Blender 2.8 Tutorial - Cell Fracture Explosion

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hey fellow blender maniacs this is Alex core bard from blender mania 3d comm and today we're gonna be taking a look at how to make this really cool animation using the self fracture add-on forcefields and many more so we're gonna take a look at how to do this you could also use what we're gonna learn in this tutorial the techniques and the skills to make many different things as well such as right here we got an exploding wall who doesn't like explosions anyway so an exploding wall an exploding floor or as we're doing here a planet exploding so the imagination is the limit you could make whatever it is that you want however here we're gonna be learning how to do this and then like I said you can use the techniques in many different ways alright let's get right to it let's create a new file yeah let me try that again alright there we go and we're gonna delete the default cube X delete and add ace UV sphere shift a add mesh UV sphere alright let's go ahead and get the texture for this sucker we're gonna go do textures dot-com now this is a great site just create a free account and you could download some textures we're gonna search for rock and under rock you could take whatever one you want this one looks actually pretty sick as I see it actually we're going to be using this one right here though this rock texture right here again feel free to use whatever texture you want just make sure to download the medium albedo or color map the medium normal map and the medium roughness map alright I already have those downloaded so once you have them downloaded head back in the blender and let's go ahead and add these to our UV sphere go to the material tab which is this nuclear or beach ball looking icon we're gonna click on new then under here we're gonna change it actually let's do this in the node editor go to the bottom left till you get the crosshair left click and drag out to split the viewport and we're going to change this window two shader editor i still call it node editor i'm stuck in 2.7 guys i'm gonna hit the end key to close off that panel and then right here we're gonna go ahead and add in those three textures so shift day add in a texture image texture just right there and I'm just gonna with this selected I'm gonna hit shifty shifty and copy it twice so that we have three of them because we have three textures for the first one I'm gonna click open and go ahead and open up that color map or albedo map and I'm gonna connect the color right here into the base color of the principal shader let's go ahead and change this to material or actually shading mode evie rendered mode which is the last sphere right here so you can see that we have our texture there it's looking a little bit blocky let's right-click shade smooth that's better all right so this texture adds in the color of it pretty self-explanatory now one thing that you will see is that the texture the shininess and the non shininess part of it is kind of just layered all over it we kind of want the roughness map to tell blender where it's gonna be shiny and where it's not going to be shiny on the second one we're going to click open and we're gonna go to the roughness map and when we plug in the color right here into the roughness right there you will see that happens and we're also gonna change the color space to non color for non color data because it's a black and white image and now you can see that's not just shiny or matte everywhere but it is shiny or matte depending on this texture alright sweet and then our last one we're gonna click open goes there and we're gonna get the normal map now what the normal map does is it helps to fake shadows on your models by telling blender to fake shadows in certain places so that looks like it has bumps and crevices and this is really cool because this does this without adding any detail now we're going to take the color input or output into the normal right there and you can see what it's doing right there we got to change a couple things first we're gonna change this to non color data we're gonna hit shift a add a vector and go to normal map and then just drop this in the middle right there and now check it out it looks like our sphere has some depths and crevices and all that good stuff and we didn't even add any geometry now of course the strength here dictates the strength of the normal as you can see we could really exaggerate it to where it looks like old prune or put it to zero where there's nothing I'm just gonna leave it at the default one all right sweet we are done with that now we're gonna go to the fun part which is using the self fracture add-on I'm gonna go into solid view here as well too so that's a little bit quicker and first we need to enable this add-on go to edit preferences and under add-ons you can see mine is already enabled but search for SEL and you'll find the object self fracture all right cool next to get this working just go to object with your object selected go to quick effects and click on self fracture and then you get all these beautiful options here which we're not really going to take a look at any of them we're just going to change the noise right here but you can see that you could change whether the pieces are small or big sharp edges smooth interior etc etc so on a different file you could go ahead and play around with these different settings if you'd like and see what they do now the noise right here basically adds noise so that the self fracturing is not even or is more random we're gonna put this too let's bump this up to 0.5 and then click OK and it's gonna take a little bit of a little time and boom check it out we now have our sphere that is fractured into many different pieces now it still has the original sphere in there so what we could do is select the original sphere and just go ahead and delete that because we no longer need it all right check it out and if we go to our shading mode you can see that we have the texture applied to there that we put on before how sweet is that but now it's all individual pieces oh my god that is so satisfying for some reason just taking one of these try it guys just try it just take a piece and take it out it's like taking a bite out of the cake all right sweet now let's get on with the rest shall we what we want to do now is go ahead and make this explode out so obviously we're going to want to make these physics objects I'm gonna left click and drag select all these pieces make sure I have them all selected nope there's a lonely piece right there all right let me try that again select all the pieces all right there we go and I'm gonna go to object right here and I'm gonna do going to go to rigidbody add active so this is going to add an active rigidbody to these pieces and now if I hit the spacebar to play you can see it just falls down pretty boring all right so let's go ahead and make this more interesting shall we I'm gonna hit G Z bring this up shift a let's add a plane temporarily and with this plane selected I'm gonna go to object where's it rigidbody add passive so now this will act as a passive and now if we hit play check it out how cool is that so just right there we have so