Blender | Fast EASY Cartoon Eyes | Modeling Technique

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today is not a character modeling tutorial but i am going to be showing you how to make cartoony eyes like this on a cylindrical surface and it's really really easy so this is going to be the one we're going to be doing today so it's essentially just this low poly cylinder i'm going to show you a very easy process of making these cartoony eyes so and by the way i'm going to be making this guy here available on my patreon as well so you guys can use that and have a look at it and that'll be on there but this is just a tutorial that's been requested by a few people now we find modeling like cartoony eyes quite hard so i thought i'd make a little video on it and i hope you guys enjoy so let's get into it okay so the first we're gonna do is open up a new scene in blender i've just gone ahead and deleted all default objects i'm gonna go shift a go to the mesh options add in a cylinder and i'm going to go to add cylinder here and we're going to make the vertices here something like 16 but we want to make sure it's a number that can be divided by 2. so in this case 16 divided by 2 would be 8 and so that's even on both sides so we're gonna go 16 and we're going to start a relatively low poly of this so we're going to tab into edit mode and we're going to start here by going to our edge select and we're going to add in an area here where we can start our eyes let's go ctrl r and that's going to add in a loop cut here and we're going to roll our middle mouse wheel a few times so we're going to roll it until we get four cuts in here we're going to click so now we have our loops in here so we've got one two three four loops then we're going to go to our vertex select option here and we're going to select if we get our front view we're going to select this vertice right here sorry not this one but the one next to it so in the middle here we're going to move a one two vertices and we're going to go control plus to grow the selection and then we're going to go e to extrude and s to scale and then if you go shift alt and s you can round that out like this and then we'll go x and delete those faces just like that and now what we're all going to do to make things a little bit more efficient let's just select these half of the vertices go delete vertices and then we're going to go and give this guy a mirror modifier enable clipping and now we can start modeling on one side and it'll mirror onto the other side it's just going to make things a bit easier for us so let's start by going to our proportional editing make sure you enable that i'm going to select this vertex here in the eye holding and shift select this vertex go hit free to go into the right of graphic view and then what we're going to do is we're going to go g and just move this back but we're also going to roll our middle mouse button to decrease the offset the falloff so we only want it to bring it into about here for now so i'm going to grab this vertex here we're going to go g and move it back a little bit so we're creating the basic structure where our eye is going to be sitting in and i'm going to tab out of edit mode i'm going to go shift a and we're going to add in a uv sphere s to scale it down g to move it over and let's just go r x 9 0 and hit enter and just so we can see where the people so i'm just going to give this a material and call it eyes then i'm going to click plus again and create a material and just call it um pupil i'm going to tab into edit mode select this vertex here control plus a few times and then with that pupil material selected we're going to assign come down to the viewport display and let's make that just darker darker value there so now we have an eye go to object and enable shades move and let's also give this eye a mirror modifier click on the eyedropper and then select this guy over here so we're going to go g just move it in to here just like that scaling it down a bit just bringing this eye in to here and at the moment you can see this is not lining up we're going to fix that so select the character again or the eyes we're creating here let's select this vertex at the front and we still have our proportional editing enabled we can go g x and move this over like this and now you can see it's starting to make more sense right so tab back out of edit mode just select that i go g y and just move it forward so we want to move it if you go to your right view not too far forward not too back so just right about here and then we're going to do is we're going to simply model the rest of the eyelets around here so that's very simple we're going to tap into edit mode and we're just going to grab this guy just bring it in a little bit closer here and this guy here disable proportional editing and then if you go shift alt and click on here to select this loop of vertices we're going to come over here to decide then to go e to extrude it out and then s to scale it and what we're doing is just bring out a loop a group of these edges here a group of vertices that make up this edge and then we're going to do is enable proportional editing again and we're going to select this vertex here and g move it in a little bit and then grab this guy here and move it in a bit disable it if you have to and then go shift alt click on the sleeper vertices just to select them scale them up a bit and we're going to move it this way a little bit just like that so we've got this eyelid starting here they're going to go e to extrude s to scale give it some thickness and then we're going to come over here to the side again line yourself up and then go e and extrude this in and then scale it down and now i'm going to tap out of the edit mode go to add modifier and i'm going to give this a subdivision surface modifier go to object and also just enable shade move so now it's still not looking quite right we're going to come in here now and we're going to add in some more loop cut so we're going to come over here ctrl r double click double g we're going to slide in an edge loop here and then we're going to go alt s and we're going to scale that out on its normals so alt s and would come over here ctrl r double click to add in a loop around the eye here and then grab alt s scale it in a little bit to create a bit more of an indent and then we're also just going to grab this eye quickly just hide it and then we can go back into edit mode and let's come over here and inside go ctrl r double click double g and let's slide in an edge loop in here as well so now you can see the eye is starting to look nice and cartoony so alt h just to unhide the eye and at this point we can come in now enable proportional editing and we're going to grab these vertices here and we're going to just go g move them around and we're just going to kind of work the eye to hug the eyeball the eyelid to hug the eyeball a little bit better so we're just pulling points around till it all feels right it's going to bring this one out a little bit and there we have it so you can also bump up the subdivision surface amount here just to smooth it out a bit and if you feel like these are a little bit too sharp these edges you can just go shift alt click on the loop here double g just to slide it down and that's just going to soften that a little bit so this is how you create nice cartoony eyes on a cylindrical surface now this can work on round spheres as well so it's just a really low poly way of starting but it just keeps things really simple and i really really like this stylized cartoony design if i was and like i said i'm going to be making this one here available it's just one of my little characters that i made that uses this kind of cartoony technique and that's going to be on my patreon if you guys want to check it out use it for anything and so thank you for watching i hope you guys enjoyed it and learned something in this little short tutorial about making cartoon eyes and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 62,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorials for beginners, Easy Blender tutorials, Blender Animation, Blender Sculpting, Blender Courses, Blender Motion Graphics, Blender 2.8, Blender 2.81, Blender 2.82, Blender 2.83, PIXXO 3D, Ducky 3D, CG Matter, CG Cookie, blender eyes, how to model cartton eyes, blender stylized cartoon modeling
Id: 8MwVbKt8o2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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