Blender 2.7 Tutorial #48 : Decals, Graffiti & Dirt #b3d

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hello and welcome our 48 movies show that I'm used under 2.7 in this video I'll be showing you have decals graffiti and dirt 2 already textured objects in other words what we'll be doing here is will be adding multiple layers of textures the same object using the second and third layers alpha channels in order to make different textures layer on top of each other on the same object for this video I'm just going to using the default cube and to start off with I'm going to be adding a brick texture that I found a triple WCG textures com2 my default cube if you only use this exact texture you'll find a link to that in the description area below you do need to sign up for a free membership a triple w dot so your textures calm but that's easy to do let's go ahead and jump in I'll click on the splash screen and letter to get rid of it and I'll zoom in on my default cube the first thing need to do here is I need to make a second UV image editor window in order to unwrap this default cube so look out this little top cross-hatched area and I'll drag it to the left to make a second 3d viewport but I don't want this to be a 3d viewport it's going to be a UV image editor window so click down here on the window type button and right here the UV image editor I'll click on that to make this into a UV image editor window let's go ahead and unwrap the cube with it selected I'll press tab to go into edit mode and then make sure with aaaa that everything is selected and then I'll press u to bring up my UV mapping the map menu and I'll select smart UV project what this will do unlike unwrap unwrap need to have seams in order to know where to cut up the mesh on its edges but you and smart UV project will automatically find thee or make essentially seams for me and wherever there's an angle of whatever I specify between faces so you smart UV project and then I'll just press ok the angle limit here wearable it'll make artificial seams is at 66 degrees so I'll press ok and then it's now unwrapped all of these faces into my image mapping area ok let's go ahead and open up a node editor window I'm not going to make this side window a little bit narrower we're not going to use it too much anymore work and I'm going to make another sub-window however this review before so I'll grab this little triangle area drag it down and change this new window area into a node editor window this of course is where we're going to be adding a textures to our queue but it's going to get pretty crazy with the nodes in here of course if you had not watched my intro to using nodes and added materials and butter I'll put a link to that on the screen right now I'll also put a link on the screen to my video on a UV mapping in blender cycles will be two links on the screen it's really important that if you don't know how to either those things use nodes or unwrap in other words do UV mapping to add an image texture to an object you understand both of those things before continuing on with this video okay so click those two links if you have not seen those videos yet then come back to this video great thanks let's go ahead and add a material in this object I'm going to press tab to go back into object mode and over here in the properties window I actually already have material that's great but it's not using nodes it has interior already because this is the default cube I'll press use nodes though so I want to see them over here and here they are now I've clip these nodes so I'm going to go ahead and zoom in there whatever I do here now is import my image texture of the bricks so with a mouse into this window I will press shift a or go to the add menu and I'll select texture and image texture will bring in a picture of the bricks so I'll just put the node right there plug the color output into the input of the diffuse shader here the views of course just means color and I'll press open to open up the image texture and it's on my desktop and I've got a folder there and it's called brick small brown one zero one four nine underscore to underscore s dot jpg I'll click on open image and we don't see it down here yet because our viewport is in solid shading it needs to be in material training for us to actually see the texture and there it is looks pretty good to me what I might do is just press G and then Z and then one and then enter just move that up onto the ground maybe we'll do now is press shift a to bring up the add menu shift a or just the advocate down here and I'll add a mesh plain that's a ground and I'll press s and ten and enter just to make a ground so if I go to my chem review and I go to viewport shading or interview board shading you can now see what it looks like and I'll press maybe go back into material mode and you'll select the lamp and I'll just turn it up I'll click on use nodes and turn up to 500 just to make it a little bit nicer so we can see that we have you know a scene that looks like it has a brick cube in it and a ground great let's go ahead and add some graffiti to this brick so what I'll do here is actually I could go into a separate program like Photoshop or or or pics later any of those photo editing or illustration programs that lets me use layers and I could paint some graffiti and say that as a PNG image file or that pngs allow for transparency or alpha channels if you have not checked out the last video in this series on using image textures with transparency in which I showed you how to make a leaf texture show up with no white or gray or black box around it I'll put a link to that on the screen right now so go ahead and check that out if you haven't seen that already what we're doing here is using the same sort of technique with a little bit of a few extra bells and whistles in other words a few nodes up here so what I want to do here is actually make a new image I'm not going to use Photoshop I'm not going to use what I'll do here is actually make a new image in my UV image editor window and then pack it