BLADE RUNNER (1982) Breakdown | Ending Explained, Easter Eggs & Is Deckard A Replicant?

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul in this video we're going to be breaking down Ridley Scott's Blade Runner now which is widely regarded as one of the most influential movies of all time its Styles went on to inspire so many different things in pop culture and its Legacy has loomed large of a film anime and video games ever since its release it's something that I've had a bit of a weird history with and after feeling like it fell flat on my first watch it's a movie that I've grown to love more and more the more that I've watched it the futuristic film Noir was something I saw as a teen and I didn't really understand what was going on so I found it a bit boring this all changed though after I read the source material watched multiple documentaries and engross myself in this fantastic film world there's just so much going on with it that they don't talk about in the film and in this video I'm gonna be explaining it all and also talking about that ending there's so many hidden details and Easter eggs laid throughout and hopefully if you found the movie boring this video changes the way you look at it based on the buck 2 Android stream of Electric Sheep this Philip K dick adaptation might be one of his best known works because of how much of a cult following the film has I think it's one of those movies that catapulted the author to the point where his name's up there alongside Stephen King and that he's someone who can go on the poster alongside the director and cast Philip K dick is a name that sells the movie and everyone in Hollywood at some point has been after some dick sorry everyone in Hollywood at some point has been after some Philip K dick his work's been adapted into films like Total Recall The Adjustment Bureau Minority Report and many many more now the name Blade Runner doesn't actually feature in the book and this was something that was brought across from another science fiction novel that the creative team owned the rights to according to the now playing podcast a Blade Runner referred to someone who smuggled medical supplies like scalpels in a dystopian future but they liked the name because it just sounded cool which to be fair it does now replicants are also called Annie's in the book with Deckard being a bounty hunter instead of an officially sanctioned officer the book gives a lot of the backstory that isn't really touched upon in the film and it's important to bear in mind that this is a post-world War III World in which a lot of the planets been destabilized by an unnamed Global catastrophe Earth is now highly polluted and there's been major environmental fallout from this which is why La looks like London it's a far cry from what we know the city to be like today and it's constantly raining there and only ever on to us at night to cement this idea now in order to escape the Fallout of the planet Humanity has ascended to the stars and the un's encouraging off-world immigration to several colonies that exist on other planets in the bark they try and lure people out there with an incentive involving getting a free Android and this will helply get the species to leave Earth each human is given one as a servant if you use the discount code heavy spoilers at checkout you get a free one and thus they can live affluent Lifestyles amongst the stars now those left on Earth do so because a lot of them have either mental or physical defects during the war the toxin fumes that entered the atmosphere cause people to mutate and this is why JF Sebastian is rapidly aging there's also gath played by Edward James almost who has those iconic blue eyes and several of the characters that we meet have something slightly off about them now there's this idea through our Blade Runner that The Closer you are to the ground the more impoverished you are we don't even meet the people off world and they're very much seen as being Neil Elite you have to get an elevator up to visit Tyrell and the blimps belong to the corporations that now control the planet even though the movie has flying cars in it you might notice that there's not actually that many and this is also done for a specific reason the ones we tend to see belong to the authority figures like the police and Blade Runners showing how they exist above the majority of the population who have to inhabit the surface you know the score pal you're not cops you're little people so so A beautiful [ __ ] of people riding on bikes but in a futuristic world this just denotes how much they're part of the lower class now owning animals is also seen as a symbol of wealth that exists throughout the movie when the toxic pollution hit the air this kill a lot of the wildlife leading to almost all animals going extinct because the pollution spread throughout the atmosphere are killed the birds are first most notably the owls which we see when are at tyrells later on press makes his comment I'll be working in a place like this if I could afford a real snake and there's this idea that animals have become replicants just like how the humans have animals are given a lot more emphasis in the bark with decadoning replicant sheep that he keeps on his roof Deckard is killing the Andes so that he can earn enough money to buy his wife a real animal which he eventually does in the form of a Nubian goat however this is killed by Rachel and the story actually ends with their card coming across a frog on a hillside which he ends up taking home he believes it's real but they discover that it's a replicant however in the end they still decide to take care of it that's a very important theme that things lies throughout the movie and the film wrestles back and forth ever without replicants are real or not in no science fiction stories robots may look like humans on the surface but once you get below the