@bkshivani - How affirmations and positive thoughts change your life with Rajan Navani | TRP 1

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so we are living with an equation which says as  is the outer world so will be my inner world is   how we are living the truth is not that the  truth is as will be my inner world so will be   my outer world so if I get the basic equation  wrong I can mess up with everything after that   because my basic equation is wrong so we don't  need science to prove this this is already   proved in the sanskriti in the culture of bhat we  know this since thousand of years yours and it's called our thoughts create our world  it is not our world creates our thoughts welcome to this podcast on think right.  me with the radiant light of wisdom sister BK   Shivani thank you so much uh today we complete  five years for a journey that we started you   know around mindfulness around bringing about a  change in Behavior attitude lifestyle many many   aspects uh through think right.me and I still  remember the early days when we were trying to   Define how it would impact and shape people's  lives and today sitting five years later uh   it's been a journey that has really around good  thoughts right thoughts uh as we move forward I   think we released it in 2018 December and it took  us about a year when we started brainstorming and   concept and content and all but when we started  because it was an app so obviously it was going to   be short content you know like 2 minutes 3 minutes  and my belief system up to then was that you need   at least 20 minutes of content to start creating a  shift inside you especially in a time when you're   flooded with so much content throughout the  day just 2 minutes cannot really bring about   a change because you're consuming hours and hours  of another quality content but because it's an app   and you cannot have longer audios or videos it  was meant to be 2 three minutes so it was more   of an experiment and I believed at that time 5  years back that this 2 three minutes would be an   initiation that you know somebody takes it up and  then somebody benefits from it and then they take   their Journey forward and start you know taking  more and consuming more but on this journey of 5   years and when I traveled and I meet people and  people share their experiences I've met so many   so many people all age groups professionals  youth who have said that they experien change   in themselves their personality their behavior  which has also reflected in what they're doing   and their situations of life and they say it's  think right. me initially I thought like No 3   minutes cannot create a change 3 minutes can be  just like a you know a taste of okay just taste it   and now you start your journey but even 3 minutes  can bring so much of a change is something I've   learned from them you know it's from practical  experience evidence and people have shared   specific situations out of which they came people  have shared how they have shared it with other   people because they benefited so that's the proof  of the power of content on our mind so I think   think right.me was created conceptualized and  released whether a dis disase whether those who   went through it and those who lost someone so I  mean the whole thing that it happened before 2020   just in 2019 it was as if the Divine was getting  it done at the right time you know that before an   exam came we were being giving the solutions and  uh so it's really I think it was just so perfect   that Tim being that and especially so many people  were at home they had the time so those people   who say we don't have time to automattic Ally  started drifting towards content which was going   to energize them because consuming a lot of what  we were seeing from media what we were Hearing in   our own families and friends everybody needed  that little so the timing was perfect and it   started pandemic time really started the Journey  of think right. me for many many people and then   once you start it and you benefit with it then it  becomes a part of your lifestyle so it's like any   other diet if I experiment with okay I have this  in the morning or I eat this in my morning and   then I benefit with it then it's over then it's  with me forever then it's become a part of my   lifestyle so 5 years has been lot of learning for  me a lot of learning and a lot of understanding   how the human mind works with even this much  of content how much potential it has and then   of course hearing firsthand experiences is always  an inspiration it's such a learning from yeah and   you know what's you put it so beautifully right  before the exam there was some tool that everybody   had to be able to you know take it forward and  if you remember our initial discussion was that   education actually taught us what to say and  what to do right but it's the source of both   our action as well as speech you know emanates  from thoughts and that power of thought to be able   to change your situations to be able to you know  really impact your life in more ways than you can   imagine it was our belief and you know it all got  tested through the pandemic and like you rightly   say there's so many people you you know who have  benefited and our idea you know is also to to   kind of you know go a little deeper into these  aspects of you know mindfulness uh manifestation   affirmation meditation you know what do these  terms really mean uh how do people how can people   make best use of these tools that are being  governed through situations right so so if you   were to you know start with say maybe initially  mindfulness right and you know just to kind of   explain to even people and larger general public  as to what does being mindful really mean uh and   and how does one make those little shifts uh you  know on a day-to-day basis to be mindful more and   more you know of the time than not being mindful  uh we always use the word mindful but we use the   word mindful saying be mindful of what you're  saying be mindful of what you're doing so which   means just take care that what you're speaking or  what you're doing is right don't make a mistake so   what is needed at the right time in the right way  the appropriate behavior the appropriate words so   we always taught be mindful you're going there  they are going