Blindsided: The Game (2018) - A Clayton J. Barber Film

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Water! Mornin', Walter. Oh Gene, good morning. Going somewhere? Off to the store to get some milk and apples. Need some help? No thanks. Thank you. You're welcome. Morning, Walter. Hey, Gordon! So, what's on the menu today? My favorite, apple pie. Apple pie's my favorite. So when am I gonna get some? Next time. Yeah, right. Nico. Gordon. How's business? As you can see I'm working hard. Excellent. I like to hear that. That's good news for the both of us. Pardon me. Walter, you get all your apples? Yeah, you're almost out of honeycrisps. Here's your change. And here's your apples, sir. Ahh! Hey blind man... hurry up. Oh I'm sorry! Thanks, Gordon! See ya, Walter. You were saying? You should stay away from the tracks when you owe twelve Gs to the biggest loan shark in town. I need a week. And you know I'm good for the money. No. You're gonna pay up right now. So you better figure something out. Look, how long have I known your boss? Tell him I need another week, he'll understand. Gordon, you're three weeks late and your excuses are really starting to piss me off You got a gambling problem and you wanna make that my problem. Either you pay up, or it's Gordon! Walter? What's up? You gave me the wrong change! You gave me two fives instead of two ones. I... I didn't... Well your drawer's gonna be wrong! Okay... Thank you, thank you, Walter. Everything okay? Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine. You know these guys? What do you mean? The guy with the bad hair product, the one with the cheap boots... and the guy that smells like he hasn't showered in three weeks. Hey Walter? Get lost. This is none of your business. And what kind of business is that? My... Can you show Walter the way out, please? Wait he's just a blind guy. Oh, sorry. You gotta be careful! Watch it! Oh, sorry! Oh, oh! Where are you? Sorry! Oh, geez! Are you okay? What happened? Stop! Really? Hey blind man... I wouldn't do that if I were you... Okay... Walter, one o'clock! Is business finished here? Yeah. You better have that money the next time I come around, Gordon. I'll see you around, blind man. Come on! Walter... who are you? Just a blind man that likes his apple pie. No, really... who are you? The unseen is my world, Gordon. You need to take care of your debts. I bought you another week. You should make the best of it. Don't say a word. [Phone ringing] Yeah? Jimmy, it's Sal. Jimmy: Hey Sal I'm a little busy right now. What do you want? Sal: Listen... Sal: Can you get me a little piece of that action on the fight tomorrow night? Jimmy: Yeah I can do that but it's gonna cost you. Jimmy: Betting starts at fifty grand. Come on, Jimmy. I walk around with 50K in pocket change. What I need is a guarantee. Jimmy: You got my word on it. 10 to 1 odds on this new kid Jimmy: but I gotta have the money tonight because it's under the table. Sal: Luke, where the hell's Nico? Worthless. Jimmy: The money's gotta be here tonight, capice? Sal: Okay, okay, you'll get your money tonight. Sal: 10 to 1 odds I like. But I swear to God, Jimmy. Sal: If your guy does not go down in the third round... They will find you in a dumpster with an ice pick sticking out of your ear. Jimmy: Yeah, yeah. Sal: Goodbye, Jimmy. About time! Uh... Vicente's... Chan's Hot Pot and uh... Jerry's. They're all paid up. Whoa whoa whoa... Where's Gordon's money? Sal, you know Gordon... He needs another week. He had a month to make that payment. And what the hell took you guys so long anyway? What's with the shirt? What are you, Magic Mike now? And what the fuck happened to "I Know" and "Don't Know"? What's going on, Nico? Gordon and uh... there was a... [studdering] Spit it out! A blind guy did it. [laughter] A blind guy did what? He attacked us. He even had a blind cane! [hysterical laughter] Are you fucking with me?! A blind guy? So Gordon's gonna take advantage of my friendship. Alright... You're gonna go back there... and you're gonna tell him time's up and you're gonna do whatever the fuck you gotta do to get my money. Tonight! I need that money tonight! Is that a problem? No Sal, we got it. Sal: Good. Well get the fuck outta here! Come here, boo boo. Who's my baby? Radio: So this is the chord progression E to C to A Minor. Radio: in a picking style. Radio: This is the strumming style. Walter? Hey Gordon. What's up? Told you I'd