Blender Tutorial - Gradient Fire Animation (2.83)

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hello everyone and welcome back to another blender many tutorial today we're going to be learning how to create a gradient fire animation we'll be creating a pretty basic simulation and then we'll jump into the material and learn how to create the gradient effect if you already have a simulation that you want to apply the material to skip to this part in the video to learn how to do that for this first part we're going to go ahead and create the simulation i'm going to press x and delete the default cube and then press shift a and we will add in a plane this is going to be our flow object and then i'll press s and y scale it down a little bit then s and x and scale it along so we have a long strip of a plane like this then go over to object down to quick effects and then quick smoke this will automatically add a domain for us with a basic material already in place from there we can go over to the physics settings and here are all the options for the fire currently it's using the replay type for the cache and i don't want this i want it to be set to modular so we can actually bake it in once you switch it over to modular we can set up the settings in my animation that you saw at the beginning of the video i used a resolution of 520 now that took a very long time to bake and i don't feel like waiting that long again so i'm just gonna go with 256. from there we can scroll down and turn on adaptive domain and this will speed up the bake just a little bit and then scroll down over to the fire the reaction speed controls the height of the flames the lower you set this to the higher the flames will be i'm going to set this to a value of 0.55 the flame vorticity determines the amount of swirls and randomness in the flames and i want a little bit of that so i'm going to bring this up to a value of 0.8 for the end frame of this animation i want it to be 100 frames long so i'm going to set this to 100 select your flow object and then go over to the flow type and set this over to fire underneath the texture we're going to enable this and we're going to create a texture to give the flames some more randomness and make it look a little bit more realistic to do this jump over to the texture panel and create a new texture the type we are going to set over to clouds and this is what our texture looks like where the black spots are there will be no fire and where the white is there will be fire the size of this is currently way too big we're gonna set this to 0.1 if we open up the colors we can bring the contrast all the way up to a value of 5 and that will look a lot better with the fire now if we go back over to the simulation we can select that texture in the texture panel drop down menu another thing that we can do is animate the offset value currently it's set to zero and so the texture will just be in the same exact position through the entire animation if we animate this it'll move the texture around and give us a lot more randomness and this will look a lot more realistic to do this make sure you are on frame one and then click that little button on the side to add in a keyframe then jump all the way to frame 100 we can set this up to a value of 0.7 and then hit that button one more time to add in another keyframe doing this animation though it's not going to look very realistic because the texture is going to start out slow speed up in the middle and slow down at the end and it will not look very good to fix this we can select both of those keyframes by dragging over them right click and then click on interpolation mode and select linear you can see the linear is just a straight line and that is what we want now our texture will move at a constant rate and it will look a lot better now we are ready to bake so over in the domain settings you can set a cache folder if you want to i'm not going to worry about that because i don't want to save my cache i'm going to go ahead and click on a baked data our bake has finished and now if you play our simulation we can see this is what it looks like i can scroll through here and our animation does look pretty good now let's set up the rest of the scene and do the material i'll add in a plane and then scale this up pretty big and for this material i want it to be a glossy material so we get a nice reflection from the fire jumping over to the material tab we can click new and set this over to the glossy shader right here the roughness is currently too much we're going to bring this down to a value of 0.2 select the lamp in your scene and we're going to delete that because we're not going to need it either and then for the world settings we're going to drag this all the way down to black select your domain and then split the view and switch this over to the shader editor so click on this menu and select the shader editor right here press n to close off that panel and here is our basic principled volume shader now normally if we wanted fire we would turn up the black body intensity if i drag this all the way to 1 and go into rendered view we can see the fire in our scene i don't want to use this though we're going to be using the mission strength and the emission color what we need to add is a gradient texture plus a color ramp so i'm going to press shift a go over to texture and then gradient and place that here then press shift a add in a converter and then color ramp take the color of the gradient plug that into the factor and then the color into the emission color right here now if we press z and go into render view we still can't see anything and i'm also going to switch this over to cycles so we get the reflection of the floor working correctly if we were to turn up the emission strength we can see this is what's happening it's filling the whole domain with the emission we want to tell blender where to put the emission to do this press shift a and add in a input and an attribute node in the name you're going to have to type in the word flame no caps just the word flame and then if we take the factor plug that into the emission strength now we can see we have the gradient working now to control the strength of the flame we can add in a math node so press shift a converter math we'll place that here switch this over to multiply now this bottom value controls the strength of the fire if i bring this all the way up to a value of 15 we can see here it's a lot brighter now if we select this black color and change it over to like a blue or something we can see the gradient is working currently though it's going sideways we want it to go up and down so to fix this press shift a add in a input and then texture coordinate and place that here then press shift a we will add in a vector and a mapping node take the generated plug that into the mapping and then the vector into the vector of the gradient texture with the mapping node selected we can set the rotation of the gradient with these rotation values if we set the y all the way to 90 now we can see the gradient is going in the right direction but it's currently way too strong to make this a little bit smoother we can bring the scale of the z a little bit lower let's try a value of 0.3 and then if we take the location and drag this down a little bit now we have a little bit of a smoother transition to make this even better we can go over to the color ramp and switch the type from linear over to ease and there we can see it's a lot smoother now if we select the white color and switch this over to like a purple color we can get a really cool gradient something like that will look pretty good and as you can see this is working just fine it starts out blue and then it turns into a pink purple color as the flame goes up and you can add as many colors as you want so if i hit the plus sign i can switch this over to like a red color and actually that looks pretty good i might keep that in see as you can see here it starts at blue right here it goes over to the pink which is this middle part and then it gets red at the top if i want this pink to show up i'll just have to drag this over a little bit and bring this gradient closer and now we have this sort of look i'm going to leave it as it is though because i think that looks pretty good actually one more thing that we should probably do with this material is to turn off the smoke the density is currently set to 5 and as you can see that is causing a lot of noise if i bring this all the way to zero there will be no smoke and this will render a little bit faster if you want smoke you can leave it in but since i want this to render faster and i don't want any smoke showing up set the density all the way to zero if we were to render this right now the plain inflow object would show up in the render and there would just be a white strip of a plane right there we don't want that to show up so we're going to select it go over to the outliner and click on this menu and turn on the camera icon we want to hide this from the viewport and from the render make sure those are both off and now this will not show up in the render let's go ahead and render one single frame and then jump over to the compositor and add in some glow go ahead and exit out of this window and go over to the compositing tab click on use nodes and then press n to close off that panel and now to see what we're doing we can control shift left click on the render layer to add in a viewer node you can press v a couple times to zoom out and the only thing that i will add is a denoise node so i'm going to press shift a go over to filter denoise and place that here and this will get rid of any noise in our scene and the last thing to do is just set a folder of where you want your animation to go to select the file format and render it out so there you go guys that is how you create a gradient fire animation using blender thank you for watching this tutorial if you created your own animation i would love to see it so make sure to send it to me over on instagram at blendermadeeasy but that's gonna do it if you enjoyed this video make sure you like comment and subscribe and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 53,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, 2.8, mantaflow, fire, simulation, b3d, eevee, cycles, blender made easy, blender tutori, beginner, animation, blender animation, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 3d, fire simulation, vfx, node, gradient
Id: ezm-ID9ubno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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