Blender 3D - Character Animation Tutorial! CUTE Coffee Cup

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what's up everybody you may recognize this grumpy little coffee cup from my video editing tutorial where i used him as a video example and it was in theme with my sponsor which was trade coffee for that video and i really enjoyed their product so i actually have a link to it in the description below if you still want to check that out now in that tutorial i asked if you were interested in seeing how i made this little coffee animation and people said yes so here we are now full discriminator up front this is not necessarily a beginner friendly tutorial because i don't walk you through every single little step more or less i show you the entire process and how to make it if you're an intermediate user you should be able to follow along i also have a full tutorial on how to make this coffee face we'll walk through how to make the coffee material on top of his head and how to make the mug as well if you want to download this particular face roll animation i'll be giving that away for free in the link in the description below but with that being said let's get started all right so first things first i'm going to go ahead and add a round cube here and i'm going to use kind of the quadrifer settings this is actually from the extra objects add-on if you don't have that enabled i'm going to delete the top half here then i'm going to go ahead and grab the bottom here i'm just going to scale this out a bit with proportional editing on and what i'm trying to do right now is kind of create the base of the coffee cup so i was going for more of a rounded look because i wanted it to be more cartoony so i'm just going to kind of go ahead and flat out just a tiny bit of the portion here great so now i kind of have around the bottom what i'm going to do is go ahead just add a shade smooth there and now what i want to do is kind of extend the stop so i'm just going to alt click this move this edge loop up next i'm going to switch to wireframe mode here just add a couple edge loops i just hit ctrl r and then scaled up on my mouse wheel and clicked now i want to make this kind of solid so i'm going to go ahead and use a solidify modifier and you can set your thickness to whatever you want but i'm going to go ahead and kind of crank mine up so that it's pretty thick i like to turn on high quality normals and then i'm going to come over to the object dab and turn on auto smooth and i'm going to crank mine up to a value like 60 or 80. next i'm going to add a bevel modifier and that's because i kind of want to get this round chunky design on the edge again you can kind of play with it to get the size you want i think i landed mine around 0.3 by the end and i use the angle method and i usually set mine to about 60 or 80 degrees when i'm kind of doing bevels on objects like this next up i'm just going to add a subdivision surface modifier and i'm just going to put that at the beginning and see how that looks there and crank it up a few times to kind of smooth things out so next up i want to go ahead and add the handle and i don't know if you're familiar with the kind of new curve system that's been in blender but they've actually made it quite easy so i'm actually going to go ahead and create the handle with a curve here i'm just going to use a circle curve so i'm going to add the circle object here if you don't have that you can check and add extra curve under the add-ons that's free and included by default it's just not enabled so i'm going to go ahead and rotate this circle i'm going to add some depth you can do that under the bevel menu i'm going to start at .25 and just scale that down and get that into the place there i'm not worried about it intersecting inside because we won't see that once we have the coffee liquid in the top so i'm just going to kind of rotate around see how i want this to look and i'm happy with that placement there i think i'm going to shrink it down a bit and then crank up the depth here so we can get kind of just a bit of a chunkier look and with that i'm pretty kind of happy with that handle and ready to move on now next up what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and just kind of adjust some of the settings on my coffee cup just tweaking things i'm gonna shrink the handle down a bit i'm gonna try and round out the bottom a bit more i'm using this loop tools tool that will like add a circular effect and i'm just going to kind of fast forward through this next section because it's just kind of a lot of boring little tweaks feel free to tweak yours until you're happy with the look of it so i wanted to try and do this kind of coffee in a simple way so here's what it came up with i went ahead and added a circle mesh here in the top view and i'm just going to go ahead and scale that in so it fits inside the inner walls i'm going to tab into edit mode here i'm going to select everything and then i'm going to do a grid fill this will make sense in a second so i'm going to go ahead and pull this up here to the top and then what i'm going to do is i've downloaded this image from pixels and it's free so i'll go ahead and link that in the description below but you'll see here that this doesn't fit the proportion because blender by default measures everything as a square so i'm going to show you a little trick if i open this tab up here i can see the resolution and then what i can do is open my calculator here and then i'm going to go ahead and kind of divide that larger number by that smaller number there so i get 1.5 as my ratio and then i can select that and scale it up by 1.5 and you'll see that it kind of corrects the aspect ratio here so that we can then place that over our copy so now we kind of have that set up to be square so that it matches our uv there and for my uv unwrap i just projected from view from the top view there and then now let's go ahead and add this to our material here i'm just going to add kind of a basic image texture here but i'm actually going to use this image texture as my roughness and bump so i'm just going to select that from before and drop that in there and then turn on material view and go back to uv editor here so that can go ahead and place this correctly and kind of see what i'm doing in my viewport here and then just kind of rotate this until i get a position i'm happy with now this next portion may take some experimentation so i may fast forward through parts i'm going to explain how to do everything it's really simple but you don't need to plug and play the same exact numbers as me so what we're going to do is we're going to use this image to drive the roughness and the bump of our coffee here just to add a bit more realism so how we're going to do that is we're going to go ahead and we're going to add a color ram and plug our image into it which will give us a black and white image which we can view by plugging in the color to kind of give us a preview and then i'm going to play with the white and black settings here now everything that's white will be rough 100 and everything that's black will be no roughness at 100 and then with that color ramp i can plug that into the roughness but i also want to add a bit of bump so i'm going to duplicate this color ramp