Black Friday Deals - Giveaways + $3000 Build in P500a (Ryzen 5950x / Gigabyte RTX 3070) | Robeytech

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we are ready what's going on what's going on everybody oh wow oh hey look who's look who's here on time hold on guys trey just walked in but we'll go and get started welcome everybody we're gonna get trey miked up he's gonna go get his mic and all that fun stuff i need to get batteries and stuff miked up oh there we go oh we can put this right here what is up everybody how we doing welcome to i forgot i did i forgot the ice i did forget the ice hold on i'm getting texts here oh bots the apparently the bots down guys hold on uh she tried resetting we're gonna try this one more time looks like none of the bots are doing anything so we're gonna shut it down that's always fun okay hold on out because we need bots that would be bad okay let's check our bot oh yeah there we go oh hype trains going well so that bot's working so that stuff's working but we're still trying to see if our [Music] okay well there we go subscription's already going all that sort of stuff a thousand people here already man it's already it's only been five minutes i have a feeling today is going to be a busy day and i got my dota 2 water bottle instead today um what is up everybody welcome to roby tech we are going to record we need to on i forgot one other thing that i forgot to do go ahead and do this real quick not that we're going to forget this but we're going to do it real quick it's always fun when you forget things that is not that what the oh that's not plugged in that's not gonna help on one set guys all sorts of technical difficulties typical typical uh typical show already why is this not going in there we go okay now we got it okay that's in can you format those can you format that drive real quick you remember how to do that uh go to click here just see what i'm doing here so so go to click this click on this red not that button click on click on this go to media hit format and then hit format and let me know when that's done so it's the bottom you see it world media okay here we go level three complete looks like things are already going sorry guys we're gonna get to this here in a minute the format okay and then just close it this is just on the screen now cool okay now we're recording and we're gonna record here too oh there we go now we're good welcome everybody oop nope that's not gonna work hold on one sec i forgot to uh actually sink this like nothing is working here hold on we're gonna record here in a minute oh this is like i'm on fire i was like ready to go and then all the stuff that's like had to do with the okay we're gonna be able to start recording here soon okay level four high train uh i'll go through the giveaways while we're waiting because that's always a good idea uh so for those who don't know the giveaways that are gonna happen today is obviously we're gonna announce the winner for the nzxt next gen giveaway which is what everybody's super excited about we give away a pc an xbox series x and a playstation 5. so we'll tell you all that stuff that won't be till the end haha welcome to streaming guys yeah we're not doing it till the end of the stream that's the way we always do it we're always going to announce that they win because this is a show and it's all about having people watch a show but we have some additional giveaways that are actually happening during the show as well um the first giveaway is a um we're happening right now which is we're gonna give a western digital 250 gig nvme drive if we get to level five hype train uh so uh the level five hype train stuff will uh go uh we just gotta get to level five that's done for subs or through um uh bit entry stuff like that we have three minutes to try and get that done the second one is if we get 700 lights we get 700 likes on youtube uh that will unlock the other one uh that's another 250 gig nvme ssd and then finally we have the last one which is where you see that gift card down there uh we always end up giving away 150 new a gift card at the end of the stream um and uh it's you just click on the m gesture are saved on your thing i didn't know you saved it yeah so there you go and then the last one that we have is um the last one that we have is actually the 150 new gift card that's going on there too uh the last thing that we also need to know is that we have we have the we have till monday so uh all subs if you are a sub on twitch every sub gets the chance to enter to win a radeon 6800 xt we're gonna give away one 6800xt at the end of the month and that is to one lucky sub uh if you are if you get up as long as you're subbed in the month of november uh then you're entered to win um if you gift subs if you do if you do gift subs if you do subscription tiers or if you subscribe for multiple months that gets you extra entries if you're over on youtube or you're hanging out on a new x channel right now you never to slash robytech and also use your free amazon prime subscription uh that will also get you a free entry and you're good to go there so there's a bunch of other stuff to basically get in on that so so you could potentially walk away not only with maybe you're the one who won the pc at the end of the show but you could potentially walk away with a 250 gig nvme or 150 new a gift card um and go from there now uh for the winners of the uh a lot of people are asking hey if i won the pc am i contacted afterwards yes you do not need to be present here to know if you won um but uh we uh we do contact them uh but you do need to if you want to win some of the other prizes we're giving away here on the stream you do need to be here for that so those things do you have to be here for those to be able to win those um so that's all going in there i think we're completely synced we are okay we are sync no this is still recording so we're going to reset can we format that one more time we're going to format all these again and then we will redo this and start the show for real because that's what we wanted to do there we go oh great all right oh i did i don't know what it is uh no i did it because uh mike hold on one sec yeah we have a new password now uh one sec guys we're trying to get him logged in because newegg is in the channel now oh okay um one second last little part here uh on one sec guys it's not a ruby texture without technical difficulties okay here it is oh we gotta get him logged in here real quick there you go and i'm updating that there you go okay now you're in and we're at 588 so there we go well you guys have already pretty much done the hype training so i'm sorry about that okay now now we can record and now we can start the show because we have nothing else to worry about and we're good to go okay guys welcome to roby tech uh we should have started the show at 6 12 instead but instead we're starting at six o'clock and we'll go from there um welcome to roby tech roadie tech is a show dedicated to pc building tech news and tech deals and all that sort of stuff i want to say thank you very much for the 655 people we already have in the chat as we uh i feel like today is going to be a 3 000 3000 concurrent day um we uh for those of you guys who don't know uh the show typically happens on wednesday thursdays and fridays starting at six but for the next three weeks it's all messed up there are lots and lots of streams with lots of lots of stuff going on so we streamed on monday we're streaming today there is no stream tomorrow because it's in the united states it's actually thanksgiving uh so it's a national holiday and then friday we're back uh for another stream and then i'm also streaming on saturday and i'm streaming on sunday so we have a lot of streams this week and then we go back to monday wednesday thursday friday saturday of the next week as well because we have a lot of commission builds we have some really cool new cases that you guys have never seen some super cool new tech that we're going to be showing off so i got to basically put all these streams together so you guys can see lots and lots of cool things i know a lot of people are asking about the nzxt ultimate giveaway that's going to be announced at the end of the stream which is probably in about two and a half two hours and 45 minutes from now roughly roughly that's that's about what it is we got a pretty straightforward bill today so it should be a lot of fun um and then we also have the cyberpunk 2077 giveaway that's starting uh early next week you guys saw the uh the teas on twitter i think a lot of people saw the tweeze tease on twitter like i think it was like a hundred and ten thousand of you um and so uh we'll uh that's going to be starting and we should see announced for that earlier next week it's either gonna happen on monday or tuesday um is when that giveaway goes live um and then we have lots of other pc giveaways that are actually happening over the course of the next month as well um i think we have four in the month of december alone so lots of opportunities to win pcs all of them are very very cool we've got the carter pc giveaway that's coming up we're gonna be building that next week we've got the western digital black one that we're doing we have some really cool stuff that we're going to potentially be doing with razer so there's a lot of really great stuff happening um that should be super fun so you guys are going to really enjoy it it's going to be crazy crazy good now what's happening on the show today well we are going to be building a pc that's not for a gamer because i know the first thing i posted when i post that build tomorrow to today was a 3 000 build but it has a 2070 but yet it has also has a 5950x and the reason that it has a 5950x is that this machine is actually going to be used for graphic editing so he doesn't require as powerful of a of a gpu so that's why it's paired with a 3070 but he really needs uh the ram and the um and the uh cores and everything like that so if you're looking at graphic design uh the cool thing was is i did this in conjunction with him um so this is a good this is a good machine if you're looking for something like that so that's a lot of what we're doing here so it should be fun um and then uh and then lastly we're just gonna have a good time we're i'm also gonna talk a little bit about the black friday deals um real quick if uh our our mods are gonna start linking those right now i've been curating those every day going through there we have some really awesome deals unfortunately all of the white ll and the black ll fans which have been 30 off for the last couple days those things are no longer on sale um they're all sold out they pulled through the entire inventory but the ql fans and the ml fans are still 30 off and those fans are ridiculous so you can get fa you can get these ridiculous uh fans for ridiculous fans you can get these ridiculous rgb fans for close to 100 bucks for a pack of three which is pretty nuts and then finally a couple aio options in there and then some really great televisions as well that we're gonna that we showed off uh we'll be going more in depth on friday during black friday because we have the stream on friday another uh leanly 011011 dynamic build coming up and then uh but we'll be showing off one of those and we'll be walking with the deals to see what's actually left and then finally the thing that i'm super excited about is there is a vacuum cleaner in there the same vacuum cleaner we use it's actually 30 off which i thought was really good so i put a dyson vacuum cleaner in there so if you're looking for a vacuum cleaner uh maybe for it's a portable one it's actually pretty awesome uh that that deal is on there as well so you can check those out we're linking those now uh if you're on if you're on youtube it's down in the description below if you're on twitch uh you guys are going to see those video the bots if you're over on newegg right now or anything like that unfortunately those are only showing up the rubytech channels we don't want you to have to leave there it's no big deal but in order to enter giveaways or see some of that bot information you're gonna have to pop over to my channel again slash robytech to check some of those out um giveaways i'm gonna go through real quick because we've already gained like a thousand people since the last time i do there there are three giveaways that are happening during the show and then an announce for a giveaway the first one is for hype train where we get two hype trains if we get two hype trains and we'll actually give away a western digital 250 gig nvme ssd if we get uh 700 likes on youtube we'll also give away a western digital nvme ssd don't worry we've never not had that happen and then finally the last one is actually the new egg gift card we've already earned fifty dollars it'll we're gonna it's we're actually 63 so we're almost at 100 um and then if we get to 150 subs that'll become 150 new a gift card if we get to 500 subs we'll give away an rtx 3070 which i just got a shipment in so uh we'll have some more 30 70s to basically go in there and stuff like that so those are kind of the tiers as we get more subs the giveaways become upgraded which is always super fun so yeah that's it we've already kind of already done one so i'm going to change i'm going to change the the i'm going to change the the widget here uh i don't know if it i don't know i got to check to see if our um if our bot is working sorry that's one thing i gotta i gotta check on let me check my analytics here too and okay we're at 64. okay cool uh all widgets sub goal this is for 100 new gift card gift card we need a hundred subs for 64. 11 30 20 20 oops okay there we go next goal is up we're already on our way um how is our bot i'm going to check to see if our bodies see what blondie says about our bot uh okay so blind yeah blondie's blondie's gonna we're gonna keep trying to do stuff guys there is no giveaway currently happening so calm down uh i will tell you in terms of when giveaways happen they do not happen they only happen for about two minutes uh when we actually activate them there's going to be a command to basically make them happen um when those giveaways happen you'll have one chance to win spamming does not actually help you in fact you could end up getting timed out which means you can't claim your prize because you have to verbally create claim your prize and if that happens that's going to make you sad so don't worry about spamming you only have to enter once all that sort of stuff we'll tell you guys again a little bit later uh as we get uh higher up in number and all that sort of stuff so anyway that is everything happening today i think we went through the whole thing who's ready to kind of talk about uh the parts going in today's build i mean it sounds like i mean i feel like we kind of poured through that real quick but yeah i want to make sure i mean we want to get the build done so that's going in there but uh yeah let's answer some questions we'll go through their stuff and uh see what we uh if we have anything else going on do we have to be here to win i have work so you do not you do not have to be here to win the pc giveaway the nzxt but if you want to win any of the other stuff um if you want to win any of the other stuff unfortunately you do not you will not be you have to be present to win that stuff yes so going from there um i'm building my first night that's awesome directs eye that's awesome what is graphic design so graphic design is things like 3d modeling uh basically uh it's it's they can be very intensive renders etc so that can be it can be pretty hard on a pc um and so uh that's specifically what we're that's what he's doing here so that's that's that's the difference uh any tricks to buying a 5900x on newegg not not really those are those are actually pretty hard to get right now um so yeah i actually only i don't actually have any 5900 x's i've got 5950 x's i've got 5 800 x's and i got 5600 x's but no 5900 x's so going from there guys stop spending new egg it doesn't do anything there is no giveaway currently happening so i'm seeing what else is going in there are we getting no we're not getting snippy roby tech tonight robitech is rested and feels a whole lot better so i appreciate that you guys were that was that was a pretty funny and i liked putting that post up on uh putting that post up on the on the uh on twitter later where i was like i put a bunch of stuff up and people were like uh it was about the fan stuff and then it's funny i got a lot of support out of that which was which was pretty cool but it was uh it was um it was pretty funny um what do you call a computer that can sing it's adele that one's terrible but awesome at the same time adele oh man going for this um what is the 30 60 20 ti coming out the rumor is december it's actually supposed to be relatively sued so there we go from there uh i'm seeing what else we got in a lot of people's going on in here adele everybody like it uh people are asking how do you enter uh you'll know when it's time to enter how you enter it's pretty straightforward though oh you will know i love alpha puts exclamation point non-existent giveaway intro in intrigue so there you go people are starting to get it what looks like it was a great joke don't don't don't go for that uh pizza party i'm doing really good thank you for asking ritz crackers let's get building everybody's like let's get the build started uh semi i would do the q led over the 70 inch uhd the qled is actually a better bit of technology somebody asked that question i missed it because i forgot who it was going by there but going there um stuff from there but people are posting things in there the difference between the the qls and the um oh so people yeah so people were asking about the difference between the ml fans and the oh the ql fans uh the maglev fans actually have fewer rgb um rg addressable rgb in them uh they're the q leds uh actually sorry the ql fans have are also maglev but also have a lot more rgb so that's the difference the the the same fan but one has more rgb and one and there yeah they're the same and there's a better design the ql's you can rotate back and forth and they look about the same so like here's a ql fan right here and you can see they kind of look the same front and back they're just more premium um they have a tendency to be more expensive but they're right now i think they're like 30 bucks off for a pack of three which is a really great deal um for fans so really awesome deal if you guys want to yeah it's worth checking thank you very much for the amazing still 76 i don't know what that means i miss i must have missed that with a question um is the giveaway north america uh no giveaway we try to make the giveaways worldwide when will you announce a pc guys we will announce a pc winner at the end of the stream okay uh i like the fourth i like the airflow if you want the x the x actually like i like the airflow front i wish they did an airflow 4000 d with rgb so uh i have one i have a ps5 i have like it just depends on games you got it i do have one yeah they did it did ship i got both i got two so one is uh but one is for the giveaway so there we go that was going from there um stuck on 76 subs i don't know why it's is it oh but those okay so understand there are paid subs and then there are um uh people who are subscribing on youtube those do not count towards um subscribers on here so we haven't seen a lot the subscriber count is accurate so going from there okay i feel like the winner has been chosen yes um let's see where we going from here we've chosen it we haven't told it with it what's a good windowless pc case um i love the uh phantek p600s they have the non-tempered glass version we're actually going to be building in it next week so we're actually showing a pc that is not actually does not have a tempered glass he wants it to be uh kind of a quiet uh like a what's the word a sleeper you're like you wouldn't know that it's awesome on the inside thank you very much for the bits um okay someone breaks them they won't take yeah exactly okay yeah p600s is a nice case we're using the p500 today okay let's go through the parts in today's build and answered lots of questions i tried to spend a little time on that let's bring it up here i forgot to actually bring it up oh uh so i i saw on slick deals which is a site i use for deal for everything right uh commander pro horse air commander pro will be off on sale [Music] i think it was friday or saturday for like 60 bucks