Blender 2.8. Modelling with Curves, how to make pipes.

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hello there so this is the first time I'm going to try to add some narrative to my videos last night I saw a short tutorial on how to make tubing by cg cookie and I thought it was kind of messy they showed like four ways how not to do it I am going to share with you a trick that I have learned from Liberty wazoo it's called Cedric is the inventor of speed flow you can follow him on Twitter and I'm gonna show you how how you can make some really nice tubing so let's follow along shall we you see me now I'm going to delete the default Cuban I'm just gonna add a plane we're gonna select one virtus press ctrl I so all the other vertices are selected and just kind of delete it now to get may give myself some space I'm gonna move it object up a little bit and then I'm going to start extruding the single virtus to have a interesting shape this will be so be converted to a curve so that I can this is going to be the path of the piping that we're going to make and I find this really easy to work this is just one single virtus extrude and move it along moving along the x axis or the y axis or does that axis this is really really easy straightforward nothing fancy nothing difficult with handles and stuff you just extrude and move it to where you want it and this is just placing it you can constrain it to a single axis and just play sticker please place it where you like so I'm almost done here with the flow of the curve and I'm gonna extrude it down an extra Duke once once more and along the x-axis okay so now that I have that I'm gonna check double check to see if I don't have any double vertices so W remove double vertices and now I'm going to do ctrl ctrl shift B control shift B and there you have it so now you can bail only the the corners and and this is really important this is going to be the flow of the of the curve the path of your tubing so make sure you have some really cool roundings going on now convert this to curve and we're going go ahead and now make the battle object a little object needs to be another curve so I'm just gonna add a circle the circle I'm gonna set to 2d because that makes it more easier for me to follow it doesn't matter if it's treat here to D this results are the same so now I'm just going going to position this a little bit more now you notice you have [Music] the origin of this object now at the 3d cursor and this is the origin is going to follow the curve that we just modeled the path so I am going to position some profiles the the piping diameters that I was going that is that are going to follow the path I'm going to make it a small and interesting so that I can have a good nice some nice tubing now select the the path and then go to curve options and then search for the [Music] and search for the and geometry the bevel object and add the Bezier circle we can now scale them a little bit more because I can see that we have some and very tight corners you can see that the curves are not flowing that that well they're a bit clunky and a bit the bend is too tight as you can see it's a really tight band so I'm going to look here there you see it on the right hand side where my cursor is at where the pointer is that you can see that there is a really tight turn so I don't like that and I'm going to scale down my curves a little bit more and this will give me a smoother result for the the pipes that are following this disks curve okay so now that we have that this is really nice these are just some circles I'm going to show you some a trick to have some really nice square curse also and to do that I am just going to use a plain delete top vertices I am going to make just a a contour of edges there's all there are different ways to do this I just use this and shift duplicate it one more time and move that to the side shift duplicate it one more time to the other side so now I can do the same trick control should be I would control shift B I can add some roundness I can below the corners this is really nice and then I am going to do the same thing I'm just gonna make an octagonal diameter construction B and then I just use as as few possible okay like that a few possible increments on the bevel so now this is a mesh I'm going to need to convert this to a curve if I want to join them with the others so now I am going to I'm just going to select those and object do convert to curve and I'm going to show Jane them and ctrl J and now there are also curves and there you have it and they are autumn automatically added to the to the to the path and as you can see they follow the path just as well as the other pairs doing it and now you have some really nice square tubing instead of square a set of round and there's there they're nicely beveled and then think I am just going to make one more one more big one I'm just gonna take the middle one I should duplicate it and grab it and I'm going to grab it a little more put it there and I'm gonna scale it along the X that's it and if I look now I have this wide nice piping that you're just going to follow along like the rest of the other or the other tubes and this is a really cool technique to have some nice flowing tubes and you're seen some really cool geometry very easy to make very flexible and very tidy and not so difficult and not so hard to make I'm going to and the viewport display gonna turn on wire and I just did that to the curves I needed to select this one yes of course this one and then put on the wire so that you can see it a little bit better but now you can see the how nice the topology is with this technique and you don't have any extra vertices you don't have any extra geometry you just have the geometry that you need in the turns and this is one way of working with curves you don't get those unnecessary subdivisions that you get with the subdivisions modifier this is really easy to work with so I hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial and if you want to hear me speak some more on my other tutorials ya know hit the subscribe hit the like button and thank you for watching
Channel: Baptiste G
Views: 191,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hard Surface, sculpting, hard edge, edge, hard, surface, hard surface sculpting, mechanical, mecha, mech, tech, Blender 2.7, blender, blender 2.8, curves, curve, model, modelling, fast, speed, tube
Id: F2SIbAxLftc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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