Blac Chyna Walks Out Of Awkward No Jumper Interview

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[Music] no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today we have the one and only blac chyna on the show i can't believe it how you doing i'm doing good i've been dreaming of having you on the show for such a long time we almost had you on here one time back in the day when you and jay were hanging out and you guys pulled up to the store together i don't know if you remember this and i was like low-key trying to figure out how i could sort of get you to do it yeah he was really low-key i don't think it was that low-key how are you doing i'm doing good what's going on you just uh you're pushing this music side of things so hard that you finally decided it was time to come through exactly right because i see you you're out here you got all kinds of crazy [ __ ] coming out what uh talk to me about what exactly has happened that made you want to [ __ ] go so hard with the music again i mean which part of it um i don't know i mean like somebody in your position you could go in like a million different ways in your career and i see you out here you're dropping videos of trippy too short all kinds of stuff like who or what was it that made you decide that you wanted to really go in that direction with your career right now um i just feel like honestly i've already like um i did like a television uh modeled i did all these different things and whatnot but it was like okay those are like pictures and like scripted and all this and you know what i mean i feel like with the music is just more organic and i could like express myself in a different way in a different light you know what i mean right because i saw you talking about how you wanted to have the right team around you before you got back into doing the music thing tough like how is it looking in that regard who are you working with um as far as what i mean i have my day-to-day team you have your management team studio but musically i think you know who do you work with in that regard you have certain producers that you're [ __ ] with or do you have like a like a writer or somebody that sort of helps you out in that regard yeah i have people that um help me and whatnot um tito mother goat jimmy um wayne see list could go on really but that's like my circle okay what kind of music like actually gets you excited to make music because i see you kind of all over the board in terms of different styles and everything you got some sort of bay area type stuff going on with too short in them i heard that the trippy red song like what what like how do you view yourself as a as an artist or what kind of music you want to be making i mean i'm gonna make any like type of music that like fits me i feel like i shouldn't be like put in the box you know what i mean at all and i feel like a lot of people like they kind of put themselves in a box you know what i mean right and it's kind of weird for you because you're the type of person who i feel like you're mega famous everybody knows who you are but then everybody's not really 100 sure what they're supposed to view you as do you feel that i mean it is what it is you just really not like i'm just i'm living my life yeah but how is life these days besides uh just the music like what what what's the day-to-day of blac chyna like especially during covet i feel like that's gotta probably slow stuff down for you a lot i mean wake up i have my kids i have emails i have lash i have black china closet studio time glam season two to real blac chyna um the list goes on it's just like finding that finding like that balance you know and like i feel like i've been actually really good at it you know what i mean really do you think the corona has kind of helped you out a little bit just in the sense that you're not able to go out and do a lot of the stuff that you might have been doing normally and you're able to sort of focus on your base reality with the music and all your businesses and everything no i i mean like my businesses and things like that has always been like my grounded space you know like even before cove that i was doing this before that right yeah so i mean me staying in the house like this is not nothing new like if anybody knows me i stay in the house really yeah is that why is that like how did you get to that point have you always been kind of a reclusive person that doesn't want to be around people all the time no i love to be around people but i just i just like to stay focused and like grounded you know i mean like more stability and like balance you know what i mean it's interesting do you look back at a different point in your life and see yourself because like there's that period of time where you're like trying to make a name for yourself and then it's i think you're at a different point in your life where you know you've made the name for yourself and you're just sort of trying to figure out what the bill the businesses are that you're building on top of your celebrity right no the business is always first i've always been like business first business savvy and then everything else like trinkles underneath and then you know it's like that once you build that and you have that foundation and you master one thing and you go into the next thing and then after that's done you know you could like tap into like what you actually passionate about versus like something being forced on you you know something so it's like a building ladder and whatnot and it's just like and that's just what it is so i feel like me having um lash cosmetics and 88fm back in the day and the hostings and the gigs and the tv shows and things like that i was able to like already sit back and like see like okay what do i actually really really really really want to focus on and like not be forced to do you know what i mean a lot of people like they built um businesses or just relationships like off of hurt you know what i mean not off a passion and i feel like um it's not a good thing and you must have money making opportunities like all day every