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- Least favorite part about modeling, being put in the wrong size shoes. - Oh my God, yeah. - On every runway - They do that on purpose for sure. - No, I know. It's horrible. I've got some big feet, you know! (both laugh) (text swooshes and dings) (camera clicks) - Hi, my name is Ty Warner. I do modeling and acting and I also do a little bartending and stuff on the side. It's very fun. So I started when I was like 17. Doing like runway and stuff, more runway in Italy and New York. But while I'm here in California, I do a bit more commercial and print work and stuff like that. (text dings) Sorry, y'all. I'm a little nervous. This is my first time going on a date in a long ti- Well with five people, but y'all look great. Yeah. Tell me, tell me a red flag that that you guys don't like and then a red flag you do like. - [Meridith] My red flag that I need to avoid. - Yeah. - Is over texting. I feel like when they spam my phone a lot, I get. - Yeah. - I just, I can't do that. - Oh yeah, absolutely. - I'm not good at replying too fast. I guess I like a little bit of jealousy, but not too much. - All right. That's always fun. - A girl's gotta get her thing going. You know? (all laugh) - [Monica] A red flag that I like. I guess this is kind of like a superficial red flag, but like a nose piercings. I don't know. Like. - No, I can see it. - I like guys with nose piercings and sometimes they have you know, I haven't had the best experiences with them but I love a good nose piercing and then a red flag that I don't like. Honestly, I don't like it when guys are too friendly, sometimes needs to be mean to me. (all laugh) - [Teal] I'm kind of with you, Monica, on like the superficial one. I like someone that looks like they might ruin my life. - Okay, okay. - You know, like, maybe a neck tat or three, you know. - Or three? - I'm okay with it. Yeah. I don't like someone who doesn't respect my boundaries or space because I definitely get energy by being alone. So someone who doesn't allow me that independence is definitely a red flag for me. - [Sharon] This is probably a little toxic of me, but I kind of like the chase. - Okay. Absolutely. - A red flag that I don't like. Gaslighting. (all laugh) - Yeah. - Like I just, in my most recent previous relationship there was like a good amount of it and it was hard to tell. And then afterwards I was like, "wait a dang minute." Okay. We're just, we're not gonna do that. - No one likes that one. - Right. - [Angelina] I like a lot of tattoos. That's, yeah. It's just, I don't know what I like. And then something that I don't like is somebody who's very like, closed-minded and not open to trying new things, 'cause I'm a very experimental person and I like to like experience new stuff. And I can't really grow if you don't wanna do that too. So, yeah. - Okay. Yeah, I like that. Good start. Got a bunch of tattoos, A little bit of ruin, ruin the life a little bit. I like it. Let's go. Okay. I can do a little bit of both. - [Teal] How many tattoos do you have? - I actually have three. And they're all right here. I don't know if y'all can. - We can't see you. - Just in case I didn't know, you know. But they're on my hip. Yeah. I have a centipede. (women laugh) They kind of go up my ribs a little bit. I actually want to know your least favorite part about modeling first. 'Cause I feel like that one's a bit easier than like a favorite part. - [Meridith] Being put in the wrong size shoes. - Oh my god. Yeah. - On every runway. - That's such a one. - I've never had the right size shoes. - They do that on purpose for sure. - No, I know. It's horrible. I've got some big feet. You know. (Ty laughs) The best part is I get a meet like, all these amazing women in my job and you know, you're probably really cute too. So. (all laugh) - [Monica] My least favorite part about modeling is just kind of like the whole casting process. And when you don't get a job and you just get completely ghosted. - Yeah. - And you don't hear any feedback, you don't know how you can improve, how you could have done better. And then my favorite thing about modeling. Last week I was doing an athletic shoot and we were working out the whole day but it was just so fun and we're looking cute doing it. - [Teal] You know, the rejections, the highs, the lows, and like especially in the beginning when you're trying to like network and everything and you know, get your feet off the ground. Challenges a lot of different parts of you, because it is more of like a superficial profession. I love when we get to have a little bit more of like a creative set and we get to, you know put forth like a vision and indulge in the creative process. - The creative side of modeling. Very fun. - Yeah. - [Sharon] Having to be flexible constantly. And when you're on hold for a job you don't know if you're gonna get it or if you get booked the day before, you're like, "whoa." But my favorite part, we really have each other's backs at the end of the day because, and especially being in such a, I don't wanna even say difficult field. I think it's just not one that many get to experience. So when you meet people who can relate you're like, "okay, yeah, you, you just get me." - [Angelina] My least favorite thing too is probably like the rejection I guess. Like sometimes, like if you're not in the right head space it could like get to you. My most favorite part is like, having like really, like deep conversations. Like with people you thought you would never talk to and just like 10 hour set days when you just like, have nothing else to do but talk to each other. You learn a lot about somebody and you make really cool friends and, yeah. - I agree. All those are great ones. The shoe one was so real. Oh my god, that was so real. It's a lot harder to be a girl model too. Like guys, it's, we just kind of show up and they're like, "Yeah can you take your shirt off and smile?" I'm like, oh okay. Yeah, sure. No problem. (text dings) - [Producer] Ty, I'm gonna have you make your first elimination. - I've been on my mind. Now. I didn't have much to work with on finding things that I didn't like. So I'm gonna eliminate Teal. (Teal laughs) I'm sorry Teal. But you know, I can get behind the being mean thing a little bit but I don't wanna ruin anyone's life. - [Monica] Aw. - Not too bad. (women laugh) - Hi. - Hi. How are you? - Good. How are you? - Doing very well. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. (Teal giggles) (text dings) - Alrighty. First question, what is an ideal place that you could go for a date. And a fun place not like a movie or something, but something that you'd like to do. - [Meridith] I play volleyball. I probably wanna have like a little beach volleyball session. - Absolutely - Or maybe surfing. I love to surf as well. So probably like an active date. Maybe a hike would also be fun. - [Monica] Something that me and my friends like to do all the time is sing karaoke. - Oh, so fun. - And I feel like if we go somewhere and like you can sing karaoke like on a first date. Like I feel like we really have to like, vibe and like I can learn about, a lot about you. Like I can see what type of song you wanna sing. Like just being able to like have fun and let your guard down. - Just go for it. - I think that would be, that would be fun. - Yeah - Like just drinks and karaoke. Like that's a great time for me. - [Sharon] First I have to say, I feel you on the movie thing 'cause you can't get to know anybody while watching a movie. - Yeah. - I feel like that's like a fourth, fifth day type of situation. - Yeah, I agree. - I was pondering this the other day and I'm like, "Hmm, ax throwing sounds fun." (women laugh) - That'd be kind of scary if I was good at it though. (women laugh) - Just a tad. - [Angelina] I'm a really big kid and I really like Disney, so I think Disneyland is just like such a cute and like wholesome date and like we could like, like go on roller coasters together. I could like see if you're a wimp or not. (all laugh) - No, but I like it. I like that though. You gotta test the waters, you know you gotta make sure he's not a wimp. - Yeah, that's right. Exactly. - Do you think there are any misconceptions for models, like women modeling? - [Meridith] People think I'm like a dumb blonde which is definitely not the case. I'm studying civil engineering right now and definitely when it comes to guys, like it's almost like a trophy or like, oh my gosh like I could date a model. It's just so they can go back and talk to their friends about it. So it's not the best feeling in the world. - [Monica] I feel like people a lot. A lot. Oh my god, (Monica laughs) I'm nervous. Sorry Ty. - No, me too. - I'm getting a little nervous. Yeah, I feel like a lot of times people don't think that models have personalities or like other interests. Like that we just like to get up and take pictures every day. But like I have, I mean, I don't know like I have other interests. Like I have other jobs too. Like I don't only model. - I think people look at me like a box of rocks most days. - Yeah. - [Sharon] Whenever I tell people I'm a model I think they look at me up and down thinking "You?", because I'm on the curve slash plus side. So they don't think that I'm like your typical model which I mean understandable, but I don't think they realize the industry is constantly changing. And I also think, you know, did I leave school and I used to be a nursing major? Yes. But I also have my associate's degrees. I have a few and I actually, I don't remember what they are. (all laugh) It's been a while since I've been in school. - [Angelina] Yeah, I agree with what, they said too about like the whole like trophy like, girl thing, like that, it makes it really hard to like make not serious connections. - Genuine ? - Yeah. Like genuine connections. They judge you by like, like your job and like the clothes that you are put in. And that's like not who I am at all. - I don't tell people I model sometimes, you know what I mean? It's a big one that I say is I do construction. You know what I mean? When they first meet me, if I'm talking to a girl seriously because I've told them I'm a model and they're like, "Wow. Yeah. Why the hell did you tell me that." Is like kind of the, I don't know, it doesn't work out for me too well. The intelligence of the conversation just goes kind of out the door. They're like, "oh okay." - [Meridith] Yeah. They start speaking to you like you're a kid sometimes. (text dings) - So, we're gonna have you eliminate one person again. (Ty sighs) - Sharon, number three. - Hi. - Hey, how are you? - Good, how are you? - Well how nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - You look so good. - You too. I dunno if you do hugs. - I do. (text dings) - [Meridith] I am a big fan of spending time together. That's my love language. So I was wondering what your love language is and how you show your love. Like what would we do as a date? Like your perfect love language date. Sorry, I'm nervous. - I like that. A little two for one question. My love language I feel like is honestly very much so quality time as well. Like a date that I would do for my perfect date. I would have like three or four dates in one. - I hope you don't mean multiple girls 'cause I'm not doing that