skin you'll see their mechanical parts and also the Machinery that isn't really the case with Blade Runner the replicants appear to be humans both outside and in they are 99.9 perfect Cubby's reverse and the only difference is that if he used a microscope and zoomed in on their bum you might see a serial number there or something didn't know they were manufactured to be honest though they are identical to us except for one thing the machines don't have empathy this is what the void comp test carries out and it's believed that if you ask a replicant enough questions that over time you'll realize they don't have emotions thus Humanities very much been able to separate them from us and classify them as less than human because they don't have a quote-unquote soul eyes are said to be the windows to the soul and throughout the film we get several ties to them the void com test takes a large focus on eyes and in the scene with James Hong who watches character Hannibal making eyes for the replicants tyrell's eyes gleam out at us and the character is killed by Roy pushing his thumbs directly into them hell the opening shot of the movie has several cuts of eyes in it as we travel through the sky and it's clear this is important to pay attention to I think the movie really asks the question over whether replicants actually have souls and in all honesty a find myself siding with them of a decade and the other humans it's important about in mind that all of the replicants are slaves and that they've been manufactured to serve Humanity rather than being a part of it the word robot itself actually comes from the word Robotnik which in Russian means worker or laborer it's basically seen as someone who does all the heavy lifting with very little else in their life I think that the replicants definitely carry this idea they were used to colonize other planets and explore the Hazardous Landscapes that they contain so that actual humans wouldn't be harmed when visiting them they've all been given extremely short life spans and the movie centers around a group of them who've returned to Earth in order to extend theirs they're painted out as desperate and sympathetic characters that clearly have emotions so that we feel bad when we see them die jokes are posing this Deckard doesn't really come across as your typical hero and in the movie the two replicants that he takes out are women whom he shoots in the back Zora's death is shun slow motion and the way she falls makes decades seem like he's just killed one of the Hero characters rather than a villain he chokes Rachel at one point only lives at the end because Roy allows him to and yeah he's not exactly a stereotypical good guy descart is very much meant to be like a replica himself and that he isn't supposed to have emotions and in killing these replicants he should remain detached however we see him drinking constantly throughout the film and I've often seen this as being because it's something that eases up the guilty carries over murdering sentient life it adds extra layers to the film and it was also pretty clear to me on this watch through that there were lots of themes about God and creation laser at it and that's a bit obvious but there's a key change in the versions that add something else to the Final Cut bit of a tangent yeah but there were several versions of this film released with a theatrical Cup being what was put out originally obviously this was Then followed by a director's Curt before the actual director's cook the Final Cut was put out in 2007 reminds me of when you do 50 different edits and you just put Final on the end of the last one even though you know you're going to be doing about 15 more edits down the line anyway the Final Cut has a slight change in it when Roy visits Tyrell in the original version he says death well I'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction you I want more life [ __ ] well Cody says I want father it's an extremely subtle change but altering [ __ ] at her father is done for a very specific reason father is a name that we often use when referring to God and this is Roy meeting his father now playing pointed out of the film is laced with this idea of killing our creators and inhumanity creating replicants we've now killed God because we don't need him anymore we also have the biblical imagery of Roy getting nailed through his hand which seems to me to be a pretty on the nose crucifixion nod anyway the father line is barely noticeable but it adds so much more to the concepts in this movie and there are some other changes in the film from me the versions most notably the narration which yeah if you've seen you can tell Ford [ __ ] hated doing it they don't advertise for killers in a newspaper that was my profession I didn't know whether Leon gave Holden a legit address but it was the only lead I had so I checked it out it's so phoned in and Ford originally had agreed with Scott that there'd be no narration in the movie according to the documentaries Ford spent months with Scott working things out so that everything would be in the movie without the need for voiceover however after the studio saw the film they wanted some clarity added to it because of how unclear things were in the test screenings board was called in to narrate and he said in interviews that he went in Kicking and Screaming because it didn't represent Ridley's vision and it was commissioned by people who had no interest in showing that a separate writer was hired to pen these scenes who didn't know much about the film and Ford said that he went in to shake his hand in the recording studio but the guy just ignored him what's wrong with Harrison Ford so so his plan was basically to record the lines as badly as possible because he thought there was nowhere they'd actually use them and I imagine his surprise when they showed up in the theatrical release four years he figured he