemen i don't know what i'm doing like usually i feel like with almost shows i'm commentating i don't that went by pretty fast i must admit but i don't even know if that was come and if i was even commentating on that that was weird i was just kind of following along trying to because jesus christ is everyone in the show [ __ ] insane papa party oh dear god i don't know what i was expecting but uh that wasn't it uh so we got uh kazuma i think unless i'm going crazy and then aqua megumin and darkness pretty easy names i appreciate it um so mega man seems amazing oh my god she's cute and i really do like the gimmick oh i got the most powerful magic ever oh i can only use it once before being pretty useless the entire day dude the [ __ ] scene where the three girls are like what the [ __ ] it's like they're teasing her they're just gonna abandon this girl and they're with goo and then oh my god what the [ __ ] when when megaman started saying i'm i'm up for all the erotic acts and then the thing like the stuff we use those toads for oh dear god oh [ __ ] hell i don't even i don't even know guys that was hilarious hilarious oh oh man that was wonderful that was freaking wonderful um so this is the team that'll eventually take down the devil king eh i don't know if we'll get more than four but based on the intro probably not or at least in the first season it's just gonna be those four darkness mega min aqua and again i want to say cosima but i don't feel like that's right i goddamn it main character why am i not remembering your name yet it's only been two episodes and to be fair it's been a couple of weeks since i watched the first one so all right um but yeah i definitely really enjoyed what they did with uh with uh everyone this episode it was very enjoyable it was a whole lot of fun i will admit though i was a little i i think i'm not used to commentating for this show yet and it kind of showed because i i think i was kind of lost in just watching it as opposed to actually giving commentary which hasn't happened in quite a while for me but then again i haven't really watched a really silly show a really silly anime in a long time i mean actually looking at my animes i think the last really silly anime i probably watched was fully fully [ __ ] which i mean as silly as this show is it's not on that level of ridiculousness but it's definitely very silly i don't know let's just go into another episode see if we do if i can um get into a rhythm a bit more i'm really enjoying konasuba already these first two episodes have been fantastic i must say that before we continue but uh let's jump into episode three of konasuba in three two one and play okay darkness given her introductions we saw all of this yep yeah here it comes seriously what the [ __ ] is she does she have she she's got some type of fetish here but i'm not perfectly picking it up she's got there's some she has some type of crazy fetish though yes something is up with us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't even know guys i don't even know [Music] i got nothing i got absolutely nothing going to super ladies and gentlemen that's it now we've met all four of them oh dear god what is the show [Applause] [Music] she is beautiful do i even want to know [Music] that is such a cool shot now we understand it yeah that's why she's not even moving but she's super excited dude lots of other cool characters that we haven't met yet that'll be interesting to me a lot of cool looking characters a lot of females no surprise there good on you aqua for the useless magic [Music] [Music] oh why did you do that why did you say that why [Music] oh [ __ ] i did i didn't even process that he said little girl dang you [Music] [Music] [Music] why are you gotta love a thief [Music] [Music] ice cold baby i want a nice cold drink okay now we're getting interesting what is uh gonna learn [Music] oh dear god oh this is cool i like chances of attack on titan [Music] oh this is pretty cool [Music] whoa whoa we're looking at his dna i was not expecting to see that that is sick episode [Music] oh my god oh [Music] [Music] and she is like yes he is the king of being a potato and she's like i'm so turned on right now oh [Music] you oh dear god i swear to god if what no tell me no no [ __ ] words [Music] dude dude go for the three for three go for the three for three except she doesn't wear panties wow this is hilarious she's so turned on jesus [Music] foreign suffering and erotic her power is like specifically designed to beat the devil king pretty much she's pretty useless but yeah she does have her one explosion she's actually pretty useful [Music] wow [Music] [Music] interesting what the hell is this about what the hell is foreign harvest time harvest time and this is how we have harvests in this world eh cabbage to meet all the cabbages flying um [Music] that's kind of crazy actually this is actually pretty cool and how stupid it is [Music] holy [ __ ] now that's the money you can make could you hear that 10 thousand errors ahead [Music] nice [Music] wow i'm so impressed [Music] oh jesus jesus she's just taking it like a tank [Music] good lord good lord oh [ __ ] jesus oh this is gonna get high wow [Music] yeah yeah it's a little weirder than [Music] that this is the best castle and let's have some roasted cabbage while we're at it oh dear god really um how is darkness going to survive that what is is jesus that's a lot of heads of cabbage [Music] oh man i haven't even really started with the sex jokes yet but it's coming that's actually pretty cool wow you just love to use your nature's beauty this is i'm with you yeah yep they might all be useless you're the main character and you got three hot girls you got the cute one the hot one and the lolli how can you complain yep i was trying to think of a better way to put it but there really isn't good lord what the hell is wrong with you darkness [Music] why is your name darkness episode 3 very very cool um [Music] i love darkness um i am always kind of more of a night person anyways because