into this blender file as if it was an image brought in from somewhere else this UV image editor what it allows me to actually make and paint new images believe it or not yes blender has that ability I'm going to click down here on the new button down in the header of this viewport and it'll allow me to make a new image now by default it makes a black image I don't want that so I'll click somewhere in the black area and I'm going to turn the alpha yes are for red green and blue and alpha all the down to zero so now we'll get checkerboard and I'm going to call this CG because that's what I'm going to do from my core fede so I'll press ok and if I kind of zoom it out hopefully there we go I'm not sure why it wasn't zooming it enough for me but here we go right now I'm viewing this image and I can change that down here from view into paint yes blender has painting ability built-in notice now that there's a circle under my mouse cursor to just paint with a certain color I can press T on my keyboard to bring up the tool shelf or click this little plus and now I can pick a color to paint with that I can change what brush I can use a fill brush or just the normal draw brush which is right here text draw I can pick the radius of my brush and the strength so what I'll do here is I'll change my brush to an orange color for CG maybe I'll make the brush a little bit bigger and I'll paint C be a little bigger control Z C G from my channel boring CG now I want to look a little bit more like spray paint so what actually do is turn the radius up a little bit and then turn my strength down and that this will make more like the spray the fuzziness around my original CG and I'm not too happy with this but I'm not going to spend too long for this video so we have something that looks sort of like spray paint you know what I don't like that I can do it all in one go there we go and what I could do is I could switch to my smear brush and then I could maybe make my radius a lot smaller and I want to make it look like it was dripping I could spend some time or dragging that brush down if I want to but you know what I'm not going to bother in this video I think this image is done now this image is not saved anywhere I could save it I could go to the image menu and I could save as an image file but I'm just going to actually pack this image as a PNG file in the blender file so I won't actually be anywhere on my computer it won't be on my desktop it'll just be part of this under file but blender will consider a PNG image file which will allow it to have transparency so pack as PNG great I can press this X is still wonderful the right let's go back to our cube with bricks what I'm going to do here is make a note setup that allows for a second image texture so there's my output of my I've got my lap selected there there's the setup for my brick cube what I want to do here now is bring in a second diffuse image texture so I'll press shift a I'll go to shader I'm going to add another diffuse shader here of course if I'm thinking we're going to be having to use a mix shader' to mix this shader in this video together you're absolutely right so I'll press shift a and I'll add a new shader mix shader' and I'm going to connect the to diffuse the two inputs here on the mix shader' and then the output to there in there so I'll drag the output of the first diffuse to the first input and then that one to that one and then the output of this one over to my surface and that will disconnect the original two by the way if you don't know how to disconnect noodles you can just drag it away or more fun hold ctrl down on your keyboard and draw a knife cut through a noodle that's control and then click and drag with your left mouse button as you can see now this white diffuse material is now blending with the brick material to make a very washed out looking brick that's not what I want I want to bring in another image so I'll press shift a I'm going to add a texture and image texture and I'll input that to the second diffuse shader by default blender ever since very old versions of leather has used this purple or pink color as an image it doesn't actually have an input yet and now I click this little picture button and choose the CG picture that's already packed into this blender file okay so now I've got CG and it's putting it all over the cube not in the way that I want what's going on here well if you think back and I'm going to select the cube and I'm going to press tab to go into edit mode maybe I'll go back into material mode if I select the cube and press tab to go into edit mode we unwrap this cube so that it would fit nicely or all the faces of the nicely inside of my original texture area the square well if I have a CG picture I'm actually gonna open that up over top of these this UV layout so I put under the picture texture and open up CG as you can see that's what it's doing is using this texture coordinate this UV map with this picture and that's putting everything as you see it here so it's not gonna fit on one face like I want how can I solve this well we're actually to make multiple UV maps for the same object and different images in other words this image of the Brix I'll press m to get rid of that we all make this look bigger so you can see it this node or the picture of the bricks we'll be using the original UV map and then this image of the CG we'll be using the new map around make in just a sec how we can make multiple UV maps is over here in the object data tab I don't think I have to be in edit mode of my cube although it doesn't hurt maybe I'll press T to hide that and maybe I'll go to view and you selected it it's my zoom is kind of stuck in there so view selected that'll get your view unstuck so you don't have any problems you may in or out with that object selected under the object data tab in edit mode at least I am you can see that there's a bunch of sections when you're an edit mode on a mesh and what is called Yui Maps and by default that's using the first one that you made whenever you first started unwrapping this