[Blender Tutorial] 쉽고 빠르게 만드는 리토폴로지와 언랩하여 텍스쳐페인팅 하기/Retopology, Texture painting[블렌더 강의]

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Hello, I'm Chicha. In this time, we will find out how to make retopology a little faster. Personally, I think retopology is the most cumbersome and difficult task among modeling tasks. In general, even if I want to use an addon, there has not been an addon that I like. Here is a paid addon called Quad Remesher. If you set the number of polygons to make and press remesh, it automatically retopology on its own, but this is a little problematic. The wire on the face doesn't stretch out as nicely as I thought. The body side comes out quite usable, but the face is a bit difficult to use because the flow of the face is important. So, the bottom line is that you just have to go through the labor of retopology... I hope the world without retopology comes soon. First of all, to use the F key before retopology, go to add on and check mesh f2 to activate it. I'll create a Plane from the mesh by pressing shift A. Press Tab to go to Edit mode, then press A to select all vertices. Press the hotkey M and select At Center to merge the vertices into one. I need to attach this vertex to the face, but it is not attached now. After turning on the magnet-shaped snap, activate Face Project next to it and check the checkbox at the bottom. Then the vertices are now attached to the face. Go to Modifier Properties, activate the mirror, and press the eyedropper to take a picture of your face. Clipping is also checked so that vertices do not go off center when they touch. Grab the vertex and press the e key to create an edge. Select a vertex while holding shift and press e to create a face. After selecting one edge, press Ctrl (Control) and right-click to create a new face. Select one vertex and use the e key to draw an edge along the eye line. For the last vertex to meet, press the M key to merge the vertices to At Center. You can quickly create a face by pulling out the opposite vertex and creating it according to the number of previous lines, then selecting an edge and pressing the F key in succession. When creating a face toward the nose, the vertex does not pass over the mirror face because clipping is checked. Select the edge and press the e key to draw the face down the nose to the lip line. Press Ctrl+R to loop cut and add an edge. Select one central vertex and press the f key to create a face. A face can also be created by selecting two vertices and pressing the f key. I like to create faces using the f key in this way. Grab a vertex around the eye, press the e key to create it according to the number of vertices on the opposite side, and then quickly create a face with the f key. Anyway, I'm going to increase the polygon with the subdivision surface later, so I'll expand the face with the big F key. If the edge looks a bit lacking, press Ctrl+R to loop cut and add an edge. Since the vertices are buried and hard to see, go to Object Properties and activate In Front in Viewport Display. For areas where the surface is blocked, such as the inside of the nose, the number of vertices should be set to an even number in order to complete the retopology with a quad. After selecting the inside of the nose with alt left click, press e to create a face and put it inside. After making the face up to the lips, press the e key along the lip line to add an even number of vertices. Grab one edge of the lips and create a face, match the number of vertices and create it along the line, then press the f key to create a face. Create a face on the side of the lips and make a wire around the mouth. Press Ctrl+R to loop cut and add the edge of the lips. I'll apply Subdivision Surface in Modifier Properties. Make a round surface around the lips once more. In the part where the edge is too wide, press Ctrl+R to loop cut and add an edge. I don't need Subdivision Surface right now, so I'll delete it. Based on the eyes, I will draw vertices with the key E and fill the face with the key F. Not long now. I'll keep making the noodles bigger Press shift on the upper vertex of the forehead, grab 3 of them together, and press the e key to pull the face upwards. Adjust the position by pulling the vertex in the middle. After filling in the side lines of the face, I will quickly fill in the lower jaw with the key of F. Fill in the cotton to the sides of the ears. Since the Subdivision Surface will be applied anyway, the size of the face does not matter as long as the quad modeling of a rectangle with four edges is well maintained. I need to wrap the face around the ears, but turn off In Front to make the shape look better. It creates an edge around the ear, but it is better to match the number with an even number to make a face. And since the inner side of the ear needs a little detailed work, I'll work on it after applying the Subdivision Surface later. It's really all over now. I'll fill in the upper part of the head, and then press the f key to fill in the side part of the head. Counting the number of vertices that meet, we work with quad modeling. I'll fill in the rest quickly. It is better to leave the lower part of the neck empty without having to fill the entire surface. Now, before making the ears, apply Subdivision Surface in Modifier Properties and click apply. If you press Shrink Wrap and take a picture of the face of the sculpting base with an eyedropper, you can see that the wire sticks to the face of the base. I'll check the mirror side and attach the vertices that are apart. I'll turn off the pupil for a while and add a vertex to the inside of the eye to create a plane. If possible, if you create vertices by matching the number, you can easily add faces with the F key. Grab one edge and start adding faces from the top of the ear. It is recommended to increase the number of faces according to the number of vertices on the opposite side. From the tip of the ear, wrap around the face once. The back part of the ear is made by matching the number of vertices, so you can fill the face at once with the key of f. Ears make you think a lot while making them. The purpose of this modeling was to make retopology a little easier, so I'll go a little easier. Select the entire edge with alt left-click on the front edge of the ear, press the e key and the s key to put the edge inside the ear, and then organize the vertices. Once again, I will put the edge inside to divide the face and organize the vertex. I'll make a plane along the line of the part with high inward curvature. When creating, there are times when the vertices are attached incorrectly, and the edges are misaligned. Don't panic, delete the wrongly connected edge with the del key and slowly create the face again. Since the vertices have been created with an even number, you can quickly fill the remaining