Blender Beginner Modeling Chair Tutorial - Part 5: Curved Surfaces

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this is the best that I could do with the homework I'm gonna have to hang up the robe call myself the Guru and this was my attempt if you failed at the the chair backing fear not because it is actually more challenging than this one here right there was a few little things then I threw a curveball at you to see how you'd handle it so if you failed at it don't worry because this video is dedicated to solving something that you'll probably run into more times than you like which is you have to model an object like this which is at an arbitrary angle it has a curve that needs to go all the way around it it's got tapering it's got like it's a real nightmare for a lot of for a lot of modelers right and it's it's understandably more challenging than most objects we want to get this nice flat part going across there it needs to be slightly tapered it needs to be all lined up and needs to be needs to be totally flat and how can you do that when you're you know dealing with vertices it's sort of arbitrary points and it's and then you end up like sort of in this mode like figuring like okay like oh this one I guess is kind of out of line and I pull it there and then I I do that and it just ends up just taking forever right so I thought I would dedicate a video to solving some problems because that's what some people in the comments said they said like Andrew why not instead of doing like a perfect take show some problems and how to solve them on the fly so that's what this video is dedicated to if you did the homework flawlessly well then Congrats you get to just watch this video with the hands behind your head and hopefully maybe learn something new for the next challenge you come across so my first tip is to make sure you're using matte cat view and just trying some different views until you find something that will show you the form better than the default studio because like this isn't very revealing it doesn't show you really how much is wrong and really like it depends on which object you doing something like this one matte cap that I always use like for example this one has like really great like vertical stripes which is perfect for showing the floors of this object but it wouldn't be good for this object right it's just going the wrong direction so in this case I happen to find that this one worked really well like it was I mean it really just showed like how like if this was a car this would look like it had been in a wreck essentially so this is great very very revealing and it's exactly what you want to understand a form so typically what I'm working with something like this where things need to be aligned on multiple axes right like this needs to be aligned here but it also needs to be aligned in the front view I want to be able to have a look at things in different axes and you could you know split the view and then make this the front view but then sometimes you know you move this and then you forget that this one is and then you end up with two views doing nothing essentially something that is better than this it's just a hotkey ctrl alt Q I should turn on my screen keys tool because that frequently turns off by itself it's not even on where is it that's my screen keys tool maybe it's not active because I'm in yeah anyway ctrl alt Q there we go it's working now finally ctrl o Q will will create this like the top left bottom left and bottom right these are locked so this is the right view this is the front view and then this is the top view and you can't move those those are those are locked basically to that view this one you have control over so what this means is like when I'm working in top view I can like zoom in and go like okay so this needs to be like I need this to align to the back of the chair this whole line there I need to make sure is rotated at the right angle so I'll move that out a little bit to about there and it just very it's so much easier working with all the axes open at once rather than having to like go here then go here you can just like quickly like move your eye you know a few millimeters or whatever your eye is doing and it's sorted to look at a different view rather than having to like rotate around and stuff so it's definitely definitely handy something else you can do like in this case you see in the front view I've got like these that look kind of wonky right like these look kind of like they should be straight but they're not straight well it as it just so happens I have something next to it which is a perfectly straight so I can copy that by double-tapping G and then hitting E which will enable even mode and so it'll match the layout of in this case the right one or if I hit F and that little red dot as we talked about will show you which side it's actually defaulting to it'll show you like yeah it's switching between them so now that I've done that I can see that I get mine I can get it now perfectly straight just by copying essentially the layout of that so that's a really nice nice little hack there now I've got this one which is like one vertice here which is like way out of line well that's just assumed it was really out of line just for the sake of this now you could you know like get your view like that so that these two points are like where it needs to be and then kind of like line this up with your eye something else you can do is alt S which is the shrink fatten hotkey this will actually move