was wrong Tyrell had told me Rachel was special no termination date I didn't know how long we'd have together who does it does sound terrible to be honest and when you hear it you can instantly tell why the theatrical version is harder to find than an iPhone that still has Flappy Bird on it honestly though after hearing it I kinda want Harrison Ford to badly narrate my life all I could do was sit there and watch him die now there are some other small changes in the theatrical and directors cut that was put together in a great video by sticky T it's 17 minutes long but some of the changes include that forward space has been digitally removed in a scene with Tyrell we can also see a thumb on Roy's shoulder in the phone booth and this is because that was a flipped image from later on in the movie deckard's lip sync is corrected for the booth scene and we also get a face replacement when Zora dies so that the stunt woman swapped out with a real actor there's some minor differences to the Unicorn dream scene and Roy is later added to the window of the skyscraper to just create more intensity in that scene lastly the backdrop of the dove shot is slightly different and in the Final Cut they use the building that's more in line with the skyline of this City now as for the movie itself we start off far in the future in the year 2019 what anyway we learned that the advanced Nexus 6 models started Mutiny on an off world colony and since then it's been made illegal for them to journey to Earth Blade Runners have been tasked with quote unquote retiring any models that journey to our planet and the void comp test is used to fish them out we begin our overlooking the LA Skyline and this effect with the fire and lightning was done through using a miniature with flames superimposed over the top of this blame is of course chaotic and this juxtaposes the rigid and immovable structures that exist in La it's dark Bleak and completely devoid of nature stripping away any true beauty from the world this is almost a hellscape with flames very much giving us the idea that summing terrible has happened in the World to Change it to this industrialized landscape as mentioned earlier we get a close-up of an eye in the scene and this is meant to symbolize an All-Seeing Eye looking over everything there's lots of things open to interpretation here but I've always took it as Humanity now being like a God because they can create life and this is is white but yeah the city is reflected in the eye too and this shows what Humanity's created with its Newfound power we then see a giant pyramid with a man in the window looking overall and as we learn this as someone setting up the void contest for Leon pyramids carried out on subtext and they were owned by the Pharaohs who ruled the lands of Egypt slaves were used to build them and all of the architecture that we see in the film was likely built off the back of replicants who were forced into labor this man very much decides who lives or dies and in many ways he can be seen as a guard passing judgment on the replicants however just like how humans rose up into fight guard our Creations are doing that too and Leon murders the interviewer after being triggered by the questions the questions here of all rounded Torres being turned over on its back which in the scenario Leon refuses to help all of the vicom tests in the film features some sort of animal or whether it's a tortoise here or the WASP later on and animals are actually thought as being a way to teach children an empathy from a young age decade asked Rachel you're watching television suddenly you realize there's a wasp crawling on your arm I'd kill it this is actually referenced later on in Blade Runner 2049 when B lands on Kay's hand but he doesn't kill it the void comp test is also purposely set up to be similar to the cheering test originally called the imitation game this is a test that measures whether a machine can pass as a human or not it was heavily referenced in the film X Machina and its basis here is to see whether someone is a replica or not Leon has also asked about his mother a mother yeah yeah let me tell you about my mother later on we hear a repeat of the scene however the tone is different mother yeah I'll tell you about my mother [Music] this shows that memory and emotions can be affected and that they may alter the way that we perceive things there's also a subtle change in Leon's eyes now we see that they sort of gain the reflective gleam that the eyes of the replicants are shown a later have this is a sign that the facade is slipping and that he's finally close to getting caught now from here we go to the skyline of Los Angeles and see a giant Geisha on a billboard the city that we see is highly influenced by Asian culture including Neon Dragon signs in the next shot Japanese umbrellas and Street vendors that are out selling noodles I've seen lots of theories about what this signifies with one even saying that this shows the World War was between Japan and America according to the theory the Japanese won and this is why they're so heavily integrated into everything other theories have said it represents globalization and that it plays into the idea of Asian superiority which was appear at the time amongst some circles this was during a big boom in which many of our items were made in Japan and China and this film was potentially depicting the eventual conclusion of this a Deck card can be seen reading a newspaper and this has the headline bombing the oceans the moon and Antarctica these are all extremely hazardous locations to visit and it shows how much we've stripped the planet of its natural resources below this we can see a smaller one that reads worldwide Computer Link are planned and this actually predicted the internet which wouldn't be made until 1989. in the sky we can see a large blend but advertising offwell colonies and this