Hard Surface Modelling | 3DCOAT TUTORIAL

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hello everyone in this short video i've set myself a task within 3d code to create a hard surface design with a limited amount of reference imagery so i'm using a separate piece of software here called pureref i highly recommend that you download it and you can chip in and just give a little bit of money to them if you so wish and it's a great piece of software just so that you can copy and paste your images onto this little mood board and you can just keep it directly on top of your screen and you can just flick through your reference it's really handy to use so without further ado i have collected a couple of hard surface references and i'm going to try and piece them together to create a hard surface design so my initial idea was to create something where it was a mobile unit that had the capabilities of changing people's manner changing their mind warping their mind a little bit bleak but i thought this could be a really interesting design i've got some more military hard surface designs more industrial design and yeah we've got a joint design here and let's just see how we can piece this together within 3d coat so let's start by selecting the voxel sculpting i'm going to select my grid and let's start with a primitive now i'm using a slightly older version of 3d code so it might be somewhere different on your panel but if you select primitives you should get your standard primitives right there so let's switch this over to an orthographic view so we don't want this in perspective so i can select this little cube here and let's first create in fact let's just think this one through what should i create first should i create this and then the base yeah why not let's create this first so i'm just using this as a rough guide i'm not gonna do a one-to-one copy but let's just get the base done first so this section is very square and then we've got this section which i'm going to build separately and when you're modeling in 3d imagine that you're actually going to create this in real life and that's going to make it a little bit easier when you start to model because then you think right this is one piece this is a separate piece here these joints here that's going to be another separate piece so if you think that way you can kind of compartmentalize what you're going to create and you can just focus on each individual asset and then go from there so let's start with this square shape and let's use this cutoff tool we can see there's to my eye it looks like there's almost a slight kind of bevel or offcut here so let's just go up to the top here and go to symmetry and then let's put a symmetry uh let's put it across the z axis so it's running right through the center let's press e on the keyboard with cutoff selected and select my vertex lasso and let's just create a slight cut there okay that looks pretty good this section again looks like it's a separate piece but i want the same dimension so instead of creating a new model i could use something like the split tool okay so split i can press e on the keyboard and i can select my rectangular tool and let's just split this section off here so when you create a split it does try to link it to that model so here where we've got this little share move icon we can just move this up above our layer and now it's taking it out of that layer within the vox tree and now it's just totally separate so let's go to the transform tool and just move this over slightly there we go just so that we've got a nice cut line there it's looking good and let's go back to this model here and let's see what else we can do now this section i might use something like a pose tool so to pose i can go to my rectangular tool and let's just make a little bit more of an in date indent here where i created this cut line so i'm just going to move this in ever so slightly and let's in fact let's pull it out just a little bit like so there we go so small little details like that that really makes you work stand out make it look a lot more realistic instead of just having all of these open shapes just create these small little details like so there we go right here we've got a little bit of a cut out and i'm going to go back into my symmetry and this time turn off the zed and i'm going to turn on the x axis instead so let's go back into the cutoff press e on the keyboard and then select my circular tool and when you left click and drag you can hold the space bar on your keyboard and that will allow you to move your selection around so i'm going to cut around about here if i let go of the space now it's in place and now i can just let go of left click and now it has cut all the way through so i'm going to do the same on this side and there we go we've got our two cuts i could have also have gone through to the y axis and down here if i pick from bounding box it will also snap to our selection but for now i'm just going to keep it the way it is in fact let's just go back and let's do that again let's go back to z pick from bounding sorry y axes pick from bounding box and let's just do that again so this time it's going to cut through both sides that's a little bit better because i forgot that this bit is our offcut so we need to make sure that we are always picking from the boundary or picking from this bound box and we can cut through across our x and y axis right let's do the same let's remove the y axis and let's just cut through let's just say here in fact let's remove our symmetry remove here and here there we go and let's go back into our post tool and let's just pull this in slightly maybe just a little bit more now i'm doing this on the fly i haven't prepared for this uh so i'm bound to make mistakes so you're just gonna have to bear with me but i like to do it this way i like for you to all see my process warts and all if i make mistakes then i make mistakes it's always good to see because you know you're going to make mistakes yourself and it's good to see how to fix them when i make them so i'll make them for