this [ __ ] sun likes to glare at me but all in all sincerity this show is ridiculous and i love it you guys know how i feel about silly sauce and this show is abundant in the silly sauce there is a [ __ ] ton of silly sauce in konosuba and i appreciate it greatly um i do think that uh the cabbages it was really cool you know i really did like obviously when darkness was in a sense you know using herself as a human shield that was pretty amazing um both the fact of uh all the various reasons she was incredibly turned on while doing so were amazing as were um as was all the sauce um i was just really enjoying that scene a lot it was really fantastic and i thought um i thought uh what's her name i thought she did a tremendous job um goddammit what's her name all of a sudden her name is is uh is uh escaping me uh darkness i thought she was amazing um there isn't a whole lot to say i think all three of those uh those girls aqua megaman and darkness are just amazing in their own ways they're just hilarious um aqua is completely useless at least mega man has her one hit ko her one her one swing and darkness you know she's gonna you know she can at least act as a tank you know even if she doesn't she can't hit anything um it'll actually be really interesting and it was also really interesting this was actually really interesting when he learned the thief skill and and just watching that whole scene was really interesting and then the [ __ ] he's stealing the [ __ ] panties oh my god and then he sealed mega man's panties too jesus christ cosma you are a role model for el perverts all over the world they all want to be like you and i mean again with girls like that who can blame them very very good episode uh i think that was honestly my favorite episode so far i really enjoyed that a lot and like i said i really enjoyed i thought it was really interesting to see uh the whole thing with the the thief skill stuff where it's like oh you can see it like once you've like seen it you can kind of pick up on it and then you um and then you apply your points you've earned from missions and stuff to learn it and then you can do it i think that i mean it's very video game-esque and that's the thing this world is obviously very video game-esque because it pretty much is a video game and um that's really cool and i really like how that was shown it was really cool they even showed that his dna like changed or whatever accepted it it became part of his being which was really cool and i really appreciated um that the animation that's another thing the animation in the show is absolutely gorgeous there have been a couple scenes where the animation is just holy [ __ ] the animation has gotten next level sexy in a few of these scenes and i what can i say except it's beautiful i mean next level animation is my jam who doesn't like next level animation i watch a lot of cartoons and i watch a lot of anime and um i can always appreciate when the animation is absolutely stellar and konosuba has had some stellar animation so far and i appreciate that quite a lot um but yeah really cool episode i do want to do one more um i'm really into this i'm not feeling tired at all um that headache i had is actually like mostly gone it's not completely gone but it's like mostly gone so i actually am feeling better now than i was before so um yeah let's let's continue on and do one more episode of um konosuba let's see where we go from here i haven't really had any predictions on where the series is going it's kind of a it feels like a very much an episode by episode thing right now and um if i have any kind of overall predictions i will uh you know kind of bring them up as as it's applicable but right now it does feel like this is an episodic type of thing and i don't know what the titles are going in until i see them in the intro but yeah so we got a shot of uh i could see kazuma he's in the uh the main hall and uh just sitting by himself so we'll see what happens but uh konasuba episode 4 will commence in three two one and play what do we got another skill are we gonna get to see this every time because it's so cool delicious right [Music] very nice it looks beautiful i was about to say it didn't look shiny looks great no he doesn't oh dear god [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] why is she grinding her staff against her [ __ ] what the hell that's a good good thing cheap lettuce is cool for me [Music] cool because you were the you were the great cabbage steve because you were going nuts the other two were shocked and aqua just wanted a piece of that money well now i know what that is that's cool i'm understanding part some of the stuff in this intro [Music] all too innocently we were handed an unjust future but are you ready to plan for all it's worth make sense don't watch the end of the clock [Music] just go at the pace your heart creates i'm gonna read this this time around mine should be a change explosion magic for this formidable enemy okay something with mega man come on you can put your face in this place such a wonderful world look the dazzling sons of fanfare revelation this is a very fun loving intro even that waits us always in forever tomorrow will we allow for hesitation [Music] we'll be greedy again and again till we have it all the end that's a great line let's go dreamers we didn't meet the one girl standing on the building that was um that was darkness's friend come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you really are [Music] foreign [Music] shaking your butt like that i don't even know what to say she is evil [Music] whoa look at you cozuma you're looking like the main character yeah i know right maybe not of an anime but [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dear god what is wrong with all of you and then you just want money but at least you're not getting aroused like the other two one [Music] oh yes you are so turned on right now darkness this show is not real oh interesting [Music] it is beautiful [Music] [Music] come on you get to carry a