is attempting to lure people out there so that we can leave Earth Deckard grabs and noodles which is when he's approached by a police officer and Gaff who speaks in a foreign language he's saying you under arrest Mr Decker this was actually invented by Edward James Olmos and the language itself is called City speak it's a mix of Japanese Spanish German and English and it shows how much the world has come together as one with us all bleeding into this Melting Pot now Gaff pretends that he can't speak English throughout the movie however we learn at the end that he in fact can I guess you're through huh finished it's too bad she won't live but then again who does well there's a little clue that he that he can as when he starts at the police car he understands the English instructions given to him [Music] Landing threshold a Deckard is taken in by him and he passes a booth that says vidphone which shows people were well aware back then that we'd all be face timing in the future in the car we also see a screen pop up with Purge on it and this is really Scott giving a little nod to his prior movie Alien in which the same graphic was used they traveled to the police station and I love how you can see other cars parked on the roof I never really noticed this stuff until the 4K Blu-ray came out and I definitely recommend that if you love the film you pick that up because there's so many extra things you notice in the movie just off the back of it now as old boss Bryant reveals why he's being called in and during this moment Gaff makes a little origami animal gath is someone who constantly torns Decker throughout the movie and he even insults him when using the city speak now this is because he was the one who wanted the job of hunting down the replicants and the fact that Deckard was picked over him rubs him the wrong way oh in the end he lets both Decker and Rachel live and shows them Mercy due to the fact that he doesn't kill her instead he leaves behind a calling card which is an origami unicorn now eyes we see in the movie decod has dreams about a unicorn and this could indeed signify that he's in fact a replicant as we learn in this beautiful narration from the theatrical cut four years he figured he was wrong yeah the lifespan was changed in the case of Rachel and there may be something similar within him 2049 never clears it up but let me know your thoughts Below on whether you think he is one or not personally I just prefer the idea that we have a Blade Runner falling in love with the thing he's supposed to hate and it shows that replicants have souls if she's able to love him back we'll talk more on it at the end of the video but the origami could be seen as an indicator as to why he's indeed an Android origami uses man-made materials to form something that's supposed to imitate an animal and this is similar to how replicants use man-made materials to imitate living beings Gaff doing this could be him further taunting Deckard and he makes a chicken when he turns down the job this obviously well he thinks he's a chicken and later on he leaves a man with an erection in Leon's apartment this is after Descartes interviews Rachel and it's been to show that he's attracted to a replicant now the Unicorn comes at the end which are promised to go more in depth on but it shows these all have their own meaning that ties in with Deckard you could say the one with the erection has its deck hard sake I'll just leave oh brother this guy stinks now Brian shows Decor the footage of Leon's interview and he talks about how six replicants came to Earth but that too got fried trying to storm tyrells this is why they lady you Sebastian because it allows them to go on as a trojan horse and pass all of his security measures any other versions the dialogue is slightly different and it says that only one got fried which led many to think that decade was the missing fifth one however this was more of a budget issue and there was supposed to be an extra person called Mary who was wounded after they stormed tyrells they did have scenes with her but they just never got around to filming those bits and the dialogue said that one died out of the six until they changed it to two now Brian shows the data that they have on all the replicants and this includes press who we learn as a pleasure model the foreskin job is press a basic pleasure model ironically she was created on the 14th of February which is of course Valentine's Day now pleasure models are of course another word for sex slaves and shows that the replicants have been forced into every aspect of their life we later learned that Roy is in love with her and I've always kind of view this as being similar to Spartacus where we have a slave falling in love with a servant and then rising up when Bruce dies she spasms out on the ground and this was meant to be almost like an orgasmic death tying back to her purpose Daryl Hannah is behind the pot and Quentin Tarantino later referenced this and Kill Bill when she arrives around on the floor now at this point Descartes sent over to the Tyrell building in order to see if the test works on the Nexus 6 that they have there it saw that these new models might be so Advanced that the test is now out of date and that replicants will eventually hit a point where they can outmaneuver it Brian touches upon this and says that the four-year lifespan was built in as a fail safe in case they develop emotions and start to rise up and disobey their masters at tyrell's descard meets Rachel and she asks him may I ask you a personal question sure have you ever retired a human by mistake to me this is almost like a vitacom test in itself because she's trying to see if she can stir emotions out of him think if you're killing people that are so similar to humans that it wouldn't de-cross your mind and with the test now almost being obsolete it shows that mistakes can be made now the