you okay right so let's just use this circle at all again i'm using the spacebar just to move this in place just make a bit of an indent here and let's move this up cut that through there we go right so there is our base now we've got this shape here which i might mimic i don't know if i'm going to have this grated design but let's try at least to use the pose tool i'm going to use that rectangular tool again and just bring this out like so and i like how this comes up here and then falls down so let's bring this up if i hold ctrl and then hold left click then it will deselect and now i can move the selection so let's pull this in and scale this in with this yellow cube maybe not that much maybe just a little bit and then press enter okay so now we've scaled that in and let's just try one of our templates here so if i select one of my stencils and let's just make this a lot smaller perhaps something like that i forgot any of the templates i think that's possibly going to be the right one oh that's quite good let's just test a couple so let's try this one first and let's go to our airbrush press e to go back to our rectangular tool and i'm just going to make that selection again let's see what that looks like that doesn't look too bad i might layer this slightly so let's just go back and let's select our grid again and i might make this section this texture and then let's try a different texture here let's see what that looks like hmm i kind of like the simplicity of this without the grated design so i don't think i'm going to add too much detail here i think i might go back into this one and just zoom in just a little bit and maybe just make this design here yep that's the one and let's see what else we can do here let's maybe go back into cut off and let's cut this down same with this layer so double click all the way around okay we can also split this section here but just keep it there and duplicate it so let me just show you that if i go to the split tool and i go i'm going to go back into the rectangular tool and just split this then that's created my new layer here if i then duplicate that then i've got another one so i'm just going to hold shift on this one that's already connected and i'm going to bring it up to our layer and then let go and that's just going to join that layer back together so now i've got one totally separate from our model and i can just scale this one up like so and i'm gonna go back into my yeah i'm gonna keep it as transform and just scale this up slightly i think like so and then i can go back into cutoff and i can start making the shape so i'm just going to cut that through there i'm going to go back into my vertex lasso and cut this down here and i might just keep this one straight back to transform and just move this one up and we can always split this again and just move this to the side just to make that seam there we go okay good so i'm just going to go into my shaders and just change the shader maybe something like this let's go back into that one and let's change this layer now i'm not totally sold on this and i want it to look a little bit more sci-fi so i might change the design just ever so slightly i might just go back into this layer and i'm going to use the cutoff tool again or let's try using the transform tool and scale this up then i'm going to use the cutoff because i just want to try and remove that bevel that i made or that inlay it's getting there let's just transform this again and let's do this again so let's try um what can we use let's maybe just go back to the pose tool okay let's make this selection and then let's pull this one in like so now let's have a look at that there we go that looks a little bit more sci-fi so let's see we can just match the same shape here underneath and double click and then let's bring this one out slightly there we go that's looking a little bit better i think i might just then add a little bit of an indent here or maybe just bring this out slightly yeah there we go let's just undo that and let's just have it just below that line like so just little design choices here okay and then let's go back into our fox tree let's create a new layer over to primitives and let's just bring this down and shrink this down as well there's our new layer and let's go to transform let's move this one up let's just get the shape here i'm going to try and do this really quickly i want to keep this video as short as possible so let's just get from the modeling stage and then i'll jump this into something like keyshot maybe or i might just render this whole thing out in 3d code i'm unsure yet let's see how this one goes so let's just very quickly cut through this i'm going to use the um the closed spine so i can make a little curve here that was a bad one let's go and do that again yeah that's fine and then let's do the same here maybe just a slight curve here there we go back to cut off and i just love these tools they're so easy to use there's like handling clay as opposed to 3d modelling it's really cool so let's go back into transform and move this up maybe just shrink this down slightly like so okay that's fine now the pole is actually running all the way up to the top here so i'm just gonna duplicate this and put this one directly on top and i could change the shape they've got a slightly different shape here which i can include so let's just add that so let's keep that there let's maybe just shrink it down a little bit go back into cut off and let's just create that shape okay and let's continue from here so let's create a new layer let's go into our primitives and let's just select a cylindrical shape and then scale this one up okay so i'm just selecting the bottom layer and then holding shift and selecting the top layer because i just want to move all of this up you can see this has tried to move up here because this is actually attached let's detach that and move that back in place like so and let's just concentrate on this shape now so let's go into my vox tree let's create a new layer i'm going to go down to primitives and let's keep this as