Blender Retopology Tutorial - For Beginners

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hello everyone welcome to the channel this is the part 3 in this series in this part we are going to talk about the read topology select the character tab to edit mode as you see guys we have a really bad topology right now maybe you ask yourself why we need a good topology for the character first of all the polygon counts if you decided to animate this character in the future that's gonna be impossible watch out animation it's not the only problem that you will face in the next step with this number of vertices you are not able to create uvs for your character and you can give your character specific materials like tattoos etc etc and this is not everything your computer performance will be laggy so that's why we must re-topology the character so how we can do that we can use paid or free add-ons to do the job or we can do that manually i decided to re-topology the head with you guys step by step select the body hit shift h to hide everything except the body hold shift mouse right click to bring the 3d cursor right there go with shift a mesh plane hit rx 90 to rotate the plane around the x-axis 90 degrees as to scale just like that go with shift s cursor to world origin first of all we need to snap the plane on the surface to do that we need to activate snapping in blender click here choose face individual elements and activate move rotate and scale go ahead and activate the snap icon and here we go to support our snapping process we need to activate a shrink wrap modifier go to modifiers add modifier shrink wrap the target for the shrink wrap modifier it's gonna be the body in this case you can change the snap mode also you can change the offset guys you need to play with these options to get a better result for your project for now i don't want to change anything click here and go to view board display go ahead and activate in front in this way we are able to see the plane all the time in the front of the mesh also we can give this plane a material go to the material properties click on new we need to pick a new material from the viewport display like we did it before for the eyes go ahead and choose the color that you like go to modifiers again add modifier mirror modifier go with ctrl a all transforms to reset the location rotation scale into default in this way you can fix some issues if you have a problem with the mirror modifier important is to activate clipping select the body go to the outliner and make the body unselectable for now why we need to do that because we don't need to select the body accidentally every time one last thing before we get started click here and activate backface culling as you see guys if you deactivate this option we are able to see the back face for the plane through the mesh and we don't need that that's why go ahead and activate backface culling hit ctrl s to save and now we are ready to go in this case we need to care of about the edge flow when i mean about that the direction of the loops we need to have clean loops around the eyes the ears the nose the mouth etc etc we're gonna start with the loop around the eyes along this loop we need to have 13 faces select the plane tab to edit mode a to select everything g to grab hold shift select this vertex and this one by holding ctrl mouse right click we can create new vertices now we should use the basic command like g to grab as to scale and r for rotate alright take your time to create 13 faces along this loop you are done now we need to add another loop around the eye just like that along this loop we need to have 17 faces you need to be careful guys to have the same face count on this area in the edit mode select this face shift d to duplicate as you see guys our plane are sticking on the surface and again select this vertex and this one hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices count with me guys one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve all right we need five more faces on this area [Music] select these vertices and hit f to fill them so we can move on and create a new loop around the nose and the mouth let me show you what i mean about that in this area i need five faces and on this area i need eight faces again tap to edit mode select these vertices shift d to duplicate them and bring them right there [Music] select these vertices hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices and add five faces on this area important is guys to keep the geometry clean as possible for this step you need to take your time and run rush if you like guys you can use the poly pill tool to create new faces go over this edge with the mouse if this edge highlighted by click on drag on the left mouse button we can create new faces if you want to learn more about this tool you can find many many videos on youtube for this tutorial we will keep it simple and stick by the basic [Music] all right make sure to create eight faces along this loop not bad guys now we are ready to create the loop around the nose along this loop we need to have 11 faces select these vertices shift d to duplicate them and bring them right there like the eyes we need to be careful to have the same faces count along these loops okay guys let's count together one two three four five six seven we have seven faces right now extrude the phase eight then nine ctrl r to add two loop cuts right there don't worry in a few seconds i'm gonna tell you why make sure to have 11 faces around the nose we're going to add a new loop in this area of course you can use this method for every human face maybe you are confused guys why we did all these loops every professional artist on the earth will recommend to use this method why when we are going to create a face we need to animate it later and these loops are our animation lines if you want to sell this head not everyone want to buy it if the geometry are not correct alright now we need to create 11 faces along this loop select this vertex and this one hold ctrl mouse right click to create new faces let's count the faces together one two three four five six seven eight nine sorry guys i made a mistake we need nine faces only not 11. hold shift select these vertices hit f to fail one more time select these vertices after fail select this vertex and this one hit f a few times select this vertex and this one hit m at center to merge the vertices together one more time select this one and this one and hit shift r to repeat the last command all right select this vertex and this one hit f a few times to fill this hole select these four vertices shift d to duplicate them now we are ready to create a loop around the mouth in the filter on area go ahead and create