book has a doing something slightly different to the film and descard stays with his wife in the end even though he and Rachel sleep with each other in a nice little twist in that Rachel tells him that one of the fugitive replicants is the same model as her and thus he'll have to kill someone that looks identical to the person he's fallen in love with this is somewhat touched upon in 2049 when a version of Rachel is killed in front of him now in the book Rachel admits that she was programmed to seduce bounty hunters like him so that she could turn them away from their missions you could see that as being something that's in the movie too and with her being an Android you might second guess whether she actually loves deck or if she's merely dissuading him from his job at this point with me Tyrell played by Joe Turtle he's someone who's featured in our classic movie breakdown dance before and you might recognize him as playing Lloyd the bartender in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining there was actually going to be a major twist with Tyrell and I kind of wish that they kept it in the movie at the end when Roy killed him he was gonna realize that he was a replicant and then he'd travel up into the pyramid and discover a tomb this was where the real tyrell's body was housed and we learned that he'd been dead for 40 years this unfortunately never made it to the film but I think it would have added a great reveal to that final act that might explain more of Roy's Madness Tyrell and says I want to see it work where's the subject I want to see it work on a person I want to see a negative before I provide you with a positive what's that going to prove indulge me he raises his hand almost similar how Jesus would when pawning people which I might be reading into but it's just something I noticed anyway Rachel shows how advanced that the new Nexus models are and she takes the longest to fail a test out of any replicant that's came before her I think it's also worth finding out that Nexus means a connection or series of connections linking two or more things these are clearly the bridge between humanity and machine and likely the next step in our Evolution that will allow us to travel further into the Stars once more the questions are linked with animals and she's asked about what she would do if she was given a cat skin purse a Jar full of butterflies and the WASP that we talked about earlier the film is shot with fade ins and outs showing how long it goes on for with her failing the final question about being presented with a boiled dog at this point her pupil doesn't change or alter showing that she has no emotional reaction to it and thus she fails the test Decker then realizes that Rachel doesn't know she's a replicant and he says respect how can not know what it is again this ties into the idea that Descartes could be a replicant too and that he wouldn't know if he was he doesn't really seem to have a personal life and when we meet him he's just sitting about with no real discussion of his backstory it begs the question of whether you yourself would know if you were manufactured if everything about you was identical to a human if you were never told then you could easily believe you were made naturally which decade may be a victim of now we discovered that Rachel was never told that she was a replicant and they created an experiment in her to see if memories affected the machines Rachel has had a real number done on her and tyrell's even given her photos of her as a child with a woman that she's been told to her mother it's all used as a way to control her behavior and these experiences of the past enriching her emotions which is why she can last longer on the tests than the other models Deckard and gath and travel to Leon's apartment and hear the former finds a snake scale located in the bathtub we see Leanne watching outside and then catch deck God going through his belongings in the draw he finds a newspaper and when he flips the cover over we can see that this is the same one that Deckard had at the beginning this could show that descard is indeed a replicant as he potentially came to Earth at the same time that Leon did a Harrison Ford was someone who thought that Descartes should be human because it shows that people can change and accept the replicants deckard's a character that's spent years killing these machines and it's got to the point that it's made him completely empty thus the only thing that makes sense for his character is for him to fall in love with one which is the journey he goes on throughout this entire movie however Really Scott has always said that it was his intention that descard was in fact replicant which is why Clues like this exist throughout the film Ford and Scott didn't get along on set and both have admitted that they actually hate each other however they've said that they've all put that behind them now but obviously the question still hangs over the movie as to whether decades are replicant or not now we've seen the next draw that Leon has photographs including some of children which again is a similar thing to Rachel E2 is being given his false past and this is so that he can pass the void comp test however because Leon is aware that he's a replicant he's not capable of lasting as long as Rachel is now at this point we see Roy whose hands slowly starting to seize up which shows that he's dying his first words are time enough and this is of course something that he obsesses over in the film time to die now we cut to Hannibal Chu's work room and we see him moving eyes out of a container with Chinese characters on it failed Mandarin at school but luckily the internet helped me solve it another smaller characters are gibberish the large one means eternity or long guessing this is saying that this is a long lasting eye which is similar to how we get long lasting batteries a Chu