Black Widow Spider vs Bumble Bee... Please Like, and Subscribe

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not a lot of web here in these holes but but this here that's a considerable amount of web there that is O if I can get up this this is steep that is definitely lric this web some more above it and I can see her inside that hole so this is all part of her infrastructure it just carries down here but there's her hide and I can see her inside there very nice you see as that that orange belted bumblebee started touching the web and that latri Deus ran out after it they got such amazing sensory ability for vibration very large female and she senses that Bumblebee the vibration of the Wings vibration of her web and so she's sensing that opportunity sort of neat to see her try to stock that prey like that nice to watch him do that she senses that vibration so she shoots out of her hide hoping to maybe I don't know fling some web on it or try to wrap it up get that opportunity and she was a very large female she almost looks gravid so perhaps a gravid female trying to get that meal get that opportunity at that meal but it's not a lot of times it's not just the vibration of the web but the vibration the vibration of those bumblebees Wings they're beating so fast and that vibrating tone she can sense that there she comes out of her hide again nice gravid female very large female very active here sensing these vibrations perhaps even sensing mine but this is a great spot south facing slope Sandy LOM Sandy prehistoric sediments here that have a lot of thermal regulation possibilities what I think is so neat about this is no matter where you go in Montana uh so long as it's beneath you know the 5,000 fot Mark and you find this type of terrain south facing you get into latrodectus um more so on the East slope of the Continental div divide um but in some instances on the west slope of course you'll get into latral also and but this is the terrain this is what you're looking for I'm up this Bank quite aways very steep but along this upper Rim as long as you get this kind of overlap of the top of the bank you get these holes you get the the swallow bird holes you get latrodectus so what is it about this terrain that makes it ideal is of course the sand why the sand because of its ability to hold heat so if we think of early spring when the spiders are just beginning beginning to get active and it's still considered maybe winter time this heats up quite a bit in that sunlight and so that helps them Thermal regulate their bodies and get them moving even sooner not only that it helps prey items crawling insects to become active sooner it's because of that sand that south facing slope all of those are thermal regulating properties that latri this can utilize let's take a look up here mother tending her egg sacks in there a lot of webbing nice lattice work kind of a multi-layered lattice work here or scaffolding lot of webbing in here mixed with these prickly pair Cactus um I think I see another hide down here this is Jefferson County and this is a south facing Sandy slope here is this is a rattlesnake she's got her head up underneath there there she rattled a little oh there she goes there you are hi darling tucked up under there I think I think I might have spooked her and didn't know it and then she slid under there pretty girl pit viper you can see those pits right on the side of her face there I don't know maybe you can't this is a go Pro so it's hard to see that leave her alone pretty little girl though [Music]
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Keywords: Black Widow, Latrodectus, spiders, spiderweb, arachnology, geology, venom, spood, spoodle, snake, snek, rattlesnake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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