again. - No, no. No, no, no. Like first thing that come to my mind, like when you said beach, like I love the beach. I'd love to go like a morning surf session to like a nice lunch and then we go like Dave and Busters or something afterwards. You know, just like make it a whole day. - Aw. - Yeah. - Okay, cool. We'll do it. (all laugh) - [Monica] So I wanna pose a question that you asked us earlier. - Yeah, absolutely. - The red flag question you said what is a red flag that you like and a red flag that you don't like? - Like y'all said, you don't like someone super friendly. I really don't like someone super friendly either. Now to me, I like when they're friendly. But I mean to like, let's say we were, we were out doing something and I wasn't around to like say, hey you know, this is this person I'm seeing like go away. - [Monica] Yeah. - Would you be friendly and still talk to them or would you send them away and be like, "No I'm here with someone."? You can be a little mean to me too. I can handle that. I like a little shit talk. Shit talk is fun. Even though I prefer not to, but like a red flag for me is like ignoring, I don't like to blow people's phone up or anything too, you know what I mean? But if there's a problem, I'd rather we just work something out rather than just ignore each other and see who's gonna last longer with ignoring each other. Like a, you know what I mean? Like a quiet game. I don't like doing those. That's the first one that came to my head. - [Monica] I totally feel that communication is so important in relationships. It's like the most important thing. - [Angelina] What's something valuable that you learned in your past relationship? - What I learned was the space. As someone who likes quality time a lot. Space is so necessary. Like having individuality is very important. - Yeah. You need to have your own life. Like outside. - What is y'all's favorite food? - [Meridith] Sushi. - [Sharon] Sushi. - [Angelina] Sushi. (all laugh) - There we go. First thing that came to my mind was Thai food. Love Thai food. And I can also cook Thai food. I'm like a quarter Thai. - [Angelina] Ooh. - [Ty] I don't feel like I look Asian though, but somehow I am. (women laugh) What would you like to happen in the next five years? That's a better one. What do you envision? - [Meridith] Well, in five years, I just, I hope I have done a lot of traveling. That's my main goal. I wanna see everything and I wanna go everywhere. - Okay. - [Monica] I feel like something I always hear since I started modeling later in life everyone's always been like, "you can't model forever". Like I really want to be able to. But like, I also like, really love social media and like content and like editing videos and like, I feel like I want to eventually like, pivot into that and that's like one of my passions. Hopefully get a house. - Absolutely. - Settle down, find my person, fall in love, start a family. I want all of those things. I mean, I don't know if within the next five years, but I mean. - It's a good vision - I wanna start working towards that. - Yeah. Absolutely. - [Angelina] I feel like I'm really good at marketing and all that stuff. So I see myself kind of getting into like behind the scenes too and like helping other like, influencers and people, like reach their goals and manage them and stuff like that. - Amazing. I love it. (text dings) (women whisper) - [Producer] Okay. Ty. Can you tell us the first person you're eliminating? (Ty sighs) - I'm gonna eliminate Angel. - Hey Angel. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Hey I like your tattoo. - Thank you. - [Producer] Could you tell us the second person you're eliminating - This is a tough one. (Meridith and Monica laugh) (Ty sighs) I'm going to eliminate Meredith. - [Monica] Oh my god. - [Meridith] Hi. - [Ty] Hey Meridith. - So nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - You were so lovely. You got a good one. - [Producer] Ty, how are you feeling? - I'm feeling good. I'm kind of like a jerk for eliminating people, but here we are. Everyone had great traveling and food answers too but I think ours just matched up a bit more. I also liked the, like the vision that she had too. It was a nice vision. - [Monica] Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous. Hello. - Hi, how are you? - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. I'll give you a hug. Sorry I'm a little excited. - It's alright meet too. (both laugh) - Your eyes are so beautiful. - Thank you. I love your eyes too. I love your outfit as well. - Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. - Absolutely. Yeah, if we had a first date based off of your answers and stuff like that too, you know, we have to get something dope. Sushi place for sure. - Down. - Good sushi place. - Yes. - And then do you like, you like roller skating? - Sure. Yeah. I mean I'm better at ice skating. I'm not gonna lie to you. - Me too actually. - But, roller skating is fun and I like it 'cause like you can groove too. - Groove. Exactly. You can dance to it. - Yeah. - You can have fun with it. - So sushi and roller skating sounds like fun. - Not too bad, right? - Sounds fun. - Yeah.
Channel: nectar
Views: 898,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: versus 1, versus 1 nectar, versus 1 jubilee, versus 1 jubilee nectar, online dating, dating show, dating tv show, dating internet, internet dating, nectar dating, nectar jubilee, dating, love, models, hotties, attractive, jubilee, plus size, instagram model, runway model, blind date, love is blind
Id: gILkzDztZnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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