nice that's 14 bucks off i think friday's gonna be a lot of fun i wish i kind of wish i could start i might start the stream early there's thoughts about it because maybe we can do like an early stream and actually catch deals while we're on there but i don't know what either corsair is having daily deals yeah there's a bunch of people having crazy deals on friday so it should be fun okay so let's talk about the pc that we're building today uh starting with the motherboard i love asrock motherboards because like the boxes are just always so big um because they pack them uh so ridiculously well um were you starting with the asrock b550 steel legend uh am4 oh you have ice i didn't bring ice i forgot it this is the oh that's the signature yeah that's cheap ice yeah yeah it's not the real it's not the real ice this guy's got fake ice up in here uh we're using the asrock b550 steel legend am4 you know what i did forget i forgot to get the cpu uh we have a uh the cpu is actually we actually have it out it's down here we i took it out of the box uh because we didn't get sent a retail box early for this one so uh that we are going to be uh it is we do have this 5950x so a cpu that we're using is the amd uh the ryzen 9 5950x it's a 16 core uh 16 core 32 thread like currently the king of the ryzen stack which is actually pretty ridiculous obviously it's sold out and on sale right now for 7.99 uh for ram i'm actually really excited about this um because this is like crazy looking ram and i haven't got to use it before we're going to be doing a review of this a little bit later because the team t-force reached out to me this is their t-force extreme look at this stuff guys their argb the whole thing lights up um which should look really really cool so i'm excited to see how this looks uh when we actually use this this is four thousand megahertz which sold out almost instantly so i was lucky to actually get a hold of this um he is actually going to be going to 64 gigs so i'm actually probably just going to keep this as like a great like hey for display purposes but excited to put this in there uh 4 000 megahertz ram um and uh which is perfect for the infinity fabric for the um for the uh uh new uh the new ryzen cpu so pretty excited about this t-force is sending me 3 600 megahertz i'm excited about that we're going to be using this probably in a lot of our cases just because i think this is going to look really good so we'll have to see how this goes uh from there and that means with rgb not only do you get the more ram but you also get uh more frames right like that's the thing is it's just it's equivalently to 40 40 bajillion 40 bajillion more frames um okay we talked about let's see what else we got oh uh we've got two of these somebody had mistaken these these are not oh somebody grabbed can you go grab a 510 version of this i think i think it's supposed to be a 510 yeah uh so we're grabbing these are actually the seagate fire cuda 510s uh these are not pcie gen4 these are pcie gen 3. we've got a one terabyte and two terabyte nvme ssd for these so there's that's what we're using here so these are going to be great uh not a pcie gen fast but it going it's going to be awesome so there we go we got those uh for our um power supply uh we've got the evga uh their 750 g3 uh main reason we're using 750 watts is because this is only actually being paired with a um 30 70 and so here we go we got the gigabyte rtx 30 70 right here which is more than enough for what he needs uh on his sides is the difference uh gen 4 and gen 3 yes the difference is gen 4 and gen 3. so good we're going to be still doing a 30 70 which we've actually only done i think we've only done two one 30 70 build i think this is our second 30 70 build so we haven't actually got to do a lot of 30 70 build so this is our second 30 70 build we did the 1500 one i think that's it yeah i think we've only done one so yeah we're getting to do a 30 70 build um which should be super awesome and then we've got our evga and then finally it's that one msi card that you've used a couple times is the 37s in it not the trio but the other one no that was the third the 30 80 ventus yeah i don't think we've used the 30 we've what we've used is the founders edition 37 what about the tough no that was a 38. okay so yeah and then finally uh for cooling one of my favorite aios you can't really go wrong with it is the nzxt kraken x63 um which uh like i just love this cooler it's gonna be a lot more fun do you love more that or the compellics ooh that's tough i think the capel like i the one thing i like about this like both of them cool very well capellix is they're both very easy to install um the capellix is just a little bit easier so if i was going to say between the x63 and the cappellax i probably choose the capelex because it also comes with that ridiculous fan and rgb hub which is nice but the reason that i would the one thing that i would up it is is the z63 which has that lcd display which i mean you can't go wrong because it looks super sweet on any pc but this doesn't have that i guess if you weren't doing uh rgb yeah definitely go with the kraken yeah and the kraken yeah if you're not gonna do rgb then i would do a cracking as it tends to be a little bit less expensive but yeah going from there uh is this build good for among us no nothing is good for among us you shouldn't play that game no it's actually fine for among us anyway that's that's the whole build we got some other thing we got some fans here we're using the uh the drgb we got a pack of three five dollar super chat five dollar soup chad thank you very much for that um and so uh we're these are cool these are gonna just make sure the rest of is it's actually only one fan that we're gonna be adding to this um which is the uh which is the thing can you go check in the room and see if we have an x 53 yes it's a new one uh dylan roberts five dollar swoop chat i'm gonna be honest here i've never gotten a shout out in my life still counts if you buy it right yes if you buy a news what's his name dylan roberts dylan roberts thank you for the five dollar super chat you did buy yourself a shout out is what again uh x53 i'm gonna see if we have an x because i think those are brand new we may have actually gotten some thanks uh okay only one fan no there's more than one fan there's actually expertise x53 aio um so we actually have more we have more than that we actually have um one two three four five six fans but i'm trying to see if i can make them all rgb but i can't do that if i don't have an x53 okay so that's all the parts i think that's good it's only fans not an old yeah you guys who who's excited about me starting at only fan site i think that's what everybody really wants right that's where everybody's looking for me to actually do an only fan site i think that was like a question oh man you have an x 73 it would be on the i think it's on this wall it's not in the normal thing everybody's like oh heck yeah it would have to be only fan it would have to be an only fan but it would only be pc porn what do you guys think oh man i just i i didn't know about i did not know about the world of only fan like that was not a that was not that was not something that i had learned i was apparently i was just oblivious to this being a tech dad um and so uh when i was told about only fan i was like wait what and so uh yeah that's the thing maybe only fam only pc fans i don't think anybody wants to yet i need a pinup calendar of just my pc build um naked xbox series x pictures what is that is that an x that's that is okay cool so actually we're gonna switch this because this just came out so we're gonna switch i'm gonna give you this and that way we can do all rgb fans we're gonna get rid of this we're actually gonna give them uh the x53 this is brand new from nzxt the x53 um is their 240 millimeter version um and we can now use all the rgb fans and do that i'm not worried about the cooling because this will be more still more than enough cooling um and then with these fans we'll actually get all the rgbs this would be this would be cool i'm glad this finally came out we've been waiting for this they also have the z version of this uh as well um but i wanted to use this in the and uh nzxt sent it to me so i'm pretty excited about that um going for there so you guys are gonna see some new tech as well hey look you know what you know what's more exciting like i was more excited than my packing at 30 80s was this and that is my uh that is my look at all of these zip ties um and i have two i'll look at those super chats look at all these zip ties guys somebody was asking me what my uh look at all these i was this is the real this is the real excitement i got all these and i was like oh oh look at all these zip ties we're so excited about that so uh yeah i got a lot of zip ties which makes me happy zipperific when you get those good pictures of you showing off those good fans with your bare chest man that's scary like it's super scary right like in like i was just like what is this um i saw i saw this tick tock and it wasn't it wasn't a good thing i saw this tick tock and it was a guy and he was talking he was like he was like oh man my girlfriend's only fan page is blowing up and then he says he goes now i just need to figure out how to tell her and it's like oh that's dark you know what i mean that's like bad people are doing two dollars and all that sort of stuff i was like oh man that is that is not a good thing please don't do that all them tweezers yeah i know exactly that's the same reaction i had oh you saw that too sakura yeah it was not it was that was like that would be bad that's like blondie uh with all the stuff that she you know she shoots all those guys down who are sending uh sending uh drones over her fence so it's like you know that's not a good thing okay cool let's start building but we'll start with a dad joke um dad joke for this one what does a house wear what does a house wear that's the dad joke what is a houseware a dress wow man oh man a dress there we go that was pretty bad we had a couple super chats if you could look those up for me and let me let me know what there i think we had a two one two dollar and a couple five dollars oh man sorry i was looking at all the parts you have a two dollar dylan roberts patiently waiting okay dylan i did shout you out already but dylan just wants more shout outs and then we had a couple five dollars one was like what are you doing for things uh dj smith i was able to get a 5900 x at micro center near me they had 30 70s in stock as well but decided to wait for 380 should i try to go back to the 370. uh if you can get anything right now i would like i would get it and then upgrade to a 3080. i mean a 37 well i don't know i that's a hard one right because that's essentially like a 2080 ti 3080 is a pretty big jump so i mean if you if you're okay with waiting just understand it could take a while um but yeah if you have any more 5900 x's let me know um and uh i will buy them i think i had one guy who like was at microsoft was like hey they have 5 800 x's i was like awesome buy it for me and and i will pay and he paid for it and he mailed it to me yesterday so i was like awesome because we got we got to build commissions you know what i mean so if you if you end up with a 5900x or 5800x and you're like at micro center just ping old robytech and we'll uh we'll we'll take that off your hands at retail price we're not doing no crazy we ain't no can't believe that group's like yeah we bought we have more more ps5s than warehouses have yeah i know that's yeah that's i'm not that kind of we're doing it so we can build pcs for people so no scalpers okay uh burn fps ping me afterwards yes for sure thank you very much for all the bit love and everything else guys let's start building a pc and uh doing that stuff how are we doing on likes on uh how are we doing on likes on youtubes on the youtube hey what's up zombie plan how are you man what about a trade what about a trade a 59 for a 30 70 that's actually a really good trade um but i don't know i don't we'd have to see if people want to talk about i don't do a lot of trades because the the cpus the gpus i have are specifically for um i don't have like a ton of stock of them all of them are specifically for um uh what's the word i'm looking for commissions yeah they're all commissioned so i don't have it's like i'm not sitting on a like a a massive stalk of uh 3 000 series cards like everything i buy is specifically for um my commission we are sitting at 713 likes well that's we're already done then wow okay so we can do that giveaway here in just a second i'm just going to pop this out and get this ready get our steel legend here man somebody's making something but it smells like it doesn't smell good i don't know somebody's cooking it doesn't smell yeah maybe it's fish it just doesn't smell good i don't know what it is doesn't smell good do we have any uh rx six thousands going in we do have rx 6000s coming in because we're giving one away at the end of the month so yeah we definitely have ourselves we uh i guess we better yeah we better have rx 6000 you know what i'm saying oh yeah we have a we're getting these we're getting 6 800 and 6800 and we have a we have a couple we only have two waiting oh yeah i need this to be an emoji yeah it's coming uh the robie cat emoji um uh we uh we are definitely we have some 6800 xt builds coming up as well not very many most people are doing 30 80 builds still i would definitely if i had the money i would uh it's a lot of people are choosing so a lot it's funny because people are saying a lot of people are choosing 3080s because of the compatibility with cyberpunk cyberpunk and the okay so you don't get ray tracing right out the door no you yeah you and what ray tracing you do get tanks your frame rate by like 80 versus a 3080 you don't you get almost no tanking of ray tracing at all because it's a heart the solution is gen 1 on a 6800 so if you want just pure gaming fps then yes the 6800 xt makes sense if you want pure gaming fps and like you're okay with a a dip in gaming fps plus ray tracing then that's why people are buying nvidia so it really kind of comes into it i i guess for one game i went yeah it's up to p it's up to people like what they want to do right but two dollars super chat jc two fun hey what are you doing for thanksgiving uh i'm doing for thanksgiving is me and my family uh just because of washington state uh are having our own thanksgiving my uh my wife is making us all cornish game hens which is pretty awesome we went and we went and captured them uh ourselves okay and then uh go back to before no we didn't we didn't catch we uh we got some cornish gain hints i'm pretty excited about that so going from there yeah everybody's really excited because that's like the game in terms of how ray tracing is gonna look dj smith uh super chat 199 and do you think six the 6800 is a true competitor to the 3080 yes i think the i the 6800 actually beats the 3080 in game performance it is a but when you so here's the deal the only thing that's your the problem with the 6800 flat out and it will it will go away in time one drivers are still an issue game compatibility games like control and there are other games where performance is terrible especially if you have ray tracing on at all um there are and there are some other games that just have driver issues that need to get fixed but in the mini games and in most games the 6800 xt outperforms the 3080 from a pure just when you think about value and just how many frames you get from it specifically with the boost now nvidia came back and already created dma there's direct memory access that nvidia can use with both intel and amd cpus so that whole thing in terms of uh the overclocking is actually available on both cards now um and we have the 20 we have the 3080 ti and if that comes in at 9.99 then that will actually be more powerful than the 68 6900 xd and we still have the yeah which is that at that point time to be the most powerful gpu card so lots of stuff there's still some things going on uh but right now buying a 6800 xt which i'll be honest there is not a lot of those cards like 6800 xt's um camera's off oh did the camera shut off no it's on just oh what camera are we on oh top down top down camera hold on one sec guys that was weird sorry guys you guys are seeing nothing i think i think this has got to get let me check my top down camera it looks like this is i have to activate it you guys are seeing nothing right now oh yeah it needs to be activated 499 super chat there we go ceo and okay so anyway i'm getting i'm getting i'm getting distracted let's actually to the building here but uh we got a super chat for 4.99 from ceo and uh what type of motherboard would you prefer for a 2500 build uh so i actually have a 2 000 build the one that's in the 2 000 build on youtube if you want to look that up we can figure out what i think it's uh i think it's uh i'd have to go look and see that's what it was it's i think it's the b550 uh the a the um asus b550 strix e if i'm not mistaken which is cool it's back it's back everything's fine okay so here we go guys let's go ahead and start doing the build because uh we do need to actually do this today we're using the thermal paste spreader as our pointer today um how many people are new how many people are new to the channel never seen this before this is their first time going in there and just kind of getting an update 2600 people here so i think there's a lot lots of new ones new people awesome well welcome everybody uh i want to basically walk you guys through what i try to do is educate you a little bit why we're doing the build so the first thing i'm going to do is walk you through a motherboard um just because you may not have seen this i want you guys to feel comfortable this is adult legos so as i'm kind of using terms and i'm building hopefully you're learning a little bit and you know you get a little bit more about what i'm talking about up here in the top left is your eps cpu power connectors this actually right here powers everything right here so if you don't have this plugged in then your cpu doesn't have power and your pc doesn't turn on there's an eight pin and a four pin the only one you need is the eight pin unless you're doing what's called uh high-end overclocking or ln overclocking which stands for liquid nitrogen in all cases you'll see me only plug in the eight pin in that case over here we've actually got our fan headers our cpu fan header and then our just a normal fan header uh this is an rgb header right here in the center here uh we have a four pin and a three pin the three pins actually addressable uh this is our 24 pin cpu connector and that 24 cpu pin cpu connector is actually what powers the motherboard uh sorry 24 pin atx power connector and this actually powers the motherboard everything but really the cpu right here these are our dimms this is for ram uh we have two channels this is channel one and channel two um we'll show you uh plugging that stuff in in there but this is where we're actually gonna plug in our ram these right here are sata connectors i'll put it over to the side a little bit wow that i just realized you know what you know why it's so it looks so clean and dark is because one of our cameras isn't even on so let's turn that camera on there you go that camera is now on so uh there we go so now you guys can see a little bit better so these are our sata connectors right here these are for plugging in things like hard drives and then the cool thing about this one specifically because this is a higher end motherboard is that it actually has this digital display right here um this digital display shows things like motherboard sorry motherboard error codes you can also show things like temperature so you don't have to plug in a pc speaker which is pretty nice i did skip these this is usb 3.2 right here and this is usbc and then down here at the bottom you have your front panel connectors right here these are usb2 and then you've got two more fan headers making for a total of one two three four five six so one less than typical we've also got two more addressable rgb headers right here an addressable and a normal rgb header and then we've got our speaker our and our front panel audio connector right here uh this has a slot for uh m.2 wi-fi as well as two other m.2 slots because this is a b550 board only the top slot and the top pci which is right here our pcie gen4 everything else is pcie gen3 we've got one by 16 