Blender Driving Animation Tutorial | Polygon Runway

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foreign [Music] welcome to my new tutorial today we are going to make this cute little car animation and I really hope you will enjoy this one and if you do please don't forget to leave the like it will really help me and if you're new to the world of 3D and blender and you want to learn in a most effective way be sure to check out my courses I carefully designed them to take you from beginner skills all the way to full character illustration in the shortest time possible so if you're interested please check out the link in the description now let's jump right into blender and as you can see this is not an empty scene because you will need to download um this one um you will find the link in the description um just download the scene unzip it somewhere and then you know open it up and you should see exactly what I see right here and it's a simple locally you know car model with some subdivision modifier and if we did this from scratch this video will would be definitely too long so I wanted to provide this for you so we can jump right into animation because that's what this is all about so yeah just grab the file open it up and now we can just start building our environment you know and our little animation so let's zoom out a little bit and first of all I want to create the world that will rotate under the car and that will create the effect you saw in the beginning so let's press shift a and we'll go for mesh and UV sphere and I've chosen UV sphere because we have these nice Loops going all around so that'll be really helpful for this type of Animation but we'll need to rotate this a little bit so let's press R then Y and 90 for 90 degree rotation just like that and now let's press G than Z and move this down under the car and we'll definitely need to make this larger so hit 3 on an amped to go for a side view and let's press s to scale this up even more I think something like this should be should be enough maybe not so much like that now let's zoom in a little bit and we can press Ctrl 2 to add the subdivision modifier to this so we have a nice smooth surface and let's press G than Z again to move it up until it touches the wheels like this and yeah that's basically the base for the world and now we'll need to create the road so let's dive into the edit mode Let's go for Face Unlock by pressing 3 and let's hold alt and select this Loop right here now additionally we'll hold shift and add to the selection now let's press shift d to duplicate this right click to release in place now let's press p and separate by selection so now we have the new object right here we can Tab out and select the new one and right now we can tap into the early node let's zoom in a little bit let's press a to select all and we can press alt s to scale it along normals until it touches the wheels here until they kind of like go inside like this and now we can press alt e and extrude along normals downwards just like that and now let's toggle the X-ray right here and you can see this is still selected so we can just press X and delete faces now we'll need to add some support Loops so let's press Ctrl r at one Loop right here and slide it over to the side and one more right here now if we toggle the X-ray again you will see this is the road so now we can just right click Shades mode and do the same for the world now the next thing I want to do are these lines on the road and I will create a new object for this so with the sphere selected hold shift s and snap cursor to select it now let's go for a side view by pressing three on an armpit and let's toggle the X-ray and let's press shift a and we'll create a circle and now we'll need a little bit more vertices here so let's enter something like 128 that'll be four times more than the sphere right here so 128 now tab into the edit mode Let's press R then Y and 90 degrees to rotate which is like this and now let's press s and scale this up all the way towards the edge of the sphere or the road let's zoom in a little bit and we can you know tweak this a little bit just like this and now we can press one for vertex select and you will see now the density of these vertices I'm only interested in four of these so let's drag a selection like this now let's press X and delete everything here and now let's do the same here press X and delete and let's delete the rest three right here so I only want these four right there just like that and now I will just press a to select all press G then X move it to the side a bit and then e and X to extrude it on x-axis and now I want to extrude this up so let's press a to select all let's toggle the X-ray and let's press alt e and extrude faces along normals and let's go up until we see it popping up you know on the road just like that and now with these vertices selected we can invert the selection so toggle the X-ray let's press Ctrl I to invert and now press X and delete faces so we delete the bottom faces and now we can tap out and add the bevel modifier right here and reduce the amount a little bit to have something like this here and increase the number of segments and we can go for shading hard normals right click and shade Auto smooth and increase to 180 degrees and if you now toggle the X-ray that will give you this smooth look now let's go for a side view by pressing 3 on an armpit and before I start duplicating this I really want to have it parented to the sphere um so I don't need to do that later so let's hold shift select the road and the sphere is last press Ctrl p and parent to object just like this and now select only the stripe and we'll duplicate and rotate this and then you know repeat the operation so let's press alt D now R immediately so we rotate the duplicate and now enter minus 22.5 and let's confirm and now if you press shift R you will repeat this rotation so let's go all the way just like this and since we parented it now if you rotate the sphere it will all rotate you know together so that's for the ground and the road and let's create some trees and this should be pretty simple to do so let's hold shift s and snap cursor to Old origin and let's push if they and we'll add