cube but we can have multiple UV maps well double-click on this name and I not changes to UV UV and then bricks it's important to know what they're named are these it's a good habit to so I'm using capital u Veeck and then lowercase whatever else I'm making I'm going to make a new UV map pressing the plus button of course then I'll name this one UV CG to you lowercase UV uppercase okay so I'm on this one I'm going to close everything here I'm going to press this X to get rid of the image I'll go back into object mode actually what I'll do is go back into edit mode yes whenever you press this plus it actually uses the original UV map that you had created so that's why you VCG looks exactly like UV bricks but what I can do is I can remake seams I can re unwrap I can do UV mapping instead of a smart UV project by the way to orbit or to to scroll in here you just press your middle mouse wheel button down and move around so that's not just like orbiting in this you're just orbiting in here essentially it's kind of weird but it's how you do it what I'll do here is I'm going to select one of the sides and I'm going to unwrap that separately so I'll select one of the sides of my cube and I'll press u and unwrap now what that did is it made that side the entire size of my UV image mapping area so now you can see I've got a CG on one side it's coming the wrong way around so maybe I'll go in this window and press a and a and then R 180 or if I want to have this at a slant I can just press R and rotate that of course you can select vertices or faces or edges or islands in this area of course you can scroll by orbiting some of you will do is I'll have it at a slant it's up to me put it up there but you're probably thinking to yourself hey I don't want all these extra parts from the original UV map because if I press a and a to select everything in here I still have this face in this face all these faces still with him that CG area is out of this mapping area and I don't want that so what I'll do is I'm going to move them outside of the square so I'll select them all in face lock mode press G move them outside it's not going to help yet but we're going to fix that in a second because what we can actually do is use a few more notes that specify that this image texture the CG that's on top of the brick texture it's going to be using only the UV CG map and it's not going to have anything to be outside it's not going to in other words text or repeat or title the CG over and over and over again all the way outside of the original square so let's go ahead and set that up I'm going to go back to my node editor window in fact what I'll do is I'll press control up to make that full screen and what I'll do now is I'm going to make sure that this image texture uses the right UV map so I'll press shift a I'm going to add a new input node and that is UV map this is where we can specify what you need about each image texture is using so shift a input UV map I'll put there I'll attach this vector the purple little output to the purple effect your input and this is where I can specify what you email I'm using here so I'm going to use UV bricks great I'll do the same thing down here shift a and then input and UV map click connect and I'll for this one I'll use UV CG let's go ahead and see what's happening here it's looking pretty good to me I've got that TV there but what about the other parts of CG that are still overlapping even though I have the faces outside that square we have to make sure it's not going to use or start tiling that CG all the way outside this area so to do that we're going to add one more node I'm going to make this window full screen actually now I'll press ctrl up on my keyboard to make this window full screen what I have to do here is add a map or mapping node in between this node and this node the texture of the CG and the texture of V or the UV map specifying UV CG so shift a and I believe it is in vector and mapping so shift a vector mapping and it looks like a big really intimidating node but if you think back to my video on image texturing and bump mapping which I'll put a link to on the screen right now we actually did use this node when we did not want to use a UV map you can use texture coordinates instead of a UV map with this same node in this case I'm just going to drag it in between these two notes in the middle of that noodle it'll auto connect and it's going to have to check HERE min and Max that's the key here min and Max when I check those two boxes and now if I go back to take a look at my deckle or my graffiti it looks the way I want to look so I got a CG on one side everything is good let's go ahead and take all of these nodes and I'm going to add another whole layer on top to add some dirt to my bricks so what hopefully you'll be able to do after this video is over is I'm going to putting the dirt on top of the CG but I want to see at this video if you guys can add the dirt below the CG and add your own graffiti overtop of dirty bricks that you added dirt to on top of clean bricks hopefully that makes sense what I'll be doing here is I've got a second image from CTO textures com it's a picture of some moss it's actually a deckle that somebody's actually put into the decals category at CG textures com I'll put a link to this exact file or the page for this download in the description area below let's go ahead and add that so I'm going to make this window full screen again control up on my keyboard and I'm going to add a new mix shader' we're going to take all of this stuff if I press a and a a just to make sure nothing selected and then B for box select I can take all of that move it up here in fact what I'll do is I'll group these nodes together sort of a self-contained unit so what I'll do is I'll press shift a with these nodes selected again if you press B you'll get up these lines and you can box left with B key but notes and then you can go shift a and group and I'm going to say make group what this does it takes all those selected notes and puts them into a group and then you can