and one by eight pci slot and then two by one pci slots um and then of course then we have our socket right here so that's everything that goes in here um and that's the motherboard in general who i just love to get like a show of hands who has never liked that that taught them something you learned something from uh from that right there so i'd love to know if raise a hand like hey that's awesome i didn't know that thank you for giving me the uh thank you for giving me the three the three cent tour good good awesome scalpers okay scalpers learned something that's that's not good we should not be teaching scalpers anything new add scalpers okay so we're gonna start off with our uh amd this is a ryzen our ryzen 9 5950x like i said we had this out of the box uh we had this out of the box um earlier i'm sorry that we like we don't have the box we ordered our first range we got only the only the ones that are not in the box so i apologize for that this is a new this is still a new uh ryzen chip and all that sort of stuff so it should be good and go over it hey are you paying attention i am oh that was my jaw i just threw the cpu i didn't mean it here can you throw that back yeah no problem oh oh oh it's out oh guys i might i might have bent depends on this oh jeez that's like oh oh i hope you think this will work hey hold on you know what i've heard if you want to unbin pins you just use your beard to kind of get them unbent and uh go from there and uh get oh it didn't unbend them guys i'm sorry but this is completely we're just gonna have to throw this away maybe do you think do you think uh fries will have any extra 5950xs or not probably not i don't know if we're gonna be able to finish this build guys um and uh maybe we'll just you are you okay you think you'll be okay with oh i don't even know it like disappeared you think it'll be okay with like a intel cpu instead i mean how much these can't be that expensive right how much are these i don't know where this is oh here oh here it is i got it like i dropped it again i'm sure it's fine well i'm sure it's fine what is this hold on we'll get something we'll get a little let it get the dust let's get some dust off it's fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be completely okay it's it's uh it's gonna be it's gonna be completely okay um and we'll be i'm just kidding guys this is not the real issue oh it's okay yeah i got it people were just like people were like freaking out okay i know i've done it a lot i know i've done that like so many times but when there's tips yeah there are 3 000 people in the chat right now and so it's like of course i'm gonna do it because not everybody's seen this actually our 5950x is right here guys so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go our top down and we're gonna pop this thing out we're gonna pop our 5950x into it which is right here there it is ready to go so here it is it's all fine no broken pens everything's okay ryzen 9 5950x good to go so we're gonna drop that in just like this and then pop it in just like that so there we go that's all there is to it 5950x is installed and we are good to go next up we're gonna go and do our ram i'm excited about this i'm very excited about this everybody's like i i just like it's you know i love one thing i enjoy about being a streamer who can you know we have like 3 000 plus people or whatever it is is because we get a lot of new folks and that joke you know for our our other people get to be a part of it and they get to respond and stuff but come on it's it's still a lot of fun it's usually like twitch is like yeah no not again yeah yeah well well no but now we have like i mean i think right now i mean just even on twitch right now we have a thousand people on twitch too well 1200 people on twitch too so it's like it's it's you know we have a big we have a big audience on both right at this point okay does the winner get all three the p yes the winner gets all three of them oh my gosh this looks so good look at this ram look at this ramp i'm trying to get it out this ram don't break it i'm not going to break the rim oh my broken oh this ram oh jeez i don't know if it's oh look at this okay so here is this is that ram and understand this whole thing is rgb so it's like look at this i love it's like it's blue it's not it's not even black it's like blue at the beginning look at that so this whole thing is rgb so um really exciting that looks really nice so and for those of you who don't know team t-force also does their um they have addressable rgb md sorry ssds as well so you're like your whole ssd can be rgb so pretty excited about this um and uh nice and shiny so i'm putting in this okay so when you install ram there's a little slot a little slot right here uh you're gonna line that up with the other slot like so uh first you're gonna put these down and then we go nice that's a that was a good response this thing is like just now popping up all the no not no it's beer boom there it goes click there it's all clicked in we're ready going i just want to make sure that you guys know that i got that ram installed i got i got that particular ram installed it's all oh man okay here we go next one right here pop this one off yeah where's your electric wristband oh i don't i don't need it i got flooring i got the right flooring oh yeah that's right um okay uh and then here we go we got another one right here we're good to go you would you go into the would you go in the other room and grab the the screwdriver our special screwdriver special screw the plug one okay so again just gonna line it up like so pop it in just like that god this ring looks good i'm going to talk bad about you as i go click i don't know this oh oh and if you had four see this actually has enough for like more ram which is kind of nice and it's also got a we'll use that here in a minute it's a microfiber cloth so if we wanted to do use a microfiber cloth we do want to keep this because he's actually switching to uh different ramps there we go i do not conduct electricity i am uh i am uh i am a special breed of human that does not conduct electricity i have built i think uh for a lot of people who don't know this is my 206th machine 206 pc that i built this year alone and we have yet to have one have a static electricity problem so we can go for we don't think we have to worry about that i'm not done with the ram there's more ram guys it's like guys like there's already a guy in there he's like you slaughtered the ram wrong i have two more dims it's not we're not done we got we got more dimms it's i know it's not for it's not for two dimms it's we have four dimms it's so dims we have all the dims none of the dims you do guys this is more ram everybody's like everybody's ready to jump on everything yeah okay so we're just going to clean that up real quick what is it you know i'm just going to leave it like this to trigger people they're like wait you're not activating dual channel ram like just because people are need to be triggered more that's what that's what i want to do i want to trigger more people i don't want to trigger you guys we have more ram right here guys let's do it what does dim mean dim dim stands for dim i don't actually know what does dim stand for can somebody look up what dim stands for other than light or like um or like trey's overall knowledge is dim he's like i'm leaving okay my life called i'm going home oh he's like i don't want to play with you anymore roby okay here we go we're gonna get our other dims our other ram dims out dual inline memory module there we go there it is right there guys commonly called a ram stick it's called ram stick i'm gonna call it a ram raw no that's not right that's not and the ram rod's not right here we go super troopers super troopers there we go just peeling off this other ram so people can stop being triggered about the fact that there's only like they're like wait there's more you don't have all the dims right you got to put them not next to each other yes i know because there's more ram right here they're going to put that in just like that [Music] thanks chat you're the true hero [Applause] you're lucky like kevin has his tv up yeah he can't he can't yeah i'm like screaming like click in the studio right now and people are like he's just like yeah luckily he hasn't he hasn't complained yet i'm gonna leave yeah going to get them in xbox you guys want to see uh optimal we're going to leave just just for people to go nuts we're going to leave one dim open we're going to leave one open we're not going to do that because i want to see what this looks like all lit up i'm excited about all the lights i i like how much pill there is there's a lot of peel this is very appealing ram there's a lot of appealing ram there this looks almost smoked like it looks really good on the board so i'm actually really excited about this ram um and i'm curious to see how bright it is there we go last last bit it's like that get to the clicker that's this that's the schwarzenegger version right there there we go there we go all our rams installed people can calm down and know that everything's fine we've activated dual channel appropriately everything's okay ooh look at this we got a big peel right there oh look it's even cut out like you can see like the steel legend cut out in it right look at that it's like right there like steel legend if i was like to wear this over this is like i'm gonna wear this as an eye patch today what do you guys think i can see right through it it's like it looks really good i think if i've got this eye patch on the whole time i think that's gonna be it's my steel legend eye patch you're going to regret that now you're going to want to clean your glasses yeah and i'm going to clean my glasses and be like oh it's fine it's fine everything's fine okay okay we got it fine we took it off yes i think we got all the peels everything is peeled our our thing is ready to go let's install our n.2 drive blondie is saying oh youtube giveaway time okay oh yeah oh yeah forgot about that you want to go do that and we got this yeah i got distracted i was having too much fun okay give away time guys everybody stop everybody say operate and listen stop collaborate and listen okay no actually everybody say thank you youtube because youtube is uh excited yeah they're excited they're like so everybody say thank you youtube let go yeah except for because they unlocked they unlocked this giveaway so thank you very much for all the the likes so thank you youtube for this they're they're awesome we're gonna do this first one right now because the youtubers are awesome and they are an important part of the robytech the robyverse community so there we go rob reverse roby verse so the first 250 gig western digital in miami and this year blah is going live right now you got two minutes to get in on that yeah i don't even know if that made any sense what i just said but no i'm gonna pretend it did you go you pretend with me sure don't go off don't go off script okay here we go guys now we're gonna go and grab and do our m.2 installation going top down from there now uh i think i think one things i want to you think i think one of the things when i do my uh yeah okay first take this off because you know what i don't i want to let you guys know one of the things that you may not know about this particular board is that it comes with a hidden weapon it's a hidden weapon there's a hidden weapon that comes with this board and i don't think everybody knows so if you are ever in a zombie apocalypse going to like your local micro center may not be a bad idea because check this out right here is oh wait it's not coming off dang it just oh there it is right here is the tomahawk look at this it's sharp like if you need to defend yourself from zombies like you're good look at this is like a this is like a quality tomahawk you know what i mean it's like you like you like you there's there's zombie bashing there's a zombie bashing completely capable with this thing so if you're looking for a potential like like go to your local micro center find your a your uh b550 steel legend and then you can you could you could dual wield this make sure you have a screwdriver yeah you do you do and grab your local ifixit sponsored by ifixit no it's like it comes in there but yeah i mean this is gonna be pretty good um it's a very clean tomahawk too okay so we're gonna grab we're gonna take that off and we're gonna grab this one right here which is not as clean but still is cool this is like a shiv right see there's two weapons there's two weapons on this on this on this uh on this motherboard you got a shiv and you've got a uh and you've got a um a tomahawk how much more time yes you shove them uh we got um oh well she's gonna draw the winner so you gotta shiv and like look at this i'm like dual wielding right here come at me come on come at me okay i'm scared nevermind it's all fine okay i'm done i don't want to please don't do that he's gonna he's scary yeah corona yeah corona look out for the corona zombies because they're gonna get you and i'm protected that's really what this is it's just the beginning of the corona the the beginning of the zombie apocalypse congratulations to hannah vendeboss vaden vandenbos vandenboss congratulations hannah vandenboss from youtube who won the youtube giveaway so congratulations hannah you won the youtube giveaway hey i like it when a good plane comes together d1 the first one yeah it's over guys you can stop doing the entries because uh there's no giveaway happening anymore so we got one later we still got we still got more coming up uh in the next you know half hour or so so don't worry calm down we got more giveaways coming up so don't worry about it we got stuff coming we got stuff still happening right here we go we're opening this up here we go getting our uh getting our uh stuff out here oh i need to change the giveaway thing okay here we go next uh next tier of giveaways uh for the gift card is happening uh so we're gonna kill this and then we're going to go to the 150 new gift card we are at 106 let's see what our what is it let me do this control c we're at 109. okay 109 all widgets sub goal we're at 150 we are 109 11 20 third 20 20 sorry 11 30 20 20. okay next goal is up guys we're getting ready to close we're getting close to that uh we're getting close to the um uh uh we're getting close to the card if we're gonna give away a graphics card on the show i don't know that may happen that may happen thank you for all those followers guys what makes it go up is subscriptions on twitch we have a thousand people on twitch right now for the first i think this is our first time yeah we just broke a thousand concurrent on twitch yeah a thousand concurrent on twitch 2 000 concurrent on youtube and 412 concurrent on uh over on newegg right now so we are at 3 355 people currently concurrent that's a concurrently concurrent like from yeah we have new eggs twitches on now is now on our channel too so we stream to them that's why the password changed yeah so yeah guys almost we have three 3 355 people watching right now as i build this amazing pc amazing amazing amazing amazing okay now i want to show you guys you guys you talked about we talked about this a little bit so um there has been a lot there's been a lot of requests uh for me to start an only fam an only fan uh site so i want to preview some of the content that is gonna be on my only fan site then we're at like like we have like pc content like this like where we make pc we have make import two babies look at that that's like straight up like babies we're gonna make we're gonna again.two babies that's like risque content right there if you wait nine months you'll have a baby you'll have like an m.2 a little mini indiana poo baby so yeah look out that's what's gonna be on my only fan page you guys be ready it's so spicy there the giveaway is over guys yeah guys the giveaway is over you can stop that from there okay so there's a little slot whoa that's got a screw on it there's this little slot right here uh see that little slot in the pcb pcb stands for printed circuit board uh that little slot is gonna slide in just like that then we're gonna get that beautiful sea gate there we go and this is where i make sure this is yeah that's the one terabyte and then we got another one right here this is our two terabyte this goes at the bottom like so and i need to add a standoff for that one so we're gonna grab a standoff right here i just read that [Music] this is how the i love you computer virus started that's right it started from my only fan page that was showing inappropriate pc porn oh man i have fun i enjoy doing these streams guys it's incredible and i thank you everybody for being a part of this and just enjoying this together now what we're going to do is down here you can see these different standoffs you want to do it at 2280 which is the length this is uh 80 millimeters which is the length we're gonna peel this right here now if i had nails and didn't groom myself this would be a whole lot easier but grooming these are very anti-groom okay there we go what we're going to do is we're going to take our little stand off i'll zoom in a little bit seriously and see this a little bit better whoa the magic of magic of camera and we're just going to pop that down like that is that like the power of raw it's like the power of raw i use my mind powers and this remote that's right next to me okay there we go right there and now we're gonna do is we're gonna grab this you're gonna pop that in just like i said via the pcb goes in just like that we're gonna grab this little little oh oh don't do what i did and not do the right thing so yeah why don't you read roby and do what i did and not read because that's not 80 that was a 2260. now we're going to take the right one off i was just testing you you all failed you all failed wow you all failed it's actually this one right here it goes right here my bad you all feel right thank you very much the the grumble got it but he told me after the grumble gets banned because he told me after ban the bunk the grump just kidding you don't get bad man we love you all fine okay now we're gonna do is we're gonna pop this down in here like so and we're gonna go ahead and use our tiny screw and pop this and go like this hey um i'm gonna send you on a mission yeah i want you to go to my house again yep i want you to get the nzxt boxes in the in the uh in the garage because they know i'm coming no time i will text them but i don't know if they will know you can ring the doorbell and say roby sent me he she knows my wife knows you okay guys we're gonna send him on a secret mission we're going to show you something cool that is exclusive and they're going to go nuts so we're going to have trey show it off and we'll am i grabbing again the nzxt box in the gra in the garage you'll see oh well that's that well you know it's it's good to have you it's actually good to have you work here today okay now what we're gonna do guys is we're gonna go ahead and peel this um we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna peel this real quick and get this prep what did you get or did you buy me anything what am i getting for your christmas oh i don't want those i'll send you my list it'll be alphabetized okay here we go we're going to put this m.2 r bar in there and we'll be back we're going to show nzxt box it's the only one in the garage okay so we're going to pop that in just like that there we go we're going to pop this in now we're going to screw these in and then after this we're going to work on our uh we're going to put in our i'm going to show you guys something cool you've never seen before little exclusive content for you a little exclusive content for a future build coming up there we go right there who's ready to see some exclusive cool content and by the way i did peel this so it's just fine let's screw that down there we go okay there we go m.2 armor is on we're defended appropriately now we're going to do is we're going to peel this one down here and we're good there our tomahawk is no longer useful because it'll be sticky maybe that's a good thing you won't lose it okay we're gonna pop this down just like so i'm gonna get this in this little hole here there we go okay that's in pop that down like that and next up guys we're gonna start putting our we're gonna start putting our uh our cool uh attachment in for our aio okay so everything's in installed we're ready to go there now we're gonna do is get our bracket for our aio