to be there you be mindful what   you're going to say to them but we had not thought  that be mindful of what you're thinking so we were   mindful of what we were speaking behaving doing  living mindfulness is about be mindful about   what you're thinking so that take care that here  you're not creating anything which is not right   for you because it is this which will come out in  words and behavior so we were taught to take care   of words and behavior but it will not always  work because it's starting here so this is the   first energy I create I cannot say anything unless  I've thought of it I cannot there cannot be a word   which I have not first created here but it's just  because we were never checking here so we were not   aware and we said no it just slipped out of my  tongue I do not have that intention I never it's   not true it's not possible this is an outlet of an  energy that we have created what I do is an outlet   of what I have taught but we were not taught there  so we were taught here and there so mindfulness   only means that that now take care of what you are  thinking and if I take care of what I'm thinking I   don't need to take care of what I'm speaking how  I'm behaving because if I've not created a wrong   thought I will never have a wrong word most people  will tell you thoughts just come to me just come   to me they're not in my control and and when we  say come to me we're not even saying come to me   we're saying come to me so you know that thought  just came to me as if it's coming from somewhere   outside and it's coming and hitting me here again  because we living believing that the thought is   created because of the situation that I am in  if I had to ask anyone who's the creator of your   thoughts they'll immediately say I but how does  the vocabulary go I'm irritated because because   of the finger is outside I'm upset because so and  so did this I'm happy because such and such thing   happened today so I am reaffirming that everything  that's getting created here whether it's stress   whether it's irritation whether it's anger whether  it's love whether it's happiness whether it's   worry whether it's jealousy whatever I'm creating  here I'm saying it's because of something outside   this itself was fundamentally wrong because then  I thought that my thoughts are just dependent   on the out outoor world this is called emotional  dependence and when I become emotional dependent   that means power will now start reducing because  now here will only be dependent on what's going on   here so there are two worlds outside world and  the inner world the inner world is intentions   so not just my thoughts my intent so I create a  thought of meeting you what is my intent behind   meting you is it to share is it to give is it to  get what is my intent so it's not just a thought   that I'm meeting you what is my intent so intent  is the most powerful Karma so that's why we were   taught that your B and Bava behind the karma  is more important than the actual Karma so   that is the intent so my inner world is about my  Consciousness who do I believe I am then my intent   then my thoughts and emotions feelings LS and then  it comes out into words and behavior so this is my   inner world my outer world is about my body the  health of my body my situations my people so that   is my outter world so everything that's happening  in my life is my outer world everything how I'm   responding to that is my inner world so now there  are two worlds one out of these two worlds should   be in my control my life will be fine so which  means there needs to be certainty in one of these   two words go back 30 40 years there was more or  less a certainty in the outer world the weather   would be how it would be in which month there's  a little certainty age marriages profession you   join a company you were there till the age of  six you know so there was a certain element of   certainty and in that era if you make your mind  dependent on the outer world it's fine you more   or less work okay so we were not talking about  stress 25 years back when you and me were in   college school there was no such word as stress  it was only in physics we were not living our   life saying I'm stressed you are stressed we are  stress it was not there there was just a little   tension one day before the exam one day before the  result and that's all so and it was high pressure   education I mean honestly when today's children  say oh it's our education but then I feel what   are they even doing now compared to what we were  doing you can't even compare how we have done our   10th standard compared to what a child today is  doing 10th standard so what are we trying to do   in the education system we're trying to make it  easier for them honestly not a very good idea not   a good very good idea you cannot reduce pressures  if someone is going to the gym they're not going   with the intention to reduce the weights that  they are going to lift they're going to increase   the weights that they're going to lift that is  going to be an indication of their health that's   the purpose so when you and me did 10th standard  ICC we did threee subject in our final board exam   three years and two exams in a day so we were  going to school at 8:00 in the morning coming   back at 4:00 in the evening 5 days we started on a  Monday and we finished on a Friday and it was over   so 5 days two exams of 3 hours each exam covering  a threeyear syllabus it's called pressure and yet   we were not talking stress leave alone saying  anxiety attack and panic attack those words   we did not know come today they have one year  syllabus one exam then a week's holiday then   one exam I mean if we were we would have finished  our studies in that one week only so why are they   saying that it is the education system which is so  it's not the truth it's not the truth so what are   we trying to do we're trying to simplify the outer  world change this change this make this easier for   them make this easier for them the more we making  it easier the tougher it is still becoming for   them so because it was not about reducing the  pressure it should have been about building   up the resilience so stress is equal to pressure  divided by resilience so mindfulness is teaching   us to take care here so if I start taking care  of resilience which