a circle now let's reduce this to something like 12. let's tap into the edit mode press s to scale it down like this and now we can hit slash on an iPad to go into the local View and press e then Z to extrude this up just like this and now s to scale this down now we can alt click the bottom Loop press e then Z and extrude it down and scale it up and yeah now let's give this some shape so I'll press Ctrl R to create a new Loop let's slide it up and maybe press G and you know shift it slightly to the side like this and now let's create some Branch so alt click this Loop right here press Ctrl B to Bevel and increase the number of cuts with the mouse wheel just like this and now let's go for face lock by pressing three select these four and hit I to inset and we'll press G then y to extrude this out a little bit press X and delete faces now we can press 2 for add select alt click this Loop right click and choose Loop tools Circle if you don't have this option here you need to go edit preferences add-ons and search for Loop tools and just check the box right here close the preferences and then you should have this command available for you so now let's look from the side by pressing 3 on an unpad let's rotate this a little bit and Ctrl right click here to extrude this out and S to scale it down and we can Additionally you know make some adjustments like this and then I want to create one more here so let's create a cut with Ctrl r and Ctrl B to Bevel again and let's do one on the other side just like this and again we'll just inset a little bit press G then y to extrude and again right click Loop tools circle press X and delete faces and now we can select this Loop and rotate a little bit and extrude like this okay and now let's hold alt and select the top Loop make it smaller a little bit and we can you know extrude this up a little bit just like this now tap out and press Ctrl 2 to add subdivision surface and now let's press shift a and we'll add a metabol like this scale it down using S and press G than Z and move it up and we'll duplicate this few times because this is one of my favorite objects if you press alt D to duplicate this you will see it kind of attaches and sticks to another object like this so we can easily just scale it down and create nice interesting three Crown like this let's move this one down scale it up tiny bit and let's feel you know the space in between and I'm just rotating the scene pressing alt D and you know duplicating these objects around and scaling them nothing too fancy just like this okay I think that'll do so let's just select the object and in the metabol properties let's reduce the resolution in viewport to 0.2 same as the render and let's right click and convert to mesh but if you go into the edit mode you will see this is not the prettiest result and we can rematch this um so either you can use some of the paid add-ons like I'm using the quad re-measure right here but there's another way we can just go into the object data properties choose remesh and use built-in remesher just switch to quad and choose quality flow remesh you'll probably need to do something like 2000 here and let's click OK if you get the warning message like I did here um that probably means that the geometry is too ugly so let's just go into the modifiers and we can decimate this um quite a bit so let's have a look at this I can go like all the way to 0.2 or something like this and now press Ctrl a to apply the decimate and now if I go back to the remesh and do a quadriflowery mesh it should just work and we have this nice you know quad-based mesh right here that we can further subdivide we can right click Shades mode and we don't need to add the subdivision modifier because we already have one here so just select the crown hold shift select the three and press Ctrl J to join and the same modifier will get applied but the tree trunk wasn't shaded smooth so right click and shades mode again and this will be our you know stylized 3 for the scene so we can press slash again on an armpit to exit um the local View and now let's just go to the snapping options choose face project and choose align rotation to Target and project individual elements so now if you press G and hold Ctrl you can just snap this around like this and that's exactly what I'm gonna do right now but before I do I will hold shift and select the sphere press Ctrl p and parent the object because now if you duplicate this every duplicate will be parented as well and it will save you a lot of trouble so let's press alt D and duplicate some on the other side like this and we'll just go around the road like this and duplicate some of these trees sometimes you can have more on one side I definitely recommend not to do this side so dance because then if we do this camera shot you would have a lot of trees on this side right here so just go and ALT D and hold Ctrl to use that snapping option right there and let me snap this to the other side and let's do something like this now we don't want them to look all the same so you can just now go ahead and select them one by one press R then z twice to enable Z rotation and rotate them in a random way so you know you have some variation in your scene okay I think this will do nicely and now what you can do is to scale them down some of them you know so they're not so uniform some of them can be larger just like this and now let's frame our animation so let's move our camera behind the car like this and let's press shift a and we'll add the camera and let's hold Ctrl alt and press 0 on a numpad to move the camera where your viewport is and now we can just press G then Z and move it back a little bit and then G to reposition it just like that okay and now for the animation let's go to the output settings and let's switch this to 30 FPS and now 210 for the length so this will give us 7 second animation and let's just select the you know ground here the sphere and let's hit n for a side panel and in the item menu we can just enter single keyframe for the rotation but you can see there's already wire rotation in place so let's press Ctrl a here in the viewport and apply that rotation and now you can see there's zero rotation here and we can rotate this