a cylindrical shape and let's just rotate this down i'm holding control on my keyboard just to keep the constraints here and then i can just scale this one up and hit enter and i'll go back into transform and just move this into place and i just really like this shape i like the juxtaposition between these rectangular hard surface shapes and then this circular pattern so i want to try and mimic that within my design now there's two ways you can do this you can either duplicate what you've already got here and delete within the center so as an example you duplicate this you move this one out you make it just a little bit wider and shrink this down to the size you want this pattern you then move it through like a boolean and just hold ctrl left click drag to the layer on top and then that cuts all the way through or you can just go to cutoff press e on the keyboard select the circle at all and then select the size you want you can hold spacebar to move it in place and then when you're happy with it let go and it will click through that so either way it will do the exact same thing so let's just cut right through the center here something like that and let's continue from here so i'm going to duplicate this and i'm going to shrink this one down like so merge these two together hold shift merge to the top layer there we go and let's go into our pose tool and let's do a circular pose and i need to align to view and then move this in like so and i could do the same for the top section here align to view maybe just pull it in slightly and this is the same technique you use to build arches as well if you're making buildings just a little tip there let's just align to view stretch this out yeah it's around about there there we go so let's just duplicate this and put this on the other side and then we need to join these two together so here we've got somebody else's design here i'm just thinking of ways that we can make this look a little bit cooler it's looking a little bit strange at the moment we need this to um i need to change this slightly let's have a think let's just flip this around okay and then let's just fill in these gaps let's go back into primitives and let's shrink this one down okay and let's create a wheelbase and let's just cut this off halfway so let's just cut through here let's go back to our post tool nope strange i'm not sure what's happened there let's just go back and scale that in when in doubt just undo now i might keep this in some way shape or form but i don't think i'm going to use this as my base i'm really not liking this design so i think i'm going to have to change this so all of this i'm just going to hide for now let's just go and hide all of this and i'm going to create a new layer and i'm going to use a slightly different technique so i'm going to go back into my primitives and let's just continue with this shape and let's bring this up instead and let's use a slightly different technique so i'm going to go into my carve tool and i can start to loosely carve into this so it's going to be a little bit more abstract but i'm going to just carve away at the sides here i'm going to turn this into a little bit more of a loose concept so i'm going to go into my symmetry i'm going to move this down pick from boundary let's go from there so instead of being very precise i'm going to do this a little bit more abstract so now it's like i'm sketching in 3d instead so let's try let's just add something like this add some mechanical shapes i can hold ctrl to cut into our model and let's go back to our split and let's split this off around about here let's remove this one and we'll go back to this layer and let's use the circular tool let's go back to pose there we go back to carve and i'm just going to duplicate this maybe just flip this around move this down maybe just scale it down slightly move this one underneath let's go back into that layer that was then hidden and i can make this one just a little bit shorter a bit smaller and let's just do the same thing back to carve and let's just carve into this very quickly so if you go into my art station channel you'll see that i've done the exact same technique but with a satellite and you get some really cool results i've just quickly gone back into this technique because i don't think the other one was working i'm wary with time i could probably model something more like this and then use them as feet but for now it's going to do this a little bit more abstract just to very quickly get this design complete i don't want to bore you with a two-hour long video so let's just get this one done all right okay just add a little bit more detail and of course take your time with this i'm just rushing through like so and if i go to blob then i can actually if i double click if it will let me let's go back to is it blob build oh sphere that's the one and then we can create these shapes here so let's just add maybe just a couple more well-defined shapes i'm going to switch this over to plane and let's see what this looks like not very good let's move this in right and then let's very quickly make some feet for this so let's go back into the primitives and let's just bring this one out like so and let's just make them a slightly different shape so i'm just going to use that pose tool just to bring this out like that and then maybe use the cutoff tool just to cut through i'm going to go back into carve just turning my grid off there and then i can just maybe just carve into this a little bit so let's make some different shapes so here i'm just using the control command and just cutting into this slightly like so and let's just maybe go back into our pose tool make a selection here and maybe just bring this down a little bit scale it up push it down whoops here's the cutoff there we go what's going to be the other way isn't it it's going to be this way yep and then let's go into transform i'm just duplicating these and moving them into place and just one more right so i think i'll leave it there i could certainly spend a lot more time on this an awful lot more time on