Blender 3.0 Or FreeCAD For 3D Printing | Which Should You Learn?

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so should you learn blender or freecad for 3d  printing put frankly i really believe that 98   of you should just go and learn blender but  i understand that this question has so much   more behind it but frankly it's about  how we like to think about the 3d space   for some of us we have to see the world  through units constraints to truly   be able to see that 3d thing in the 3d  space and be able to understand it properly   now if you really don't need more than five  decimal places of precision i truly truly   encourage you to just try and learn blender it  really can do five decimal places of precision and   it's so incredibly flexible and you can do so much  in it but for those of you that are looking to do   sort of parametric modeling for work especially  mechanical engineering product design for massive   manufacturing as well as architecture and you  have more than five decimal places of precision   and maybe for some of you that are dealing with  a cnc every day even though there are cnc add-ons   coming really quickly for blender then you guys  should really go parametric and forget about mesh   modeling altogether but just be aware that inside  of blender you can do hard surface and organic   modeling really quickly and easily without having  to deal with the numbers of it you get to work   with photogrammetry very quickly and easily  you can do faux parametric models again   quickly and easily and you're going to  be able to do full parametric models   using blenders no geometry node system which some  would even argue you already can but i would say   you still need about a year until that is fully  fleshed out but most importantly especially for 3d   printing is you get to play around with stls and  3mf's really easily inside a blender you can do   whatever it is that you want to do with it  be a small edit or complete change you can   do that inside of blender now don't get me wrong  you can do that inside of a parametric program   but it's a bit like hammering in a screw in the  sense that it will do it but it's definitely   not made for that so as you can see i  am definitely a little bit more biased   to blender now that's got nothing to do that i  have a free course a paid course and two years of   content it truly is because i've been both on the  parametric side and on the organic modeling side   and then when i found blender and i was  able to merge those two worlds into one   my mind was blown and i truly believe that the  maker community don't really give blender that   chance sometimes because they just see oh that is  just for organic modelling that's it and that's   why i've made maker tales so blender focused so  that i can really open up that door to as many   people as possible now i think the best way to go  forward from here is i'm just going to go to the   top most popular sites out there look at the most  popular files on the stls the 3mf's and i'll   just point out which are literally impossible in  blender and which would be a pain in blender and   see what happens starting it all off with  the og of thingiverse so let's take a look   at the front page right here benchy feel like i  could completely make this this one can be done   especially now that i've got my gear right on  totally now this one here the sundial the sundial   will basically be almost impossible in blender  just due to just the mathematics behind it it can   be done you could probably make a python script to  make it but i would just say that this is probably   a parametric model for sure then going down here  is there anything that truly stands out that just   would not be possible in blender i'll go for one  more page why not let's see there's nothing just   no everything here is 100 possible to do in  blender now let's go over to my mini factory now   my main factory of course doesn't quite represent  it as well because it's a lot of organic modeling   in here and this here yeah all of this is pretty  much telling me it would be blender let me just   check that one i'll see how that one's built up  but all of this would definitely be possible in   blender let's check that file there that  card stacking one yep definitely possible   in blender so let's go on to thanks so we're  here and thanks let's see if there's anything   here anything that's popping out to me is saying  it could not be done in blender i don't think so   let me see i'll just carry on for a little  bit more this might be a little bit of pain   but it is definitely possible i'm sure that  was a pain to do in a CAD program as well   this i would say a little bit because nurbs  and curved surfaces inside a blender precision   modeling and curves right this minute uh it's  one of the things that sort of still needs to be   loved in blender but it's definitely getting  there okay no there's nothing here that i feel   cannot be done in blender maybe this one let's  take a look um let's look at the design properly   let's see if there's anything here  that seems ridiculous no that is   yeah i could definitely do that in blender  pretty quickly actually um so let's go on to   the next one with the prusa prince and let's  see here um i would say a little bit this but   it's a tricky thing there's there's a difference  between can you design it and how many prototypes   did they do before they got to the final design  so yes it's definitely possible in blender and   i'm sure they did plenty of prototypes to get that  end result anything else that's very quickly here   i'll just carry on going down probably this a  little bit just because of the way that the teeth   are arranged there now you can definitely do that  for sure actually no i would say it's actually   quite easy now that i'm thinking it through  it actually wouldn't be too hard this here   the holder no possible completely possible there  is nothing uh why am i finding this so hard   even the cryptex cryptex are fundamentally quite  simple once you understand how what exactly and   how they work so let's see anything anything come  on okay you know what let me find a site that i   know for sure there's going to be something that  cannot be done in blender so here we go going to   the complete other end of the spectrum which is  a CAD so in grab card surely there's plenty here   that can't be done in blender so for instance  this here injection molding machine i most   definitely would not want to do something like  this in blender i'm not saying it can't be done   but do not put yourself through that if you want  to design this go for a parametric program if not   you're going to really struggle when you need to  do a change now as we go down here we go an engine   i gather if you're going to be doing this type of  precision you go with a parametric program i would   not suggest doing that in blender at all let's  see what next can we get here so as i look through   these i'm seeing that most of them are dealing  with something for work now like i just said   if you need precision for work don't even look at  mesh modeling but just be careful whenever you go   for these CAD programs especially for the paid  ones if you go for their sort of maker license   a lot of them have brought down from 100k to  that you can only make 1k a year so a big big   heads up there um but by all means i really do  think you could make most of this stuff in free   CAD or openscad on all of those just there is a  hell of a learning curve for it and be prepared   for that so as you've just seen i almost struggled  to find things that i couldn't do in blender now   that doesn't mean that blender can do it all it  means that i just feel technically adept enough   with blender that i could pull it off so if you're  looking to learn blender i have a completely free   precision driven course here on youtube it's  10 hours long very technically in depth but   you make one tiny model in the middle of it so if  you're wanting to jump straight to the good bits   and also learn 3d print design and blender while  creating 3d printable projects head on over to   maker tails academy where you can learn everything  you need for blender for 3d printing all the links   for everything i just mentioned are going to be  down in the description and a huge thank you to my   patrons you guys mean the world to me and i would  not have been able to make maker tales without   your support and if you're enjoying what i'm  making here you think i'm worthy of your support   i would love to see you there too and don't  forget that we have a discord which is linked   down in the description as well thank you for  watching keep making and let the quest continue
Channel: Keep Making
Views: 60,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: is blender good for 3d printing, 3d printing in blender, blender, is blender any good, is blender hard to learn, what can you do with blender 3d, what is blender used for, is blender good for beginners, is blender easy for beginners, 3d printing, Blender 3.0, vs, FreeCAD, CAD, mesh, modeling, modelling, Which should I learn, what, 3d print, 3d printers, 3d modeling for 3d printing, 3d modeling, remixing stl, 3d modelling for 3d printing, how to start 3d modeling, design
Id: ZXcvYiOo-NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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