around X so let's press R then X you know and try it in the viewport if this is the correct axis and then just go here and in the X rotation right click and insert single keyframe and now let's expand our timeline and let's press shift d and duplicate that keyframe all the way to 210 and now we'll just need to shift the value of this 360 degrees so let's hold Ctrl and hit tab here in the timeline that will switch us to the graph editor and now let's select this keyframe right here and we'll press G then Y and minus 360. and now you can see this is a long way down so let's press a to select all keyframes and if you press period on a numpad that will focus your view on the animation so now this is rotating the correct way but there's an acceleration and deceleration which we don't want so let's press a to select all the keyframes Press T and switch this to linear that will make it a straight line so now if you play it back you will get this looping smooth animation just like that and basically that's it now we only need to add some you know funky movement to the car and I've parented the car to an empty object so we can move the wheels and the car at once so let's have a look here if this touches the road correctly and I think this is quite okay so I will just position it here and now animate only the body of the car so let's select it make sure you are on the frame one and insert single keyframe on the Z location just like that and now we'll just make this you know bump up and down and you can do that automatically if you just select the channel you know the Z location and here on the right if you don't see that press n same as in the viewport and you can add a modifier to your animation and we can help building function and that will give us the sine function as the default and you can see these bumps right here but you know it's too extreme and car is bumping up and down like that so we'll need to go something like point one here or even lower probably so yeah something like 0.02 let's try that I think that's quite fine and we need to make it you know less frequent so the phase multiplier will be something like 0.2 maybe that's like too slow so let's try 0.5 yeah I think this is like funky enough and let's reduce the amplitude to something like 0.015 we definitely need to make sure that it's not hitting the wheels but let's add another layer of animation and let's go ahead and insert wire rotation keyframes so again we'll go to the frame one and insert single keyframe to Y rotation and now let's select the channel right here and we'll add another function but we'll add noise this time and let's increase the scale to something like this and you can see what the car does now so we'll definitely need to reduce the strength to something like 0.2 and you can see you know bumping from side to side and yeah I think this looks quite okay but the noise might not have the beginning and end um the same and we want this to Loop so let's restrict the frame range from 1 to 210 and now we'll blend in 15 frames and 15 frames out so they'll make it more smooth and now you can see it kind of goes a little bit into the wheels not too much but maybe the car could be higher but you cannot just move it up because it's already animated so we can just select the Z location Channel and let's zoom in by pressing period on an arm pad like this now let's hide the wire rotation Channel and let's select the Z location but there is no keyframe anymore because it got replaced so we need to check additive and that might have actually fixed the problem for us this is quite high up but if you want to adjust that you can just press G then Y and move this up and down and you will see as you are moving this keyframe you are basically moving the base for the whole animation so yeah I think something like this should be okay maybe a little bit lower okay now let's look from the camera by hitting zero on an unpad so we have this Happy Jumpy car you know going along some Road and I'm quite happy with that so let's just finish up with some materials and lighting settings so I will switch this back to the timeline and you know just collapse this and now let's press shift a and we'll add a plane now let's press R then X and minus 90 degrees and press G then Y and move it somewhere here that will be our background and we can tab in and press s to scale it up quite a bit like this so now we have the scene covered with this background and now let's go to the render settings and for the EV let's check ambient occlusion Bloom and Screen space Reflections and that's just for the preview purposes so let's just switch to the Cycles now I will choose GPU enable some denoising and I will switch mine to Optics since I have Nvidia GPU and in the performance tab I will switch this to 512 for the tiling and reduce the samples and for the animation preview I will go something like 64 and when I'm satisfied you know I will ramp this up for the final render and to save some render times you can press Ctrl B and limit you know your view to just the camera you will see this red outline so when you actually preview the rendered um the outside world won't be rendered so let's press shift a and we'll add some light here let's add a sunlight what press G than Z and move it up a little bit and now hold period on a keyboard and switch to 3D cursor press R then Y and 30 degrees so we have it at an angle and now we can increase the strength to something like three but now let's actually add some materials so we'll select the background and let's create a new material and we want something like a light blue but you can see this is quite dark because we will need a lot of lighting here because the background is quite far here so let's press shift a and we'll add the point Light press G then Y and move it towards the background something like this and we'll make it quite strong something like four thousand and let's look from the camera and we can move it down you know to hide it behind the sphere like this and now change the color to something like blue and they'll give us this nice you know Sky gradient and we can additionally light our scene as well so let's press shift a and we'll add an area light here let's put it up a little bit