Blender Tutorial: Level Up Your Realism In Five Minutes With Cavity Maps

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hello guys my name's Rob this is decoded and today I'm going to show you a really quick method to improve the realism of your renders with hardly any work by a cavity maps a cavity map is a type of texture map which defines the areas of a model where the dust dirt and grime has built up over time now you can paint these maps yourself but I much prefer to let blend to do hard work for me whenever possible so without further ado let's get started okay so I've got this blender model that I've downloaded from blend swap of a Buddha and it's a 3d scan of a real object as far as I know and it looks pretty good but I would like there to be more dirt build up in areas like this under the arms round around the eyes things that I think outside you probably get a lot more dirt build up so you can see here it's got a very very simple set up here it's just got a diffuse and specular going into the principal shader for now I'm just going to unhook this diffuse layer and what we're going to do is we're going to make this cover team up so if we go down to this panel here the object data panel and we open up vertex colors I'm just going to add a new slot in there here and I'm going to call it dirt with a capital D okay and then I'm gonna go over to texture paint and I'm gonna get rid of that map one wouldn't do is I'm going to change this to vertex paint lord once we're in vertex paint the options up here will have changed and if we go to paint we now have this option here for dirty vertex colors when we press this what it's going to do is going to calculate all the areas where there's like a cavity it kind of similar to ambient occlusion map basically and blender will figure out all the areas where dirt would probably build up in real life you will have to play with these sentence potentially depending on your model it looks like these settings are working quite well for this model all I need to do is press dirt only on the tick box and it'll take a second to calculate that and this is what you're looking to see you want mostly white with just a few areas of like dark black and that's all mock me now all we need to do if we go in our shading panel I'm just going to use shift in D to duplicate this that's what we're gonna do is gonna make a dirty texture okay so I've got a noise texture here and I'm going to put that through a bump node look that into the height and then let's have a look at this scale of something like 800 and a strength of like point 1 let's say what this looks like okay then we're just gonna change the base color and make it like a dark brown okay if you want you can use a good a noise texture and put that through a color ramp and have a few different dirty colors but I'm just gonna do this for them for the sake of the tutorial and then we're gonna add in another node it's gonna be a mix shader' guess I'm just going to search for mix shader' add that in and I'm gonna connect this first principle node to the bottom and I'm going to connect this one to the top now for the factor we need this map that we made earlier this dirt map and the way we can get that is just by hiding in inaud called the attribute node which comes up secondary search for air attribute get factor plug that in and as you can see it hasn't worked properly the reason it hasn't worked is because we haven't set the factor what we need to do is where it says name here we need to type in exactly as it appears over here the named so dirt with couple of D breast ender calculate that's now added to our map okay you can see it it's not very clear but if you look over these areas that's what it looks like normally and that's what it looks like with the derma to make the stand out more what we're gonna do is a D in certainly for the highly in the color romnod okay and we're just going to push up this black value until we start the Sayer to a parent and there now you can see we've got our dirt layer added around the eyes rather yarns and you can just play with that until you're happy with it I think something like this is probably gonna look pretty good so now I'm gonna do is get that material again the diffuse and I'm gonna plug that back in and have a look at how this models look and that looks pretty good to me if we look at the original it looks like this it's all very clean if you look especially over like around the face it's a good example it looks very clean and if we press ctrl shift and click on the mix you can see that it now it just has a little extra touch of realism it looks like an object that's been sitting outside for a long time Sam is like all these areas around here so if you use this in any of you work guys house or Noble please either drop it to me on the Facebook group or in the comments below leave me a link to your work I'd love to see it if you want to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button and if you found this tip useful hit like please and I'll see you around for the next video guys
Channel: DECODED
Views: 76,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, Blender, 2.8, 2.79, guide, tips, tricks, cavity map, dirt, dust, realism, statue, grime, texture, material, shader, paint, vertex, how to, improve, better
Id: Tyi03X9J8A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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