Blender Quick Tip: The Free Fire Scatter addon

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hello this is to from Tri Productions with another blender quick tip and in this quick tip I'm going to show you how you can acquire fire on any model and blender uh by using the free add-on it's called the fire scatter add-on and it's um it's pretty pretty good it's free which is optional I'll leave a link of it uh below this video so you can check it out yourselves and download it uh but when you open it up it's going to look like this um you can give actually to support the developer which would help them make more add-ons like this so you can press this and say uh you want to just give a rating to acquire the add-on you can add $5 or you can press in here or click in there and add the amount you want to give or just press zero and click I want this and it'll send you a link for the downloadable file this it's not a blend file it's an actual you know um blender add-on file and sometimes when you do when I did it it uh gave me a popup to ask me to accept a bundle of $15 for other add-ons if that happens you just press press X to cancel that out and just continue on with the process and once you've acquired the download zip file now the process is still the same for installation this for blender 3.0 and above only uh but not for four but only 3.0 series only U as I was saying the installation process is still the same click on edit preferences click on install make sure you're in the add-ons uh option of blender uh then you're going to navigate to where you've uh downloaded onto your system click on that click on install add-on and then once is installed into blender I just put check in the box and it's activated and it's just a really simple straightforward add-on um it's just the St is pretty basic when it comes to the UI it'll be on the right hand side of blender and this is it right here and we're going to use the cube as our example because we we just want don't want to uh have it take a long time to process but you just click scatter fire and it applies uh geometric note um modifier to whatever model has been selected and if you go to the tool bar here or this tool wrencher for the modifiers you can see the modifier right here which is the geometry node modifier which is cool and it'll have these um PNG files that's all this is It's just files which helps the uh add-on to run faster in your system it depends on how many PNG files you have in there but it's right here you and it's this suggest to apply these PNG files to uh your model if we go to texture view click on that you can see it's just fire and smoke we're going to move this over to get it out of our SC let's left click on our move Gizmo scroll down on our Mouse we left click and Direct on the x axis drag that out of the way let's scroll up and if we PR play animation you can see that it's it's uh it looks really strange at first but you can fix that and just for um the record here this only works in Eevee it doesn't work in cycles and Cycles it's just a black plane but an e it actually appears as fire and smoke so it only works renders an e only excuse me but let's just kind of improve the way this looks now the settings are just pretty straightforward you have density random rotation minimum maximum color and animation now what we're going to do is that we're going to make this look more believable excuse me again this is the weather but we're going to decrease the density because the higher this is it'll add more load of fires to your model but it just not going to look realistic so we're going to reduce the density to like one enter and it's reduce the number of uh little fire PNG files that are there and we're going to kind of change the rotation because right now the fire is going downwards as po be being up now the rotation is on the X Y and Z so on the x axis you want to fire the point straight up so you left click in here press negative 180 enter now it's going up if you press play it looks more like fire being caught up because fire because it's hot um the heat causes it to rise so we have have that but now it's just too many little ones so we want to increase the maximum size of the fire so let's click in there let's press uh two enter and now press play it looks like an actual fire and this this is in real time too so yeah this is not a bad add-on at all I mean it has a bit of glitching when you turn it a little bit but I don't think that will affect it when it renders and you can change the color let's stop this let's change the color here will to green blue yellow pink or hot purple whatever you want to call it little bit of red yeah this is the fire scatter anal you can apply this to any model and blender and it works great pretty simple pretty straightforward and that's today's blender quick tip the free fire scatter add-on and yeah I hope that you guys have uh you know learned something from the tutorial I hope you actually like to use this on some um products that you're using and once again I really thank you guys who have been watching the tutorials really appreciate your support and your help once again remember to like And subscribe and I'll will see you guys on the next one all right adios
Channel: Tola Olubunmi
Views: 707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, quick, tip, Trifold, Productions, tola, olubunmi, free fire scatter addon, tutorial, blender 3.6, blender tips, blender4.0, blender daily tips, blender tip compilation, tips and tricks, how to, compilation, the best tips, modeling tips, how to use blender, beginner, beginner tutorial, blender tutorial, blender shortcuts, blender rendering, blender quick tips, how to blender, how to use, easy learning, quick tutorial, quick and easy, blender 3.0 and above
Id: pQchvE75rcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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