it if you're just selecting a vertice it'll move it along its normal which just so happens to be perfect when you've got one vertice out of line in a on like a flat surface it just pulls that vertice back to where it needs to be so that's something that is really really convenient definitely make use of that like this one here ok so here's a case like I don't know if this one is actually out of line or if it's actually in line but this one here is out of line you know so this is where using ctrl or Q will really be very revealing so that's definitely wonky it's definitely something shady going on there I have feeling that this guy's out of line so I'm gonna bring him back alt s alright I'll s bring that guy forward okay alright that's pretty good I'll double tap G and I'll bring this guy up ok cool now here is an example let's just make this bigger so we can see it so we have this vertice here right and it obviously needs to be higher up same with this guy probably now if we would just hit G and said because this object is like at a rotated angle along with moving it up I'm now also moving it this direction right very very slightly by moving it along the z axis right however there is something that you can do which to be honest I mean I wish I could tell you that I knew about this really early let me just turn off this annotation but I discovered this like a couple of hours ago because I was reading around the screen like all the little hotkeys and things that around here but I'm moving this you double tapping G right you'll know will enable you to move a single vertice or an edge along like it'll slide it right so this is great but you'll see that as it gets up to there you can't go any higher than what it is however if you hold down alt you can data so holding down alt will disable clamping which means that you can go beyond what the limitation off is there so it'll continue on the correct path as far as I wanted to go basically so it works according to what axes you were currently on when you were before you when you hit alt so if I'm on this axis here and then I hold alt now I can only move it along that so make sure you get it right along the right one then hold down alt and then you can bring it up and it's great really really convenient and I'm so glad I discovered it two hours ago you know I've been using blender for what 15 years yeah I discovered it that's cool you discovered it basically at the same time as me so that's good don't feel bad okay now here's a case where you know this needs to be a straight line and you know I could go to the you know and straighten this whatever or I could just do the lazy man's technique lazy man standing by the way is usually the best technique it's just like rotate this to be almost straight then go s Y or whatever axes you want to straighten it on and then zero and now it's straight and now I know it's straight right and then I can get it at the angle that I actually want it want it to be so you can see we very we very quickly straighten this out and in fact actually if I was like not recording this tutorial I'm gonna drink a tea here I guess I should take out my tea bag because it's been in there for five minutes nice it's gonna taste like battery acid my wife likes to leave it in there for like an hour can you believe that she will drink tea that's been a tea bags been in there for an hour it's like he can't even stomach it but she's like no I like it it's strong I like it's not strong its acidic and you should throw it away anyways marital problems right if I was modeling this like without the camera rolling I would honestly I would just take everything I would get it as straight as this and then I would like straighten this out I would straighten this out I would straighten this out and then I would straighten this one out right and then I would go here and then I would rotate it and I'm get it right that's honestly probably the fastest way to do it but I thought I would just show you some little hotkeys there to to do things do some things by the way here's another idea okay so if you hit n as I told you when we're talking about rotating the like this will show you the rotation right so if we you know if we cleared our rotation at this point and then we um just remedy how can I explain this and then we rotated it right to be the exact angle of our chair here okay like so as long as we keep that like if we don't clear our rotation here what this means is is that you know usually like as I explained before like if we were to move this up along the z-axis it's also it's like ruining the straight line that we perfectly had that because it's now at an angle and it's working according to like when I hit the z-axis this blue line here you can see is the exact perpendicular to this blue line which is the world z-axis right so this this value here transform orientations global that's the default that's what it's you you should normally be using things that but if you set it to local now because my object is rotated at 15 degrees now my z-axis up and down is actually rotated at the correct angle so that's really really handy it's almost like edge slide you know almost yeah it's really handy for something like this because yeah it means you can get it at least like for a lot of things pretty right as it just so happens this line here happens to be at 15 degrees but this line you can see is at a different rotation so you know it wouldn't be perfect for everything but it it can definitely come in handy when you need to