faces with the f key. While making it, there are times when the other vertex moves unintentionally like that. Take a good look at it and put it back in place without panic as if you are unwinding a skein. I'm not going to open my mouth, so I'll press M for the lips and attach the vertices to At Center. I think the polygon is a bit lacking on the ear side, so I'll press Ctrl+R to loop cut and make another edge. Select the face after retopology, right-click and select shade smooth to make the face smoother. Looking at it now, you can see that the ear side is a little strange. To confirm, click the viewport overlay on the top right and check face orientation. Then the flipped part will appear in red like this. Press shift, select all faces, select normal for the mesh at the top, and flip the faces by pressing flip. Now it's back to normal. I'll turn off the face orientation check Hide the pupil, add the inner side of the eye once more, and press Ctrl+R to loop cut to create another edge. Apply all of the items in Modifier Properties of the face after retopology. Now, since we need to model the original face sculpted on the retopology face, select multi resolution in Properties. I'll divide the face by clicking on subdivide two or three times. Select Shrink Wrap again and select the original face with the eyedropper. Then, the retopology face is attached to the sculpting face, and the face pattern is created. I will hide the original face and apply Shrink Wrap. Now, if you compare it with the original sculpted face, you can see that it is almost the same as the retopology face. Finally, fill the nostrils by selecting grid fill from the top menu face. Now, to create a uv map, I will select an edge and mark seam it. Select the edge around the ear in edit mode and press the mark seam in uv. For edge, alt+left click selects all edges, and Ctrl+left click selects edges up to the selected point. After mark seaming both ears, mark seam the area from the lower jaw to the neck. For the back head part, from the neck to the forehead, select the edge with control + left click and mark seam. For mark seam, think about whether it will unfold well when the face is flattened. Select uv editor and unwrap in uv with all edges of the face selected. After selecting all the uv maps on the left, press the r key to rotate them and position them in an appropriate place. To create a texture map, click new to change the size you want, give it a name, and click ok. To save the map, press Alt + S to save it to a folder of your choice. Select the eye and press tab to enter edit mode, then make it translucent with Alt+Z, select the center edge of the eyeball with Alt+left click, mark seam and unwrap. I will leave the eyeballs in a mirror state and spread the uv map on only one side. Just like the face, I'll adjust the size and position with the s and g keys. I'll create a new map by clicking new in the image menu and setting the size and name. Press Alt + S to save to a folder of your choice. To do texture painting, I'll open the shader editor in the screen below and connect the image map to the shader. If you create a new material by clicking new in the material tab, you can see that a node is automatically created in the shader editor. Again, in the material tab, click the yellow dot next to the base color to select image texture, and you can see that the image texture is attached to the shader node. I'll click open and select a texture from the folder with the face texture and connect it. Now, if you enter texture paint mode, you can see that the face has turned black. After choosing a color, let's start painting. After selecting paint in the image editor mode on the right divided screen, select fill from the brush selection option on the right screen, designate a color, and click to color the entire map. After selecting a color you like and coloring it, press the + button in the color palette to save the color. Go out to object mode, select the eye, and create a new material in material properties. As with the face, I will create an image texture and open it to connect the textures. To color the pupils, go to texture paint mode and paint the pupils white first. And the pupils are painted round with a dark color. After painting the pupils, they seem to be biased outward, so I'll pull them inward. To straighten the position of the uv map, put a dot on the pupil and press r in the uv editor to return it to the correct position and draw it again. Eyes are usually created using realistic image pupils as textures, but I like to draw them simply like that. In the material tab, I'll increase the specular value and lower the roughness to make the pupils shine. After selecting the face again by pressing Alt+Q, I will paint the lips carefully. If the mirror at the top left is off, turn it on to work. I'll choose the color you want and paint it beautifully from the inside. I don't know much about women's makeup, but I'll choose red and orange colors and lightly touch them from around the eyes to the cheeks and face. I'll choose a dark color for the inside of the eyes and paint them carefully so that the pupils don't look open. For makeup, it would be good to refer to the image of your favorite celebrity or idol. If you just draw without a reference image, it will be drawn similar to your own face. It shouldn't be. You have to paint while thinking about how to make the eyelashes and eyebrows later. The hair of this modeling is going to be made into a hair sculpt using the hair asset, so I do some basic makeup. Let's save often by pressing Alt + S in the middle of coloring. If you look at it, you may think that it is much better to just put a photo map on it, but drawing it yourself like this is not forgetting the sense of painting and it is a practice. Especially like these days, AI just makes pictures so pretty, so personally, I think it's more important to practice and draw by hand. But on the other hand, I hope that the modeling side will soon come to a day when AI can develop further and make it more convenient. This time, I'll finish it like this, and in the next video, I'll even show you how to make real-style hair with this modeling. Thank you for watching the long video. See you in the next video.
Channel: 치차ChiChaArt_Blender
Views: 5,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender Tutorial, Modeling, Sculpting, Sculpt Paint, Blender 3D Tip, 3D modeling, Character Modelling, Texturing, Blender Sculpting, Blender 3D Modeling, Beautiful 3D Girl with Blender, Character Sculpting, 블렌더 헤어, 리토폴로지, 텍스춰페인팅, blender tutorial, Blender Beginner Tutorial, Blender for Beginners, realistic skin shading, texture painting, 블렌더 강좌, 블렌더 튜토리얼, 블렌더 강의, 블렌더 튜터리얼, Retopology, 블렌더 스컬핑, 블렌더 리토폴로지
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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