Blender GIS Add On

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foreign Pete here with GIS Solutions and today we're going to go over the gis add-on for blender this add-on is a fantastic tool so you can bring in openstreetmap data directly into a 3D environment so if you don't have blender if you don't know what it is it's just a great open source free program where you could just create 3D visualizations and film I'll leave a link in the description down below so once you download blender we're going to go to GitHub to actually get the add-on I'll leave a link in the description down below as well so to download this add-on we go to code download zip so the zip file is going to go ahead and download so let's open up blender and we're going to go to edit preferences we are gonna install and we're going to go to our downloads and we're going to find that blender GIS Master zip file and install add-on and it's right here so we're going to click on the box right here just to enable that tool it will close out and here is that add-on so if we click onto it we go to web geodata and we could add a base map it's going to default to Google satellite because certainly change that to a Sam Bing esri and you get the world view so we could do is you can actually pan around and in the crosshairs here that's going to be your area of Interest so you can either zoom in and pan around or if you press press press G on your keyboard it's the go to button so you could go to you type in a location I'm going to type in Los Angeles but there's a lot of good big buildings there and we could adjust the zoom level I'm going to say 14 in this example click on OK and we're zoomed in so again we're pulling openstreetmap data into our map here and as you know the wider out you go the more data the slower it's going to be so I highly recommend that you actually zoom in um just to really reduce that amount of data that's being pulled especially for the first time so you kind of it adjust accordingly so say this is my area of interest and this canvas is my area of Interest we're going to export this image by pressing the E key for export and as you can see it's just a two-dimensional image so we're going to do is to get that openstreetmap data let's go back to our GIS add-on so GIS web geodata get osm now here are all the different features we could bring in buildings highways land use we can select the whole thing by uh selecting the shift button and selecting all the features here be sure that you click this box here elevation from object just so we have that 3D height and you can also manipulate the default Heights here if you need to but for this example I'm just going to leave it defaulted click ok now this might take a few minutes again it just all depends on your your extent how detailed the area is openstreetmap data is also um it's not going to be covered everywhere it just depends on the the location what kind of data is available so if you do have an area that's kind of partial it's just up to what's available in openstreetmap so this didn't take long maybe 30 seconds but here's our data here and I'm just going to use my roller button on my mouse to kind of angle the plane but now you can see all those three dimensions those buildings in a three-dimensional environment you could uh change the uh you know the shadowing the look of the buildings to to make it look a little more presentable but it's just a really great tool to kind of have a very good visualization of the buildings in your area um if I expand the buildings up here you can actually see all the building names these were attributed in openstreetmap it would be a great feature but I don't think it's available now but if you could like right click onto it and select maybe you can zoom to it but you can see there's a little error down here so it's not yet implemented so maybe or hopefully in a future release that could be available but I hope this was helpful this is just a very simple tutorial how to bring in openstreetmap data into a three-dimensional environment I hope you guys found that useful if there's any questions or comments please leave them down below as always if you find Value in this kind of video I really do appreciate if you click like And subscribe thank you so much for watching
Channel: GIS Solutions
Views: 53,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender GIS Add On, Blender, GIS, OSM, Maps, Blender OSM, blender gis, blender tutorial, gis addon, create any city in blender super fast with blender gis addon, blender cities, make city in blender easy, city in blender, blender tutorial animation, blender gis tutorial, blender gis osm, blender gis download, blender gis addon, blender gis texture, blender gis roads, blender gis city
Id: u2uril3JKkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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