day and that's like that's fine sometimes you do stuff just because the check is good but then at the same time i mean there there also is like the stuff that you would want to do regardless of money like i assume that the music seems like something you're excited about that you would probably be doing regardless of if you know there was money attached to it yeah no right exactly precisely when you look back at yourself before you had so much fame and attention on you and everything do you ever feel like you were maybe potentially happier back then before you had so much pressure on you and so much you know it's like kind of hard to just go out and be you know i still go out you do i'm still happy before right so you don't let it change you that much i feel like a lot of times people get to a certain level and they start to feel like the prank the fame is kind of like a prison no not at all i mean like if you like been around and you've been hustling like your whole life and whatnot it kind of like builds you up to like you know saying be like equipped for like the things that's going to come ahead of you so it's like when things like fall into your lap or like you get hit with like curveballs and that and all that you kind of just take it and then roll with the punches you didn't mean like this is not nothing new like i've been doing this i'm a young age right this is just not like hey woke up and hey right right but does it sometimes kind of feel like that because you know there's things that you go out of your way to create in your life and then there are things that just sort of happen around you like you know i'm sure you don't really like do you view yourself as a reality star but that's certainly an opportunity that's right there waiting for you at any given time right you're so funny hi me specifically yeah you funny but yeah what is what's funny about me yeah i don't know he's just funny are you triggered by this bathroom situation oh yeah i am it's kind of natural it's disgusting it's out of pocket it's disgusting i see i have all kinds of girls come in here and i feel like i haven't they're disgusting probably too really you know some of them for sure she doesn't use it you don't use it it's disgusting it's horrible she works here she's saying she'd be here for eight hours and she won't use the bathroom i'm not trying to make it about you lord oh no damn i am so that's is is the bathroom a big thing for you when it comes to a guy yeah that's just yeah all that right major i feel like we've seen you link to some guys that might not have the nicest bathrooms over the past few years though or maybe not even a bathroom at all i mean we could name a few of those what like in terms of your dating energy what kind of guys do you feel like you're drawn towards these days what i mean like what kind of dudes do you end up dating like at this point in your life like you know we've we've kind of seen you do the soundcloud rapper thing and i mean that's been very interesting like i feel like the fans of our podcast is probably one of the main things that they've been sort of intrigued by over the last few years is just what rappers you've been connected to you don't like talking about that no i'm just like i'm come with it right like the kid boo thing really stood out to me is like kind of hard to wrap my head around like what was the nature of that relationship yo you so funny to me him or me you why i mean it's like something's in the past right you need to like leave it there okay you get what i'm saying focus on like what's it like what's going on now stop like trying to like bring up anything from my past yeah but you know it's for the fans we're creating content i feel like they want to know about that stuff yeah right right okay so kid boo is off the table we're not talking about kid boo we could talk about whoever but damn no that one's kind of tired too no all of it is like come with the next question um okay next time i gotta be about who i'm dating and like who i'm in like come on okay let's talk about this tjx six you familiar with him tj x6 he's a rapper he came on this podcast and basically told us that because he had a rap lyric where he actually said that he scammed you and i asked him about it and he basically said he bought an instagram shout out from you that was i think he was scamming the people that used this connection that clicked on this link or whatever so i was just wondering like what your thoughts were on that since he uh i don't know the [ __ ] yeah sorry yeah i don't i don't think he was really uh i don't know like that [ __ ] you get on my [ __ ] nerves right does um have you ever had that problem where you're selling an instagram shout out and it just ends up being something where it's it's not on the up and then you end up getting judged for basically you know helping somebody scam what is he talking about i'm lost i just see a lot of okay let's move to this how much does it cost to get on the blac chyna instagram i mean it depends for me like say i wanted on the feed just pure shout out follow this guy he's a great guy he's got a really dirty bathroom but for you free free i don't believe you at all the way this interview is going i don't believe that you're giving me a free shout out just for you really okay what about a random piece of money to like go clean up this dirty ass bathroom oh see that would be a good shout out yeah i could appreciate that follow him so he can get a better bathroom yeah what about like laura right there what if she wanted just a little maybe on the story like i'm just trying to figure out how much this kind of [ __ ] costs okay um um so okay what else do you have going on right now that like you really want to draw attention to aside from the music i guess that's what we're talking about okay let's talk about the music um i think we should just keep it there okay so do you have like a project that you're working on like are you just focused on dropping music videos yeah i'm just gonna continue to do like singles and whatnot and like um continue to like you know