Black Gold '68 Camaro

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foreign [Music] [Music] and I'm gonna go straight into the color I'm not going to tell you anything about it until I'm completely done putting the color on all right so before we get some paint on we're going to take a look at what it takes to get these things right so This Hood was molded in so obviously there's a lot of body work on the top and at the same time we went ahead and glazed coated the entire size where it was a little wavy make sure everything's nice and straight this is going to be a black car down along the sides here we had some issue with the body line and then the front end not being long enough so we cut split and move some things around we had to add a little bit to their end of This Hood section here where the hood and the front end didn't meet correctly uh other than that you know the same thing on the other side did exactly the same deal so right now we're going to put down three coats of the Evercoat super build four to one polyester primer and we'll block that down real good with a 120 grit finish it off with about 220 to 320 and then we'll put down three coats of a good urethane primer that we would create a sand and paint [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I bet you weren't expecting to see this color change to that all right now that color there is known as 24 karat gold and the PPG Vibrance collection it is a discontinued color I had a little bit of issue but thankfully the people that take care of me at the paint store and PPG hooked everything up and so we we changed just a little something to make the color almost identical but you'll never be able to tell between the front of the car and the back of the car so what we're going to be doing is some Racing Stripes using this the same color as the majority color and then obviously in the front end we're not going to be doing Chrome we're going to be doing gold bumper and gold trim so everything on this car is actually black and gold so I'm the one tasked to repaint the front end even though this is not my color scheme I didn't come with this I'm not taking credit for it I just got to redo it so I'm gonna get the stripes light out and then I'll come back and show you what they look like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I love you all right there we go got the racist drives laid out now this is a carbon fiber pattern this is the way the car was already done so like I said before I'm repeating what the previous painter did so what we've got here is a gerber masking uh cut out in the same shapes as your carbon fiber would be so it's just a zigzag pattern essentially all these little blocks these are eighth inch wide by a quarter inch wide so you know we pulled out every other one and obviously you can see there's uh about 50 inches so total of about 100 inches worth at about uh you know eight to a quarter inch thick so you can take y'all can do the math and figure out how many little lines now each one of these lines I had to lay down by itself because of all these crazy Contours of this hood scoop the stuff works great on a nice flat Hood or just a flat surface in general but when you have the compound curve or the scoop going up as well as going down and then even in the back of the scoop as it tapers off a little bit the only way I could get these things laid out right I had to pull them each individually and lay them all down and then go back and pull every other one out so that I give it you know so it has the proper look everything has the proper spacing so now we have the gold down which is actually I don't think I mentioned it is a Trico gold it started with the purple and then we used a yellow Radiance die mixed with a copper Pearl and a green pearl that's what created the gold the gold look now what we're going to do now is we're going to mix black with a different gold just a regular base coat type of gold which is called pot of gold uh we're gonna mix that up with black one to one and that's going to be our dark shade of the carbon fiber if you ever seen a piece of carbon fiber you'll notice you have like a lighter colored weave and then the darker color weave going the other way well that's what this is representing we've got the light colored weave and then we're going to make the dark colored weave in the middle so that it looks just like a real piece of carbon but it's going to look like a gold piece of cargo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so fast forward a little bit I've got everything masked off that's going to be staying gold or what would normally be the silver or chrome parts so the grill surround the actual Grill the horizontal lines and The Grille I do as in a chrome setup and I've even got the SS letters here that I'm going to be keeping gold and the Camaro emblem we're going to do that in gold as well so right now I've got the gray on top now this is going to serve as a color for the background of my SS as well as the borders the vertical borders I don't think you've ever really seen me do those real well so I'm going to try to show that to you this time around now the carbon fiber Stripes They're all taken care of and done they're masked off the way they need to be and the entire front end is going to be getting painted black and so uh while I'm doing the black on the grill I'm going to go ahead and just black out the entire front end and that way I'll be done color and everything I'll just have to go back and do a little airbrushing here and there to knock everything out so right now I'm going to get the border on for the background on for the SS and then I'm going to go in I'm going to tape all my vertical lines off and then tape off the area here that I need for the Hideaway headlight area so the eighth inch line represents the face of the borders so this is going to remain Gray because that you need that dull color cut it right here the bottom where the surrounding part of this integral is we'll cut it again at the top all right so that's our beginning now from there we're going to use some inch and a half tape and we're going to create ourselves a little spacer so that we can space these out until we get over to about right here where we'll divide it and do the Hideaway headlight section all right so now that I've gone as far over as I can with my eighth inch vertical lines I've gone ahead and marked out my spot what's going to be my HideAway section you know in a in a factory Grill you've got the see-through area and then you've got the Hideaway portion that hides the headlight so we're actually going to block this section off we're going to keep this gray and then we're going to come back and we're going to do quarter inch vertical lines to the right side of each one of these lines and that's going to represent our side of the vertical borders so it gives it some depth in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] I love you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] just happens to be black but if I was doing any other color I still I would be blocking out the grill um now a lot of people kind of wonder why you just don't make a grid section out of like the Gerber mask and just lay down a Big Grid Network and then go back and do a bunch of airbrushing and stuff and the reason is because of the order and the way things go this provides the best look um because if you were to print you know some sort of lines like this