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[Music] all right hey everyone long time no see uh wanted to start out this tutorial by first of all apologizing for the audio quality i'm using my headphones with the built-in microphone i'm working on my laptop i rarely use this computer so not everything is going to be super polished but for this tutorial i just wanted to really quickly show you a workflow to get awesome textures on your blender models using 3d coat it's super simple and incredibly fast so 3d code if you don't know is a sculpting and texturing application they have this stripped down version called textura that just does texturing so that's an option too it's it's it's much more affordable than the full version of 3d coat but 3d coat is incredible and i feel like it doesn't get as much recognition as it deserves so anyway let's go ahead and get through this this isn't meant to be like really a step-by-step tutorial i just kind of want to show you how quick you can do this okay so in blender i have this skull model that i downloaded from blender kit just downloaded this female skull and it's from alexander i i can't pronounce that last name i'm sorry but it's a really great model and it comes with a good texture on it but i actually removed the texture because i just want to do something completely different all right so to make this workflow work you want to have the 3d coat add-on and i believe it ships with blender so if you just type in 3d dash whoops 3d dash it'll come up and you can enable it right and i all i did was enable that add-on and everything just worked flawlessly right away if you have problems i would suggest going to the 3d coat forum but for me it was just absolutely perfect okay so to do this you want to send your model from blender over to 3d code and then just grab it back when you're done texturing and it's so easy so you just select your model and in the 3d code add-on over here in the end panel you have all kinds of options for sending it over you can you know sculpt in 3d coat you can uv map and 3d coat whatever you want to do but in this instance we're going to send it for per pixel painting it's going to click that and give it a second to think okay and i think it should be done now so we're going to open up 3d code and you automatically get this pop-up and it's going to bring the model in okay because 3d code has this really good automatic uv unwrapping i'm going to do that okay and everything else here i'm just going to leave it default 2k texture is fine for this uv set name that's the material name we'll just leave that as material and we'll hit ok and we'll give it a second okay cool so it brought in the model and um for texturing in 3d code you have all your tools over here and you have the ability to choose what channels you want to paint on so you can choose just paint in color you can paint roughness it says glossiness but in this workflow it's roughness depth like normal maps and stuff so i have all of those enabled and what i want to do is i just want to start painting this guy with some of these really cool smart materials over here these all ship with 3d coat you can buy more on on like gum road there's some guys that sell them and stuff so they're really cool so what i want to do is start out with one of these metal materials and when i i start to use this 3d coat in order to make these materials work it needs certain maps so it needs an ambient occlusion map sometimes it needs a curvature map so whatever maps it needs it's going to automatically bake for me uh when i start using the materials so i'm going to choose this metal material here and you see that it's it's baking what it needs to make that material work and you'll see a layer added over here when it's done baking i already did this once before just as a trial run but i don't remember exactly what materials and stuff i use so we're going to kind of start this from scratch and hopefully it looks cool in the end all right so it baked the cavity map that's all that material needs and i'm using the fill tool and i'm just going to fill this whole object with that material you get this really cool little preview window here and if you open that up you can see what that material will look like on the model so we could do you know see that now this this material here also needs an ambient occlusion pass so it's automatically baking that it's really cool that you don't even have to think about it just bakes what it needs and it doesn't do this every time once those two are baked we're good to go okay so you can go ahead and see what these different materials look like super cool um you know what i might i can't remember what my original version looked like but i might do this a little different i like that kind of goldy um steel color well uh goldy color these names might not match up with what the actual material looks like because i customized some of these so let's go with that and i'm just going to go ahead and click on the skull and fill it in and there you go you have this really cool material on there looks super cool so that's layer one and we'll just call that base i'm probably not gonna name all these correctly so let's just do this quick i'm going to add another layer down here and let's go ahead and put a paint on top of that and i have some pretty cool scratchy paint materials here i love that one and you can resize this window if you want to see what it looks like on the whole thing or if that's