20 Blender Modifiers and Tips in 20 Minutes!

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hey it's Kevin blender binge here are 20 modifiers that I've detailed in other videos but decided to cram together for your viewing pleasure I use simple examples in this video but will link to other better examples were applicable this is not an end-all be-all use every feature video of every modifier but more of an overview and it'll hopefully spark ideas do you want ideas let's go the first is the array modifier here's how you use it select the thing you want to make into an array in my case this seem to be defaulted cube which are copies you'll see in a second go to modifiers and add the array it looks like it extended to cube into a default rectangle thing what it's doing is making a copy of it and offsetting it if you look at the relative offset count you can add different numbers to the different slots and it will offset it on different axes the top is X middle is y and bottom is Z if you add in one to all of them it offsets them in that amount in each direction if you change the count to three you get three if you offset by one in just the y and z axis you get stairs going up in the y-direction if you increase the count by more you get more stairs pretty simple right one cool trick is to use a curve to control the array here's a simple example with our stairs adding a Bezier curve scale it by hitting s and drag then rotate it by hitting R and dragging now change fit type to fit curve and curve to Bezier curve that's the curve we just created if you select the curve now and hit tab to go into edit mode you can select one of the points of the curve and drag you'll see your count going up and down if you start with a lower count you'll have more control this is more finesse than anything so you kind of got to get it in play with it here's the array with constant offset it's going by grid units now instead of object bounding box size like relative did if you turn on merge and play with the distance variable you can get some fun effects the effect depends on the offset value on what merges if you turn on first last lookie what happens so much fun so much fun stretch out your curve and ooh I used an array in this video as one modifier in a small chain to create lots of skulls whatever next up devil select the soon-to-be destructed cube and choose bevel from the modifier menu it adds edges to your object if you play with the offset it makes the bevel larger or smaller simple right if you choose only vertices it works on just points up the segments and you get rounded edges good for some hard surface type stuff turnoff clamp overlap and see why you shouldn't do that then turn it back on and make everything in the world right again here's a useful tip go to materials and make another material in the slot by hitting the plus then hit new change both colors I chose red and green but you can choose whatever you want now go back to the bevel modifier panel and in material change from negative one to wait turn on rendered you yeah there we go it's the first material now change material to anything greater than zero in this case one because I have one other material in there look the beveled areas are a different color how about that change to angle and play around it can control the bevel by angles in this case I only have 90 degree angles so it will only work on those if I go past ninety degrees the bevel effect is gone useful in some situations I'd reckon watch what happens if I hit tab for edit mode control our for loop cut and slide and add in another point here let's move that down and look changing the angles on some edges lose the bevel effect while others keep it based on the input degrees interesting play with grid fill and cut off and check those corners Marines stay frosty if you check custom profile like y'all probably know about this already but it's really fun so I'm adding it in here turn it on and click and drag on the line and watch your edges conform to the curve in this little window turn up the segments and oh it's neat and fun and you'll lose sleep here strong for architectural stuff like crown moldings and things there are other things you can do with bevel but that's enough for now next ooh boolean this is a fun one that I did a video on last year or something like that the link is up there somewhere start with two cubes make one offset like this choose the bottom one and go to modifiers add boolean under object choose the second cube and you'll see it doing something in this case it's cutting into the first cube with the shape of the second cube if I go to wireframe mode you can see it better change from difference mode to intersect mode and it only keeps the part of the first team that falls inside the second cube change to Union and they merge together simple right this is the basis behind really awesome add-ons like box cutter and hard ops let's use a more fun example here's a cube with Suzanne the monkey head why Suzanne I don't know watch the end of mall rats are chasing Amy or listen to Weezer or something if we select Suzanne and add a boolean modifier to her beautiful head then choose our cube we can turn on wireframe we can see that it's doing bad bad things bad don't do that let me change the shading to use Evie and you can see what's happening better see she's discombobulating this is just with the standard add of boolean I didn't change anything in the modifier yet you can animate this thing to make things appear and disappear if I change the modifier to intersect you can only make things inside the cube appear pretty cool do the same thing with a sphere and it gets spherical cuts build the build modifier is cool for these types of effects I did a video on it link is up there select your object add the build modifier roll the start frame backward and watch it appear check reverse and reverse it set the length and it operates based on time hit random and the effect is even more interesting play with the length and the effect happens faster or slower keyframe it play with it it's fun get in there decimate this cuts the number of faces in your object down here's a cool use make a cylinder hit tab for edit mode then control our for loop cut and slide roll your mouse scroll wheel and add like this many cuts hit enter hit tab again to go back to object mode select your cylinder add the decimate modifier then check unsub divide and turn up the iterations now you have a cool wave like pattern add a wireframe modifier to it you get this useful I think book break free ebook in the description if you want just sayin edge use this to set edges of a certain angle to stay sharp when you smooth normals with this modifier on a torus if I hit shade