Blender 2.82, Jewelry Designing, and Adding Hallmarks and Engraving during Design Process!

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hi guys it's Pete from my guru Ben's calm today what we're gonna work on is hallmarking our jewelry designs in blender 2.8 to hallmarking is the process of engraving the karat type of gold or silver that you're using as well as putting maybe a company logo into the ring and I'm going to show you two ways to do it I hope you enjoy this video if you do please give it a thumbs up if you have any comments leave them in the comment section below and every time you hit the like and subscribe button it helps my channel grow thanks guys and let's get started to make a hallmark is pretty simple in blender we're gonna walk you through the stage here first things we have to do is we have to make a ring so I'm just gonna go through the basics and make a quick ring to use for a hallmark so bear with me a second while I make myself a ring shank and I'm gonna size this down gonna press n to get my tools here so I am going to select my cube I'm going to turn this into a ring shank and we're gonna make this let's say 2 millimeters by 2 millimeters by 2 millimeters I'm going to size it along the y-axis about three point five millimeters and then we will size this along the X and I'm just going to make that about 57 millimeters which should be about a size seven ish under tab for edit mode and I'm going to press ctrl R and we're going to add in gonna add a 200 loop cuts press ENTER twice go back into object mode by pressing tab and now we have a ring shank that we can bend around a curve so now I'm going to add in a curve and let's see curve and a circle I'm going to make this approximately 18 millimeters by 18 millimeters our X 90 so we'll rotate that along the the x axis and now I want to apply a curve modifier to my ring shank or my mesh so I'm going to select that mesh we'll come over here to the modifiers we will add in a curve modifier with the curve modifier selected I'm just going to have deep Bezier circle and now I have a ring shank that is approximately a size most prized size 6 and we're going to size that along the x-axis to about here and make that a little tighter yes bring that in just a little bit more about like so and with that done I'm going to hit the apply button on the modifiers and we'll apply that modifier I'm gonna get rid of the Bezier circle because we don't need that anymore so I'll delete that I'm gonna select my ring shank hit tab and I am going to select these two faces the one on the inside hold the shift key down select the second face and you can see those two faces are selected X to delete those faces and now I will select my edge loop tool select the first abs loop hit shift alt and select the entire perimeter you can see it's selected there and then I'll select the opposite there so now those two are selected you do that by holding the shift in the Alt key together what we want to do is bridge those so I'm gonna right click loop tools in bridge and you can see it closes up our ratio so now I have a solid ring shank to work with if we tab into the edit mode you can see that I have lots of little lines going all the way around now you can do a lot of funny things with those little fancy things if you wanted to curve out the inside I can select my edge loop tool here grab another loop hit shift alt select the entire perimeter there I'll do that to all four edges along the sides just keep your shift in your Alt key held while you select those little edges and now I can apply a bezel to those so I will hit shift B and oops not shift B control B I'm sorry control B gives me a bezel bevel edge and that's not working out well hit say I have to go an object mode ctrl a you know I am going to a line rotation and scale go back into edit mode and now I'll try control B and there we go we got a good bezel there I'll just give that a little bit of a curve okay so our ring shank is done now the time is needed to add in our hallmarks now the name of my jewelry company is called rocks and clocks custom jewelers so I tend to hallmark my items with RCC J and the carat mark so if I was gonna make a 14-karat gold ring I would type in or I would agree Vaughn the ring 14k space RCC J and that I know it's a piece that I made it was custom designed for a person so so to add in your own hallmark and we're gonna use my guru bunch as an example so I'm gonna add in the hallmark MJ be for my jewelry bunch and I'm gonna add in the karat mark and we're just gonna you know assume that I'm gonna make a 14-karat ring out of this so to do that I will take my ring shake I'm gonna come over to the right side here you see where the little eyeball is I'm gonna close it up so the ring is actually hidden now while I'm here I'll rename that ring so with our ring done what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the ring we're gonna select it we're gonna come over here and hide it using the little eyeball over here and now it's hidden so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add in the text that I want to use to make my hallmark and again we're gonna do the karat mark and I want to put 14 karat here and then the MJB for my jewelry bench comm so let's get that done I'm gonna hit shift a to that add an item and I'm gonna come down I'm going to add in a text item and you can see on your screen you'll get the word text if you press the tab key it goes into edit mode and then you can type in just like you would any word processor and I'm gonna