can't help with longevity as he just creates eyes but he points them in the direction of Jeff Sebastian we discover that Sebastian is rapidly aging and thus he has some empathy for the replicants to them both having shorter life spans at this point descart returns home he hits floor 97 in the elevator and then when he goes to his apartment we can see that the number is 9732 showing that this is the 30-second apartment on the floor Rachel has gone out to his home and even though she shows him a photo of her mother he breaks the bad news to her he does this by correctly telling her several of her memories including a spider and its children that ended up eating her these are similar to Deckard streams of about the unicorn and again it ties in with this idea of animals constantly appearing throughout the movie at this point we see how cut up Rachel is about it and realizing that she actually has feelings Deckard pretends it's a joke it doesn't work though however it shows decades starting to see them as people rather than just being machines she leaves and drops the photo because she's now seen the truth Anna's decided to not hold on to this past decade picks it up and you might notice there's a split second shot where this photo actually moves and we hear the voices of children [Music] now photos like this were used by the corporation in order to trigger memories and staring at one would bring the implant back up this is why it moves and it's doing this for decades could once more signify that he's indeed manufactured the photo also has writing on the back and it shows the extent that tyrell's gone to ensure the Illusions kept up we then see press walking through the streets which is when she waited out for J.F Sebastian Prince then runs off and she smashes her arm into Sebastian's car which gives us this hey now Daryl Hannah actually said when doing this and she ended up chipping her elbow in a places she carried on the scene though like a true professional and being a pleasure model means she's Adept at seducing Sebastian at this point we once more see a blimp overhead with a geisha on it I think the movie is very much about accepting the other and in many ways America accepting Japan into their culture could be symbolic of how decade accepts Rachel the movie is asking the question over whether it would be possible to do this which the constant geishas could potentially symbolize and we then see Sebastian's home is filled to the brim with mannequins and we learn that he lives in this giant building all by himself this is likely because most people have moved off world razzies had to remain because of his disease being lonely means that he has made toys to keep him company the replicants prey on the character's loneliness from here we cut back a Deckard who slumped Dara's piano and this is the moment that he has the daydream about the Unicorn interestingly the Raw photos above it and these look somewhat similar to the ones that the replicants have there's two people stood on the porch just like Rachel and her mother and also some that look like they're from the Victorian era these could be showcasing that his memories are in deep plans and that these photos May potentially trigger the Unicorn Vision he has Decker then decides to Sky one of eon's photos and we get one of the movie's most famous scenes now this picture itself is somewhat of an Easter egg and it's based on Jan van Ike's Arnold beanie portrait both have a circular mirror at the back of them that contains a hidden detail and Deco discovers Zora when looking at it he matches this up with a scale and then travels out in the city which is adorned with Japanese signs swordfish being so like a wet market and an eagle perched on someone's head this is actually an area where replicant animals are sold which is why we later see ostriches being moved through and ponies being sold off Deckard goes to a snake seller who eventually leads him to a dealer and this is the person that points him in the direction of Zora on the way we catch geishas dancing with hockey masks on once more showing the mixing of the cultures Deckard drinks tonight away drunk dials Rachel and finally Zoro emerges as an exotic dancer with a snake and this actually belonged to the actress Joanna Cassidy and this is why she felt so comfortable with it in the scene realizing that descart is a Blade Runner she makes a blade runner for it which leads to Deckard chasing her throughout the streets every person he bumps into has their own religion and culture this being a diverse Street full of religions Lifestyles and all different walks of life oop Atari symbol at the moment you might know is that a Deckard finally catches it with Zora which leads to him shooting her in the back as she crashes through some glass as descart walks in closer to the hair we can see mannequins dressed in sexually provocative clothing and this deliberately looks identical to the clothes or is wearing right under her coat these mannequins are all being held up in glass displays and Zora crashing through glass is supposed to be symbolic to how they are here the glass boxes with the mannequins in house these sexual objects and they're there to just be be consumed this is very much the case in Zora 2 and even though she's managed to break through the quote-unquote glass box she was in she was still killed now in the end her deaths filmed like a tragedy and Deckard is clearly shaken up by it Brian then arrives and tells her that Rachel's done a runner Blade Runner and then that she's now being added to the list of targets we see that the police number is also 995 which I think my child at 911 has been changed but that might be a reach anyway decar doesn't have to look for up Rachel as he catches her across the street however before you can go to her he's grabbed by Leon who attempts to murder him he does this by trying to push his eyes in and