too slow you can make it smaller really really cool so let's just cycle through a few of these that's cool yeah you see the the thumbnail of this paint doesn't match up exactly because i actually uh customized that one a little bit for a different project but oh that's cool i like that but i'm going to go with this kind of gunmetal paint i think that's what i used in my trial run so i have the new material or the new layer selected and i'm just going to fill that material right on top and it's so cool because it has all this you know kind of edge wear and that kind of stuff in it right which is really really neat and you can double click on these materials and you can actually adjust all of that so if you have your smart material open a preview window open you can adjust all this and you can even you know change the color you can change how all of the edges are worn down and all that kind of stuff it's super customizable which is awesome i love how that looks already so i'm not going to mess with that but let's go ahead and add some more stuff to this so i'm going to go to this leaks category okay and here's one that i already kind of customized and saved so if you let's add another layer okay and this will be for the for the spatters that i do it and i took this material this paint blob material ships with 3d coat but i wanted to customize it to look kind of like a blood splatter so i just opened this up and i changed the color okay i mean that's so quick and easy it's awesome i love it um and i changed some of the other uh settings in here and i created cancel that i created this blood splatter okay so not only did i change the color i kind of changed the amount of spatter and stuff that shows up and again you just have to kind of get in here and mess around with these settings super easy to do super awesome all right so i'm going to go ahead and just fill that okay and just to show you that you don't have to just use the fill tool you can also erase pieces of the layers so we can go in here and let's say we don't want all that blood splatter inside of the eye sockets you can just go in there and erase it you know if for instance there was a part that you didn't want any of this gunmetal type paint on you just go in and erase it it's really really flexible really awesome all right so we've got our blood splatter we got our gunmetal paint let's go ahead and um why don't we look at some dirt too so i'm going to add another layer should be naming all these but again i'm just trying to make this not too long for you guys so we'll go back to our fill tool bring our smart material thing up and let's just go ahead and look through some of these that one's cool i i really like um that uh dirt that second dirt that i clicked on that one's cool too i like how it's kind of filling in the cavities yeah why not let's just go ahead and um add that now another thing that you can do that i maybe should have mentioned earlier is depending on the size of your object for instance if the frequency of these details or the size of the blood splatters was something that you didn't like you can use these tools up here to adjust the texture right the the size of the texture the position of the texture all that kind of stuff okay so i'm gonna in this case all the scaling is looks right to me but you can you know move everything around and and really fine-tune the placement of your smart materials up there but everything looks good to me so i'm going to go ahead and add that dirt okay and i accidentally it doesn't really matter for this but i added that to um our blood spatter layer there up and i i also undid the blood spatter so anyway this is so quick so we'll just go ahead and uh we have our dirt there we'll just go ahead and add the blood spatter back real quick another thing i don't know if if any of that was my fault this software is you know they really overhauled it for 2021 so it's um it's a little bit buggy from time to time but i think it more than makes up for some of those annoyances with just the speed of it you know so anyway all looking good to me i think we're good to go with the skull so let's go ahead and we're going to get this back in blender there's a couple ways to do this but i just go to this file open an original app and then i haven't tried out just the regular cycles preset because there's one here that's called applink so i just use that we don't need the emissive texture over there and we don't need the displacement texture over there either so this is where you can kind of customize all of your maps right and then you just hit export give it a second to bake all of those texture maps out looks like it's done and we're going to head back in here and let's go ahead and turn our material preview on and all we have to do is click get back and give it a couple seconds let it compile all the shaders and there you go it looks perfect it's so easy to send back and forth with 3d code if i wanted to make any more adjustments i just go back to 3d code make the adjustments hit get back again and we're good to go look at how awesome that looks so um let's go ahead and let's let's take this a step further that's the basic workflow so you can stop watching now if you want but let's go ahead and make a um a little rudimentary stand for this guy and i'm just going to make a really basic model here and there's our stand i'm just going to make sure i have all the scale and all the transforms applied there so we're just doing a little