be more passionate and more focused and like really just let people like just feel it you know what i mean [Music] interesting um would you consider actually doing music with six nine and you made a lot of a lot of noise by being in that video yeah i would be i would make his own you would but that didn't come about while you were doing that video what was it like doing that video what was the whole scenario like um it was really cool everybody was really chill that was it just out in the desert no i wasn't a desert oh okay yeah you hear you just overdosed on caffeine pills it's kind of crazy right but the president also has coronavirus so i feel like that kind of took the attention off of it pretty quickly um okay so in terms of you teaming up with like you know trippy red like where did that collaboration come from or how do you choose the people you're gonna work with i mean it isn't really you don't really choose it's like all right you know what i mean if you already have like relationships with like different people just like throughout the years and whatnot and there's always like that one thing like hey like i want you to listen to my music like just to kind of catch a vibe but also like ultimately like you kind of have in in your mind like all right maybe this song might sound good for this person so when like when i'm going through my stuff and one night i'll like play like the songs that i already have and then like the song that i would like them to be on like very last right so that's it's not a convocation with you working with six nine and trippy red there's no like because they they hate each other they want to kill each other i don't really get into other people's drama right yeah neither of them brought it up no interesting if i were one of them i'd be pissed why because i'd be trying to lay claim like black trying to [ __ ] with me not you that's weird no you're weird um okay why was jeffree star all up in that one video what's like the nature of you guys friendship these days i mean jeffree star is like you know what i mean jeffree star is like in the music i miss her and he was in the music industry and whatnot did you know that uh well he had like a rock band back in the day right you know who signed him acon let's get into it but yeah no um i just felt like it just fit like what was going on it's like the music with the beauty and like the beauty industry and all that like mixed in so i was like yeah this might be kind of like really dope yeah i mean he's like unbelievably successful with all that makeup [ __ ] yeah yeah he took that [ __ ] to a pretty crazy level would you guys collaborate on that or was that more of just like a video like i want you to pop up just for this look are you guys would you do makeup together we got some stuff coming up oh really i'm not that like tapped in on the makeup game so i don't really know it's cool yeah um okay so there was a story that went viral a while back about you potentially selling follow backs on instagram is that still available yeah it's still available really to this day do you have any reservations about sort of selling that kind of stuff people really get on your ass about the facetime call thing too yeah they always like they talk so much [ __ ] and then they follow up and do the same thing right um and it's cool yeah it's weird how people think that once you kind of get to a certain level you should stop hustling and really the selling promo and stuff is just kind of another hustle at this point in time right yeah it is what it is right right [ __ ] them right that's kind of your attitude no not [ __ ] them but it's just a hustle like you know i mean maybe like a follow back from blac chyna might help this person like build their brand and whatnot you know what i mean but does it ever weird you out there you might be following the wrong person no not really okay um the other thing that i wanted to ask about was um you laughing at me laura i saw that um uh how's the only fan's grind going um it's good yeah yeah i tried to sign up last night my card got rejected so that was kind of an issue for me it happens is there a lot of foot stuff on there i heard i mean it's a lot of things going on there right now really you see like what's going on no i don't i couldn't get in they wouldn't let me in my car just kept getting rejected just go to twitter what the same stuff's on twitter that's on the online i know you might never know you never know twitter is just unlimited with it really oh raggedy repost the [ __ ] or i mean not of me i'm just saying are you open to only fans collaborations or any like do you do anything with other people on there nah i had safari's only fans i feel like you guys could definitely do a dope collab you wouldn't safari he's killing it on only fence right he's married right but you know you know you know that's good don't play with me post up and just look cool together right like don't disrespect me like i don't know no no no i don't think i'm not suggesting anything that she would not be happy don't be disrespectful okay fine um have you spoken to soldier boy recently no you no actually his old number doesn't work anymore i've been really wondering what's going on with him okay so you guys had like a thing about a year ago or would you ever consider doing music with him hey guess what yeah what i'm out you're out yeah the slower question no it's just like you keep like being weird but you know that's what the people want to hear about you know nah but it's just weird i'm out oh yeah damn appreciate you blac chyna damn couldn't get the soulja boy question [Music] through [Music] you
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 179,001
Rating: 4.6545844 out of 5
Keywords: blac chyna, blac chyna 6ix9ine, blac chyna no jumper, blac chyna interview, blac chyna and rob, blac chyna kim kardashian, blac chyna kim kardashian fight, blac chyna vs kim, no jumper blac chyna, blac chyna adam22, adam22 blac chyna
Id: LyrUDKiUmuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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