on and we're good there but let's read a let's read a um dad joke [Music] um a pirate found a steering wheel in his pants a pirate found a steering wheel in his pants and he said arrr it's driving me nuts sounds pretty good that one's pretty good thank you very much uh origen uh oglin xs for that uh joke submission um what do you call a cow with two legs what do you call a cow with two legs lean beef lean beef that is uh that was from uh that one was from mystics i like that one too lean beef lean meat so okay let's zoom out here and we're gonna prep our we're gonna grab our our cool um stuff out of this mainly just uh okay there's our manual uh mainly just to make sure that we get our bracket and stuff installed i'm excited about this one i love that they now have a smaller one which has always been a problem is like they only had the 280 which means you need 140 millimeter fans but you do not need to worry about that for this one okay so we're gonna grab our oh this actually has oh cool this one unlike the kraken actually comes with rgb fans but we're not going to be using those okay so we need our brackets which are pretty straightforward for our that is not it there it is i need that oh that has a funky smell what is that snow man something in this bag does not smell good i'm gonna i'm gonna write andy and tell him hey nzxt you're bought your boxes don't smell good okay that is open and out and ready to go all we need for this is we're just gonna go and get our bracket set up here yeah i like the way this uh somebody's saying they love the way the the mobo looks the mobo does look really good i like the way this motherboard looks let's see let's get our bracket installed real quick i'm just seeing if i got if i missed something okay there we go okay now we're just going to grab this one right here now guys a lot of people asking about giveaways do not forget one of the best giveaways that you can get on right now is we're giving away a 6800 xt it's a sub only giveaway we're giving that away at the end of the month so we're really close if you are over on youtube or on uh newegg's twitch just head over over to rubytech and you can use your free amazon prime subscription and if you use that you could potentially win a um you could potentially win a uh 6800 xt um when we do that in winston that's your your free one the other thing too is that you can also if you do gifted subs if you do multiple tiered subs or if you do a sub for multiple months that gets you extra entries towards that giveaway as well so all you got to do is go over there and do that stuff to get in on that so like dingdong nothing who just subscribed with um prime oh he's back you want to if you want to open that up we can show that we'll do that as like a nice distraction we'll show something cool off here pretty quick guys [Music] you can use this tonight there you are we're gonna get the other knife and get this get this open and show you guys something pretty neat [Music] uh we have not given away we have not done the giveaway we'll announce the giveaway winner for the nzxt ultimate giveaway here at the end of the show so you still got some time for that okay that is all ready to go and we got that all set up so we're gonna get that off the side okay so everything here is ready we're gonna show you guys we're gonna do a little something special here um that you guys uh that i think you guys will enjoy um because i'm excited about this this is actually going to be uh one of my new machines in my game room uh nzxt sent me this um who here was curious who here is actually a uh who here is actually a mass effect band is anybody a mass effect fan uh anybody mass effect or a mass effect fan i'm just curious if anybody is so we check this out well we'll open this up on the stream but check this out we just got this from nzxt from here and this is i'm actually going to be building a full n7 this is a limited production in seven mass effect case that we're going to be showing up that we're going to be building i'm going to be building a completely original pc in this so i'm pretty excited about this um and we'll show it off there so i'm going gonna open it up and show it off here on the channel um i'm good friends with a lot of folks who worked on the original mass effect i actually got to work on the original mass effect when i at my time at microsoft game studios it's one of my favorite games yeah i know everybody's i know that they announced the remake on n7 day and then nzxt sent me one of these because we're going to be doing a completely themed my mass effect build for my game office unfortunately this one will not be given away but we still want to show this off so people can actually see the case here on on the channel so pop this open and it's in the actual box okay there we go we'll show this off and then we'll get to the rest of the build but i figured you guys would want to see this and show how quality this is here we go right here there it is this looks so good so here it is look at that you haven't seen numbers this is the first look this is my first look for me too look at that that looks so good then even on the front you have the n7 logo as well um this is good this is going to be super sick yeah it is it is an absolute beautiful case and then even the back i love how good these are these these things are but even on the back you can see that it's also got the n7 logo as well um it's actually really it's just texturizing it's texturized on the it's not it's not i don't think it's vinyl i think it's a special printing technique but the best part too is inside check this out inside as well is um we also have the entire the entire inside no one can see that inside as well is also the n7 it's all painted all the way through so it looks really cool i'm really excited about this um i've got a some models and then we're going to pinstripe with this is actually going to have a evga 3080 ftw3 in it that we're going to be pinstriping and painting to match everything in here so this will be completely mass effect at mass effect it out which is going to be super cool so anyway i thought i'd show that off before we no it's not a p500a guys we're gonna be this is a special case debut that you guys have never seen this is just this is brand new from um the fine folks at nzxt so we're gonna get it re-boxed up and then uh go from there so want to show it off i thought you know there's a lot of people here over 3 000 and you want to see something cool that not a lot of people there's only 500 of these made and uh i'm just a huge fan and so i thought it was cool that nzxt supported that and evga is also supporting the build which would be pretty neat so we'll be showing that off we'll build it on stream um and uh a little bit later and all that sort of stuff which will be cool so we're gonna box this back up and then we're gonna grab our p500a and continue building so pop this back on like so like that then we're gonna grab our top and that goes like that we're going to grab our bottom there we go i box a lot of these up because i box a lot of pcs i ship a lot of pc so get pretty good at this after a while yeah you do and then you pop that in like that and it's back to you and there it goes so that is the mass effect special edition limited edition premium h510 case i thought you guys would enjoy seeing that okay here we go oh 150 okay well we've already crossed that so let's grab our key let's do that next goal and then we're going to get our case prepped okay so here we go 30-70 okay there are 155 subs we're just gonna make sure we get that right and boom okay there you go next goal is up and let's get our case prepped for his build so here is the case everybody's like that wasn't a p500a no but this is a p500a so everybody recognizes the p500a love this case probably one of my favorite cases it's an absolute dream to build in um and will look very nice uh when we get this done so pop that down there is no giveaway currently happening guys stop there's no giveaway stop there's no giveaway you're gonna get yourself paid you're gonna get yourself banned so don't do that okay here we go p 500 day we're gonna go and strap this down strap strip this in strip it down more getting all this ready for the actual build here i am game okay and now we're going to do is we're going to grab our pull our vulcan door out there we go boom and then there's only i think that's it right because the top doesn't come off the front comes off and we're going to be putting our fan oh this will oh this is not the rgb oh okay it's not the rgb this is the rgb but it's not so we have the non-rgb version okay that kind of changes everything we're going to switch that back to the x63 because he has the rgb he hasn't he has the rgb version they're not arguing yeah there's a non-he has the non-rgb version which i did not know that's what i got okay which is all good it's fine is it is it in the other room did i grab the wrong case no you grabbed the right no that's this i didn't i think that i thought that's what we had gotten but we hadn't okay so let's put this back and then uh can you go grab the x63 back yes sir we only have a grab we only have to switch one thing we're gonna give the x63 so we get some max pulling we're gonna replace the front with all rgb fans which is not a big deal and be good there but we're going to keep doing this and take these apart real quick [Music] that's i i realized that's what i'd actually done so that's why i made the choice i'd made okay thank you very much so we'll give them the maximum air color and then he'll have all the fans in the front will be correct ones okay grab earn my key today you are earning your keep today okay we're just gonna grab this little chunk out of here [Music] okay there we go right there okay so we got that p 500 is there we're going to quickly i'm going to do one very fast thing and then we'll continue moving forward here with our build gonna be pretty quick i'm gonna grab one thing out of here and put it in there so that way we have them for the same so i don't lose something out of the cap boom temporary but what i need out of here is the same screws i used in here so there they are okay and now we know that's good to go okay we'll put this back and we'll continue moving forward the easy fix this is actually the x631 which is great and i did notice one other things about the x63 is that it does not the x53 does not include a manual but the x63 does and this is the rgb version which is another thing it was nice hey can you hand that back okay cool thank you very much guys we're gonna keep moving forward here and grab our rgb fans [Music] and get these installed what did i do with the knife oh there it is knife time there we go cool there's all of our screws there go to side camera so you guys can see this there's all of our wires oh there we go okay now get our fans installed real quick and i'm going to go ahead and put some this one has some this one has i need to put new stickers on these so we can put dampeners on here come on there you go okay now we're just going to prep our fans real quick get some stickers on this thing on these things real quick to get them so that we get that dampening on the front and then we'll be good to go oh fans gift me daddy there we go we're just gonna what we're doing right now is we're just putting the rubber attachments on this so that way they don't when you wit so they're quiet we don't want to have we don't i'm trying to make sure his machine stays quiet which is important there we go next up there we go [Music] and one more and get to it there it is [Music] there we go okay okay so those are all ready get this popped on here real quick the first set of fan first fan goes right here we're gonna pop it through this hole up at the top are you installing your only fans i'm installing my only fans turkey or ham okay what turkey your hand turkey or we are having i i like turkey i only like dark meat turkey though i don't know what about you i'm a dark meat turkey fan what you gave me the other screwdriver right what did i do with it i don't know a little bit but uh i mean i like both oh there we go but uh you like butter it it depends cause like sometimes my family fries up turkey oh yeah i like i like i like your gravy like straight up like griswold family christmas kind of kind of dried out no not bad not not that bad okay there we go you do not want to go uh one one trick on these guys you don't want to go too tight on the fans because you can pop these through uh that's one of the things about these particular this particular case is that you just want to get it tight enough okay we got that one in two more fans and then we have all of the fans we have to install on this build are in okay there we go happy birthday oh congratulations happy birthday there we go get these on real quick coming up on our first hour is just about passed i've uh i don't think i've i i'm we're actually in good shape in terms of time once we get these in then it goes pretty quick road mate we're i'm aiming for a nine o'clock like nine o'clock build done is kind of where we're aiming for tonight we'll see we'll see if i'm successful i i get into my i get into my zone and my fun and then i forget that we're we're actually trying to stream and get it done at a certain time it's just because i love you guys i love you i love you you love me we're a happy family and we like to build pcs and we do it all the time especially when we have some time i don't know sounded good right there okay next one's done you can rhyme time to time though time and time yeah especially when i have a lime i don't know i i got nothing no i didn't say i was a songwriter i'm a pc builder not a songwriter all right there we go if you guys want i'll sing happy birthday who's the guy we had happy birthday to you or tsunami org tsunami is it org tsunami or james org tsunami okay here we go guys ready you guys ready for happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday or tsunami happy birthday to you and many more yeah tonight no you've done that now everybody's going to be asking no yeah i know everybody's like it's my birthday too it's my birthday too don't quit the day job wow thanks raspberry at least raspberries keep me honest yeah some people are like it's good and everybody else is like it's terrible it's like wow there's no in between i wonder what music what music i listen to not you oh yeah they're like it's not guar happy birthday happy birthday oh is it a happy birthday now sing it in the style of uh system of down yes sing it like corn oh man i think it like war can i sing it in the style of viking metal [Laughter] that's i you know i i think i i was i was a pretty good singer back in the day i don't know i i i enjoy it seeing it like dessert disturbed like green day sing it like uh oh who's the band that everybody hates uh i forgot nickel back they go back see it like oh man was is the key word wow raspberry wow he's burning me hard [Music] did he make it like a c shanty i don't even know i don't have to think about a sea shanty it's like uh what would you do with a drink what would you do with a happy birthday what would you do with a happy birthday what would you do with a happy birthday early in the morning somebody's like i like nickelback there we go look at this graph what graph he said look at this graph take a look at this photograph okay every time i'm in america oh man how many people who here i'm just curious who here is actually from our um who here is from our actual uh tick tock like who's here watching from tick tock who's a tick-tock or who's watches me okay mimu me uh we got one person here from tiktok thanks for joining me not i oh kilt man killman is no you're not you didn't want to do tick-tock and your wife oh no it may not have been you oh come on it's like this last sticker is fighting me [Music] i'm here from all my fans i'm here somebody said that oh man i don't know i haven't even started yet i already have only fan only fans man i can't that that sight scares me take what now okay there we go one more sticker what am i talking yeah what what's tick-tock i never had what's a tic-tac only my only fans leaked yeah risque photos of of of undressed p500as look at that undressed h510 nzxt claims no claims no responsibility like i like i get like it's like a scandal look at all these nude cases are you from l.a am i from l.a what someone asked if you're from l.i i'm not from ally i guess is that what i have to do i have to be from la to get an only fan and only fan site is that the deal i don't think so you don't think so okay there we go last part is there and then we're gonna work on our only fam our only fan uh pc pinup calendar it's gonna be incredible it's gonna be the antique 600 it's gonna be a p600 like we're gonna be nothing it's like it's like high quality tech photos like the best tech porn you've ever seen oh yeah there we go and i want these i i do not want these centered i want these more high so you maximize the air and again remember the bottom is quite a bit up so you don't want to put these all the way down you want to kind of have them up a bit when you uh when you install these so you don't want them all the way like even in between because the case actually comes up a bit there we go that is not all the way on there we go okay one more there and in like flynn and it is those are all okay those are all relatively good okay one more my brother told me that a uh a wrestler follows you on instagram what a former wrestler follows you on instagram oh really yeah i'm followed by a former wrestler guys i have made it i have made it as a human being okay there we go everything is in and installed okay we are in and installed now we can put in our you can put in our motherboard who's ready for motherboard installation i am mobo installation okay here we go time to get the pc in yeah i've peaked now now it's now it's time i've peaked now i can only do only fan because like now i'm on the downhill that's what the deal is oh i miss my ice oh well okay here we go dropping it down dropping it like it's hot a little bit lower okay here's that sexy mobo sexy mobo time oh that ram looks so good i'm just saying can't wait till you turn it on i can't either like i'm like genuinely like very excited i've never seen what this ramp gets to the piano looks like and then i gotta hurry up and get like everybody's like hurry up so we can see what the ram looks like okay there we go um let's grab our case here our quesara syrah case raw there it is right here this is all of our put this in here it looks itty bitty but that's just because we haven't put the aio in and all that other stuff it'll it'll fill out don't worry it's a grown-up mobo it's a grown-up mobo it's not a baby mobo okay we're gonna grab our where's that i'm gonna grab our and it goes in there there we go okay that is ready let's go and get our stuff installed okay now we're just going to get our things here boom okay i can do it pretty quick shadow five we've done two pcs at the same time in four hours i built two pcs at the same time which was pretty fun and that was actually that was actually a good build we uh we did it and then we gave one away and we gave the other one to a member of clg now we haven't done a clg in a building a while no we have not so that is i don't think i don't think they have any more coming up either uh momo mammo we have not announced a winner yet it's not till uh the end of the stream sorry you were asleep but this is riveting riveting isn't it who's riveted i'm riveted though yeah it was fun that that build that doing two pieces at the same time was a lot of fun everybody's riveted this is so riveting this case is riveted that is true that is true it is riveted that is that is a that is a true statement case is riveted okay uh our motherboard is uh just about installed so now we can start doing our aio here pretty quick tommy thank you very much for the sub [Music] no these are oh my gosh yes these are screws but there are rivets in the case oh my gosh so angry so angry [Music] does that look like a good tantrum my angry tantrum no no it looks like you're gonna start dancing with the screws shaking them yeah it's like okay i'm just kidding guys um a little strap but i gotta go to work in six hours eat some sleep see you later nine four six five diesel appreciate you stopping by i missed a screw i did no that is a if you i you don't have to put a screw there there's only the nine you can if you added a stand off there but it's not necessary so that's an optional