this uh but i'm going to jump over to keyshot right now to render it and we'll see what that looks like within the renderer so let's jump over to there right so now that we're in key shots uh first of all to export this you go to file and export objects and textures and then you can either choose to limit the let's just do this live let's see this mass 2 once that loads we can reduce the poly count here i've just set this to zero i'm keeping this as high as possible so it's at five million but you can definitely drop this one down um keep it below a million really for it to continue to be stable then yeah drop it below million because as you can see now that i try to close this it's saying do not respond and i'm getting the white screen of death so it's going to ignore that and get straight into keyshot and let that figure it out itself so let's go into our materials and i'm also going to select my scene so within keyshot i've got my materials on the left and then i have my settings on the right hand side and i'm going to select a paint texture i'm going to select this gray paint matte material i can drag this over to where i've got my named model there we go and now that's textured the entire model now we can go into something like material and we can double click on our material and we can change some of our settings here so if you want to change the color then we can make this a little bit brighter and we can also go into environments here and we can select one of our hdri environments so i can move this around by holding ctrl and left click i can get my lighting scenario so i think that looks pretty good because my settings are on the right hand side i can select this and i can select color in the background and i can either choose to keep it blank and i could maybe add one in photoshop or i can make this black and yeah i can have a little bit more of a nice presentation let's just bring this down and in fact i might finish this off in photoshop so i'm just going to leave this as white for now you can go back into the scene and if you need to change anything then you can select your model within the scene you can press position move tool and then you can rotate these if you need to so just notice that some of these feet aren't exactly on the floor when you're happy with it you can press the tick so let's do the same for here move tool just rotate this down press the tick back to move tool and one last one there we go so now that's on the floor i might even duplicate this entire model here and have it the same at the back so i'm just going to hold shift and just click each individual model or is it control let's just make sure yes control and let's then right click and let's duplicate and i'm going to move this to here it's currently floating i would need to model um a joist or you know a bracket to keep these in place for now i'm just going to pretend that there's something there like so and you can be a little bit more abstract as well so if i go on to google and let's type in uh i don't know shuttle nasa and let's see what images we can collect so i'm just after some textures at the moment i don't want any of these blue backgrounds i'm just after the texture from the shuttle this is quite cool i could maybe add this i want to add something a little bit more detailed a little bit more abstract so maybe shuttle um interior maybe or shuttle uh factory let's have a look at that this is quite nice this one's quite interesting so let's just use this as an example we've got copyright all over the place we don't want that this one's okay but again we've got copyrights we could go into our settings here and we can say usage rights and we can say creative commons that's going to remove some of the copyright there just after a decent texture this is okay even something like this let's just test this as an example we can always tweak the texture so i'm going to view the image and i'm just going to save this to my desktop i'm going to go back into key sharp i'm going to go to materials and we've currently got a bunch of different materials for the entire object so i just want to go back and make sure that this is just one material for the entire object there we go i can click on this material and then here on this little grid icon i can select this and i'm going to go into my desktop and i'm going to load that image okay so it's very abstract at the moment i'm going to increase the width and the height it's looking pretty cool let's just move this slightly there we go so now we're actually getting some of the details that was on that image onto our model so i'm going to move my lighting around a little bit and in fact let's just experiment with some of the lighting scenarios sounds a bit warmer this one's going to be a lot cooler i quite like that that's not too bad so here if you wanted to add another texture then you could just drag in fact they're looking really nice on those feet there very cool and i quite like this pattern here again i could maybe change this later if i want to change each individual piece so maybe these pieces look slightly different then i could drag on a new materials let's say i drag on this orange material here and then maybe this one also has this orange material like so and maybe a section just in between here has a slightly different material i could always go back into our images and let's just try and find something slightly different even something like this might work something very abstract we've got yellow shapes here uh this is where you can spend hours just trying to find the right image but we don't want to do that let's try this one so i'm going to save this and i'm going to drag on a totally random texture onto this one so i'm going to drag it where it's highlighted in our scene okay good i can go back into materials select my red material and then it's just the same process select the little checkerboard select my new texture there we go let's just increase the width so different textures i can get out of this i really like that yellow texture i think i've gone too far now so let's just