move something along a certain axis there's also normal which to be honest I haven't found to be that helpful for something like this like you know move something along the y axis for a normal happens to be this or this which I don't know it just seems arbitrary to me it doesn't really help me that much but anyways alright let's straighten this out and let's let's finish this off so I'm gonna set this to local and I'll move that along the x-axis and that's pretty good is it pretty good ctrl alt Q all right let's get this final line straight I would just go X Y cleared along the y axes and then let's straighten this out and then rotate this to be like that and now it's tapering it's tapering along the front edge it's tapering there and that's pretty good and then I'll just take that and I'll slide that along a little bit just so that we get the angle there in fact this needs to be a little bit lower let's pull that down G and Zed and because I'm in local view it should actually keep the angle that I'm actually at which is good and then look in solid view with the map cap and let's see okay it's not as good as I thought this is why having Matt cap on is a very handy there's something going on at the bottom here which isn't exactly perfect probably this line here yeah I would say it's that line it's not as as bent it should be following like this line here so basically this is 15 degrees and then this would be a steep of 15 like 17 degrees perhaps so my theory is and if we look at the reference perfect time to use reference is that it would kind of like taper in like each of these lines would be lightly you know closer to the other you know what I mean like as the further it goes apart the steeper the angle is so kind of like as you sit in it it's kind of like hugging you a little bit I guess that's the theory the theory of the chair all right this other piece at the bottom here it's a little problematic you know this is a fiddly tutorial and I'm sure some of you are really really annoyed that this was uploaded to the Internet but you asked for it geez man you know some people some people just want to know like how in real time how do you actually solve problems and I'm hoping it's not infuriating that's the challenge you know of like tutorial education right is like you want to improve upon the classroom method there's a problem here you want to improve along the clock along the classroom method of just like all right open up your textbooks to pages whatever and make it fun but then if you just make it fun then you can send a false message of like things are always fun and easy and then you could actually make somebody give up because they think like ah I can't do it blenders not for me for whatever reason every time I start a new scene I just get shattered and like overwhelmed with problems whereas these people on the internet they all have their like it's all easy for them so you know it's a bit of both maybe that's what live streaming is for and I should have live streams where I just run into problems head-on for like three hours at a time and then people in the comments go yeah I would watch that and like yeah but you're the only one nobody else cares cuz eat that video will have like 100 views something I don't know I'm rambling it's pretty close that's pretty good I'd be pretty happy with this this this little point here is always it's always annoying me but that's pretty good you know you might clean it up a little bit better actually this is a little bit out of way if you ever wanted to wanted a car tutorial and you wondered why I haven't made a car to toriel it's because it would be this may be this but it would be like a 16-hour tutorial cg cokie did one once and it was like 20 pots and I was like wolf yeah I'm not doing one you make your own car guys lawn lawn what we're doing here with the chair and apply that to a car anyway thank you for watching this part we finished it look at that we've we've fixed all the little dilemmas with like millimeter push and pulls and now this this back of the chair here is like slightly pushing through so you know of course we just got to angle it and move that around so that it matches the angle of the chair and then pull it in ever so slightly I would guess oh I didn't grab the whole Oh see that's what happens I didn't grab the entire part of it so they're like the bevel would be off but anyways rotate it rotate it make it match the blueprint and this is where you can use your whatever your brain and go like is it close enough yeah is it sticking through alright well I just want to solve it sticking through then like the problem is is that we're using a mirror modifier for this so this should be at an angle so this doesn't stick through which we'll do when we get to the next parts and we you know get to UV unwrapping because we'll have to apply the mirror and everything at once so yeah there we go that is where we're up to like you're watching this long weird tutorial but go ahead and join me in the next part and we will be making this little piece under there and we'll be adding some little screws to here and then getting it prepped for UV unwrapping after that so click here and I'll see you in that video
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 250,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, chair, blender chair tutorial, blender modelling tutorial, modeling, smooth surface
Id: 7xASHmUs7sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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