lolly in your arms and she's not actually that long she really is like true [Music] i assume it's a bro could be a cyst [Music] explosion [Music] oh and now she's dead what the [ __ ] is wrong with you also very cute hat [Music] [Music] how [Music] [Music] how much time has passed [Music] [Applause] [Music] data she kind of missed the tower but god that was amazing yeah i know and then that's a bond that you two have [Music] indeed very nice very nice [Music] wow [Music] foreign dangerous because she really is pretty useless [Music] uh [Music] thank you another emergency two episodes in a row [Music] for the record she was accompanied by a guy named kazuma yeah wow [Music] oh she's stepping up oh god [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] that might piss some people out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] creepy this is actually pretty intense surprisingly for this show quiet a we have six episodes left so maybe we do it [Music] okay what wow like darkness theme i thought i heard something sorry guys let's just finish this up jesus well then you just made things infinitely more serious all of a sudden cool what just like that well she's not useless after all useless in the fight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they are always they always think she's cool even though she can't fight [Applause] [Music] yeah that quest was cleared [Music] oh [Music] i think the outro is better in the intro but they're both amazing [Music] oh that's cute trying to get the apples very very cute [Music] god i love the kona super sauce [Music] okay that'll do it for konasuba episodes two three and four i had a lot of fun today wow okay konasuba okay okay very very ridiculous show as we kind of already learned in the first episode in the pilot it was a very crazy ridiculous show having seen a lot more of it now seen episodes two through four it's most definitely as wild as wacky as ridiculous kind of perverted but not really um i've seen way worse um but it definitely has a perverted side as well but god damn it this show is great i gotta say when you know plot and characters are the two biggest things of any show uh what's the story and how good is it who are the characters and how cool are they and i must say we have four characters and i'm already in love with all four of them as far as main characters go i'm in love with kazuma i think he's a great main character i love his attitude you fully understand where he's coming from from and you probably would feel much the same if you were in his position with these [ __ ] insane ladies like you'd be like what the [ __ ] and you would get so sick of their [ __ ] so fast and i understand that so much but at the same time they're your crew you know the the four of them you know even now are already starting to um you know become the best of friends and even you know fall in love with each other because you know that's how strong their bond is and it's fantastic um you got aqua uh useless in a fight but uh turns out she can do a few things uh she's still a priest but um very cool very cool definitely love me some uh some uh oh man i just derped aqua these names are so easy why am i derpin aqua she's cute as hell she's funny as hell um and yeah she's a potato and then you got megamin who uh she can ex she can do explosions and they're crazy but she can only do one and then she's out she's one a day literally uh literally not even a glass cannon just a i mean i guess a literal glass cannon because when you shoot that cannon the cannon explodes oh because she can't she just wants as many explosions as possible which is amazing and then you have i don't okay i love all four of them but if i had to say i'm leaning towards anyone i think i'm leaning towards darkness as my favorite character good lord darkness oh my god the ridiculous masochist that is darkness you know she's the crusader she's the knight she's the tank that can't hit anything with her sword but god damn is she god damn it i think she makes me laugh the most and all four of them are hilarious but good lord darkness what the [ __ ] is wrong with this woman except oh my god i love this show this is like you could tell this show comes from the mind of someone very close to heart to me like they this feels like the brain child of someone who thinks about life in a similar manner to me because there's a certain levels of silly sauce in this show that's just it's absolutely ridiculous and it's amazing and i i'm just i'm already in love with this show and i'm only four episodes in it is glorious it is absolutely [ __ ] glorious and like i said i am so in love with this show is the best and i'm feeling better i don't know i had a headache going into this it went away pretty fast um you know maybe once i started focusing on konosuba you know focusing on what i was watching maybe that's another reason why i wasn't talking too much i feel like in the last episode i got more talking in not sure about the first two though but um yeah this is definitely a very hard series to commentate on but uh i'm gonna try my best but at the same time this show doesn't need a lot of commentary i mean it's it's oh my god it got kind of serious in episode four i mean um it felt a lot more serious than the first three episodes that was a nice change of pace i must admit of course things ended up incredibly silly but it still had a really cool really silly feel to it and i really appreciated that i thought that was really badass but yeah kona superman what can i even say about this show right now it's absolutely ridiculous and and i love every second of it anyways flamin shark signing out hope you guys have a wonderful fantastical day and i will see you next time with another video uh thanks for watching peace
Channel: TheFlamingShark
Views: 12,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P90nvmwAKoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 47sec (5087 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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