smooth check edge angle and sharp edges and play with the angle you can cuspidor milles this way and get different looks to your object do it on a subdivide Suzanne and it starts to make sense it's useful for certain hard-edged things see that next up mirror I'll start off mirror by saying this is really useful if you're modeling something and you want a model two halves and you cut one in half and then you use mirror and mirror it and the second half will just go along with the first half but I'm gonna show you some other cool stuff with this select the cube go to modifier and add mirror if your objects in the center you won't see anything happen if you move the object away from the center then click on options origins and move the pivot point of the object back to the center then turn off origins you'll see the effect happen that mirrors your object from its origin point a good trick to control mirroring on objects is to use another object to control the mirror effect create an empty then use the modifier properties for the cube under mirror object choose the empty and now you have a control if you choose XY & z under axis then rotate the empty you can get all kinds of interesting mirroring effects if you turn on merge move the empty so they come together more then add in a subdivision modifier you can get really trippy metabolic effects try it make the subdivision higher and see what happens this happens surprise remesh re meshes the minecraft modifier watch take Suzanne add a remesh modifier and you get something that looks like an orc from World of Warcraft or something play with the opt tree depth and you get destruction could be useful change the mode to blocks and you get minecraft if you have the ant landscape add-on installed you can create a simple terrain add the remesh modifier to it change mode to blocks and there you go minecraft play with the OP tree depth and you get more or less of it change mode to smooth and you can animate it and do reveal type stuff if you want screw is next take a cube at a school modifier and you get this it sucks I know but just wait before you facepalm tell me I suck in the comments thumbs down the video and move on to hurt others with your super superiority if you play with the angle it just makes the object rotate around itself change the axis and now it does it differently but if you change the screw value you get the effect you're looking for play with the steps and make it greater or lesser cool trick now edit and empty then select your cube go back to the modifier and under axis choose empty now if you move the empty around that moves the effect play with the angle and you can get all kinds of cool things going turn up the iterations and make it go all the way up to the up change the axis and you get an old phone cord next up skin select your cube add a skin modifier and watch greatness unfold before your very eyes this modifier basically draws geometry around points play with branch smoothness and get tighter results turn on smooth shading and see this click create armature and it draws a bone system inside your object here's where it gets fun hit tab and select all the points then go to vertex merge vertices and choose at center now you have a point and a ctrl move this around and see what happens this happens the cool thing happens when you choose the control point then go to extrude and extrude this thing around move extrude move extrude move extrude and you get a worm or a cable click armature on the modifier and you get a skeleton inside your object now you can animate this thing next up solidify take Suzanne hit tab and go into edit select half of her and delete hit tab and go back into object mode and add a solidify modifier play with the thickness and watch Suzanne thicken play with the clamp value and watch only part of her thicken based on the thickness value in size etc try this select some points in edit mode hit control G for group then go back into object mode go to the modifier and under angle clamp this isn't labeled for some reason choose the group we just made now only that area gets solidified ok get rid of the group thing and change the mode to complex now we have more options we can play with fun here's something useful choose only Rim now only the boundary areas get the effect this is cool cross section stuff play with the thickness here and you can control the effect here's something useful make two materials in the material menu I'm going with green and red again because Christmas is such a fond memory these days now turn on shaded mode and you'll see half Susanna's green back in the modifier for solidify changed the material to one and you get two materials on this the solidified areas get another material change the rim too and switch it up subdivide is next select your cube and add a subdivision surface modifier your cube changes to a round thing it's adding more geometry here and if you go with Catmull clark it rounds it out simple holds the topology if you add more divisions to the viewport it gets more dense you also need to match that in the render area to or when you render it'll look different if you hit tab and move a point around you can see that the cube is now a proxy cage for the subdivision surface one point can move many other vertices if you grab a face and hit extrude you can model with this stuff and it gives you a smooth approximation of whatever you box model this is an old-school modeling technique play with it if you've never done this before it's fun and there are many old animation movies that were modeled and rendered partly using this stuff triangulate is next this modifier takes quads and breaks them up into triangles this is what renderer is render it has some uses but modern engines do much of this for you this used to be awesome for game engines that used to be very sensitive to poly counts it's still there but way more forgiving now we'll look at wireframe take your cube and add a wireframe modifier to it it takes the edges and draws in a wireframe mesh thickness controls the depth of the effect even thickness keeps it even and relative goes by density I have them both checked here but it's usually one or the other if you uncheck replace original it keeps the original geometry in there filling it in if you add a subdivision modifier after this one in the stack you can start doing really interesting things move the subdivision surface up before the wireframe and you can control how dense the effect is by controlling the amount of subdivisions if you sandwich the wireframe modifier between two subdivision surface modifiers you can smooth out the effect like this go inside the sphere and if you create two materials as we've done in many of these sections