bring you some pie. Wow, okay, thank you! Well? It's really good. I'm really impressed. Thank you. Is this why you're here? Sometimes... even a blind man can see what's coming. You know, I can finish this paperwork later. You wanna go grab a drink? Name the place. Let me get my coat. Alright look... Nico's just a collector. The guy I really owe money to, Sal... the 12 Gs is just the interest I'm into him for 150 thousand. That's a lot of money. Gordon: Yeah it is. I worked for Sal once. I was an enforcer. Now Sal and his crew, they are uh... They're hardcore. They don't operate like the rest of us. So what made you get out? My wife, Tracy. Strong woman. She's dead. A.L.S. [clears throat] I opened up the shop because I wanted to spend more time with her. Then I wanted to spend some time with Angie too, my daughter. I had to borrow more money from Sal to keep the place open. Now Sal's a big gambler. He runs a poker game out of his warehouse. So I figured I could play my way out. That didn't work. I've had those days at the table too. What, you're a gambler too? I gamble every time I walk out the front door. If I don't have a plan... I'm a dead man. So... What's your plan? What's my plan? Got a couple Wild Turkey shots for you guys, on the house. Emily... thanks, you didn't have to do that. You guys good? Gordon: Yeah. Thanks. I'll figure it out. I can handle this. Thanks. Now, salud. Cheers. Walter, I gotta say, you can put 'em away. I was just getting started. Well, great minds drink alike. I haven't heard that one yet. It was a great night. Uh, look... I got some stuff I still gotta finish up with. Can I call you a cab? No, I think I'll take a walk. Wake up. Let's go. Alright, I'll... I'll handle this. Gordon... Nico. Look, it's the blind man. Nico I told you, I'll have Sal's money next week. You don't got another week. Why don't we call Sal? No, Gordon... I wanna help you out, but you're not listening to me. I don't wanna be here... That makes two of us. I need the money right now. Don't got it. Stop fucking with me! I'm not fucking with you. You don't got a choice. You don't wanna do that. This is your final warning. It'll be hard to collect if you kill him. Yeah. You're right. But I got nothing to lose if I kill you too. Did you get a new shirt? What? Fuuuuuuuu.....! You're dead now. Are you kidding me?! Turn on the car!!! Walter, do you know what you've just done? The situation you put me in? I gotta do something now. What are you gonna do? I don't know. But whatever I'm gonna do, it's gonna be alone. Just go home, Walter. Luke: I swear to God, they're all standing there wearing these tiny little teeny ass shorts... they're all oiled up, I can't watch that movie no more. What the fuck are you talking about? Heartbreak Ridge! Nico: Fuck! Luke: Come on everybody's seen that movie! Luke: Whoa whoa whoa! Nico: Get out of my way Hey! What took so long? Nico, did you get the money? Where's the oxycontin? Did you get the money!? Sal: What the hell's going on? Kojo: It was the guy with the cane, it was... Walter. Walter? Who the fuck's Walter? The blind guy! No...! They took my finger, man. They took my finger... Get that shit out of here! Walter: Hello. Why didn't you morons take him and his finger to the hospital? [Banging on door] You expecting someone? No. You're all fucking worthless, you know... Luke: Hey was that really his finger? Took my fucking finger, man! I'm looking for Sal. And you must be Walter. Joey: The blind guy! You come to apologize for what you did to my man's finger? Actually I was hoping we could settle things over a game of poker. Is $15,000 enough to buy in? Ho ho ho! And if you don't mind... we'll use my deck. Ordinary braille cards. You know, I spend a lot of time chasing money down... and you're gonna come up to my front step... and challenge me at my own game in front of all my men? That's some big balls, pal. And I accept. Ace, lead him to the table. Come on, blind man. Watch your step. Thank you! We gotta get rid of that guy. Relax. He ain't going anywhere. I got his money. Walter: Excuse me... Sal: Okay, okay. Let's get this party started... Okay. Here's my buy-in. First off, Walter, can I ... Can I interest you in a drink? No thanks. I don't drink and drive. Alright, that's funny. Okay here's the game. Hold'em. Thousand dollar, no limit. Good? Great. Great. Ace, stack me up. Blinds in. Cards are out. Two of clubs, four of diamonds, king of