Blender Bend Object using Curve Modifier Blender 2.8

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hey everybody welcome back in this video we are going to take a look at how to start with a flat object like the plane here and how to make it follow a curve that you design like that little black curve you see there and so that you can make it form to any shape you want once you have that curve set out it's pretty easy you can just go into edit mode you know and you can basically move things around you know and change the shape of your curve with the handles or whatnot so it's a pretty nice little technique so let's get started on that here I've got a flattened out cube I've stretched it a bit I'm a knit tab to go into edit mode what I need is I need a whole bunch of loop cuts I need to provide more edges so when I try to bend this it can actually Bend if these are the only edges here there's no bending points along the object so let's hit ctrl R roll the mouse wheel and I'm just gonna get maybe you can see in the lower left corner there it tells me I have 32 that seems like a nice number click click and there are all my edges so the objects ready to be bent a bit now the next thing I want to do and you don't have to do this but it's definitely useful and it's a useful thing to know how to do is I'd like to take the origin of this object which is currently at the very center and I'd like to move the origin to the very end what this is gonna let me do later on is this is gonna sort of be the starting point where the curve follows or the object follows the curve and so by putting the starting point here and if I do the same thing with my curve they're gonna sort of start and my objects gonna follow the curve right from this end perfectly so let's give it a go to do this or one way is I go into face select mode I select that end face and then I go to mesh snap cursor to the selected so the cursor is gonna jump there there it is okay so you see the cursor just moved right there that's good and now I'm going to tab into object mode the curse are still there don't move by it don't click it and move it around leave it there and now just go object set origin origin to 3d cursor and now the origin of the object is there just to prove it's there I can actually just test something out I can go like Estus or sorry R to rotate Z direction you can see it pivots around its origin point I'll hit escape to cancel that out okay and now that's our object now what we want to do is we want to add a curve so for this thing to follow and I'm just going to make my curve to a very simple shape so it's obvious that it's working so I'm in a object mode here I'm just gonna go add curve I'll do Bezier and let's see where this thing ended up let's hit G to grab there it is there and what I want to do with that curve I'm gonna go to seven for top-down view G to grab there it is and I want to go into edit mode and edit this curve into the shape that I'm gonna use to Bend so let's go tab to edit mode and you'll see there's things here there's actual points so that's a point that's a point and these are the control handles so that's a control handle that's control handle check out how this works if I G to grab a point right the point moves if I G to grab a control handle you know you can adjust the curve of it so I'm just gonna do something like this I'll G to grab that and what you can also do is you can hit e to extrude do you need another point and I'll G and grab the handle turn it up a bit I'll G and grab that it doesn't really matter just sort of get yours close but anyways there you go you'll see by doing that in top-down view it makes it so it's nice flat you've made no mistakes with the curve now before we leave the curve and I make this all work one thing I want to do is exactly what I did with the cube object is I don't want the origin to be there I want the origin to be right on the first point so basically that point right there so let's give it a go so with that point selected you can do I'm gonna make sure I get this right here go control point no segments no curve take curve snap cursor to select it okay there goes the cursor tab to go into object mode and then go object set origin origin the 3d cursor OOP you see the point just jump there right and it moved there now I think we're basically ready to give this a go I'm just gonna grab Zed move this up a little higher there we go all right let's see this work so the first thing I'm gonna do I'm actually gonna take this object here I'm going to press alt G I'm just going to move it so its origin as the center of the world I'm gonna take this one here I'm an alt G so its center point is right there and this may take a little fiddling but here we go take the rectangle go to modifiers add a modifier curve and the object I want to use is I want to use my Bezier curve and you may see weird stuff happen we got a pick and axis now be honest with you I used to know the rules it has something to do with the local axes which way they point and which way your curve was made blah blah blah but you know what you can probably just do this well X isn't working why oh look at the y the y axis one just made it work beautifully and so there you go you can experiment and fiddle with these right and see how they work but the y axis was good and one thing to also show you is if you actually grab your object let's get this camera right here if you actually grab your object G and let's pick an axis like X so hit X and you move it okay that's not doing anything that's just move it up and down now let's G Y and this is our deformation axis you can sort of see what happens so maybe get a different view here so I'll hit G Y and it seems weird you're moving it in the y axis but it's not moving in the Y that's because we have the modifier on right it's interacting with the curve I'd lie if I say totally understood it but here we go you can see what happens it actually comes along and follows that curve beautifully if you don't have them starting at the same spot so gee why if you don't have them starting at the same spot like this you can see this part works fine whatever direction it's going in when it hits the end of the curve that's the direction let me just hide it here whatever direction it's heading off at the end that's the direction it just keeps going so you can sort of see how that works and so you don't actually have to have your curve go the entire length of your object all right if you're just doing a bend but anyways that's basically it if you want to go back and edit the curve you know just go to your curve go into edit mode and you know you can go into seven move your control points you know and you can see it's quite easy to bend stuff around in the direction that you want yeah the easy way to bend nice simple usually works and there you go there's bending an object thanks for watching
Channel: Gamemaker Game Programming Course
Views: 358,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, Blender 2.8, Blender 2.7, modelling, lesson, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender lesson, blender how to, 3d, 3d modeling, 3d modelling, blender how to bend, how to bend object, bend object, bend object with curve, blender curve, blender curve modifier, blender bend object with curve, blender bend object along curve, bending object, bending mesh
Id: oHkzyH9dpv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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