screw optional screw um okay um let's get our aio put together i'm gonna take our little thing off the top here um get it prepped for later pop this down and let's get our let's get our our aions put together real quick okay here we go here we go here we go here we go i need all this stuff i don't need that see why not throw a oh that popped off [Music] thank you very much what was the question i'm in the process of building a new pc and don't know if i should get a ryzen 9 3900 xt or wait to get a 5800 x so that's a hard one um i mean honestly the thing is is that if you're gaming uh just because of the single threaded performance and what they did with um combining the cache a 5800x is a much better gaming uh cpu than a 3900 xt it just is which is unfortunate but yes you uh it is worth the gaming performance upgrade i mean the gaming performance boost to get a 5800x if you care about gaming performance um and it's significant like it's not you know the 10900k used to be the reigning king and now all of the all of the amd cpus outperform at 10 900k so even a 5600x so i would wait if you can uh move to where there's a micro center that apparently seems to be the thing or just stay on stay on uh or just stay on uh new egg all the time those are the two those seem to be the keys here okay that's gonna go like that means this is gonna go like this okay i'm just gonna make sure i don't backwards fan it like i did yes on on monday no more backwards fanning okay look at those massive so massive these massive they're massive they're i mean that's the thing it's like it is this is more cooling than the x53 because it's a much bigger radiator but i wasn't overly worried about it but you know he's getting away he's getting what he's getting what he wanted he's getting what he's going to get you get what you get you don't throw fit you know what i'm saying okay sorry you're going to throw a fit if i want to don't throw a fit make me there you go microcenter in columbus has them in stock thank you lieutenant laggy let's just rub it in meanwhile road rub it yeah rub it and rub it in there's that there's no don't worry there's no micro centers in in seattle either yeah all we have is fries and they sell nothing yeah they sell of stuff that you you've never heard of in your lifetime yeah it's like literally it's like why is this store still in why is this store even here and it's like i think there's like one employee for the whole store it's like i was like it's like a massive store someone's like can someone help me in this he's like uh it'll be a while because i'm the only one working on the floor yeah it's like ridiculous i don't know what they're waiting for i don't know if they're waiting for them their pc repair section is keeping them alive i don't know someone's keeping them alive but then you don't like that just it seems like rent would be a lot for that or that place so probably charge a lot for pc repair yeah i i should charge him i'm gonna open a pc repair business just send me your free pc just send me your pcs i'll fix it no don't do that send me your free please give me your free pc oh man uh ebrule i don't know i mean they're dropping them all the time like 30 80s dropped today 6800s dropped twice um so i know they're dropping them all the time uh there are bots and there are twitch channels that you can go and watch when stock comes in it seems to happen quite frequently so yeah i like this mat it's pretty cool so any tips uh run forest um there's some really good kits out there thermaltake has some really nice kits for people who want to do water cooling for the first time um also watching many like any of the youtube videos on how to do it is pretty straightforward it's not as scary as you want just understand when you do it you need to you're signing up for maintenance man if you don't drain your loop pretty frequently you're going to end up with gunk and it could cause your performance and then you end up having to replace your entire loop instead of just uh instead of just cleaning it out is there an update on the mats i am not buying a drop 3080 wha where did you get a drop 3080 from i didn't drop a third did i drop a 3080 did we drop a 3080 i remember dropping a 30 80. you want me to drop a 3080 no maybe we should go grab some of those strix 390s and just throw them around the studio i'll still take it you'll buy it oh man hey thank you very much for the 45 bits if you're just dropping them then why everyone's like no yeah drop it there everybody's like drop a 3080 into my into my mailbox so is there an update on the on the mat uh we are like so i went to the bank to go get the reference thing that i needed to do and so we are uh we're full steam ahead i'm guessing by early next year by early by january what's part of ruby tech 2.0 is we'll launch with our full studio they know about uh yeah we've talked about ruby tech 2.0 so robbie tech 2. 2.0 is when we're going to launch our our merch store like like this awesome sweatshirt that i'm wearing right here and then other merch as well we have a we have a calvin klein underwear line that we're launching can't wait to support that everybody show it off yeah oh new egg dropped them i see what it is along with your only fans that's right we're going to launch our only fan site as part of ruby tech 2.0 as well as yeah that's all it's all part of the larger the larger strategy okay so this is ready we're gonna get this off to the side here scoot these over so we have them over here and then what we're going to do is we're going to grab this and connect it up real quick uh okay this is oh we got a splitter i'm actually going to use this because we have three fans in the front so we're actually going to use that that seems like a good idea okay now we're going to do is we're just going to go ahead just because it's easier and connect up our cabling just easier to do this while you have it out [Music] oh coming up on seven chat super chat from h what does he say what video card and cpu would you recommend if i want to run autocad and maybe do some gaming not a heavy gamer but i wanna i want to play dc from what i understand this this build that i'm doing right now which is the 39 the 5950x or the 5900xt um are great um i know that i've under from what i understand and i don't know this for sure um is that autocad is work there ryzen is working on optimizations for autocad and then just pair it with a 3070 or a 6800 x or sorry 6800 are great options for you um for uh if you want to do that so there we go i just i always doing guys connecting this this up right here i need a shout out to concepts for his birthday okay i'm shouting him out happy have a happy birthday buddy good he needs to get good like i needed to get good when i played uh when i played call of duty with margo and wasn't good at all i got to say is i liked their audio was it like a little bit clearer than ours but it just seemed dead because there's no music playing yeah the music stuff actually makes a big difference it does i mean i like i like our little music thing okay for sure [Music] how would you like their microphone versus well i their microphone is we actually have one of those we just it doesn't seem to do well with our system okay here we go guys okey dokey and the only two is their microphone like we'd have to we'd have to get in order for you to be on the show whichever i mean people watch the show pretty much for you like i mean i'd like to tell you how can i deal with that right like i need to have this the microphone we're using right okay let's go to side camera here guys we're gonna install our aio and put this down a bit though aio installation time everybody's favorite time can you guys say a i o a i o come on everybody say i o a i a i o and on the cio he had a case with a globe globe here and a globe globe there because he put the tubes in backwards globe that's not that's not funny okay here we go i'm gonna put our get our ai installed we're going to grab our extra light here yeah puff of smoke there because ruby built it here yeah everybody's saying hey oh there we go okay there we go getting that opened up now okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna undo all this stuff and grab this now i like yeah this mobo looks good and i'm really the we're not i like the capelex aio we've done a bunch of those installs actually recently so it's good to actually be using i like nzxt as well so um which is cool okay here we go okay i'm gonna pop these in up here what we're doing right now is we're just running our cables so they're out of the way we're gonna pop this up and the good thing is is because this because this case has so much room at the top you have to worry as much about like you're not going to block anything critical which i love i love that about this case this case just it just it really like fantax really does their case installations they really are just kind of dream dream cases for builders like they actually build in their own cases sometimes oh come on [Music] [Music] there we go okay make sure that's in is it in it's in you sure i'm in oh no i mean i'm sure but no i don't know how sure i am dang it raise your hand if you're sure um not raising my hand i'm not raising my hand gosh darn it painful this is one thing where the capellix actually kind of has a one-up over the the nzxt is because with the capellix and with the um with the uh it's just you can use you can one-handed you just hold it up and install it with screw you can get the screw in with just your fingers and this one doesn't seem to just yeah it actually makes it really easy to do this one-handed um this one not so much it's actually you can get it started but you gotta there you go there we go okay got it up now we can just finish screwing these in have you ever sat in what uh secret labs uh gaming chair huh have you ever sat in a secret labs gaming chair i have not i've i've done i've i've stayed i've i've been in a public lab where they have where i sat in a chair but not in a secret honestly not in a secret i'm not sat in a secret labs chair it's a company by the way okay there we go funny i'm funny who's who's funny what link are you trying to click the known one thank you very much for all those all those we're getting coming up on 200 subs now okay there we go 41 bits 41 bits bit love thank you very much for those man appreciate it oh uh the case is i think actually you can check the link oh uh he's i think that was what he's saying he's like you can't you can't click on the link uh i don't i think the case is one i think it's 99 i think is what the case cost i'm not mistaken i could be wrong okay here we go last screw okay now that's our aio is all ready to finish our installation here and go from there first time turning over the case coming up here pretty soon as we get ready to get our aio kind of hooked up we need our the case is 12 it's what no i was just running someone's comment okay that's what i was looking for okay so what we're gonna do is the first thing we gotta plug in here is we need our cpu fan which is right there make sure that's the right way there we go cpu fan is installed and then what we're going to do is we're going to grab these and run all this stuff up and in what's your opinion on arctic cooler aios uh i have heard nothing but good things i have not got to use one yet and we actually if everything goes well we'll actually be able to start so one of the things that we'll be starting here pretty soon as part of ruby tech 2.0 is we're going to start doing super in-depth technical reviews um and we have a we have a person coming on who's supposed to run those so if that goes well and we actually get that person like we're supposed to then you guys will have a lot more of that data that we'll be able to have at our fingertips so that should be cool by the way the other thing too that we've also started um as well is that if there are folks there are a lot of people who ask about builds um who want me to do commission builds but don't necessarily care about having them streamed those are still options so if you just want to have a build built uh by uh the team here at roby tech and then but don't wanna don't wanna don't care about the streaming it's actually cheaper from a from a pricing standpoint it's not a 15 it's actually only 12 percent and we can still do those builds too so those are other options if you want to have a team if you want to have a robitech pc you can do that um right now all the commissions for all the commissions for stream feces are filled until christmas but uh the other ones are not so okay here we go we're gonna pop this down and get our pump installed and then we will finish hooking all our aio stuff up okay top down here so the first thing we're going to do i'm going to pop this off and if you are interested in having a commission build or anything like that you can reach out to me on discord uh or via email um at or at robitech uh we actually wanna switch this this can go anyway so i might do this like the tubes i want them down they're just easier this way um you can reach out or uh ruby one at robytech sorry ruby one at robitech or you can do it at um or you can reach out to me on discord and we can talk about commissions but yeah there are those commissions are still available if people are interested in non-stream commissions okay here we go [Music] i'm gonna pop this in real quick there we go oops let's grab our i need our covers thank you very much i appreciate you saying that i'm amazing thank you curry number one bit as well thanks man number one bit donor thank you for saying i'm amazing i appreciate it i appreciate your support dude okay guys we are at 195 subs you know we're almost halfway to like giving away a 30-70 that's crazy okay crazy okay we're gonna put this down and we're just going to get these started rotate that so it's the right way this all in there we go next one the good thing about this is like just because of the simplicity of this stuff we don't have a ton of rgb we have a lot of rgb kind of at the front but outside of that there's not a ton and it's all daisy chainable like there's not gonna be a lot of heaviness to getting all this stuff installed and we have a three a three-way splitter so we can just run that off of a single okay there we go run that off of a single uh header okay we're gonna finish tightening this stuff down here real quick and some of you may be asking hey roby what about thermal paste the aio actually has thermal paste pre-applied so we're good there pc is coming together looks really good super happy with it i'm going to using an exec with fans come with it should i leave the three fans up front in the top then i would not i would do top mounted aio i would not put them but i would not put the rad in the front you do not need to put the rat in the front i like top mounted aios um versus front mounted aios just because tube down looks terrible and the only two is function wise it's totally okay too somebody's talking about convection but the thing is there's there's so much air that gets out of this case that you're not gonna it's not a closed it's this case is high airflow the heat's escaping all the time you don't have a ton of hot like just because this air this air is being pulled in and then pulled through here you're getting a lot of cold air regardless you do not need to worry about like oh my god there's just a ton of heat being generated off this that's actually not true um and we've done the testing to kind of verify that so um so either way is actually okay okay now we're gonna pull this stuff through make sure that's all good we have our our thing is installed and ready to go so we're going to go to side camera here we can just pull all of our cable what we're doing right now is just pulling our cables through is it possible to make a aio baby uh i haven't i haven't tried aio baby we should work on that i don't i got to figure out where it's not it doesn't have exposed it's not exposed like the you know the pcb and stuff i don't know i don't maybe that'll be something you'll find on my only fan site make aio babies what i'm working on now is just pulling all of our cables super taut so it's nice and clean when is the build with carter next week who's carter carter pc is a tick tock he's a tech tech talker like me but he has a million followers so he's he's not small so you copied him no i was here first we were the original dude everybody copies everybody so even he copied what is this there's something stuck in here it's not this this is this not something i get pulled through here whoa sorry guys just trying to find out what cable oh there it is okay got it making sure everything is straight and up what we want okay i'm gonna zip tie one thing real quick zip tie i have lots of zip ties look at all these zip ties i'm so excited about the zip ties or as the as the uh burge calls them tweezers we're gonna do one zip tie real quick make sure this stuff stays together and then we're going to zip size some things on the front okay we're going to make sure that this is still through there we go okay zip tied that's locked now we're going to do some zip ties here make sure that stays okay cool now we're going to do a couple more zip ties on the front just to make sure this stays nice and tidy and then we're good to go we can turn this over and start doing some light cable management just to get things looking nice what i'm going to zip tie is i'm just going to zip tie these okay first thing i'm going to do because i forgot about that again take this off take that out put it top down disconnect this and push this down [Music] i forgot i want to run that underneath not on top okay so the hope here i want a free pc too some things just can't have [Music] well i mean unless you win the mobo is the steel legend yeah but i can't win now oh yeah that's true i mean wait it's my fault for accepting yeah it's true dang it okay what we're doing right now is we're just gonna make sure that this looks super clean super clean super clean we're just going to run our get a couple zip ties in here to make sure that it looks nice and when you have like a plethora of zip ties you don't have to worry as much about using them like i was i was like trying to be sparing before but now i have all my zip ties again i'm like yes i can zip tie till the cows come in didn't you get so many zip ties i zip i got them from the i got them from the store i got some from micro center i did go i did go to micro center and buy zip ties it's like the only thing i love is a micro center when i did like my one pilgrimage to micro center all i walked away with was like zip ties which people were like what is wrong with you i almost got a 5800x but they sold out the guy right in front of me bought the last one and then he realized who i was and he rubbed it in my face i was like oh that's not nice did he really yeah he was like he was like he's like i've seen you before i was like oh yeah i do videos from time to time he's like oh my god i watched you too right i got to ride 1500x i was like okay he was like i've seen how many 30s you have like well that's not nice and that's not really it's not like you hoarded their commission builds they're not like yeah it's not like i'm just building a throne out of them right that you guys know about that's not the bad news that's all back now i've just been building a 3080 throne with all of my 30 80s no i'm building up up top since 2 30 90s yeah those are just no no that's my footstool i have a 30 90 foot stool oh that's right we changed into 30 60 i did that happened to me too like i have had people dm and be like hey i heard that you need 30 a's or 39's like yeah i always have like commissions like you know like so if you have any they're like oh i'll sell you this one for like a thousand dollars i'm like yeah that's that's not how it goes because like i only like i only charge like when somebody buys a pc for me they get charged retail prices for the pc so it's not like i'm charging them more so it's like well yeah that's a great business where i don't where all i do is lose money that's a great idea i kind of like that then i have nothing okay and then nobody watches me build pcs anymore and that may make some people happy like that one guy who always dislikes every video i make the the thumb downer you know how you are like i haven't even gone live yet and there's already a thumb down i'm like how do you even know it's bad this could be the one that changes your mind give me a chance click here you go i got that back in okay