this is similar how Roy Kells Tyrell later on we know these underwent the same combat training and this is likely why they carry out the exact same killing method Rachel saves him though by shooting Leon in the back of the head and from here we go to descart and catch him drinking a shot really nice bit of attention to detail yeah and I love how the glass fills with blood as he sips away showing he's still leading from the fight with Leon now this Barney sees more humanity and Rachel due to her shaking after just killing Leon Descartes says that he gets his two and it shows that there's this side within him that knows he's not just killing machines Rachel asks if Deckard ever took the test himself and again this is meant to make us question whether he's human or not Rachel goes through the photos on his piano and in the theatrical cut the narration tells us that replicants are obsessed with them they have such short life spans and they take photos because it's a way to hold on to their memories and show that they were real via the nsays all those moments will be lost in time [Music] like tears in rain and he's very much showing that they need to take photos to record what really happened Rachel changes her hair after this and she opens it up in order to mimic the photos slightly this could be part of her programming to seduce Deckard and at this point he's of course supposed to be hunting her she plays the piano perfectly and recalls her memories of her lessons which are of course fake and the pair get it on after this and we then could depress spray painting her eyes black she does this because she wants to look like one of Sebastian's toys and is now a fake person designed to be real thing that's having to try and look fake so that she can blend in with the other creations she then goes over to Sebastian and you might notice that in the top right of the screen that there is a unicorn this is the only time that one appears in the movie outside of the dream in origami and it could be suggesting that because Deckard sees this that Sebastian had a hand in his creation Roy arrives and he says I like him man that stays put and this because Sebastian was someone who wanted to move off world but he failed medical and this is why he has to remain behind we then see Sebastian's chessboard and learn that he has an ongoing match against Tyrell the board is filled with animals and there's also a giant ostrich calling back the ones at the bazaar before Sebastian wants them to show off their abilities but they protest and say that they're more than just computers Chris says I think therefore I am and this is a phrase that was first coined by the philosopher Descartes he pondered whether his existence was real one day and wondered whether he'd be able to tell if this world was a dream or not if it wasn't then this meant that nothing he believed truly existed unless he questioned whether he really existed too however he realized that because he's at least thinking that he does indeed exist even if he's out there in another reality Imagining the world he now finds himself in are they convinced Sebastian to take them to Tyrell and Roy picks up two eyes again calling back to this iconography that appears throughout the movie and they go to Tyrone which is when Ryan struck Sebastian on how to beat him at chess the shells that the Nexus models have surpassed their makers and are now capable of beating humans at everything they run through multiple scenarios in order to try and see if there's a way to extend the life of the Nexus but all attempts in the past have proven to be fatal it's very much about how we can't escape Our Fate and that in the end we all must die Roy is referred to as the prodigal son this again ties back to the Bible and religion Roy kisses Tyrell before killing him and Sebastian is filmed standing behind candles which resemble bars holding him back after his cause almost robbed decados in the Sebastian's building which is where he faces up against press who becomes almost doll-like again mannequins surround this location along with the toys that she's seen as being equal to she almost kills Deckard between her thighs again tying back to the idea of her being a pleasure bot nadeka then kills her and this leads to the final showdown with Roy very over the top Bob and Roy toys with him and breaks his fingers after pulling his hand through the wall Deckard takes a shutout Roy who makes it seem like he's missed what about we see in the next moment that his ears in fact bleeding Roy monsora as he gives Dakar a countdown to escape and he taunts him through the scene by seeing Opera and showing that he clearly outmatches him Roy is very much just spiraling into insanity and he knows that even if he wins he still loses because time is running short this very much flips the script and we see the hunter become the hunted as Roy chases after him it's brilliant watching him Howl at the Moon and run through the shadows and it leads to one of the most memorable scenes in cinematic history now Ryan Deckard are meant to be extremely similar at this point with them both being badly wounded the pair's hands are both seized up as well and it's meant to show Decor that they are both very similar on the roof Decon makes a leap to another building and though Roy could let him tie this point he decides he has to save him though Dakar has killed the woman he loves and all of his friends Roy still pulls them in and it's supposed to carry the message of forgiveness the replicants are better than we are and he of course has a nail in his hand evoking images of Christ and just like him he turns here the cheek in order to become a savior his final Act of life is to show pity and this makes you question whether the corporations hunting him were truly just in what they wanted and Roy discusses his life and he says seeing things you people attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion [Music] I watched sea beans glitter in the dark needed 10 hours a game it's something that really sticks with you and it shows just how precious life is Ruth gahau actually wrote this monologue himself and the things mentioned in it have been used widely in science fiction for example the tanhauser guide has popped up in a number of different things and it potentially pulls from Richard Wagner's adaptation of the night tanhauser this was a character that fell from grace in the eyes of God potentially like how Roy did with his own Creator either way he dies holding a dove which he then releases into the air as he passes away symbolically doves are meant to represent the human soul and him doing this potentially shows that he did indeed have one Deckard Witnesses this completely blown away because he's just seen that the replicants are indeed Alive Now an important thing to bear in mind about this movie is how language is used to make it so that people seem less than human for example they say that replicants are retired instead of killed because to kill something means that it was alive you don't say you killed your computer when you turn it off and this is a similar thing when it comes to them rice saying that it's time to die who also means that he was alive too making this a very important line Gap then drops a line about Rachel and Deckard returns harm to find her under a blanket initially we are led to believe that she's dead but gaffes allowed her to live and this means that she and Deckard can have a life together they don't know how long that will be but they go on the run and decode once more becomes the hunted as they go out to some banging synth music now I showed you the versions before with the narration but that's pretty much what was originally intended for the film there was a lot of shots of the hills and Countryside use for this and they actually compiled a lot of the b-roll from The Shining for these moments Kubrick filmed a ton of things for the intro and is Warner Brothers own both they just decided to save Scott some money and use it there now we also know that they did have a life together because of 2049 and that the pair also managed to go and create a daughter that's a breakdown for another time but we do have the Unicorn being left at deckards that we have to discuss now the most obvious signifier here is that gaffes used origami just don't Deckard throughout and this signifies that he's a replicant it ties into his dream of the unicorn and is very much Ridley Scott's vision of the ending which has been left in the final card because that's what he intended it was also deleted scene with gap in which he says are you really human it's hard to tell around here and the fact he's overlooking deckard's operations could show that they don't fully trust a replicant running around however he did cut the scene and this could be to make this ending more ambiguous Scott has said that people can take their own meaning from it and that he's not there to say what's right and what's wrong Harrison Ford also of course worked alongside him to make this movie and as we mentioned several times before he thinks Deckard is human I go with that more because it means that this movie is about a person who's been tasked with retiring these machines who in the end realizes that there's more to them than Mitzi there's not really that assessment there if he's also a replica himself so that's what I tend to side with when I'm watching the film now the other way to take it is that Gaff knows Deckard has Rachel many views there as being a unicorn to get a unicorn of course means to get something unique and Rachel itself has won because she has an extended life span and takes longer to fail the test than any other replicant this could mean that descart has found a unicorn and gaffes allowing him to keep her as a sign of respect for completing the job Descartes seemingly nods when he sees it and whatever meaning it has he understands why it's there and someone accepts it in the end I think there's probably enough things in the film that you can really support any conclusion if you look at it close enough and that's also what I believe is the beauty of Blade Runner one of the greatest films ever made depending on what version you watch the movie is influenced so much and I hope you enjoyed going back through it with us it's been great seeing the response you guys have given our going back through these older films and if you want to see breakdown site this early then you can become a member at the channel for as little as 99 cents a month that will get you these and other videos early in advance that makes a massive difference to the running of the channel anyway I hope you enjoyed the video and if you want something else to watch then we have a breakdown of really Scots of the Sci-Fi Masterpiece alien linked on screen right now we've also covered aliens as well so definitely head over there to one of them right after this by the way thanks for singing through the video I've been poor and I'll see you next time that will be Blade Runner 2049 so make sure you stay locked and have an awesome week take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 81,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blade runner, blade runner breakdown, blade runner ending explained, easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed, movie twist, blade runner movie details, blade runner movie breakdown, blade runner explained, blade runner movie reaction, blade runner movie easter eggs, ridley scott, horror movies, ending explained, blade runner things you missed, blade runner analysis, film analysis, harrison ford, blade runner 2049, is deckard a replicant, blade runner deckard
Id: sFoHeMW6q_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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