two faces select this vertex and this one hold ctrl mouse right click to create new one one more time hold ctrl mouse right click make sure to have 11 faces around the mouth select this face on the corner of the mouth as to scale it a bit hold shift select these four vertices f to fill them [Music] select this vertex and this one and hit f a few times i'm gonna change the view color display because the color is very bright so ctrl r to add the loop cut right there as i said before guys take your time to take the vertices apart from each other as you see guys we have five vertices on this area that's why we go ahead and hit ctrl r to add a loop cut right there now hold shift select one two three four have to fail them select this one and this one and hit the command f a few times select this vertex hold ctrl mouse right click to create two vertices [Music] hold shift select these four vertices f to fill them hold shift select these four vertices f again select this vertex and extrude 5 more vertices i think it's easy right now f to fill the hole select this vertex on the corner e to extrude it two times and again select four vertices f to fail them one more time select this vertex and extrude it two times and fill the hole select this vertex hold ctrl mouse right click to create five more vertices and again select this one and this one f a few times to fill them select this vertex and this one e to extrude them two times to add two faces right there select this one hold shift select this one hit m at center to merge them together now we have a quad here f to fail it [Music] ctrl r to add a loop cut right there i hope you guys you follow me until this point because the geometry around the nose it's really complicated hit ctrl s to save your project select these four vertices f to fail them select this one and this one and hit f a few times again select this vertex and this one hit e to extrude hold shift select these four vertices f to fill them ctrl r to add a loop cut right there hold shift select these four vertices f to fill them one more time select these four vertices f to fill them tap to object mode as you see guys our geometry is perfect back to edit mode hold alt mouse left click to select this loop now we need to read the vertices number make sure to activate statistic if you don't have as you see guys we have 18 vertices around this loop select these four vertices shift d to duplicate them now we need to add a loop around the eye it's very important for now to have the same vertices number around this loop i didn't do anything crazy right now except holding the ctrl button mouse right click to create new faces [Music] by holding alt mouse left click we can select this loop e to extrude as the scale and here we go select these four vertices after fail them select this vertex and this one and hit f a few times to fill this hole now we can use the command ctrl r to add more vertices right there okay guys now we need to fill the hole around the mouth hold alt mouse left click to select this loop e to extrude as to scale it a bit now select the vertices and take them apart from each other [Music] again select this loop e to extrude and take the vertices away from each other [Music] so now we are ready to create the loop around the face along this loop we need 14 faces select these vertices shift d to duplicate them [Music] hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices we need to fill the hole between the chin and the mouth select this one and this one this one and this one f to fail select this one and this one and hit f a few times we need also to connect the vertices from the top just like so we can fill this hole manually or hold alt mouse left click to select this loop as you see guys we have 19 vertices around this loop in this case we need even number go ahead and hit ctrl r to add a loop cut right there select this loop again as you see guys now we have 20 hit ctrl f fill grid you can also play with these options to get a better result so we can go ahead and relax the vertices manually or hold ctrl tab and switch into the sculpt mode select the smooth brush decrease the strength and start to relax the mesh to see the geometry better click here and go to the viewport display activate wireframe and here we go select this vertex and this one hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices in this case we need to add eight faces like the geometry i think it's easy for you guys select this vertex and extrude it a few times when you are done hit f to fill the holes [Music] it's time to fill the area on the back right here we can go ahead and create a loop around this area with 12 faces as usual select this one and this one hold ctrl mouse right click to create 12 faces right there select this vertex hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices and fill them just like that guys we need to select exactly these two vertices extrude them we need to have five faces right there select this one and this one this one and this one and hit f to fail by holding alt mouse left click on this loop you should have 12 vertices around this loop and this is what we are looking for [Music] select these vertices hold ctrl mouse right click to create new vertices like so use the command ctrl r to match the vertices number together i think it's easy for you right now because we have a hole and we need to fill this hole with the same vertices number select these vertices from the front extrude them ctrl r to add loop cuts and here we go so i'll let you enjoy with this process because it's nothing crazy it's the basic and i will be back again [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so guys we have one last step and it's gonna be the ears retopology the ears it's really painful for me i tried to re-topology the ears many times and i failed but i have something for you go with shift a mesh circle decrease the vertices number into 12 hit rx 90 to rotate around the x-axis three numpad to go to the side view hit r z 90 to rotate around the z-axis g to grab s to scale tap to edit mode a to select everything e to extrude s to scale select this loop hit ctrl f fill great e to extrude three on the keyboard to go to the face select hold shift select these faces hit x and delete them hold shift select these vertices f to fail them select this one and this one f to fail ctrl r to add a loop cut right there like we did it before hit o on the keyboard to activate the proportional editing and improve the shape for the ears select these faces hit i to insert faces g x to move along the x axis a bit by holding alt mouse left click we can select this loop e to extrude hit e again s to scale ctrl 2 to add a subdivision service modifier select these vertices