you're going to have to go back and either do a lot of cutting or you're going to have to kind of deal with what kind of print you put on there with a lot of stenciling and airbrushing now there is a lot of shadowing that needs to be done but we're going to do this in a specific order and so it's really not that bad so as you saw I'll put the vertical lines in the vertical eighth inch lines in first and then I did the quarter inch lines on each side you know right side left side and then I added the quarter inch line just above the the other horizontal eighth inch line now the reason is is because we want that to stay gray and we're going to pull that off first so I'm going to get this pulled off and then you'll see what I'm talking about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good night as you can see I pulled the quarter inch vertical and the quarter inch horizontal lines off now what this is going to give me obviously everything to the right is exposed of these uh eighth inch vertical lines on this side and then everything to the left is exposed on these because this you know this passenger side of the car driver side of the car now in the middle I typically do a double line so kind of getting a little bit of both and that's just because you know somebody's taking a picture of a car from over here and the light source is coming in this way because that's how we have this gridded out you're not really going to see that other line and it's it's even hard for y'all to see this stuff in the camera you know when these things are totally done it's hard for y'all to actually even see what's going on all right so what I'm going to be doing is actually airbrushing this corner right here I'm going to be cutting it right there so that I divide it and create this as two separate pieces and then where my eighth inch horizontal line is here I'm going to Shadow it right below it as well because it's supposed to be you know kind of tucked underneath this horizontal line we're going to be darkening that corner right there and we're going to give a little Darkness to the whole thing but mainly we want to make that sharp line to provide that that split now what I'm using is just 1683 DBC black it is thinned down a little bit to make it not quite so plaque it will uh it won't darken up too quick because we just want to we just want to Shadow it we're not trying to actually Paint It Black so look at our shadow we got our shadow in there and then we'll kind of shade it off to the side now being that this is all gray it might look a little bright to you now but when I get through making the little details I can always go through and darken this up before I pull that last bit of tape off I don't I don't have to worry about the gray being too bright just because you can darken it up with the black foreign shaded on the actual Grille portion for now you can see where I've shaded um below the main line that's going to be the outer perimeter of the inner Grille and then below each one of these other lines now when we pull the tape off you'll you'll understand it a little better for now though we've got to work on the Hideaway headlight area so I'm actually going to use a little temp or a little stencil with a circle on it and I'm going to round off these corners and black them out that way we can go ahead and pull this tape off here and we can start working on the Hideaway headlight portion and also we're going to go ahead and pull our tape off of the outer perimeter of the SS and that way we can start shadowing and darkening on that and we'll leave the actual SS which is covering up our gold right now so for now we're just just doing a bunch of shadowing and shading on everything that's supposed to be the black plastic all right so I pulled off this one piece of tape right here now what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to actually take the airbrush and I'm going to paint black right down this Edge because I want this plastic to look like it's Fading Into nowhere it's another reason why I did these brown circles here we'll have to go back and touch up some more later but I'm going to Shadow underneath the line here underneath the line here straight across and what we're going to do is we're going to darken it up to a point where we can still see some of the gray in the blocks but we want to give the illusion that there's actually something here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I want to darken since we're looking for this side I'm going to darken the left side of each one of these that way it looks like the lights connecting or the lights shining in all right so now the Hideaway headlight portion is done what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start to dust over these lines especially down through here because I want to make a differentiation between the face and the side oh now what I originally missed was you couldn't tell where the where the vertical part was versus the side piece so Logistics in this stuff is is a pain in the ass but you live and learn every time all right so at this point pretty much all the shadowing is done what I'm going to do now is I'm going to just dust over everything and darken it up just to kind of hide it you know just to hide it down a little bit you don't want it super bright so we're going to dust over with the black with the airbrush and then at that point I'm gonna move on yarn see the rest until it's actually finished [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm gonna cut y'all off but I don't want to bore you with all the other stuff and just try to give you some of the relevant details so now we're finished up got the Black Gold 68 Camaro now as you see it's already got the carbon fiber stripes in the same manner as what I did in the front because I didn't paint the car I just had to redo the front end so as you can see everything looks the same got everything in Gold where there would be Chrome everything turned out real nice all right so like I said before we had quite a bit of Bodywork where we actually molded under hood did some carbon fiber work there and then we had to do some some modifying and extending here now these are not the right Fasteners I don't have the black Fasteners that go with the car [Music] okay so we added a little bit right here to uh made the door Gap fit like it should and then did some work along the the area there where the hood and the Fender meat all right so as usual all the colors are going to be in the description on every formula now the formula for the 24 karat gold like I mentioned before is an obsolete formula so we had to tweak it a little bit as you can see you can't tell the difference between the front rear of the car there's just a tiny difference in the pearl that goes in that mix so I'll give you the mix that I used which works out really good especially if you're going to do a complete job with that gold um so yeah hopefully you learn a little something if you did do me a favor like subscribe and tap that Bell and I'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Paint by Curry
Views: 1,196,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ppg, vibrance, chad argoe, black gold, pro mod, radial, 68 camaro, refinish, painting, pot of gold, carbon fiber, pbc, curry, 24k, drag racing, gerber mask, stencil, airbrush, iwata, dbc
Id: y4S1AYqcvh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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