press tab just like you're going to edit mode of this new group node and now you get the original set and you can modify them inside this group but again you can press tab to go it's out of that group it's like editing anything in the 3d viewport or you can press tab or you can press this little icon on the corner of the node and you'll open that same thing up so that's something new for you I'll press tab again to go back into object mode I'll make a new mix shader' so shift a shader mix shader' I'll put it right here we're going to add in now the dirt so I'm going to add it a new diffuse shader shift a shader diffusely again diffuses of course just plain color I'll plug that into my mix shader' and I'm going to add shift a a texture I'm going to add an image texture here of that grunge of that Moss from my picture that I just showed you and I'll put that right there I'll plug the image texture into the diffuse shader and I'll open up that image so open from my computer I'm going to my desktop I'm going to the folder where I have that picture it's called deco leaking mossy zero zero two two five underscore one underscore s dot PNG yes it's a PNG image file that means it has transparency built in so I'll click on open image and what I have to do here is plug in the alpha to the factor of my mix shader' let's go back and check that out I'll press ctrl down arrow on my keyboard and now you can see that we have dirt over top of the bricks and over top of my spray paint CG I want to be able to organize this dirt so what will I do I'm going to add a new UV map so under the object at a tab with my cube selected I'll add a new UV map here plus I need to go back to value my UV image editor window I'll press tab to go into edit mode if you weren't already I already was I'll press AAA select all and then you and what I'll do here is I'm going to select smart UV project again just to get a nice grid out of that so you smart UV project and press ok now the reason why it's stretching these is because the image texture that I just brought in is not a square it's a big long rectangle if I went to you and unwrapped and smart UD project if I did not check correct aspect ratio it would look good but then as soon as I brought in that image so I'll go here open up my deco leaking lossy picture and as you can see now these faces are stretched out so what I'll do is I'll real that you smart UV project and click on correct aspect or ASP aspect ratio and I'll press ok and now it's actually stretching the squares but it's making it so that it can consider this large stretched or large rectangular image texture a square which it kind of needs to do so what I can do now is hopefully I can grab these different faces and figure out which ones they are and rotate and position the dirt exactly where I want it to be of course I can scale out dirt but that might not be advisable let's go ahead and grab this one or any of them attached I seem to have gotten a bit lucky here them are attaching to each other so that one's this one maybe I'll put that right there be able to rotate it are negative 90 and the are 180 because I want dirt or the moss on top just coming down great where's my CG face let's go for that one and I want some big dirt over that are 180 enter no that's not quite right let's go are there we go so our negative 90 there we go and I've got some nice moss over top of that so as you can see I could go around and select all the faces opposition them where I want them to be I'm just going to a very quick job there we go alright so I've actually made a mistake in the last part of this video so I'm going to making this new ending to finish off this tutorial as you can see I switched into render deport shading so I can take a look at my finished scene with a brick cube with the graffiti and then the moss over the graffiti but the moss is not positioned correctly over top of the other two layers what's going on here well that a very complicated node set up in my node editor window what I'll do actually is make the bottom window quite small in this lower window I have three image textures that all use UV maps to be positioned on the right parts of this cube in the exact way that I want it but for the moss layer that I added last I forgot to add a UV map note so I'll do that right now I'll zoom in here is the image texture for the moss that I added here is the diffuse shader that was plugged into and of course it mixes up on top of the other two things the bricks and the graffiti and then here's the final material output what I have to do though is make sure that it's using or the moss image texture is using the UV map that I just created I actually didn't or forgot to name that you nap so what I'll do result go to my object data tab with the cube selected and here is my UV map section this one's just named the default name UV map but also click on that and I'll change it to UV moss and press Enter now in my node editor window I'll press shift a and go to input UV map and then connect that note of course the image texture node and I'll select my UV moss map you should see right away as soon as I do that that the moss will change all of its positioning on my brick cube there it is that's the result that I want all right so what's done let's go ahead and make this window full screen and I'll make it so you can see all the nodes as big as I can make it right there and that'll be for this video thanks for watching and I'll see you next time you
Channel: BornCG
Views: 42,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, blender 2.7, texture, material, node, tutorial, tutor, help, teach, learn, lesson, tip, tips, trick, tricks, beginner, model, modeling, modelling, 3D, CG, UV, unwrap, edge, vertex, face, computer, software, dummies, animate, animation, shader, polygon, digital, media, new media, certoon, Computer Animation (Industry), decal, graffiti, art, bricks, dirt, paint, draw, render, blender (software)
Id: Ap9sclyMCuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2015
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