and then i'm going to put that into the color and the reason i'm using a different color ramp is because i want the bump to have a more natural like fall off from the foam into the coffee so i'm going to just ease out that kind of color a bit but once i have those two color ramps i'm ready to go ahead and plug my color into the color plug my roughness into the roughness ramp and then i'll add a bump node and plug my color ramp into that and plug that into the bump and with that we'll kind of have a basic coffee shaker set up using just one image now i'm going to go ahead and add an extra hue and saturation node and put that on the color and i'm just going to bump the human saturation up to about 1.2 and the only reason i'm doing that is because i want it to be a little bit larger than life since i'm doing a big chunky coffee cup i wanted to be a bit cartoony so i thought it might look a little bit better if the coffee is a bit more kind of saturated and cartoony looking next up i'm going to tackle the facial animation now i'm going to fast forward through this process because it kind of took me a bit and i have an entire tutorial covering how i do facial animations with these facial textures i'll link to that in the description below the facial textures are included for free also for this one i added a little bit of extra animation using after effects you could use grease pencil if you want but if you want to use the facial animation i used in the opening of this video i'll include that for free in the description below so just make sure to click that link and you can go ahead and download that if you want to follow along with the exact facial animation i used anyways i just moved everything over to after effects that's what i'm more comfortable with with this type of animation and then re-imported it back into blender as a facial animation you could do this in grease pencil you could do this with maybe some of the transform nodes but i just found it quicker to be this way so i just messed around kind of got something i wanted a bit smoother than my normal stop motion result and here's kind of the final result i ended up with next up i'm going to import the face texture into blender and i plugged mine into a mix rgb node and then put that into my color on my principal node and then i just turned the roughness down a bit to kind of give my mug a ceramic look so next up i need to uv unwrap this mug and what i'm going to do is grab these bottom and top edge loops here and i'm just going to mark those seams and then i'm going to select everything and press u to unwrap and then after that what i'm going to do is grab these few little islands over here and i'm going to scale them down then i'm going to take this big island here which kind of represents that middle piece of the coffee mug where i want the face to appear and i'm just going to scale and move that around until i get the face somewhere that i want placed perfectly you'll want to make sure that you have the extend mode set to clip that way that you don't draw your face all over your mug a bunch of times now if you imported my face texture you should be able to see it playing back here real time in the viewport in the material if not take a look at the image sequence and see if you have cyclic or auto refresh turned on sometimes that helps it play back in the viewport as well you're probably wondering how i animated this kind of like coffee up here so i'll get to that in a second but first let's look at what i did with the mug so you can see here that i had the face kind of playing back and forth and i wanted to add a little bit of turn so i just took the mug and you can see here that i just added a couple keyframes just to turn that mug a tiny bit i just turned on auto keyframe i didn't do anything fancy and just kind of had to mug turn to kind of match the face a little bit to give it a little bit of extra motion now what i did a bit more uniquely is this coffee up here so this is actually a really simple animation so if you recall we had the kind of just circle that we used so what i did is i actually just added a rotation keyframe there's no kind of fancy there's no fancy liquid simulation or anything like that you can see here that i just have a couple rotation keyframes kind of going back and forth so i just grabbed it and just kind of moved it towards the camera back and forth like this with auto keyframe on so that's all that i did there now to add a little bit of extra kind of texture to the animation what i did and i have it to this covered in a tutorial for claymation but i added a subdivision modifier and then i added a displacement modifier and then i put set that to a really low number there and for my texture i used clouds and then i inserted a keyframe on size so then what that allowed me to do is to come over here and grab the noise size here and then i came over here to the modifiers and i added a noise modifier and i set my scale to 10 and my strength to two and you can see i'm going to switch to solid view so we can play it in real time you can see how we're getting just a little bit of kind of wiggle on that water so that as he's moving around it looks like the coffee is moving as well so that's all i did for animation so it's pretty simple setup there i didn't do anything fancy here with the lighting but i did spend a lot of time experimenting so i'm just going to kind of fast forward through this point but the general gist of the lighting setup is that i put an hdri into the scene and then used a couple plain lights just to add some bright light on either side of the mug and then what i did is i went through and i added a couple point lights right behind the edge of the mug on the opposite side of the camera and the reason i did that is so i could get this kind of little rim light effect that you see in the final render if you're interested in learning more about lighting i do have a full tutorial covering the basics of lighting and kind of how i approach lighting a scene so if you're looking for a deeper dive into how i would light a scene like this i recommend checking out that tutorial lastly i just want to say thank you for watching as usual tag me and what you create at southern irish on instagram where you can also follow me to keep up to date with kind of art and products and all that i'm planning to post as well let me know what you think about this format of video this was a little more i guess intermediate so it didn't take me quite as long to record or plan so if you're interested in seeing more tutorials like this i might be able to produce more content let me know in the comments below have a great day
Channel: SouthernShotty
Views: 165,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender 2.8, animation, blender animation, blender 3d, blender modeling tutorial, blender 2.92, blender simulation tutorial, blender donut, blender 2.9 tutorial, blender 2.92 tutorial, blender 2.9, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender interior tutorial, animation in blender, blender coin tutorial, blender water tutorial, blender donut tutorial, using blender for animations, tutorial in blender for free, blender 2.93
Id: owQloet0JMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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