and now let's enter something like 1500 or 750 that was too strong maybe even lower this doesn't need to be so blown out of the proportions something that will help us and let's change the color to something you know yellowish and now to actually better see what the lighting is doing let's give the rest of the objects some color so let's create a new green color for the background maybe a little bit more towards yellow and darker and now let's select the road let's create a dark material here and we can leave this white so let's just create empty material and push this up and now for the car I want to go something like yellow and for the lights let's create the red material right here and we can reuse the Roll material right there for the wheels and we can now just tap into the edit mode select this press Ctrl plus to expand that selection and create a new one and assign that to our you know wheel caps and now we can increase the metallic value of this so we have some metal material there and we can add the same material to our bumpers here and now just the windows so let's dive into the edit mode and I have them already selected so you might have to but if you don't just go into the face select mode select this face hold Ctrl shift and click here so they'll enable you to select this whole patch now hold shift add to the selection and now we'll do the same thing hold Ctrl shift and click here and now Control Plus to expand the selection and we can create a new material slot and actually assign that black material there if you don't like the black windows we can make them you know blue so just duplicate the material and increase the lightness and change this color to Blue maybe reduce the roughness a little bit but that should do the trick now let's look from the camera and the last thing are the trees here so let's select one of them and we'll actually add that green material there but duplicate it and make it a little bit darker and maybe more towards the green and now let's create a new material slot there tap into the edit mode Let's just select one of these faces and hold L to select all of them that are linked to this face and now we can select the new material slot and hit assign that will replace the material there and now we can just create an new one and add some you know brown color like this and maybe increase the roughness a little bit just like that now if you think this is a little bit too empty you can always add some cloud or things like that and you can use the metabol technique for that but I'm too lazy for that so what I will do is to press shift d to duplicate one of these trees alt P to clear parent and keep transformation alt R to reset the rotation tab into the edit mode and with the trunk still selected press X and delete vertices and now just change the material there to something White and with the full roughness and now just tap into the edit mode press a to select all and push it down so it's around its origin point so it's easier to rotate it so Tab out let's look from the camera and we can hold period to switch to medium point and just press r twice to rotate this around a little bit and maybe move it up and place it around our scene to have some you know clouds around um don't make them too close so it's better when they're like this um but they will definitely need their own lighting so let's select this area light let's look from the side here and press shift d and duplicate it over and now this will need something like 1500 so we have some light on those clouds as well so yeah now let's play with the roughness values for these materials because some of them are too like glossy and I don't really like it too much but I think this will be just fine so let's select the camera now and let's go to the depth of field let's enable it and let's give this some real low value like 1.2 and they'll make this all blurry and now we'll just need to shift the distance to something small like four meters and you will see here on the car if you adjust the distance so yeah something like this and now in the render settings let's go and enable motion blur um there will be really important and now let's go to the world settings and we'll give this some color increase the value and give this some you know blue violet tone so we feel some of those Shadows with that blue and it will nicely blend the scene together and now we can go to the render settings in color management give this medium high contrast maybe and play with the exposure and now let's play with the position of the camera let's play back the animation and yeah I really like this maybe some camera wiggle would be nice so let's go to the frame one let's press I and insert location for the camera and let's press shift d and duplicate it to the other side and now just move it a little bit enable auto keyframing and press G hold shift and do like this really small increments here and there like every 30 frames or so doesn't need to be precise you know to just have some movement there now don't forget to disable the auto keyframe and now you have some camera movement there and that will make the scene a little bit more alive and I really don't like the roughness still on this so let me just go ahead and increase this on the trees as well so yeah that's it for this cute little you know stylized animation um I really hope you enjoyed this one and if you did please again don't forget to leave the like and if you're new around here please hit that subscribe thank you all for watching and have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Polygon Runway
Views: 63,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, tutorial, blender tutorial, low poly tutorial blender, 3d illustration, 3d modeling, 3d modeling tutorial, blender modeling, blender modeling tutorial, modeling, modeling tutorial blender, blender animation tutorial, animation tutorial, blender 3.4, blender 3.4 tutorial, blender drone animation, blender animation, blender animation tutorial for beginners, blender animation course, blender car animation, blender car animation tutorial, blender road animation
Id: FSc9VJN1qR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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