a 1.6 000 likes to 23 dislikes wow that's pretty good now that i said that that this like ratio is going to go away probably because people are mean why do you have to be mean i didn't do anything to you okay hey guys so there we go see and then one thing i took my time is just to make sure this looks super clean again i'm just trying to make sure that the build looks super nice looks very clean and functional so let's do the other side real quick one thing i'm going to hook up just because i know it's here and then we're going to get to our front panels is the stuff in the front welcome back colin good to see you curry yan 49 is currently the top sub gift leader kedobi number two and sternum number three thank you very much for all yours have we seen drafaas in a while i'm just curious i haven't seen your fauze in a while guys he was like he was like he was like our crazy guy for a little while there's fuji who is also pretty nuts he dropped it right at the beginning but i mean those are like i like that the like the wit the top guys are always different so which is nice okay there we go we just popped what that is that's our that's a that's a fan extension we just hooked up a fan extension real quick and then what we're going to do now is flip this over and begin the process of the hookup not that kind of hookup oh look at all those cables hey laser oh there's laser look at laser dropping it there's another name that has also been quite quite a dropper in one the 30 70 from the sub only giveaway from 30 70. so he's getting a 300 laser there we go sorry okay here we go now we're going to do is we're going to start and run all these cables just kind of zip tie them up real quick so they're kind of out of the way i want to make sure everything looks clean here so so clean stuff that's all we want so fresh and so clean clean okay so here is our fans we're taking our three fans that we have here these are pwm fans there's pas pulse modulation wattage or i forgot what the that's pulse basically means that the voltage can change and based on the voltage change is how it speeds up or slows down um i just forgot the forgot what the acronym stood for okay so here's all we're gonna hook up our three fans here real quick there's that okay there's our fans then what the last thing we want to do um this one is gonna get oh i need to figure out let me have to go to a different spot oh i can hook this one up here forgot about that i have a spot right here for the batman is that a halloween song i don't know why this song it's like it's supposed to be art it's supposed to be part of a it's on the edm list so all righty hey there we go okay now what we're going to do is we're going to take all of our rgb here these all have to be connected together which is nice so that goes into this hey stella thank you very much for those and now people are like opening up a little bonkers in here okay the next one is the next the next one to get done together there we go and then lastly down here somewhere and do these we gotta find the rgb strip here okay this one that oh these have to go somewhere too i don't know if these are gonna reach i gotta figure out where the i might have to change all of my plans here they have three fans that still need to get hooked up okay where is i should have rgb here somewhere maybe is there one for the maybe this doesn't have an rgb strip in the front that's from the io i do not see one maybe this does not have an rgb strip in the front or i've already hooked it up which could be the truth but this where is the thing that this hooks up to should be a i feel like i'm missing something from these fans that does this is all the stuff here there is a connection that has to be plugged into that actually connects that allows me to connect to a um rgb header i do not see that i don't know what happened to it do you put it back in the box i don't think so which is not which is interesting right because this is like that's how the rgb header gets connected here i don't know if i stick it back in the box or what do i have here now there's another fan splitter actually might come in handy here for this build i'm gonna actually use that to hook up the other fans did i did i like did i just leave something out of the box usually there is a cable that comes with the case that allows me to that has attached the rgb strip i do not see it here and there so and i don't have a power cable for it either uh i don't see it down here either but i need to go grab that box again yes can you hand me that box right there and see if there's something in there it's just like i'm missing a cable that i don't see in here give me that i know that that one right there the fan thing the fan box oh right there yeah you just hand it to me oh yeah thanks yeah this is this is supposed to have a 24-pin rubber dampeners pwm fans and then there's yeah i don't see a cable there should be a cable that allows it to plug in that's interesting i don't see there's no other cables in this it doesn't say it comes with a cable this daisy chain digital rgb connector which is good okay not in there oops sorry didn't mean to do that good this is so all of our fans are here who's this three pin connector yeah these are all our front this is all okay so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna go ahead and run our this is our front panel stuff front panel [Music] usbc and usb 3.2 go right in the middle that's hd audio and usbc and usb 3.2 go right here i've got all these kind of unplugged right now because i want to hook them up okay now these the problem is is that like i said i don't have whatever there's got to be something that i can plug into this that allows me to change the coloration [Music] i don't know if i have i'm going to check something real quick guys i'll be right back [Music] welcome ugh train tag so those who are celebrating thanksgiving what's your favorite side dish see i like stuffing i like mashed potatoes stuffing with cranberry sauce okay oh deviled eggs are good apple chris is a dessert it's not a side dish cat jam potatoes in any form i'm just going to give him different pants we're just going to give him different fans that is i'm just i'm because of this i'm upgrading his fans we're gonna give him the new uni the sl120 uni fans so we're just gonna replace his fans because uh i don't have the connection and that's not gonna work so i'm not gonna do that and this will make it actually a little bit easier so we're gonna music stopped oh okay we'll start the new music yeah he's getting nicer fans so that's what we're gonna do um we had to go find a problem i had to go figure out what happened to his thing apple chris is the side dish the pumpkin pie okay [Music] okay let us we're gonna do it's gonna slow we're gonna slow down the build a little bit because we're gonna do is unhook this use this for these other fans here and then we're going to use the uni fans instead a little bit of a side a little little little side step but nothing too painful roby i asked chat what favorite side dish for thanksgiving was what is yours favorite side dish does that does dessert count no that's dessert that's what i thought that's dessert right so i just heard you guys talk about dessert my favorite side dish is um my parents stuffing so like i just love stuffing um the reason why i said that uh earlier someone said uh apple crisp is the side dish to pumpkin pie oh i'm not there's only like one pump i don't know i'd be curious from chat like there's only one pumpkin pie that i actually like and that's the one from costco i don't like like every other pumpkin pie i've had i don't much care for but costco pumpkin pie definitely needs whipped cream yeah i agree but like like it's it's like either over nutmeg or something like that so i hear that so i'm gonna we're gonna quickly change these i'm an apple pie guy myself or a oreo oreo pudding pie oreo pudding oh yeah yeah that was a good that's good i started making those that that's my contribution to thanksgiving is oreo pudding pies oreo pudding pie what are you doing for thanksgiving or is it just you and your wife uh going over to my parents oh okay it'll be the five of us my brother will be there oh cool oh is he here like gonna make fun is he here making fun of you tonight actually he hasn't been on tv he hasn't been online a lot i think he's like given up on you he might be he's like you're too cool now yeah somewhat famous you know because once a week i carry on these these are like like not on fate like not your face but my voice your voice your sultry your dulcet tones okay there we go uh these are i'm excited about getting to use these i think these are gonna look really nice and the other thing too is he'll still like he's gonna be he's gonna be very happy okay so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna make sure these are all disconnected here real quick there we go make sure that there we go so you are switching out those uh fantastic fans yeah i don't i don't like i don't feel like i feel like i miss like i was expecting something and this is a certain version of the case that doesn't have it so these fans don't really work with that so i'm going to save these for a different build i'm actually going to hand them to you and while while you're sitting there you can put them back in the box we put them back in the box there you go heck yeah it's your favorite okay cool now let's get these so120s put together real quick and then we'll this is the one thing that's nice about these sl 120s is they're actually very easy and don't require as many screws and i know a lot of people love them and uh they're hard to get but i actually have quite a few so so were you looking for like a rgb header or something yeah there's an rgb header that i that that would that the thing is is that on certain versions of the phanteks p500 um it has an rgb strip that you can plug in and that has a rgb header but this one doesn't have that and then you can't just plug it into the motherboard uh no because there's nothing to that's what you're missing you can't you have nothing to do that with okay so here's all of our fans so you check these out these are still really awesome fans and it's cool to get to use these put these in here and so i think i think this is just this will be a nice little fun quick distraction really quick these are all of our accessories and these little these are going to look nice too which is which is going to be fun okay there's our rgb header here's all our stuff okay we've got our sticky yeah the reaction in chat was good because people were like reaction in chat was good because people are like when they when they see it they're like these are some of the best fans you can get and honestly like i don't know man lee just makes really good stuff and i know a lot of that's because of like their partnerships with the bauer and things like that so i've started to notice that yeah they have they just make good stuff it's like fantas also makes good stuff but i think these are gonna look great so check these out these are i love these fans and they're really easy because it's like one fan one fan is like you only need one connection for the fan so it's really it's just their quality in terms of doing them in terms of hooking them up it's fun they're bubble wrap because they care okay you guys are seeing another bit of i think we've only used these while we have a build we have a build coming up in early december it's a twelve thousand dollar build with dual 3090s oh my gosh um and that build has nine of these so and strimmer it's like everything that you would want okay so all we do is we just basically find them and then connect them together it's pretty straightforward which is pretty cool you just go like this [Music] like that and then you just push them together and they make it one make one giant super fan which is pretty cool makes it really easy to install see there you go now they're hooked up that's all there is to it now they're all daisy chained and they only need one fan header at that point in time and they all get controlled by one thing so then what we do is we take one of these you don't need all three you just need one since our fan is going to go like this this goes up here and this goes right here and then just like that there you go your fans are hooked up and ready to go that's all there is to it [Music] okay now this will use with the box here in a minute and then we can save these [Music] okay cool now we're going to grab our case again and quickly put this in so you guys can get back to watching the build get built side view i love how they're still there's it's funny because people are saying oh there's not a lot of cables which is true but there is more to this like then you have like a control box which is nice like if you use like the lee lee um 011 dynamics there's only a single box for nine fans but it's still kind of it's not it's not as simple as people you know kind of make it out to be but the fan installation part is actually really nice so you just because it's just like oh here you go that's all there is to it there's a lot of twisty ties for this thing it's like three twisty ties okay there we go we're just gonna pop this in like this it's braided cables stuff like that which is kind of nice there we go okay and then just like that see how easy that is to install they're just all stuck together when is there gonna be a budget build we did a 1500 what what would you guys consider budget you guys got to kind of remember prices went up on cards yeah it's like budget like like doses i'd be curious what people consider budget anything less than a thousand oh well we have where uh once the 30 60 comes out we'll definitely be doing 30 like a less than a thousand dollar build i think i've just been waiting for the right cards to come out [Music] this is an easy i just like how easy this is to install we have a 1500 darn it you mind grabbing that just fell on the floor um if i could find it it went right down there we go nice because like once it's in uh what am i looking for one of these a screw a single screw that has escaped me no sign of it oops know where it went man these are so easy to just install okay just waiting for that one screw hey there we go we got our one screw tried to escape us but we've solved it i'm gonna put in our one last screw and then we can get back to hooking up fans okay well now we're back to where we started which is great put a top down that was a little bit of a distraction but it's done oh okay so this is all the k now this is all the this is all the cables we have for our fans which is nice and now we have a control box we got to worry about so get that in here okay so our control box with our super big okay so this is with this will do three sets and it actually does actually also do fans at the same time which is kind of cool you can do fans plus can you daisy change those if you had to you can do yeah this will do 12 fans so it's just actually pretty crazy so you shouldn't need him yeah you shouldn't need more if i if i had like all what i can do is is i grab this and put this in here and then let it get controlled by like it's powered by this i think this is this just normal giveaways at the end of the stream okay there's that actually we'll do this the other way so we make sure it's the right way up let go there we go okay so we're gonna do three yep okay that's in then here is the other fan header just for this one [Music] and here is our rgb [Music] that's gonna go right there okay now what we need is we need our connectors for this which is like here's our rgb header which we're going to pop up from the corner that's out of the way and then we have this is like if we wanted to daisy chain rgb we don't need to worry about that we've got about an hour left for the stream uh yeah it's i i i'm i'm hoping i was hoping to be done in 30 minutes it could still happen it could still happen it could it could if i tried we're going to try we're going to try and be done by not i'm guessing we'll probably end up being done around 9 30 but uh i'm trying to get it done at nine the little fan little little things kind of got in the way but this is like pretty typical of us of a stream here okay there we go that's in and then finally this is our rgb here this goes right here and this has got a fan header uh the phanteks d600 500 d500 p500a p500 okay so we're gonna put this kind of i wanna i think right here we actually i think we could actually can we go all the way up here yeah that would look okay that's nice and high and out of the way so we're gonna put that up there i'm just gonna grab this that's the magnet where's the other thing oh here it is this is the sticky one that's what i want put a sticky on this and come on so okay finally now and it's the right way this and this should be these are all going to go up high so that'll actually be okay right there that will not be good my plan is foiled i have to go lower we need to make sure we can get the usb in is right here okay so we're running our usb for this that's the thing that's actually gonna have to control where it's gonna go in it should still be okay like right here in the middle i was trying to get it way up high but here would actually be okay too okay cool now i'm trying to think of what else we have this is usb that's gonna go down there this and this are fan headers and we have a fan header sticking out right here this is going to go right here and this is going to go right here i'm going to go ahead and unplug this i'm gonna plug this into the third spot and then all of our fans are hooked up now what we're gonna do is we're gonna quickly and then that'll make sure that's actually controlled by the aio this is rgb it's gonna go up here there's our rgb header okay this is gonna go down here we'll see if that's too tight hoping not okay so now all of our this is gonna go down here that's for our aio okay all of our cables our front panel cables are hooked up are ready to get hooked up we're gonna flip this over hook it up and then we'll do our cable management and then after that it's actually pretty straightforward we just gotta put in our gpu on our psu and we're good to go yeah that was a nice that was a nice jump in time there real quick all right now okay we're gonna start at the top here and we're gonna hook up our rgb this is our rgb for our fans mr chaos five dollar super chat thank you very much mr chaos i love the content what cpu should i get for gaming and streaming i'm planning on getting rtx 3080 is 5600x good enough yeah should i go no no 5600x if you don't if you don't you don't need to spend the money 5600x is great and if you're again unless you're carried about like esport level gaming you're like a 5600 x is a great pc um i mean a great and it works fine with the 3080 you have some some small bottlenecking at like 300 fps or 240 plus fps on 1080p but if you don't care about that then it's totally fine and we have a 1700 build that was like with the 3070 that you could easily modify to do a 3080 that's a great template there okay those are installed we're just going to quickly kind of start cranking through this so we can make sure that you guys can see this light up and all that sort of fun stuff okay i'm gonna put these out of the way though i'll zoom in here real quick and show you guys everything that's installed here in a minute just kind of getting it installed ripped it's easier to just look at this and get it done probably the springtime what maybe even later why spread uh oh when are we going to be able to walk into a store yeah could be as late as november of next year oh that way it could be it guys stock is going to be a problem for a while it is not going to be it is not it is a real problem and when you have basically tpm or is it tpm i think i don't remember the tsmc sorry tsmc and samsung are overwhelmed between 3080 demand and next gen and it's like there's just like it is a bad situation i mean good bad but you know still like and it's not like nvidia or andy want it to be as bad as it is but that is what it is and i will tell you the the amd launch and the amount of stock at amd at launch versus nvidia was like terrible so from the people that i've had conversations with it was like it was not good so i'm hoping it gets better i mean with amd saying that they're they're going to stop making reference cards in early 2021 that makes it sound like it's gonna get better um i just hope that's true okay so i'll just zoom in real quick show you guys what i just hooked up so you guys