hearts. All in. Whoa. Out of the gate! I like that. Call. Queen of spades. [Sal's shoe squeaks] Ace: The river... Seven of spades. Show your cards, gentlemen. Kings over Queens. Blind man wins. Sal: Nice. You know, luck is a short term loan, Walter. So is life. Come on, gimme a stack. Blinds in. Cards are out. 8 of clubs, 2 of diamonds, 6 of spades. Check. Call. Jack of hearts. $10,000, Walter. Call. 2 of clubs. I'm all in. That doesn't leave me a choice. Show your cards. Pair of jacks. Set of twos. Blind man wins again. I go by Walter. Well done, Walter. You play much? Every now and then. Yeah... Come on, gimme some more money. Blinds in. Cards are out. 2 of hearts, 9 of hearts, 7 of clubs. Ten. Call. Ace: King of spades. [Sal's shoe squeaks] Ten. Fold. Are you kidding me? That shit? Made you fold on the turn, though, didn't it? Just shoot him already. Once in a while, huh Walt? Blinds in. Cards are out. Ten thousand. 5 of diamonds, 7 of hearts, 3 of diamonds. Let's go ten thousand again, Walter. Call. Queen of spades. Walter, I think I'm gonna go another ten thousand. That has a good ring to it, "Ten thousand." Hahaha! Now we're playing, now we're playing! Let's go, deal em. Blinds in. Cards are out. 10 of diamonds, 8 of hearts, 10 of spades. You know what, you're used to ten thousand aren't you, Walter? Seven of diamonds. All in. I will see that. Where I'm from we deal from the top of the deck. What's the top card? Go ahead. King of diamonds. Flush! I believe this settles Gordon's debt. I'll just be on my way. This settles shit, Walter! Did you really think you'd come into my place, embarrass me in front of my men, and pull that blind shit on me?! We don't have to do this, Sal. Oh, Walter... this is what I do. Okay. Oh... is this yours? Sal: Quit firing! Quit firing, God dammit! Luke: I got him! What the... what is he, a ghost? Well go find him. Go find him God dammit! Search everywhere! Ace, come with me. [Dog whimpering] Split up. [Squeaky toy] Son of a bitch! Nah ah... don't do that. My ear! You cut off my ear! Listen next time. Who does that?! You fucking psycho! There he is! Come on! Kojo! Joey. Kojo! Blind man! Where are you? Sorry about the finger. Luke: Ow, my ear... God dammit... Are you kidding me? Come on! You go up, I'll go down. [Cun clicks] Looking for this? Before we get started, you're gonna lose that fucking cane. Okay... Who the hell are you? Who I am doesn't matter. Bull shit! It matters now! Why Gordon? What's in it for you? Everybody needs a little help now and then. Gordon's a good man. He's a deadbeat that owes me money. And you're a cheat. Yeah, and a damn good one. Let's talk about that, Sal. The gun, drop it. Now! Nice to see you, Gordon. Wish I could say the same. We had a deal. 50 Gs, ten points. You let this get out of hand. You're right, I did. My debt, my responsibility. But you should have played fair. Oh come on, you know the score. That's what we do, that's the game! That's your game, not mine. I'm out. We clear? Yeah we're clear. I fold. For now. Thank you. Hey, Gordon... I'll be seeing you around. Gordon: I bet you were happy when I showed up. Walter: I knew you would... after the smoke cleared. You know, Walter, next time bring a gun to a gun fight. I like guns but they're just... too loud. Gordon: What are you doing next Sunday? I got an extra ticket to Angie's recital. Walter: I'd love to but Sunday I've got guitar lessons. Gordon: Guitar lessons? Really? You know, Walter, I still don't know who you are. I'm your friend, Gordon. Could you teach me that famous recipe you got for burnt pie a la mode! Sorry, do it again! Eric: Keep going. I need that cash tonight, Sal! I'm Sal!!! Stairs... I'm gonna let you tell me when to walk. Okay let's go. Feel how that sticks out. Eric: I think I found the urinal. Okay, Gordon... Sal: Come on, Ace! Eric: You alright? Luke: Don't over-focus on the hit. Remember, we've got more choreo after that. Gordon: Let's talk about that, Walter. Let's talk... Clayton: Again. Gordon: I got Walter on the brain! Sal: Welcome to my hell. Great, first Nico, now you? Sal: It's locked.
Channel: Eric Jacobus
Views: 10,107,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blind fury, blindness, blind man, daredevil, zatoichi, american, apple pie, martial arts, chambara, action movie, action hero
Id: N8sxm30HymU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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