much satisfaction in one simple little animation so of course you could use this effect to create rubble and whatnot alright that's not what we're going for in this tutorial we want to make its exploding so let's go ahead and do just that how do we make it so that these pieces do not fall down yes you guessed it gravity no not like interstellar but quite similar what we're gonna do is go over here to the scene tab and we're gonna turn off gravity yep and now when we hit play once again nothing happens as if we don't have the objects passive but I mean we don't have the objects as active rigid bodies but we do and so now with gravity off also another cool thing you could do is right now you can see the gravity is set to negative 9.8 if we change this and set it to negative let's say 0.5 and play it check it out we got a slow-motion ball crumbling down anyways back to this tutorial I'm just showing you these cool little alternatives that you could do that with this let's turn off gravity now that we got the gravity turned off what we want to do is go ahead and add in a force field shift a add in a force field and we're gonna add in a force force field so right there the first one and now if we go to settings of the force field right here you can see that we have a bunch of different options but the main one we're gonna focus on is strength let's play this right now and check it out it's moving our sphere or our rocks upwards like that cool what we want to do is for it to move out in an even centered order so what we're gonna do is select the force field G Z and just bring it up into the middle of the sphere like that let's like let's hit play now and check it out how cool is that so depending on how much force you want it to have and how fast you want it to go just increase the strength right here if we put say 10 and then hit shift left arrow to go back to beginning you can see we got that there right there let's exaggerate it a lot and put 100 and play that and boom we got a massive explosion alright I'm gonna put this 210 and there we go now of course if you wanted it to be kind of like rubble or stuff like that you could put the gravity back on let's put this back to negative 9 and if we play this you can see that right now it's not doing much because the force field is not enough but if we go the force field change this to a hundred it will now use the force field with the gravity but again for this example we're turning the gravity off and I'm gonna put this back to ten all right sweet so let's get on with the rest of it we're almost done now we got to add that light in the middle to do that with the empty are with the empty which is a force field selected I'm gonna hit shift s cursor to selected and then shift a add in a mesh or not a mesh add in a light point light and going to the light settings here we're gonna change the color to a bluish color by the way let's make sure to also delete our other lights so selecting this light right here I'm gonna hit X delete there we go that way we only have this light in here and I'm gonna change the power of this to 1000 boom like that and I'm gonna make it a little bit of a deeper blue sweet let's go the world options here change the color background by selecting a color background let's make it all the way dark by just scrolling the mouse wheel down and there we go now a couple things to make this look cool by the way I'm going to delete the ground plane because we don't need it we're gonna go ahead and add in some volumetric lighting some bloom effect and some of that good stuff to do that let's go over here to the render settings we're gonna turn on bloom then we're also going to turn on under volume metrics well for the volumetric we're gonna first add a cube shift a add a mesh cube and scale this cube up to where it encompasses the whole sphere I'm gonna scale it up just a little bit more like that alright and this is gonna be the domain for our volume metrics of our scene with the cube selected we're gonna go to the material tab add a new material and instead of principal be SDF we're gonna select principled volume right here and then right here in the nodes we're gonna change it from the surface right here to obviously volume as we want it to be a volumetric object and now check it out we have volume in our scene however it's so dense with this density option that we don't really see much so let's put this down - let's try point 1 and now you can see we get these cool light ray effects because we have volume metrics in there and of course you could change the color of this volume here however I'm just gonna leave it actually I'm gonna make it a light bluish color and there we go alright now with the lamp I'm gonna try to put a power-up 5000 boom and really crank it up alright sweet now let's hit shift left arrow go back to beginning and you can see that we have one issue and that is if we hit shift left arrow at the beginning of the animation we have these this light shining through the cracks and again that's because we have cracks in our self fracture so to fix that what we could easily do is just animate the value of the light at frame 1 we're gonna put the value at zero and hit the I key with the mouse hovered over it so it has a value of zero and we're gonna play this a little bit and of course right now we can't see much but let's go to solid view and just go to where it starts to the cracks start to separate and open a little bit more so right right around here on frame six I'm going to put it a value of zero still and then on frame seven or actually let's make this a little more gradual so instead of going to frame seven and making it five thousand let's go to frame fifteen and make it five on two three five thousand and hit the I key so now if we go to the evie shading mode shift left arrow you can see that we don't have those issues anymore I've framed one where there's no cracks and the light shouldn't be going through but if we hit play you could see that as it cracks open the light starts to break through how cool is that effect guys super cool all right so that is the tutorial all right now last thing I'm going to do is just hit shift a add in a light point light and I'm gonna add another point light right here just as kind of a side light I'm gonna put the volume of or the power of this to 500 and this will be just a second source of light right here kind of like it's not three point lighting because we only have two lights in here but just to give it a little more character and I'm going to select the camera bring it in there make sure that this other light is kind of off to the side and if we hit play spacebar check it out how cool is that I might turn this down to 200 all right sweet so make sure to share your result on Blender mania on the forums hope you enjoyed it and please modify this little tutorial to whatever however you want it to look either if it's a wall exploding or a planet exploding etc etc so with that very nicely done I will see you in the next tutorial ciao for now whoa
Channel: BlenderMania
Views: 115,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.8, animation, cell, fracture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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