bring this back there we go and let's just change the perspective here let's change this something like 34 maybe uh just to flatten this one out um let's just experiment with 60 orthographic 24 bit more wide angle that looks a little bit better so here i'm just holding ctrl left click and i'm just dragging just to move the hdri let's just turn this on so we can see that effect that one looks quite good and then when i'm happy with that then i can do a render of it so let's maybe just have a slightly higher angle here and then do a render you can also increase the brightness if you need to i can also add a ground reflection and i can also flatten the ground so we get a bit more of the bounce lights and i can add some occlusion lighting as well so it's going to pause this now and then i'm going to render this one out so we can render by going on to the render section here i can keep this as my 1080. let's select here we can select our different settings i'll keep this as 1080 and we can then name this select where we want to render it so i'm going to select the desktop i'm going to call this one masto2 and then we can just go ahead and select render you can also add to queue if you need to change some of these settings so i'm just going to close this down if you need to go into the lighting it's currently set to basic we can also increase this something like product or interior that's going to have a lot more detail there but for now i think i might just keep this on basic uh or interior looks pretty good so let's keep it as that and then i'll do the render and we'll come back and jump into photoshop right so now we're in photoshop i've just noticed we're we're close to an hour now so i'm gonna really try and speed this one up uh as quick as i can uh so i'm just gonna go into the crop tool here and i'm just gonna crop this in i only just want to focus on this one model here i'm not going to add a background i'm just going to try and make this look a little bit more presentable so let's just change my background here to dark gray just so i can see it's a little bit better and i'm going to create a new layer and i'm also going to go to the rectangular tool and just add a soft gradient here in fact let's just test it first let's go to my gradient tool and i'm going to just go on to a standard gradient and i'm just going to select black to gray like a mid-gray color click okay and then let's just test this okay like so and let's then just bring this down to let's try a lighten and let's double click this and use the blend if and on the underlying layer i want to bring some of these lights forward again so i don't want it to be that bright that looks okay to me so i'm breezing over this but let's actually explain that so within blendiff when i move these sliders i can move the underlying layer uh forward which is then gonna uncover all of the light layer underneath if you hold alt on the keyboard then you can actually split these and you can blend it in a little bit more hence blend if okay so that's just a little tip there i have got a video on blendiv so be sure to check that one out on youtube and i'm just going to use the eraser here and just bring back some of these details on our model so it's beginning to look a little bit washed out so let's just bring this back just to create a stronger silhouette all right so i'm going to go into a new layer and i'm just going to paint out some of these details here so i'm going to go into just a hard round basic opacity keep this nice and simple and i'm just holding alt to color pick and i'm just going to paint out some of these details and we've got our line here which is for some reason highlighted in orange so i'm just going to keep that a little bit more consistent and continue to paint in that orange maybe make it a little bit brighter as well just so on the edge it maybe reflects just a little bit more light and we could even have something like a green light okay a little green led light there all of these little details it looks like they kind of just get cut off so let's pretend that there's actually a little piece underneath here just so that's a separate block um i can keep that the same there we go so it's only the image but it actually looks three dimensionals which is quite cool we've got some free bit of information there so let's make this just a little bit brighter i'm gonna use the polygonal lasso tool make the selection here and i could just go back into this layer and then select a brightness and contrast and then just increase the brightness here next the great thing about that is because it's as a mask if i paint this in black then i can actually paint that back out so i could use something like a soft round brush and then just blend it in a little bit more so it's brighter at the top and then darker at the bottom so let's do that again on this layer select around this selection and ideally i'm going to need to maybe create another brightness and contrast and just bring this one up and then just mask it off okay if you want it to look like this is a metal material so it's actually bouncing the the lights off of this material i could just use a soft brush here and add a little bit of a glow if you add a new layer and i could maybe even add a glow around the entire thing so this is looking a little bit strong at the moment but with the opacity i can just bring that down and now we've just got a slight glow around the entire object brilliant so let's perhaps just paint into this just a little bit more again i'm wary of time i might add a cable running along here and let's make this let's make this maybe a dark orange cable or let's just keep this black for now and let's just paint this cable coming out here and maybe it kind of curves around like so i can then select a new layer right click and then create a clipping mask so now anything that i paint is going to be within that layer okay so i'm going to select a soft round brush and let's maybe have this as a red cable make this just a little bit darker and i'm very lightly just going to paint over this layer like