type in 14k and I'm gonna space and type in m j b and then i'll press tab to go into object mode and now all I want to do is I want to make sure that this is gonna look good for my hallmarking so I'll come over to the text options under geometry and I'm just going to extrude that a little bit get that up to about here and if I want to give it a little bit of depth I can kind of make it a little thicker and that doesn't look too bad that hallmarking should work out okay once I've got that done I actually have to take this item because it's not a mesh it's actually like a curved object and what I want to do now is I want to turn it into a mesh so with that done I'm going to with the text selected I'm gonna come over to my object menu here and we're going to come down to convert to a mesh from a curved meta surface or text item so I've converted it now to a mesh you can tell it's a mesh because it's got a triangle over here by the word text and with my text selected just because I like to have things in the center I will right click on the words I will come over to set origin center of mass and then I will press shift s and on the top or H on your keyboard if you press that you can move it to the middle of your screen now once that's done I can unhide by ring oops unhide my ring and there we have our text object in the middle of our ring so now we have to make this into a curved object so that I can actually place it onto the ring shank or the inside of the ring shank so to do that I want to remesh this because I'm going to go into edit mode here and I'm gonna show you how bad this mesh is you can see that it's just kind of a mix of all these little lines triangles so I like to rematch this with the characters selected or the text selected we're gonna go back over to the modifiers tool and I'm going to add a new modifier called Ramesh now with Ramesh selected because all the letters are not connected we have this little remove disconnected pieces so uncheck that and your words will come back but they won't look very good to make them look good we have to increase the octree depth and you will just select a little right arrow and you're gonna step it up to seven or eight depending on how much detail you want so I'm gonna go over to eight because this is a small object and it really doesn't make much of a difference for what I'm gonna do here and I will apply that now if I enter object or edit mode you can see that our mesh now is made up of all these little check boxes all these little squares and that's perfect for what we want to do here I'm gonna go back into object mode by pressing tab I am going to size this up a little bit to about here and then I'm going to bring that down to my ring the inside surface of the Ring where I want to put my hallmark and you can see that obviously it is not forming well to the curve of the inside of the Ring again probably shouldn't have deleted my circle but we're gonna add in a new one so a curved circle and then I will size that again down to 16 millimeters by 16 millimeters and I will rotate that along the x-axis 90 degrees and you can see it is on the inside of our ring shank now so now I wanted to make my text curved along that Bezier curve so I will apply a curve modifier just like we did the ring shank to the text with the text selected come over to your modifiers tab and we will add in a new modifier called curve and I will select the Bezier circle and you can see it does some funky stuff to our circle but we are going to turn that around and it is way off so let's kind of do this with text selected I am going to rotate this along the x-axis we're going to try this rx 180 and that worked out okay just opposite of what we have but that's okay so there is my characters that are set along the parameter of the inside surface of my ring and I want these to be a little bit bigger so I'm going to size that up a little bit using the US key and my mouse and I'm gonna make that to about here and if you look you can see how deep this gets cut into our ring shank and if that's about where you want it that's not bad remember that the thinner your text is the harder it's going to print with your 3d printer or your wax printer because the wax printer cannot print the minut details that we can see on the screen into a real object so it's good to have a little bit thicker text a little bit bulkier hallmark when you're putting this into a ring and if your ring shank is below two-and-a-half millimeters it's going to be very difficult so just keep that in mind if that's the case if you have a wider area on your ring shank let's say up near the top worth maybe perhaps the ring shank it gets wider at the top you can move your hallmarking just by grabbing the red arrow here and I can kind of put that wherever I want to on the ring shank and if it's in a wider area I can actually add some bulk to my hallmark so keep that in mind practice this because it'll help you get familiar with this now I've got my text line to the curve we're just gonna leave it right there it doesn't have to be perfect I'm gonna apply that modifier so that now I can get rid of the Bezier circle that I just added and now my text is actually just just the way I want it and if we go into edit mode you'll see that it's it's perfect the way we want it the text curves nicely it's gonna work well for what we're going to do go back into object mode I'm going to take my text I'm gonna lower it back down onto my ring to about here and now I am going to remove the text from the ring so I am gonna actually