already I'll do blue and magenta here and we go back to the wireframe modifier and uncheck replace original we get the fill-in then we switch material offset to one and turn on shaded view and cool we now get two shaders on this thing you can use any shaders you want here and make this thing really really cool-looking like combining like flesh and metal and stuff and get like terminator it's awesome play around get some interesting crap now we have weld this one is interesting sort of take Suzanne for instance select her and add the weld modifier then hit tab go into edit mode select some points like this hit ctrl G to assign a new group to the points we selected in the weld modifier settings select the group we just made in the vertex group window and now if you play with distance you can weld the points in that group you can also play with the distance and get some useless effects whatever here's the great one for those who have stuck around we really don't care about those who didn't write the shrink wrap modifier this one is awesome I'm here with Suzanne and a grid beneath her if I add a shrink wrap modifier to the grid and choose Suzanne as the target the modifier takes the grid and wraps it to Suzanne if you move Suzanne around the effect and placement changes so what that's lame you say well watch this then change mode from nearest surface point to project now move Suzanne around huh you like that change negative to positive now move Suzanne nice they add a subdivision surface modifier to the grid and it looks better hide Suzanne and you get that face coming out of a wall effect from like every horror movie and everything except like Sesame Street look what call faces does now you've seen it yay change the project method to above surface and play change back to on surface move Suzanne around play with the limit and change the effect make the surface look like it's grabbing Suzanne and swallowing her glad you stuck around yet good good because here's how you use lattice take Suzanne here and go to add lattice this looks like an empty cube scale it up and make it go around Suzanne a new green lattice icon appears on the right sidebar go there here you can add divisions to the lattice through resolution settings I'm adding some then to use it select Suzanne and add in a lattice modifier next go to the object area and choose laddus that's the lattice you added to the scene before select the lattice hit tab and go into edit mode I move a point around it deforms the geometry more divisions in the lattice refine the influence area of the lattice this lets you get pretty targeted on what you want to deform the more subdivisions on Suzanne and the more subdivisions on the lattice the more refined your deformation is going to be it's that simple try it you'll see wave is up next this modifier deforms geometry in a wave pattern create a grid then add a wave modifier to it hit play and watch what happens underwhelmed sure and in a subdivision surface modifier and move it with the little arrow above the wave modifier now hit play much different you can control the origin in an interactive and animatable way by adding in an empty then going back to the modifier control panel for wave and change start position to empty now if you move your empty around the origin of the effect changes with it keyframe it moving around and you get a weird animation play with the narrowness with speed and height to understand them intuitively there's really no substitute for getting in there and playing with it cyclic makes its cycle turn cyclic off and it's one and done life controls how long the wave lasts damping is how much time until the energy dissipates and fall-off is how long the wave goes out from the origin before it dissipates here's the effect on some cool geometry I created using the array modifier you saw before on a bunch of cubes I just hit apply on it to freeze the modifiers effect you can always hit apply on modifiers to lock in their effect but when you do you lose the ability to go back and tweak it so be careful with that look at that add some glow and ah displace this one is all over the tutorial verse so I won't spend long on it take any object I'll use a sphere here add a displace modifier to it and blows up a little hit new then hit the little button on the right to go to the texture tab see the menu change now choose a type from the drop down list I'll use clouds it takes each vertex and pushes it based on the texture you choose white moves it out black does nothing the strength settings make it more or less powerful under texture coordinates global makes the effect seen wide when you move your object it swims through the texture changing it as it moves local moves with it locking the displacement to the object adding a subdivision surface in combination with a displaced modifier can smooth the effect and make it look better this is great for rocks asteroids blobby things except Allah etc each texture has its own settings so get in there and play around you might find some interesting things lastly adding subdivision before the displacement gives you a much tighter control you really see the texture displacement come through and I've saved the best for last for those who stuck around ocean for this modifier you can create a plane or even in this case it works on the sphere select it and add the ocean modifier it turns into an ocean the resolution will give it some more geometry to work with then choppiness will make the waves crest don't go overboard with this number though to animate it simply set keyframes on the time attribute this is the trick that everybody usually asks for right-click at frame 1 on your timeline and set a keyframe with the value 1 then go to your last frame keyframe it with a value of 2 then hit play on the timeline there you have an animated ocean the value for time will make it go faster or slower the only real way to learn to work with this is to play with it it's a great modifier and you can make convincing non splashing water with it it goes deep and really deserves its own video series if you like this video I recommend you get the free book in the description of this video it's full of useful tips on finding your way in 3d useful sites and resources and a whole lot more also check out blender nest podcast you'll love it make sure to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video thanks and stay healthy my friends
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 102,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender modifiers 2.8, blender modifiers explained, blender modifiers tutorial
Id: drJtRgBEaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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