Blender Tutorial: Dynamic paint with Particles

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oh hey guys how's it going so let me grab a coffee because that's the Tori was going to be just a lot longer than usual so today I wanna show you how to generate particles and combine this with the dynamic pin system so we use particles to essentially pin on the canvas no I have covered dynamic paint before but it was a 60-second video that the bonus that was a bad shot and we could be bare so I'm gonna kind of slow things down a bit and go over the pros and cons of certain aspects so in traditional fashion let's delete the cube now when it comes to the dynamic pin need two things you need a canvas and you need a brush so I'll press chef Denis and oh my I don't have clean and that's gonna be our canvas and I'll just quickly scale up I'll turbine e8 the more than one going through here as a coup edge in order subdivision and I'll subdivide that last making a number of course theory went on I'll Tom back in the object mode and the next thing I need is a brush or a particle system so pressure chef Denis and other than something like a torus no I'm not going to win any awards for an amine here so I'm gonna into his own just gonna quite Lyanna me to over 200 flames so I need will keyframes jump to frame 50 jump to frame 100 where uh call me anytime so we have something very basic and it's pre horrible to be honest but it should give us an example the product that we want to make berry we so know that I have the tallest selected I'm actually going to genuinely particles so come to the particle system on the right hand side other properties and on our then our particle system no imaginably really master my particles just to keep things nice and tidy because layer don't know any and are getting confused and I'm going to reduce the number of particles down that and I'll make it 500 now in terms of the cashier velocity irritation we'll just leave everything the same the frame styles 1 and ends 200 life seems perfect I could maybe do with changing the size of the particles but will happen let's see where we get prank oh that works fine for me so I'm good it's like the plane and I'm gonna make that's the canvas so if I actually come to physique pro please you can see here dynamic pin now only gives you two options when it comes to dynamic pin the canvas and a brush and obviously this is a canvas I'll enable the canvas and I'm going to leave the format and vertex remember when I subdivided there was a reason for this the most observation the more accurate representation of the particles hadn't if canvas actually works but we are on I actually show you how to do an image sequence and it gives us a lot more control this kind of pros and cons to each of these but we'll leave that on vertex and I'll scroll down to and I'll leave everything default for the moment and you can see here we have a paint Mario and I'm gonna enable them and I'm actually gonna take off in the name of this because we need to put that Sonny an attribute North that then goes into the Collinwood and this means when it paints actually lines on the canvas so the next thing I really need to do is say all my brush which is a Taurus all the particles so I'm in physical properties I'll come to dynamic pin and I've changed us to brush you know either on a brush now with a pink color employ for a moment I can change the mesh type in terms of the source and I can change that to the particle system and remember when I says I should rename and that's why my particles now walking through here as I can actually change the solid radius or I can use the particle radius and I'm actually gonna use a particle radius here and I'll go back and I'll play and you will see nothing actually happens in the moment and this is because there's no material added to the canvas so I'll select the canvas I'll come to material or add on a new material and I'll quickly jump initiating or the no data and what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to look for an attribute and remember my name not copied I'm gonna paste an eld peepin map and I'm gonna take that Sun any color I'm gonna go back anywhere let's jump on a render view and let's see we were yeah Franco and this is what I was meaning by vertex the verses prior blocky we could use a lob a smooth and make energy but just to give an example I'm actually gonna hop back in here the more time select everything and I'll do another stop debate why not let's make it let's put a real high back any object mode I'll go back and know how to play you can see that this became a lot more refined but you don't wanna keep subdividing a message they can I get an accurate representation you end up with Mogens or polygons just to get something smooth so how can we walk around us well we can actually change the canvas 10m each sequence and that slices control the quality of it so go back to the physics properties and in the canvas I'll change the format 10m each sequence and you can see here resolution so I'm going I still gotta put us up to 1024 which hasn't that high to be honest now the number of sub steps is a calculation between the particles so if you're doing like a constant line and your sub steps are prior walk you'll get asked in a jagged effect so the higher sub steps that they all know don't go crazy for will be fine for me everything's pretty much set up if I come to that I know what we need to do here is we need to be clear mean sequence is always good to go to the start of the frame as well you could probably bigger particles as well that may speed things up a little bit but I'm good in saying the cashy path and I'll just say that storyline either so it's quite was just added to their stop and copy this path because only the layout online and I accept and all you need to do here as beacon I'm each sequence I know how big a mean keep in mind you keep frame starting you're in frame now that's may take several minutes depending on how quick your customers how many particles what resolution so take your time I'll come back once it is completed so that to my computer roughly a minute to calculate that perfect therefore happily nothing will actually happen we still technically have the particles in man so I'm actually going to hate the Taurus here so we don't necessarily see something in the moment what I can do here is I can jump into this sheet and hump and I'm gonna I than the am each sequence that we see if though so I'm gonna add on an image text you're not I'll go with the path I saved an and I'll just open a fast damage and I'm going to drag us under the color now you can see here they said Sango homage I'm going to change this dynamic sequence and I'm gonna enable auto refresh not just means the render engine Caesar how many frames that we have it was 249 I believe it starts on frame 1 any offset zero no because we use the plane it's already UV map but I can do here as I can just add on attach to coordinate not all right I could probably add a UV map which is the UV in Prague on a vector Oh jumpin Elio and more happily and let's see where we get much more refined compared to using the vertex map and the great thing about this is if you actually jump on it texture pin you can do Albert at a shop in so you can actually cannot cheat and blow things oh and can I change things around and that's pretty much a basic overview of using a particle system and dynamic pin together I do apologize for the length of a video but had to be said to bonus do me a favor guys any questions put many comments like you value subscribe the channel cost you ups or nothing follow me to our you know what to do [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Steven Scott
Views: 17,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, animation, particles, particle emitter, dynamic paint, texture, attribute node, paint, 3d, render, basic, introduction, scottish, artist, digital art, vfx, effect, dynamic, bake image sequence, texture paint, b3d, 2.8, 2.9, alpha, beta, with particles, cool, new, long tutorial, tutorial, guide, beginner, advanced, walkthru
Id: F2hkQ9shR0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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