hit n go to the item menu and increase them increase a bit and again select these vertices increase them increase a bit to get a sharp block for the ears now take your time to improve the shape like we did it before so when you are happy with the shape we can turn off the subdivision service modifier from here select the ear and push the ear into the top just like so use the command g to grab as to scale and r for root a to place the ears just like so when you are done select these vertices hit x faces to delete these faces select the head again now we need to apply the shrink wrap modifier [Music] select this loop e to extrude as to scale it a bit as you see guys we have 12 vertices around this loop and we are good to go select the ear hold shift select the head hit ctrl j to join tap to edit mode select this loop hold shift alt select this one hit ctrl e bridge edge loops you can hit ctrl 2 to add a sub surf modifier and improve the shape for the moment [Music] when we are done we can delete the subdivision service modifier or turn it off from here it doesn't matter as you see guys modeling the ears quickly it's better than the re-topology process in my opinion so now we are ready to move on and re-topology the body using external software why we need to do that because the retopology process it's a time consuming process i will show you how you can use external softwares to do the job in one click all right before we start retopology the body we need to add a cut between the head and the body let me show you quickly what i mean about that go with shift a mesh plane gz to grab the plane into the top as to scale it a bit hit ctrl a rotation scale to reset the rotation and scale into default a to select everything e to extrude it a bit click here and activate face orientation to make sure that the normals are correct as we did it before the blue colors mean everything is alright if you have the red color we need to hit shift and to recalculate the normals select the plane as first hold shift select the body go to the pole tool add-on and click on slice tap to edit mode hit l to select the body hit b enter to separate the object now we can select the cut hit x and delete it select the head hit h to hide and here we go first of all we need to hit ctrl a all transforms to reset the location rotation scale into default click on file export obg i want to save the body on the desktop go ahead and activate selection only in this way we export the selected object only when you are done click on export obg for this tutorial we gonna use the instant meshes to re-topology the body you can find the download link in the description below instead meshes is for free you can try it why not when you install it this is the interfaces for instant meshes it's pretty easy to use click on open mesh and of course go ahead and select the obj file from here we can set a target for the vertex count i'm going to change the number into 24 000 vertices [Music] instant meshes send me a message if i want to change the vertices count in this case we're gonna click on yes keep that in mind the higher the vertices number the higher the quality is to get an idea how the direction of the mesh will looks like click on solve to help instant meshes we can select the scone now we can draw lines on the surface in this way we can help instant meshes to understand the direction of the geometry now go ahead and help instant meshes to understand the shape of the body [Music] so now we can click here and solve to get a better idea how the mesh will looks like in my opinion the geometry right now it's not bad it can be better but for the moment it's okay if you are happy with the result click on export mesh now we need to click on extract mesh to get the geometry [Music] as you see we have a small problem here we can fix that later don't worry about that okay click on save it's very important for now to write dot obg if you don't try that you can save the object when you are done click on save [Music] back to blender again go with file import obj and select the body that we created select the body tab to edit mode as you see guys blender automatically mark sharp every single edge to fix that a to select everything hit ctrl e clear sharp i know guys that the geometry are not the best but it's super cool for one click all right go to the outliner rename this bad boy now we are ready to move on in the next step i'm going to show you how you can use the quadrimesher add-on to retopology the body sorry guys for my voice i have a cold but i need to finish this video in the outliner select the main sculpt for the body as you see guys i'm already installed the quadrimesher add-on by the way the quadrimesher add-on it's unpaid at all if you want to learn more about it you can find many videos on youtube from here we can change the polygon count this is my favorite addon guys because the result is insane otherwise by the quad remesher you don't need to go with the high polygon count i'm gonna go with 10 000 for the moment also i need to activate the geometry on the x-axis and this is pretty much everything now we can click and remesh it but i want to show you how you can customize the quad remeasure go ahead and check use vertex color click here and change the mode into vertex paint watch out guys we don't need to change the vertex color from here if you increase or decrease this value from here the vertex color will change the red color mean high in density for the vertices the blue color mean low in density for the vertices in english i want to have more details on the hands you are done click on remesh it and here we go look at that topology guys it's really really awesome in my opinion the best way how we create the topology create the topology manually but don't forget this result it's really for one click and i think it's really awesome at the end of the day you decided guys which way do you want to use to re-topology your characters and of course this dependent of which budgets do you have if you have time go ahead and do that manually it's the perfect way if you have some money you can buy the quad remesher if you don't have money you can use instant meshes to do the job so guys that was all about today's video thank you for watching see you in the next one you
Channel: Blender Art
Views: 10,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Retopology Tutorial, Retopology Tutorial, Tutorials For Beginners, Blender, blender quad remesher, blender retopology addon, retopology blender, retopology face, Retopology Body, retopology character blender, retopology game character, retopology for games, retopology blender 3.0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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