How to Properly Import Models AND Textures into Unreal Engine 5 from Blender

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in this short tutorial you'll learn how to properly export both the model as well as the textures and materials attached to the models into Unreal Engine 5.3 from blender now why am I making this tutorial is because there's been a few issues that I've seen not too many people actually resolve on their own or in a video so if I were to select my object with the material and go into the shade editor which our material is located sometimes when exporting it to unro engine certain nodes will not export such as one of these texture nodes as well as like nodes like this invert or this normal map node and for this especially this is not a roughness this is a gloss map but for gloss Maps you need to invert it typically before putting it into the roughness map as it's basically the opposite now how does this export properly into unre engine there's a few certain things first off make sure that your uh object is selected so it's easier to find the hierarchy I just mind you head and then the plane is the same thing but both of these have the same material by the way so when I edit one material it'll edit the other one as well now another important thing is to make sure you press a to select all of your objects in the scene or at least the objects that you want to select if pressing a doesn't work you might want to double click a and that'll work now what we're going to do is we're going to go up to file and then export and then export it as a fbx file first off we're going to save it to where we want to save it for my sake I'm going to save it to the desktop and I'm just going to call it z11 whatever I don't know z111 and then what we're going to do is I'm going to increase this file a little bit bigger but we're going to go to path mode if this is set to Auto it's optional but typically sometimes there's problems make sure it is to copy the path node or the path mode and then make sure that this icon is selected this will copy everything into from our file including the materials and our textures into the fbx so make sure that is set to copy and this icon is set to Blue next we're going to limit to selected objects because the selected objects that we selected is going to be exported now these next few steps are optional for you to do under geometry if you have any smoothing on make sure to change the normals from smoothing to face my sphere is the only thing in the scene that has smoothing on so I'm going to change it to face sometimes it will be set to Face by default so you can leave it if you have any modifiers and you want to apply it make sure you click apply modifiers and then I'm going to turn off baked animations since there's no animation and because my models don't have any Armature or bones I'm going to deselect add Leaf bones under Armature now that everything is good I'm going to export the fpx now everything will be exported properly and we're going to open up under Engine 5 the game editor now I have nothing in the scene obviously for for the sake of well this um this tutorial uh I'm going to delete those I don't know why those are there but real quick how to add them now is if the hierar key is not open press control and then space bar on your keyboard to bring up the hierar key and then we're going to go to import and then we are going to find our model and then import it as an fpx now real quick there are a few things that you need to keep in mind that are selected over here in the material tab if might be closed it might be open but in the material you want to make sure search location is set to local create new materials is set and then you want to make sure import textures is check marked sometimes this will be selected by default but if it's not make sure that you have the selected everything else is optional I'm just going to have it set to build nanite and then generate Mission Collision even though it's it's not going to I'm not going to play in the game now don't press import but press import all to import every single thing from your model or your file into Unreal Engine now here's how you know if you did it correct your models will be gray if it has not imported properly sometimes it might take 30 seconds depending on your computer to load but if it hasn't by then it means you skipped a step or you did something incorrect go back into the video now we need to make sure that the material was imported properly so we're going to double click on one of our objects it doesn't matter which one and then we can see that it's very reflective which is not how our concrete works but it looks kind of nice I'm not going to lie so how to fix this is we're going to double click the material icon right over here and it's going to open up a node editor similar to blender's node editor now let's separate all of these real quick how to make sure that you have the materials uh the right Textures in you can just select the image and then see if it's corrected right over here mine is the reflection or the specular map now sometimes it's a problem unro engine where it will be missing an image texture H or the image is selected to the wrong one my reflection map should be connected to the specular map or your specular map should be connected to the specular map since it's connected to roughness I'm going to right click on it and press break this link and then reconnect the output of the texture into the specular input of well are equivalent to the principal Shader now that's applied properly but we're still missing our gloss map now keep in mind that one your normal will be fine you don't need a normal node running you can just plug it in straight raw and two my gloss map is not a roughness map I get my textures from but the gloss map you have to invert it like I said in blender so real quick we're going to press control space to bring up our Hier key and then look for our texture as you can see that for whatever reason did not import all of the textures this is sometimes normal so I'm just going to real quick and find the texture on my desktop and I will import it and cut the video okay now that I imported my gloss map which should be my reference map I can now add it in by dragging it into the node editor like this and now in order to invert it because if I plug it in raw as you can see it will make it completely glossy and that is incorrect so real click let's break this and then instead of an invert because there is no invert node called the invert node in Unreal Engine we're going to type in one minus which is something I don't see a lot of people talking about online or at least in tutorials now this in un real just takes the first value and then subtracts it uh basically it inverts the values so if it's a for example with materials if it's white it'll turn it to Black so let's plug it into the input of the one minus and then plug the output into the roughness and as you can see over here it imported properly let's double check all of our nodes real quick I'm going to select it this is the gloss map correctly inputed this is the reflection map properly inserted and then this is the noral map inserted perfect now we can X out of this and make sure that you save by the way otherwise your changes will still be incorrect and if we try and drag in our models into the editor as you can see now it is properly imported very nice you can see the depth of the textures and that is how you properly export materials from unreal engine into blender I hope you do enjoy this tutorial or you found it useful if you did leave a like on it so that more people can find this in their recommendations if they need help or the search and if you're new to the channel I make blender tutorials mostly on materials procedural whatever thank you very much for watching this video and if you had any problems following this be sure to comment below I will try to respond to you as soon as I can or if someone else in the comments is faster than me then they might respond to you quicker thank you very much for watching and have a good one
Channel: TooEazyCG
Views: 7,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, how to, how, to, properly, import, export, models, and, textures, materials, into, ue5, unreal, engine, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, from, from blender, How to Properly Import Models AND Textures into Unreal Engine 5 from Blender, importing models into unreal engine, exporting models into unreal engine, blender to unreal engine, blender to ue5, importing textures from blender into unreal enginer, .fbx, fbx, fbx file, obj, material editor, shader editor, troubleshooting, one, minus, oneminus
Id: 9q0Jrgu6wEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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