cut a hole into the ring shank where the text is and that's going to help us with our hallmark with the text selected press and hold the shift key then select your ring now come over to the boolean tab or your attitude wherever your boolean tools are and select difference and you can see the boolean tool cuts a hole in your model and if it works perfectly our model will come out just the way we wanted it to and here it did so that is a good way of doing that I'm going to right click on my ring I'm going to smooth shade it and you can see that we have some kind of weird depth changes to our MJB and our 14-karat but that's okay don't worry about that to get rid of that we're just gonna add on a new modifier to our ring called edge split you can see it keeps our ring nice and smooth but it makes our text nice and crispy and I will apply that and that is how we add in a hallmark to the inside of the Ring surface so there I have the 14-karat homework and I'm JB for my jury bench now the same can be done on the outside perimeter of the Ring and I'll show you how to do that real quick I'm going to add in a new curve circle and again we're gonna size that down to 16 or actually we're gonna make that 19 millimeters by 19 millimeters again I'm gonna rotate this a lot on the x-axis our x9 D this size that up again I'm gonna hide my ring and I'm gonna add in another text block so hit shift a we'll come down to text and oh we're on the reverse here so I'm just going to rotate my screen well it tab did go into edit mode and I will type in let's say a name let's like bring in caps and go in object mode now I want to add in some depth so with our text selected we'll come to the text tool here and go into geometry and we will extrude that just a little bit you could extrude that however high you want and again I'm gonna give it a little bit of depth that looks good there and if you do have other fonts that you have on your system you can add in other fonts to this so for instance if I change the font let's say I want to use oh how about an italicized font now my text is italicized but you can see kind of screws up there so I'll get rid of that get rid of that Bevell I didn't come out too well let's select a different text how about don't let this one here there we go so that doesn't look too bad now I'm gonna make that a little bit shorter right about like that gotta bring in our ring again we're gonna make this a little bit bigger and again we have to convert this over to a mesh object right now you can see right here in the word text is a curve and that's a little symbol for a curve so I will right click on it come down to convert to mesh and now it is a mesh I am going to right click again and set my origin to the center of the mass and then shift us to place it again in the middle selection to cursor and now I can take this up to the top and if we want that right like there and we want this to curve along the perimeter of the ring so I will take that text the word Karen and we will come over to our modifiers tab we will add in a curved modifier select our Bezier circle and again it disappeared we're to go to way down here let's move that we're liking that okay that looks pretty good you're gonna size that just to make a little wider too shabby and let's grab that and we'll just move it a little closer just like that so it's inside the ring and with that done I will apply this so we've applied that modifier now we don't need that Bezier circle again so I will again and delete it again with this selected now this time if I want to I can remesh it I you saw how I did it with the proper way of rematching the tool and you can see here I did not Ramesh this but it bent it okay for the most part I would always see just real ash you know I didn't do it here you don't always have to probably not a bad idea if he did it I'm gonna select the word carrot I'm gonna select our ring and we will do another boolean tool difference just like so and you can see now it is gone and again I'm gonna add in just another head split and apply that and now Karin is nice and crisp and embedded into the ring so we've we've done that hallmarking on the inside of the Ring and we've done a nameplate on the outside of the Ring that's how you do that I wanted to show you this guys and I hope you enjoyed it if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber considering subscribing because I do these videos I tried to get him once a week I know it's been a little tough here Florida is open for business so I have been slammed which is really nice I hope the rest of you are doing okay with this pandemic thing going on again if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you have any comments or suggestions please leave them in the comments below and every time you hit that like button or you leave a comment it helps my channel grow so do whatever you can because it helps me grow and I appreciate everything else and thank you guys for helping me get to twenty five hundred subscribers in a year that is great I can't tell you how much I appreciate it have a wonderful day
Channel: Peter Grande
Views: 7,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, jewelry, elegoo, mars, epax x1, resin printer, resin printing, 3d printing, modeling, jewelry design, watch, casio, timex, seiko, citize, rolex, uv printer, clocks, clock repair, invicta, lcd printer, hard surface, hard, surface, blender, blender 2.82
Id: z8UbRQjWxOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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