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oh no Bob there's tons of zombies coming up to the house I have to defend us take this boom Oh my gosh this Mech is still awesome oh no there is too many of them though okay keep slashing keep punching I can't move I can't move there's too many around me get out of here you jerks all right you know what 3 2 1 run run get back to the house get back to the house we got to defend the house against zombies once again but don't wor because I have some awesome tools stuff from Dragon Ball Z and lava bucket and final but not least what we have a black hole gun that's a dangerous combination Bob you just defend our position for a second holy man look how many zombies are out there all right you know what we have to defend our house first of all I'm grabbing the lightning ball and going 3 2 1 boom take that you zombie jerks holy man this lightning ball is awesome thankfully there's only a couple left and this Minecraft pickaxe is doing awesome damage to them considering you know it's a diamond pickaxe get over here you jerks boom is that all of them did I just destroy all the zombies with oh I hear one I hear one hey hey you get out of here boom I just destroyed all of the zombies with an awesome lightning ball and a pickaxe but look at my house by no don't look at that because Bob is fine he's right here indestructible indestructible so get on inside Bob we're going to plank up our wall here before more zombies come and attack us use these really long planks like this cuz everyone knows wood planks are extremely strong but if that doesn't hold hold on I got something else we got Deployable cover these are really strong so boom bang and Bop oh yeah that's pretty strong and now just cover up the hole right here look at that boom that will hopefully do right okay get inside and as soon as more zombies show up we're going to try out some more of our tools maybe let's try out the um oh lava Bucket look at this thing I hear something out there hello oh my gosh there's a giant horde of zombies coming this way oh man they just saw me and now they're sprinting but as soon as I get up here we're going to see how strong these Deployable covers are and if they get through yeah we're just dumping lava on them come on you little jerks you know what I'm going to grab a little gun and take pot shots at them like this boom bang got one of them this is what you get you jerks oh no here they come all right stand back Bob you might want to take cover get in the corner there okay get our lava bucket out because I do not trust these wait a second I don't know if I trust these uh big old um Deployable covers here oh you guys can't get through stupid metal Shields huh well come on everyone Crouch crowd around crowd around this is what you get 3 2 1 and lava bucket oh my gosh that was awesome I'm falling in I'm falling in oh no Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob get out the way get out the way the lava is eating through our house this is awesome man oh no the mech the mech is also on fire did that get all of the zombies look at that one he's kind of smart he's like I'm not going never mind never mind he died wa okay this might be my favorite weapon let me know Down Below in the comments what is your favorite weapon that we've used so far in this video but hold on because we got more we got the Supernova which is uh Dragon Ball Z I think so bring it on you zombie jerks I'm going to be right in the middle of the street oh no there is a massive horde of zombies coming this way but they don't realize I have infinite power what's it my power level is over 9,000 watch this here we go 3 2 1 I don't know what this does but boo oh my gosh what is this going to do who my holy man did I just nuke the city hold on a second whoa oh my gosh this was awesome all right all right this is sweet is there another ability no okay Bob take cover our house I'm nuking it because we we have to get out of here we have to get out of here every time I use a powerful weapon more and more zombies come but I'm going to lead them inside the house Bob you know what Bob you go find a new home okay grab the Supernova back out and there is a bunch of zombies here so 3 2 1 right in the middle of our house oh it just threw me look at this oh my gosh oh my well my house is gone but we destroyed almost every single zombie boom there we go and now I'm I'm I'm running away I'm running away we got to find a new house to fortify and try out one of our final new weapons which might destroy the house the black hole gun okay look around look around I don't see any zombies and there's this nice little house in a forest away from the city this is the kind of house you definitely want for Zombie Survival let me know your um solution for surviving the zombie apocalypse definitely a little house um out of the way close the door and make sure you barricade it like this oh yeah we're going to do more than that to defend it though but let's see where Bob is Bob what the heck he's just taking a nap no don't stretch out and relax dude we're supposed to be barricading well let's see what this house is about we got a nice old TV oh that's actually pretty nice a tiny couch though I could go for bigger um oo we got our own laundry machines a bathroom with a step in shower oh oh man and um no back entrance you definitely don't want a back entrance for zombies to attack but let's climb out the window here barricade this up more oh that was a horrible plank but you know it's fine that'll work right double plank your doors what is with my planking job today cover every single window like this and this is not a guide on how to survive a zombie apocalypse because you know me I just blow up my houses but yeah it's good okay this window back here almost forgot the back window in back entrances or whatever boom and the final windows are on this side but that's not it that's not it because we are going to add a fence around this bad boy so we got this military fence we're going to put it all the way across the sidewalk from here downwards and this should give us enough room to defend our base against the oncoming zombie Ass assault Onslaught whatever you want to call it so just add a a bunch of walls here like this Final Fence goes right there oh no oh no don't fall over don't fall over okay those on those ones are falling over that's fine that's fine we could just we can just pop it back up oh no oh no oh no oh it's definitely fine yeah these will hold this this will hold some zombies right yeah definitely um okay that looks pretty good just don't look down that way that was an accident they kind of fell over and now we just get inside of our awesome for here and we defend it I'm going to stand Lookout on my roof here and wait for some zombies we're so far away from the city though it should take them a while I think oh no they're coming all the trees already they're right there oh this ain't good okay we got to defend our awesome fort boom take that you stupid zombie jerks