so it's going to be a little bit brighter here and here just on the top side of this cable so i can paint that in okay i can then go underneath my cable and i'm going to select a dark red and i've still got my soft brush selected and that oh that is still a little bit too bright let's bring that down a little bit there we go with my soft brush i'm going to paint directly underneath i can see that that black layer wasn't totally solid so i might just need to go into the curves here and just bring this down just to make sure this is in fact a solid material it's got a feeling it isn't but let's add our shadow underneath and we can always go back into this if you want to add a little bit more saturation then i can just paint that in and if you want to add even more details then you can just paint them in like so let's just do the same thing here maybe just add a couple of cables running down make sure this is on black let's form a strong silhouette here and make sure this is not clipping through maybe just have it to about here and let's just add another cable in fact let's do this one at a time so i'm going to create the clipping mask label your layers as well i'm doing this far too quickly and let's do this one more time so new layer here paint the cable in black make sure that is a hard round brush and once you're happy with that you can just collapse all of this down you don't need to keep individual layer unless you want to make some adjustments then by all means keep it but you don't have to you can just collapse them so let's add just a little bit more light here and that should just about do it so let's just merge all of this together so i'm going to hold shift on the top to the bottom right click and then merge layers and there we go let's just merge that down one more time brilliant and you know we can add a lot more details here we can continue to paint into this for now it's going to keep this the way it is and then we will call this one a day so let's maybe just make this one a little bit brighter at the top here let's make this just a little bit brighter there i can then hold a control alt shift in e and that's going to collapse our entire layer and put it directly on top so i can do something like a filter a sharpen and a smart sharpen just so i can sharpen some of these details so we can see them a little bit more i can go into filter and i can add a noise just to blend in some of these painted elements so let's just add a noise at the amount of one and i can also add a slight lens correction here just so it looks like it's been taken with a digital camera and you get that slight distortion on the edge of your image so if i just increase the red the magenta and the blue if i zoom in here we can see just on the edge here we're getting a slight magenta uh green and blue distortion and that should about do it let's maybe just add a slight color correction here so i'm going to go into color balance and maybe make this just a little bit cooler within the mid tones within the highlights i might just make it again just a little bit cooler like so and if you want to add any more of a vignette or you need to perhaps go back into this layer and increase the brightness of this reflection then i can go into my dodge tool i can set this to highlights and i can increase the highlights or i could go into mid tones and just increase that there like so just to make it look a little bit more reflective and there we go you can add a title to this you could add a little character standing next to this and then we can call this one complete so take your time this is just an example of what you could do with this technique uh going from 3d coats to keyshot but you can always add these textures within 3d coat that's perfectly fine and then we can put this within photoshop and then just start to paint in some more of these details so i hope you found that entire process helpful if you want to see anything uh similar to this then let me know i am going to do a lot more uh 3d code videos i think um i love using the software so i think it'll be helpful for you to just see this technique over and over again like i said before i didn't know what this was going to look like um i just had some reference images and i had a brief idea in my mind what this is going to look like it has certainly changed throughout the process of modeling this but that's just the way it is when you're thinking free form and you just need to come up with something then yeah yeah you don't really know what you're going to come up with until you start making it but that's the fun of 3d modelling i think when you're drawing uh it's not that you're restricted by drawing but you can sometimes create the same design over and over again whereas when you're 3d modelling and you create these abstract shapes then you can come up with something totally different something that you never think about creating even just these little textures here have created a really nice design that i wouldn't have necessarily thought about if i was drawing so jump into 3d coats start adding these abstract shapes and put a narrative to it actually think about the object that you're creating what's it going to be for and then that's it you can just create your own concepts here we go little wi-fi symbol there we go give it some context brilliant i will see you in the next video then take care for now goodbye
Channel: Robert Dempster
Views: 14,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3dcoat, 3d-coat, hard surface, hard surface modelling, concept art, games art, photobash, keyshot, photoshop, photoshop tutoral, keyshot tutorial, 3dcoat tutorial, how to use 3dcoat, 3dcoat beta, 3dcoat constructor, 3d modelling, film art, 3dcoat 2021, 3d coat texture, 3d coat tutorial, 3d coat hard surface, 3dcoat modding tool, 3dcoat 2021 tutorial, 3dcoat retopo, 3d coat symmetry, 3d coat sculpting, 3d coat 4.9, 3d coat vs zbrush, 3d coat painting, 3d coat kitbash
Id: 4XVpDAurdoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 58sec (4018 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.