can see clearly what i just did first thing i hooked up which is right up here this is our uh this is our rgb that's going to control the rgb for the light for the fans this right here is a fan header that's a fan splitter down here next one is usb 3.2 oh wow usb 3.2 and usbc okay that high train guys is going to give us the second uh western digital the second giveaway down here at the bottom these are front panel connectors uh this is aio and this is the liam lee controller and then over here is hd audio so those are all the cables i got hooked up now i'm going to pull them all taut and do our cable management a little bit of cable management at the back to make sure it's good and then we'll put in our gpu and all that stuff but things are in good shape okay now now to focus on cable management so we're going to start up here and kind of work our way down and what i'm looking for here is just channels right and we have some good we have good channeling options but we want to get them like kind of squared away so what i'm going to do is just make some channels with my cable ties make it look super clean what i need to do is just take out a bunch of these there we go oops you guys can't see that sorry there we go and now you're going to just see me this is me working on cable manager which is the last kind of right that kind of like the yeah we start working on making things look super clean is what we're working on here this needs to get plugged in okay one more cable to plug in real quick that one in right here turn that over get that in and then we'll finish our cable management good job there we go like a small these i'm gonna tie these together nice level five already g's guys and we're over halfway towards that 30 70 if we care there we go and now that's clean it takes our last it's our last hook up here we got a six dollar super chat there we go 699 k and 80 into a chat hey roby your friendly neighborhood french canadian want to say that it's a beautiful build alexander the phone thank you very much alexander appreciate it and thank you for the super chat okay we're gonna pull this down up just around and make sure it's out of the way there we go okay and we're gonna take this clean these off real quick now now all our cables are hooked up we continue our cable management here okay now what i'm doing is i'm going to go ahead and run everything here off to the right side make sure it's table tied let me do that i'm going to run couple couple cables here there's launch zen three i don't even want to think about zen four right now okay there we go and now slowly we're going to slowly start you guys going to watch some god-tier cable management start to show up here it's the hope yes god's here that's what we want god tier [Music] and that's what lots of cable cable ties get us you want two channels essentially is what i'm working on here do you overclock commission build no i don't do that because a there's too much there's too much it can go i don't like there's just too much you can go wrong and it's just i don't want to be responsible for that there's a lot of tweaking and figuring out and that's a lot of if somebody like wanted to pay like a ton of extra for me to figure it out i mean i i do that but it's a lot of time to really figure out and testing to get a build to where it's really stable at a good overclock i mean you can do some light overclocking which is like the stuff that you can do in the bios and like be like okay i'm going to let the bios do like uh like a simple overclock like that's okay if i wanted to do that but what is this [Music] what is that oh that's this come on done i was like wait that's not supposed to be unplugged uh he he's on a non-static mat that's why he doesn't have the wristband or and that's why he uses okay what we're doing right now is we're just basically getting all of our getting all of our cabling done like our cable tying and all that sort of stuff one i'm gonna use these actually [Music] we get level five yeah and 266 subs that's crazy thanks guys let me make sure it's 200 something percent wow nice 1000 bits okay now [Music] i'm an ai that ruby has programmed yes i have right he's an a he's a program he's a programmed ai there's so many new people they don't know who i am oh that's unfortunate he's stay that way he's special he's special he's special this party it's part of our government work program there we go okay those are open tigger don't do me dirty like that okay we're getting super close to having this done i wish there was a micro center closer than 12 hours to me yeah we all do dude someone said they wish they had a microcenter closer than four hours yeah i had to fly like i got yelled at on twitter somebody's like don't rub it in there you have a microphone i was like no i didn't i flew here to go to a micro center i didn't really i mean it was just i i was doing a job but right still it was like he was like oh my bad i'm sorry i was like yeah dude i don't i have a microphone close to me don't rub it like i'm not rubbing it in that's why it was a it was like a it was like uh what is it called a pilgrimage it was a pilgrimage to microcenter i'd i'd make it a day trip to go to the micro center you'd make it a day trip yeah i wonder like where is the closest one to us like how many i wonder how long the drive is hell southern california's got dude is there none in northern california uh i'll check we're gonna find out where our closest our closest microcenter is okay making our way making our way downtown are you walking fast walking fast gonna get this all cable i managed know that's like when it all cable managed oh there's only one in california no i think there's like two in the la area isn't there oh that's it the only one that's listed is tustin no that's the one i've been to they're really the only one yeah oh wow that's the closest one well i know where that's at my hotel was right across from it which it was which was like complete like happenstance you got tustin and then denver okay we got georgia illinois kansas massachusetts maryland michigan minnesota missouri new jersey new york was one of missouri in st louis uh brentwood i don't know if that's near st louis or not oh wait oh yeah yeah i was right and you got one two three four in new york three in ohio two in texas one i don't understand ohio there's like nothing to do there except okay guys we're almost done with the cable management part we do not have a micro center we have a fry's that has nothing yeah we do we have zip ties and duct tape which is like which is like what i wonder i wonder what they wonder what that's for like kidnappers headquarters okay guys our zip our cable ties or i mean our cable manager is just about done one more group of cables right here use a longer one and that's lame new york has like four everybody else has to suffer spread the love it's like all the basketball teams in california got too many okay there we go now just like this what we do is we right at the top and they also have crappy uh 3d printer filament yeah you're not bitter about that at all no micro center is like 15 dollars a roll here we go that's expensive there we go slowly oops yeah that's what i said new york has four micro centers and ohio has three why does ohio need so many micro centers i don't know not fair is that where microcenter started maybe oh we need to do that giveaway though let me do that it's the twitch giveaway yep i just finished let me get these strapped in guys these other sides strapped in because then we'll rotate these around and then we'll do that with a giveaway yep it was founded in ohio oh that makes sense then [Music] something from my center's like now they're not going to be nice to us because we're talking we're talking about them we're not talking bad we just want one up here real bad that is true just buy out fries please just just do it okay and there you go just buy the building out from under them pick them out there we go and there you go just like we're going to do is just going to throw this on and then because these we don't have to worry about we don't have to do anything on this side the other side we have to keep it loose but how's that look do what i mean it's nice and clean i don't really want to prove it we still have that we still have the psu cable and some other ones we still got to do but this is like give you guys an idea of what it's going to look like see that looks good nice and clean cable tie like cable combs what do you think i think it looks good don't you think uh that's like nice and clean oh yeah finally these will be i don't think we'll need this one so we can put this enough here we go [Music] okay now that we've got that done we can do the giveaway and everybody stop everybody say thank you twitch everybody say thank you twitch thank you twitch because twitch was the one who unlocked this one there we go thank you to yourselves twitch touch scratch yourself on the back we're gonna get this one done now okay here we go plowbot get ready for those giveaways okay here we go twitch is gonna be the entry for this one now you do not need to spam it because if you do you will get you could potentially get banned so starting that giveaway right now now twitch subs if you are twitch subscriber tier one you get three extra entries if you're tier two you get four and if you're tier three you get five so because this is the twitch one you actually do get extra entries on this one so just as an fyi okay now we can turn this over and do our front panels are all hooked up we that we're actually in good shape man this is like and the cable management is like legit good so okay now we're gonna turn this over and get ready for the next part which is gpu and cables gpu okay we don't i don't think we'll need a lot more zip ties but we have them if we need them i love zip ties zip ties or either go foreign colored ones so i can do like different different ones they got they got all the like hot pink hot yellow and all that oh that's right they also had dj equipment too oh that's that's that's important computer chairs no computer part there we go okay now that is good everything is in everything looks clean cool okay let us do let's go and grab our do our top a couple of our cables real quick and then we'll do our gpu and we can peel this because this is installed now oh boom oops when you miss okay now we need our this one [Music] okay this goes right here winner has been picked congratulations aj 691 aj691 you are the winner of the uh m.2 look at this face my favorite it's my it's my you need to bend a certain way face make this go in it's gonna come hey that's something yeah only if you say something like that afterwards that is true okay one cable in there's that one now we just need to make a little bit of room here now this has got it this is going to go over the top and this so these are going to pop right through there is where the ow that is sharp and now there will be blood that's fine that's fine it gives it life and give it a character yeah it's worth it it's just worth more money when i two more percent power right okay grab that one in okay let's run this through real quick where is our oh what is behind he's a horse yeah these are age horse there we go then the next part is our gpu but all our cables are installed and ready to go it's nice and clean what we want boom okay cool now aio time aio time gold them a shot it's a uh this is this is for 3d red this is for rendering this is not for gaming so he he did not need that powerful he needed the cpu not necessarily the gpu okay here we go 3070 time 30 70 time there we go this is our second 30 this is the second time we've ever we've used a 30-70 on the on the stream so we've done we did the first one where we did that cool build but we have not this is our first time actually using one in a commission build i don't actually think we have any other 30 70 commission builds you don't i think they're all 30 80s and a couple like one 6800 xt one little 6800 xt and then that's it but still excited to get to use one of these near a 30-70 it's always nice to premiere cards on the show yep this is the gigabyte 30-70 there it is right there dang yeah it's a nice thin to clean it's a thin yeah it's a little thin boy call them thin b they don't really come to me put thin b in here when do we have a 6800 xt build next week it's supposed to be the first one we're still waiting i'm still waiting on my shipment so we're waiting for cards it's like as soon as i get them we have a 6800 and a 6900 are we doing a benchmark show no that'll be something we'll do differently it'll probably end up being a vaude the problem is is the benchmark we all oh one thing we are doing a benchmark show for is we are doing a benchmark show for cyberpunk though so our launch cyberpunk stream which is going to be eight hours is i'm gonna be doing playing cyberpunk it will be before launch um it will i'll be playing cyberbunk on a bunch of different configurations so we're going to do 30 minutes of gameplay um and then uh on different configurations of machines so you guys will be able to see what what how cyberpunk will run on a bunch of different hardware configurations which i which a lot of people seem really excited about that so that'll be cool yeah with well i mean we're partnered with where like we're partnering with uh cd projekt red to do that specifically so cool yeah very cool okay top down guys let's get our little bit that we have left here to get installed we're getting close like the it's like the home stretch of the build we've already done our we got one more giveaway which we definitely got the uh we definitely are giving away 150 new a gift card i don't know if we'll give away the the i don't think we'll uh i don't think we'll uh be giving away the 30-70 tonight but you never know we've gotten 1100 subs in a single stream you know like people can get crazy and i want to say thank you very much for all of your guys support allowing us to it allows us to make all this content and do these giveaways is all because of support from people like you guys who dub and everything else support from viewers like you thank you for helping you [Music] yes okay why is this not going in [Music] there we go that looks good in there actually it looks really nice with the rest it's aesthetically it's got the same hard angles it actually just fits okay let us plug it in plug it in plug it in plug it in [Music] it's like we planned it that way yeah it's like it's like i i design computers and try to make them look good okay last step which my favorite thing about this case is this little door right here i'm gonna take one of these right here oh of course dang it i tried to pre try to pre-do this and i failed because uh the these go backwards oh and i also did two fours so you know we need a four and a three i failed my pre my preloading guys sorry did i throw the kit are there cable combs in that black asian horse box i feel like i threw the cable combs i will check thank you sir i was trying to be faster here and then there's something in there yeah i left all the cable cones yeah there's clear ones in there too you want those yeah i'm going to put them in the in the case with that for the gentleman you decide to do something later upgrade his pc or something or doesn't like the black one he doesn't like the black ones yeah he didn't tell me his is the commission guy he didn't tell me his commission name i don't i'm assuming he's watching what do you think on the gpu u-shaped power brackets as safe for this i don't know what that means thank you very much for all this the stuff man never mind what's the matter gang visuals oh oh he is oh there he is there's charles charles what do you think how are you are you happy right now how are you thinking i'm just sorry charles like i i just realized like some people don't use their name this is the uh the geforce 3070. charles what do you think i want to see what he's thinking is he happy are you are you sad are you how are you feeling disappointed disappointed heartbroken where where are you should we do we need to change anything [Music] sorry charles i i love that i i guess i just got into 300 waiting for charles to come back and tell me that he's in love or he might be like uh we're gonna have a conversation in it good he comes back he's like yeah so i was i had a story i was talking to the dealer and he's like these are guys who buy um porsches and he said people like showing up and they get ready to do the porsche reveal and they pull back the curtain and the guy's like that's not the car i ordered it's like a hundred and sixty thousand dollar car and the guy's like no i'm not happy and like it's like what do you do in that cage like uh what did you imagine like that would be what do you mean that's not the case yeah he's like he's like that's not the that's not my porsche like that's not what i ordered i'm like you know i'd be like oh my gosh it'd be like the worst [Music] that's gonna this is gonna look so good this will oh that would help if i put it in the right slot oh that looks so good looks so clean that looks so clean i love clean i love it when it looks clean now we just got to do a little bit more and power this puppy on i love clean builds hey thank you wolf pack for the subs 305 did you uh start to do that too oh it's just your horse reveal huh did you do that when they're doing your porsche video no no i was like crying like a little girl it's so beautiful that's uh that's not my card yeah that's not my they're like you just came up and you picked this that's not my car you you picked it off that's not my card uh at the end of the stream we're gonna announce the winner of the nzxt uh giveaway we're gonna give away the we're gonna do the announce announce the winner of the tent the 150 new gift card and uh we're gonna we're gonna turn it on like those are all the things that are coming up and super close to the end of this whole stream the shenanigans that joke we need a dad joke okay look dad joke coming up [Music] okay here we go dad joke loading hey guys i want you to know before i get into this something's super super important to me i used to be addicted to soap but guess what i'm clean now [Laughter] thank you very much a little 100 little little z10 for that one i'm clean now so you know i used to be addicted to soap dear god i was like dear god make it stop i need to get i'm gonna what i'm gonna work on for the next for friday stream is i'll look at like good story ones like my uh like my uh uh intelligence ones and some of those ones people seem to really enjoy those ones as well so i'll get some good like story jokes so they're like some some of the longer ones that people seem to really enjoy a little bit more there we go there you go it's locked in place now okay and now you have it all lined up and it looks nice okay now psu time psu time can everybody say psu time it's like dora can can somebody say deadly neurotoxin and you say everybody say psu time thank you very much for the bits guys over 300 300 subs that's crazy okay here we go psu time i need to flip this over ow that's hefty that's a happy boy now okay now it's a hefty boy now it's happy boy okay put that back on real quick okay now a lot of people might be asking why are like why are we getting so many subs you have to understand that if you use your free prime sub there's a lot of people who are subbing specifically because there's a chance for them to win a 6800 xt at the end of the month so that's why a lot of people like you see a lot of people doing their subbing right now get in there come on oh my gosh thing is fighting me the way it not needs to not fight me there you go how do you find the time building all these pcs and making the halos uh it's just working it out magic i thought so magic finally got the answer i was looking for okay there we go again very clean looking i would say what would you say rate my uh rate my cable management pretty dang clean my might be some of the best you've met you've done just saying i did like this is what happens when i basically finally get my infinite number of zip ties i need to get like a zip tie sponsorship yeah because i need a zip tie sponge zip ties anyways i just thought they they're mad they're they're magical they're like unicorns [Music] okay here we go we're good there that's gonna go right there these i don't think we're gonna have we might have we might have a couple things that actually go that way but we'll figure that out we still have psu to go in but that like look at how empty that