boom okay there is a lot of them holy man do you see this there's tons of them but don't worry they can't get through our awesome fences take this some of them aren't going down uh they might have gotten stronger considering that we've been using some really powerful weapons against them grab out the bar at 50 caliber and just go boom okay I couldn't oh I got like four or five of them in one shot take this you jerks right through the tree who needs trees not me uh-oh I ran out of ammo H you guys can't get in only if you had 100 More Zombies uh wait a second there is a lot of zombies there we got to Polo our heavy defense weaponary just in case I can't even speak today but look at this I don't even know how to use this thing I guess if they just get through our fence there I just launch it there's more coming out of the trees uh-oh the fence is moving okay oh they're definitely getting through they're definitely get they're definitely getting through grab this minigun get out of here uh-oh shoot shoot oh no oh no they're getting through they're getting through okay let's grab the black ho gone and just um three 2 one I'm sorry Bob fire is it working is the black hole thing working there it is there's the black hole it's sucking the zombies into the black hole and it's destroying them as long as it doesn't destroy my house we should be fine cuz Bob is inside still the fence is somehow fine I'm just going to move it so that the zombies can get through and get destroyed that's what you jerks get uh-oh uh-oh it's getting too big it's getting too big it's going to get it's going to get right through the house and Destroy Bob oh no wait the house might be fine ah the house isn't fine the house definitely isn't fine everything on inside the house is getting destroyed this isn't good it is getting too big I don't oh there goes the fence I don't know what to do about this how do I how do I stop this how do I stop this let's go into the options maybe I just hit it with a supernova supernova and a black hole what happens I don't I don't know here we go boom um that might have been a mistake that might have been a mistake oh um that's okay I think my house was destroyed anyways and my computer is not liking this it's going to explode oh hold up hold UPS it's clearing up and look at that the black hole is cleaning up everything where's the house the house it's almost completely destroyed you know what um that wasn't me that wasn't me just grab the revengeance Katana and just go like this no no no I'm getting sucked into see you later house um don't question anything because you know Bob was in there we got to get out of here no my car my car um okay put the car here and just drive around it no no oh no uhoh uh-oh um it's fine it's fine I can just walk out totally all right let's go somewhere else because you know the house wasn't a good defense against zombies and it probably wasn't my fault that there was a black hole okay I don't know where I'm going but there's a huge hord of zombies behind me we got to find a place to hunker down and hide that is safe there's a there's a van here look at this look at this grab the van grab the van and just go hello zombies hello would you like a van uh-oh would you like a van I missed it a that would have been cool I saw a building over here what is this it's a bun we got to get in there quick before the zombies get over here and we got to hide in here I'm kind of curious too is this safe against you know nukes and oh this is heavy zombies and black holes probably not a black hole but you know get in here and yeah I've used this map before this is kind of a nice map the question is can the zombies get through I I don't know I don't know what's back here oh we got like a little bedroom and everything oh it's definitely safe in here the zombies totally can't get through they're kind of dumb honestly what's that noise I hear a bunch of oh my gosh there's a bunch of zombies up there and they are coming this way hold on let's watch them are they going to be able to get in I'm looking through the security camera here and it's looking actually pretty good the prognosis is that the right word is looking good uh hold on I am just going to I'm just going to set a little trap um maybe over here Supernova right up there and H is this going to be safe is this going to be safe please don't destroy the bunker please don't destroy the bunker oh why' I do that oh why' I do that is the bunker safe though the bunker might be safe the bunker might still be safe oh no I don't think the bunker is safe yeah um this might be bad this might be bad is the stairs still functional they might be functional uh-oh was that noise hello zombies please don't come into my bunker where I'm going to run out and when you fall down I'm just going to you know wait a second we have don't we have the nuke we got a lava bucket we could throw down here um we have the Nuclear Strike so once they come in we just launch it and then we make our Escape I hear them up there but I don't know if we're safe exactly oh my gosh there is so many of them oh no here they come they're going to jump over in a second here come on guys come on into the giant pit that was once a survival bunker they're going to push each other over like one of those coin games in a second come on come on what are they doing oh here they come boom oh um this is bad this is not good um yeah we should probably go yeah we should probably go they're falling in this reminds me of like World War Z they're going to get up in a second and attack me open up this door wao this door survived open up the door and let's take a look holy man there are so many of them um Yep they're definitely going to get up any second now um you know what I'm running I'm going to do it uh let's grab the nuclear strike and aim it I can't even see I can't even see there they are and 3 2 1 fire oh oh here we go oh here we go and there goes the missile boom boom I probably should have been in the bunker but you know um it was destroyed and so are the zombies I think right we got all them hello um yep I think we're good you know what I'm just going to go to some other bunker and not destroy it but thanks for watching subscribe remember stay sweet bye just for the fun of it you know I kind of want to do this again oh oh no why I do that
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 563,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown, teardown zombies, teardown zombie apocalypse, teardown zombie survival, teardown survival, teardown black hole, teardown black hole destroys city, teardown black hole destroys zombies, black hole, black hole destroys city, black hole destroys zombies, teardown dragon ball z, teardown supernova, dragon ball z supernova, zombies, zombie, zombie apocalypse, zombie survival, destruction, destruction game, spycakes, spycakes teardown, spycakes zombies, spycakes black hole
Id: eNK8oQdHe8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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