rudimentary stand there and let's go ahead and send that over to 3d code and get it textured so i'm going to hit send again if i go to 3d code it's going to give me an option you know to merge it new scene whatever i'm not worrying about saving this because this is just an example so i'm going to say new scene don't save and we'll bring it in and i'm not going to keep uv i'm going to auto map again and maybe we'll just name this material stand real quick and we'll hit okay all right so let's go ahead and get this guy textured up real quick let's go ahead and make the base of the stand a wood and there it is again baking the maps that it needs okay go to the fill tool and i really like that wood actually but let's let's go ahead and see well that one's not bad i mean this is this is just so quick and easy it's ooh i like that all right let's let's go ahead and fill that in that's cool so um what i did was i just it's it's filling based on the object these are three separate uh pieces so i can fill each one of these and you have more options with how you fill and paint on layers that i won't go into there's any option you can think of is pretty much available okay so let's make the pole here a metal baking the occlusion pass which is cool okay so that'll probably work let's see what else is up here there's a lot of uh materials here and like i said you can buy more on gum road and stuff and you can make your own okay so we'll do that there and then what if we did like um let's see what that looks like okay i like that okay we'll do that there oops okay so we have all of our materials on there but let's go ahead and you know you have options here for um doing like scratches and stuff and you know a lot of these will look like metal underneath so that wouldn't really work great on the um on the wood base but it looks kind of cool on these other pieces so maybe i'll i'll add some scratches to that piece and then let's see options for rust which i guess could look cool on the metal yeah doesn't not adding a whole lot but let's go back to dirt and maybe dirty this guy up a little bit there's the one that i used on the skull which i think looks really good um there's also dust down here so you can add like a layer of dust on top of the objects which is just so cool i like that i like adding that dust let's just go with a layer of dust okay so i mean look at how cool those textures look and that took me just a few minutes all right so i mean that's just awesome all right so let's go ahead and we'll send this back to blender again we'll go to [Music] blender app link again we don't need emissive we don't need displacement i'll keep the rest export that get back oops get back okay so uh i'm i'm hitting the the get back here and it's not working and i think that may be because when i sent this to 3d code i kind of changed the material name that's my guess but it's really easy to fix anyway if this ever happens to you um i i didn't intend for this to happen but it's good that i'm just it did so i can show you um how to fix it real quick so if that happens to you uh and it's not working for get back all you have to do is resend the model over okay so we'll send that over to 3d code there we go and it's going to ask you if you want to start a new scene or whatever and if you just hit replace geometry you won't lose all of your textures that you just worked on so we're going to hit replace geometry and then because i did the auto mapping the first time we'll just do that again and we're not changing the uv set name this time i have a feeling that's the mistake i made last time so we'll hit ok all right there it is this is we we reloaded the geometry and we're just gonna go ahead and send it back to blender again so we'll hit export and i'm just realizing that i didn't change the preset here we're going to go to app link we don't need displacement we don't need emissive and now we'll export it let it bake the maps now when we go back to blender and we have that selected we say get back and it loaded the materials in just like that and how awesome does that look so cool okay so let's go ahead and just move this up and then um just as a little bonus here we'll use our vera light studio add-on that's available on blender market and we will go ahead and just pick kind of a moody looking studio setup here let's see these are kind of cool maybe we'll try this one we'll say set up studio we'll go to [Music] k cycles to see what this looks like rendered oops back to k cycles turn off our overlays and that's looking really cool and we can go into our plane here make that black we can add more side lights and we can start to put together a really cool render of this textured object so anyway probably went a little longer than i intended to but um that is in a nutshell the basic workflow using 3d coat to texture your models again you know it's just so fast i i could have gone through that in just a couple minutes um it was a little slower kind of talking about the different steps but man is that a fast workflow and it's so much fun and you get really cool looking textures so uh that's it um you know go check out 3d code it's really cool and i think it deserves a little more recognition all right guys thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Motion Apprentice
Views: 26,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ehTn_6akDOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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