trout is so little to go under the shroud trout's here yep shrouds hanging out today okay let's get our 750 g5 g3 actually out there we go i'm making only thing yeah that's right i need to make an only fans thing just so i can i can sponsor my zip tie addiction oh it did not open all the way [Music] uh [Music] there was a guy for a long time who was on youtube um who like had the name shroud and like we were like like for a little while like man you know because i was streaming on a mixture at the time i was like and he was well i was like oh maybe shroud is here like he had to look into it my family told me to stop telling thanksgiving jokes i told them i couldn't quit cold turkey that's a good one that's a good one oh there's somebody just put the history of zip ties in there in chat somebody put this history of zip ties that's awesome that's a nicely dude that is nice words that's what it is to harness airplane airplane wires look at this look how nice that that's so nicely packaged that is that is qual evga jacob if you're watching good job that's nicely packaged oh look it's like it's like you get a you get a free there's a bag there's a bag bag okay don't need that don't need that what i will need is we're looking for one vga there we go there's that right there and then what we need is next we need our cpu which is not that one we need our cpu there's not that one we need our cpu which is not that one we need our cpu there it is cpu there's our 24 pin atx we need our not molex dengue molex other thing that's really nice this comes with is uh these evg always gives you an over uh so for filling a loop so it's basically so you can bridge your power supply there's our we do need those that is our this right here is so we can screw our cpu in and then we got sata we have three two sata plugs so we'll need one of those we don't need that on that and then we'll need nothing else right everything else is just a second cpu if we wanted it this comes with some cool uh cable tie stuff but we have zip ties so don't need those don't eat it okay get ready my favorite part at new gp ooh that's a velcro bag that new psu smell oh it's the worst but i can't i do it every time but it's the worst smelling knots you can't not smell it the worst it is the worst eternal where's eternal turtle i feel like you've been slacking on the dad jokes again so i just want to uh tell you that you need to get on that okay so again cables i've got right here first one i've got right here is um um the uh this is for our sata that's what this one is undo that so there's our sata cable which looks like this and it's got a little adapter like so sorry yeah get on it okay next up this is our 24 pin atx there's that next up is our cpu neurotoxins make everybody sleepy mr pickles he's slower than a three-legged cow in quicksand he's talking about me wow that's not very nice there you go cpu connector right there guys we're we're we're i'm also educating it's not just me speed building what are you talking about are you are you are you lip are you giving me lips no okay i never okay here we go this is our uh that's our vga and then we're good to go let's get this hooked up real quick okay flipping this over we can get these connected there is our 24 pin it's gonna be basically be split i'm gonna scoot this up a little bit so you guys can see it don't be sad about missing that hp pavilion gaming laptop because it probably would have died as soon as you opened it there we go there's our 24 pin is hooked up next up is this is our vga we're going to plug into vga1 right here and the way you know which one is the psu side is the part that's not split on that one cpu same thing split side is the part that does not plug into the cp the psu there's our cpu then the last cable we need is right here which is our uh sata and there's one we're going to plug it into sata one that's ready to go in now this actually does have a bracket or take this out then this is going to get screwed on here real quick i was wondering why the frisbee got bigger kept getting bigger and then it hit me that was also a good one thank you very much for that the a the all father okay here we go i also it's funny because the guy was basically saying i'm super slow but you do have to understand that i have not only like like i have completely built a pc while chatting and everything in the time that i did right like it's not like it's not like it's like i was slow because i didn't know what i was doing it was slow because you know you take your time you chat with this amazing community of which there are 2 800 people here right now right like it's more than just building a pc and that sort of thing right so it's a lot it's about having fun so i've heard that one before what did one ocean say to the other nothing it just wait i've heard that one before wow that actually those those things are getting up there that uh the the subs are getting up there okay now we're gonna do about a quarter of a bar away huh yeah okay let's pop this up show you guys the last part and then after that we just hook up these little cables and that is the end put a side view [Music] okay last part of this is the last like build part of it right like everything else is done we're gonna do the last build part like just get these last things in like so bring that in screw it in okay there we go then we're gonna go to cam link you can see how high my table is so high so high my table is it's going lower it's going lower it's going lower it's going lower okay there we go let's go back to top down and we're gonna hook up our last parts our final our final countdown and all of a sudden the channel goes off dcm whatever they dm emcp or dmcr or whatever it is how we finally got them yeah finally bmc emc yeah okay there we go now what we do is just stay at the d yes it's fun to get dmca we're gonna get d m c a aid okay there you go that's there i'm gonna zip tie that together here in a minute okay what we're gonna do now is we're gonna grab this they're little two cables that are right here [Music] no yawning you're not at the acropolis i am like thrown off because i had to work till nine last night and i thought it was because you were live at the acropolis like yanni [Music] i got to work tomorrow [Music] what yep why i thought they don't the store that scheduled me is stupid because it scheduled two people and you only need like one person for four hours that's money yeah it's just gonna be the worst day ever okay now what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put the i'm gonna go ahead and hook this well let me figure out what i wanna do here okay i'm gonna put these up real quick these are our last cables there we go and then we have our four pin we're gonna kind of cable tie these together on our way to go camping for for the family vacation stopped at a gas station to fill up with the camper behind us and bikes and other things and better another thing in the bed of the truck person pulls up right next to us to fill up as well look that's an ass phone camping my dad looked back and said nope just bought it and can't figure out how to unhook the trailer [Laughter] that sounds like a joke my my grandfather would tell somebody [Music] okay guys the pc is officially done look at that i mean even the power cable thing down here looks nice and clean look at that like even down there looks good [Music] what if i do i think i might do this there we go even that looks look at that like look at how clean that looks like even down here it looks clean okay well let's put the back on finish this this last little part and be done [Music] yeah i just want to make sure it closes i'm pretty sure it does yeah easily [Music] there we go i think i'll get our cable ties out of the way spitting out lies you don't start at 6 30 anymore i do need to update that stuff we uh when we're once we finish like once we kind of do robitech 2.0 and all that stuff we'll we'll update all that stuff at the same time that's why the best way to know when i stream is via twitter i also try very hard to update the twitch info as well so okay that is done put this in here it's in here that in there okay okay who's ready to see it turned on me good well you don't count i definitely do count [Music] you paid me to count that's true i do have to count okay here we go i'm pretty sure charles is excited yeah let's fix one thing one cable is kind of being wacky but you gotta fix there one lane up there i wanted to look clean across the board there you go that feels at there's like a little twist there you go i'm so i'm just anal okay there we go no no i don't see no i don't see a gpu sag i turned it on is it on [Music] it's it's not it's not on it's not it's not i push the button i push the button why did somebody say the power supply is not of course what do you mean the power supply is fine 750 watt power supply for a 30 70. that's more than fine it's not fine all right there we go it is powered ready for power anyway okay here we go oh oh that seems like a good sign and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom i want you in my room oh it's good and i'm back here oh where's all the the t4 stuff oh it's all lit up oh it's so hard to see though it's not very bright it's not very bright i love this though it is lit look at that i think that looks good you got like kind of like like it's the geometric pattern looks really good we gotta trim that that looks really good yeah the fans look clean and then like it's just it's the air it does post by the way i have seen the post the post is there the the ram just seems kind of pointless no i i can see it it just doesn't look is so there here let's get the post up for you guys you guys can see that there you go here's the post [Music] it's going to post so you guys can see that it posts and it's good there it's it's hard i like i like the way the ram looks um there you go so there it is it posts rgb wise it just yeah it's not it's not the brightest that is for sure but well yeah there we go posts it's good there let's turn down the lights you guys can see a little bit more of the rgb i can find my phone oh there just it's like where's my phone never mind on the table hey chat instructed me not to tell you where it is so there you go i know let's show it on the side here we can we'll give him a side camera view oh let's actually hit the button there we go and there's there's your and like again it's it's hard it doesn't show as well like actually it's i love the subtlety it looks way cleaner on camera it's actually i wish this got picked up better because it looks really good and it's got a lot of stuff and this is going to look great in pictures but it's all changing colors too which is really neat um i like i like the way this looks it looks like a screen all the way through but it's not very bright like that is that is the truth it's not very bright um but for subtle look it looks really cool yeah i like it i like it rgb isn't that bright just like me okay uh we got giveaways but you guys know the drill all i'm gonna do while we do the giveaway oh in the other room is the is the usb for the windows can you grab that real quick yep but he shows the thing you can start the windows install okay let's get this hooked up and then we'll start that last giveaway and we'll announce the winner which is what everybody wants to do we'll announce the winner for the next gen giveaway [Music] this is going to be awesome that's it that's it thank you there we go pop that in there and then while we're doing this we'll do the uh giveaway [Music] okay let's go back to cam link real quick i love the way the fans look and the cool thing is is that you get the rgb the one thing i like about the liam lee is you get the rgb on both sides this that motherboard led is so it is so bright maybe that's like throwing everything else but i love like the more i look at this i really love this look it's like there's not a lot of subtle rgb out there so to actually have something that genuinely is subtle is pretty cool i think for me personally i'd like a little bit brighter shut your face push-ups [Music] yeah it's got like an almost like a retro look to it i agree the the front fans have almost a retro look to them it's pretty neat yeah if you're if you look at that the motherboard led yeah the motherboard led is like super single super bright yeah head on not so bad not so bad they still like drying out the okay we're gonna start the windows install and then we'll do the next giveaway i'm gonna turn up the lights a little bit because i look like it looks like there's like a strip showing the led on your elements there we go 64-bit boom there we go give it a little bit more okay there we go i'm happy i'm happy with this build charles charles what do you think are you happy with this build yeah the pc giveaway is uh the pc giveaway is actually already over guys [Music] this [Music] okay let's do the pc giveaway i mean sorry the the 150 gift card giveaway there is the there it is okay let's start didn't start yet did you no i didn't [Music] i was waiting for that it just got wacky on me um what am i looking for okay starting the giveaway settings oh i know why this isn't working this is uh we need a bios update because this is a this is a b550 i forgot i got to do the bios update i'll have to do that later i was like why is this not working oh yeah you have to do a bios update um okay so uh let's do this is for the 150 new a gift card that we're going to be doing next and then after that we'll announce the winner for the other part okay so starting that giveaway exclamation point new egg now is the entry and that is going right now um i'm gonna see where is the usb for this the bios one [Music] i need to find out what this is a board that has the reset on the motherboard it should all be yeah there should be a button i just didn't look for it that's one yeah there should be a button on there yeah i just gotta find the key flash button and all that sort of stuff [Music] maybe while we're letting that go in there turn on this light and figure it out [Music] it's not there's not one on the back i think you're you have to have it though i think that's like required but i don't see one i gotta there's probably a place i gotta look for it but i don't see like a bios thing so hopefully this actually has a flash thing like that i think it's usually required so i have to look that up and get that squared away if not we'll have to throw a 3950x in it push the bios and then go from there so oh we'll turn this back on though so you guys can see we don't want to turn the pc off what are we doing what are what are we doing doing now remember if you are here you do get extra entries into that giveaway with uh uh if you are subbed so we have still have a minute 34 seconds left on that wow it's like look at the top one like it just that one just stopped working yeah that's that's what happens to me it just gets too too crazy just too much going on and it just like okay i'm uh i'm taking a nap it's like i'm done i'm done this is a with b550 steel legend [Music] something like that it looks like i can actually get into this one it seems like i can actually get into the bios oh i've unplugged this haven't i i forgot it looks like i can actually get into the bios so maybe what it is is it actually lets you to do it's got a different bios control so regardless of boot it's got what's called a protected bios i think this actually lets me get in and do it this way i just realized because i can actually get into the bios yep i can get into the bios okay cool that's how i flash it is you just flash it in the bios cool cool b550 steel legend bios okay while we're still waiting for the giveaway to happen here bios i want 1.52 i'm gonna beta biosis okay there we go coffee paste okay guys uh winners should be being picked here pretty quick we're gonna choose that right there we want black there it is okay it's updating the bios right now cool and let's check our giveaway stuff oh wait i guess we won did somebody win uh i don't know if somebody won i don't did somebody win i don't know oh hold on hold on cancel confirm i'm gonna see did somebody win did i not run it come on i'm sure you're right i'm pretty sure i remember it saying did she draw and then i didn't see it oh there it is congratulations to clix clix congratulations clicks you were the winner i did run it no it didn't no it ran it ran it ran no clicks won click was the winner so he that was the person who went you guys can stop that's over yeah clicks one okay so guys we click clicks one you guys can stop it clicks one where he's good um we're gonna do now the last part is is who won the pc and then we're going to raid somebody because that's what we do we want to share the love share the love share the light i don't know why that's the song that i've decided it is but here we go um okay that is not it hold on i'm trying to find it [Music] okay there it is okay here's the screenshot okay so here is the winner um we had this was winner number winner entry number 375 622 for this one was this is the winner who won this um okay so here we go here is the winner well here's the winner of this we're going to bring it up [Music] oh no no that's that's not it uh okay we can do this one here we go here we go you guys ready i was trying to just replace another one i want display video where is the video image okay here we go uh add new source and this is the winner okay here we go adding the winner now [Music] oh nevermind i didn't do it here nevermind okay uh we're gonna do this one okay downloaders there you go okay get ready here we go here is the winner of the pc and boom congratulations to victor vazquez in arizona usa you were the winner of the next gen giveaway that means you won the next gen pc you won the xbox series x and you won a playstation 5. so you get all of those so congratulations victor you were the winner uh we verified that stuff through there and there is a winner from that now do not do not be sad guys do not be sad because we are going to be doing the cyberpunk giveaway the cyberpunk giveaway actually starts next week so we got another pc you can win plus we've got another one from western digital we have the car the car carter pc do we still have three other pcs that you can have a chance to win all over all over the next week so and get it on the wind coming from tick tock as well what what when what wind did i get from tick tock and uh oh this is just okay let me see what i get did something happen on tick tock that i missed i'm just gonna check tic toc real quick no i don't i guess i missed oh somebody just said the win from tick tock so i don't know what that one is okay so i won something victor won via tick tock oh the entry was from tick tock oh cool sorry sorry congratulations you have victor winning the tick tock that's cool yeah plus i win from tick tock um so anyway uh victor will uh you'll get reached out to via email if that is you um and then basically i'll reach out to you and get you all going in there so it's awesome jtap is a very okay so let's take a look now we're going to go and do a raid i want to say thank you very much two 377 subscribe subscriptions today now guys we are back on friday for another awesome build and a lead dynamic not tomorrow tomorrow's thanksgiving we're back on friday we're also back on saturday doing a water cooled build for me showing off that vision 3080 and uh so that's going to be on saturday and then we're back on sunday for world of warcraft uh join us 11 o'clock at our guild all the details for that in our discord make sure you join that right now let me take a look at the raid list and we'll go from there uh let me see what i got here oh we got covent we haven't done coven a while so let's go and do a raid to covent uh anyway guys i want to say thank you very much for everybody let's make this a big raid please stick around there was over a thousand people would love to help you uh jump in there if you're over on the new egg channel come on over to rubytech let's give coven a lot of love starting that raid right now come on how many people can we get 380 let's double it let's triple it keep on 570 640 667. 672 rating now
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 75,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, pc build, pc building, robeyetech, robeytech, robytech, tech, technology
Id: ow3EwGk5048
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 10sec (12970 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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