Black Panther & The Superman Dilemma

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sister makea my prince we are home it's never get old I know I just talked about Avengers in my last video but there is this one other superhero movie I'd like to discuss today the one where the hero has this super cool signature pose of crossing his arms which honestly looks very um no that's that's not too I mean not the one either no I said him not her okay yeah yes Black Panther is the kind of film that really needs no introduction because odds are you already know everything you need to it made more money in the US than any other Marvel movie before and it's also the best reviewed entry in the entire MCU better than Civil War better than the original Iron Man me personally I kind of ended up missing out on the whole black panther hype train I did think it was an okay movie for sure just not anything too special at least if examined only as a fictional movie and not for example as something related to politics although I also do understand the fact that it wasn't really made specifically for me you know because as I'm sure you can tell by my voice I'm not actually a panther take for example the main villain whose name is kill monger and who has a very original villainous habit of cutting himself for every kill he makes though maybe here that was necessary since it's meant as a cultural thing understandable a lot of moviegoers were praising kill monger as the best Marvel bad guy ever but honestly I wasn't really feeling him the story he had was fine I guess but his actual lines and honestly quite monotonous delivery for the most part just wasn't clicking with me personally what's up I found my daddy will paint the claws in his chest I didn't know was you know brain is over you set up his safe and protective here you go omnia king smaller stuff aside however to me this film had one core flaw which kind of prevented me from being able to enjoy to its full potential this core floor being the absence of tension and stakes and that's what today's video is for to find out why black panther at times feel so devoid of real stakes and to examine how making your hero too strong and too invincible ultimately ends up hurting your movie if you're still wondering what it is I mean by the character of Black Panther being too strong and too invincible yeah the suit it's the suit in all honesty I'm not enough of a Black Panther expert to say for sure what exactly this suit can and cannot do but based on everything I've seen during these few films it's being shown up on screen let's just say that it would have made pretty unveils Batman career that much easier you're the one pointing the gun Harvey disappointed at the people responsible [Applause] Oh child of Ra's al Ghul may decline but he's not the child as from what I understand the black panther suit is made out of vibranium which I hear is pretty tough in other words the suit is bulletproof a stab-proof explosion-proof pretty much everything proof and if that alone wasn't already enough this movie took it even further by giving the suit the ability to absorb all attacks and then use this collected energy as a weapon listing all the abilities out loud like this it does indeed sound pretty cool but at the same time it creates this one problem which I like to call the Superman dilemma as in you're making your main character practically unbeatable to the point where he becomes underwhelming Lee overpowered it's this feature of being overpowered that ends up being Black Panthers biggest weakness for me everytime chadwick boseman put the Panther suit on I kind of lost all interest simply because from this moment on I knew nothing bad would happen to him aka there was no stakes or danger some of the action sequences in this movie are very well made but at the same time because of what we're talking about here they are also pretty redundant I mean just look at the ending the only reason it even works is because they turn the suits off and when this is the case it'd be wise for the filmmakers to take a step back and re-evaluate just how powerful it is they want their main character to be what I'd compare this whole indestructible suit thing to is playing with action figures with your little brother you're sitting there doing your thing having fun then all of a sudden your brother says his action figure now has an invisible force field which blocks all incoming attacks and let me tell you from firsthand experience from that moment on the good times are pretty much over simply put black panther suit is way too perfect and its biggest weakness is having no weaknesses aside from maybe one little thing fully automated like the old American movie Baba used to watch and I made them completely sound absorbent later and I made them completely sound absorbing in my opinion the best MCU film to date still is the original Iron Man in fact I think Tony Stark's Iron Man in general is one of the best characters in this whole universe when he's up on screen fighting bad guys there's always tension there's always stakes which in turn keeps the audience emotionally invested something that Black Panther with me doesn't manage to accomplish if we compare these two character side by side on the outside they appear very much the same both were these high-tech armored suits protecting them from any incoming attacks so then why does Iron Man work when Black Panther doesn't because with Tony Stark it was established from the very start that his suits aren't invincible in fact if you've seen any of these movies you know that his armors get ripped apart and blown to bits left and right time and time again therefore at the end of the day all he really is is just a normal guy inside a destructible shell aka he's always in danger the filmmakers try to combat Black Panthers weakness of being overpowered by at times taking away both the suit and abilities but when that happens this thing kind of stops being a Black Panther movie when the Iron Man armor is gone we still have Tony Stark being Tony Stark but without the Panther suit all that seems to remain is a bunch of small shirtless dudes swinging Spears and swords which ultimately isn't anything too special each other to be fair Black Panther isn't completely devoid of emotional stakes I thought the whole backstory with kill monger being abandoned as a child was very effective but other than that there's really not much here the what the end of act 2 we have this apparently big moment where fourth Whittaker tries to save chadwick boseman and as a result gets killed off when this happens everyone can only watch in extreme sadness and me I mainly have just couple different things going through my mind 1 why is this moment so weirdly edited and 2 who exactly is this guy again oh and then chadwick boseman also dies well dies in quotes since two months before this film even came out the first trailer for infinity war already showed that he's very much alive so then just like was the case with the ending of infinity war I guess he doesn't really die here after all I am the cause of your father's death not me okay I might be giving Black Panther a pretty hard time in this video but regardless in my honest opinion the character does still have a lot of potential yeah this first solo movie of his didn't really click with me personally yeah he doesn't really do much in infinity war either aside from dying for the second time in three movies of course in Captain America Civil War however I thought he was pretty awesome this might be because at that point he still had an aura of mystery about him but still it does show that this character can be great and compelling if only done right luckily odds are it won't take long for us to get a sequel for this movie since studios today seemed very much to like money so when that time comes how can the filmmakers then fix the flaws that Black Panther had I of course as a super smart online film expert do know the correct answer for this question but sorry Disney for that information you're gonna have to hire me really though I will say this whatever you do you have to make this character vulnerable aka right out the gate have his suit somehow get destroyed at least in some form have some kind of villain with weapons that can penetrate his armor just to show the audience that he isn't safe underneath it anymore make us fear for his well-being and just like that there you go emotional investment in every action scene no more problems of missing stakes or danger no more Superman dilemma some primitive advanced some primitive later you there we have it folks my thoughts on Black Panther now out there in the mystical world of the internet if it so happens that you're actually a big fan of this movie and disagree with everything I just said I would tell you to comment down below but I'm sure you've already done so which is good here are some of the best comments from my last video this time I want to ask you guys about how Black Panther 2 should improve upon this film how can the filmmakers change this character to add more danger and tension let me know also tell me what you think is the best MCU movie so far and why remember to be blunt selfish and of course disrespectful to every other opinion as we do here on the interwebs and as always if you enjoyed anything you saw or heard here today please leave a like as that really helps me out and makes me feel good about myself thanks bye bye I am king of Wakanda and it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe it's my responsibility to make sure our people are safe the black panther lives and when he fights for the fate of Wakanda I will be right there beside him as we die unless you are fighting a big purple guy with a Golden Glove in which case I will be algae 5,000 boy
Channel: Filmento
Views: 1,396,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, black panther, chadwick boseman, avengers, infinity war, mistakes, explained, film, mcu, theory, killmonger, spider-man, avengers 4, Black Panther 2, Captain America, deadpool, solo, star wars, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, black panther clip, black panther action scene, black panther chase, black panther ending, wakanda, blu-ray, funny interview, end credits, black panther review, ryan coogler, thanos, tchalla, Black Panther & The Superman Dilemma, everything wrong with black panther
Id: W4aJ6soykE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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