means how I think how I feel   and I strengthen that resilience on a daily basis  not just that I'm taking care I'm strengthening it   because pressures are increasing so that is what  is mindfulness but if I keep creating all sorts   of thoughts and then I'm depleting that inner  power and even if I reduce my pressure I still   don't have the strength to face it I still don't  have the strength so we need to start focusing on   the denominator and it needs to start in school  now best is to start actually the right time to   practice meditation and mindfulness is when the  soul is in the womb of the mother right that   means during those 9 months if a couple starts  experimenting and experiencing this you have swn   the seeds at the right time now for that child  it will be a natural way of being and living and   you've written the destiny because the world what  you said the outside world has become so uncertain   so disruptive so unpredictable and you know what  you rightly said in our days we could go through   those EX today the word mental health and stress  is now coming to children it's coming so you know   to be able to deal with a world like this I think  the earlier one gets into the habit of taking care   of the inner self rather than trying to control  the outside which anyways not under your control   one of them needs to be certainty so one is let  the world be perfect then it's I'll be fine here   the other is I'm fine here now let anything  happen okay correct I have the strength to   be able to face it life is in control but if this  is also not in my control and this is also not in   my control then life becomes very difficult for  people because they feel they're very helpless   nothing is in their control and then the slightest  trigger outside is creating chaos inside and over   these last years we have missed touching upon that  aspect of creating that strength inside and you're   right if everybody's strong from inside the outer  world will automatically up so you know so coming   to that next point right like once you're mindful  then you have the ability through the process of   affirmation and maybe we can go a little deeper  into that through that process be able to shape   your situation your world in a in a better way  you know when people talk about it it it only   resonates with people who have experienced that or  those who go through it and see an outcome because   scientifically you know or the way at least where  Sciences today when we try and talk about thought   influencing your situation rather than you being  reactive to a situation it doesn't resonate you   know with many people of course quantum theory  and mechanics are trying to prove that but we   still a while away before science you know  really proves that so some thoughts around   that so why we need to practice mindfulness or  meditation or affirmation because meditation   many of us have an immediate reaction oh I cannot  meditate I tried it's very difficult it's simple   but unless I invest a little time and learn it  and then make it a daily habit it's difficult   because I've not tried it up but affirmation is  something which even a kindergarten I mean even   kindergarten children are able to do it it's so  simple because affirmation is nothing it's only a   thought everyone knows how to create a thought  so any child who can speak you can teach that   child to do affirmations so I think it can happen  right from the age of two and three so it's like a   prayer right if you say a prayer say it's just a  thought even a prayer is something more to learn   it's just a simple thought and everyone knows  how to create a thought and everyone knows how   to say a short line so as you are teaching your  children how to speak if we were also teaching   them the right vocabulary which means speak in a  way where your every word is a high vibration word   then we are already teaching them a vocabulary  of affirmation so ideally affirmation need not   be just a set of my 10 thoughts or five thoughts  affirmation is something we're doing anyways   throughout the day but what we need to consciously  do is positive affirmations I could be creating   negative affirmations throughout the day and I'm  not aware of it when we say I am stressed and I   can use that word five times in a day I'm stressed  is an affirmation I said I'm stressed then I say   I'm busy I don't have time is an affirmation  people are seeing it like multiple times in the   day not now I'm very busy not just now later I'm  very busy now if I say I'm busy I'm busy I'm busy   it's affirmation so any line that I'm repeating  often is an affirmation so I'm affirming it every   line that I repeat is creating an energy because  I'm creating it here then it's radiating to the   vibrations of my body then it's radiating to  people and it's radiating out into the universe   and it is becoming my karma my thought is my  karma now to we know Karma creates our destiny   which means the energy I create I will get a  consequence depending on that energy also so   my thought is my first Karma we all checked our  Karma but we used to check only again words and   behavior I spoke right with them I behaved right  I was like so we gave all tick marks to ourselves   but if I did not think right so karma is just the  energy I create so my thought is my first Karma   so when I start creating positive affirmations I'm  creating the right Karma but if I'm doing negative   affirmations I'm creating low energy Karma now  why should I create high energy words especially   when situation is not high energy if everything is  perfect I'm like everything is perfect but to be   able to say everything is perfect when nothing is  perfect outside so why should I say everything is   perfect for that I need to know the equation so we  are living with an equation which says as is the   outer world so will be my inner world is how we  are living the truth is not that the truth is as   will be my inner world so will be my outer world  so if I get the basic equation wrong I can mess   up with everything after that because my basic  equation is wrong so we don't need science to   prove this this is already proved in the sanskriti  in the culture of bhat we know this since thousand   of years and it's called s our thoughts create  our world it is not our world creat our thoughts   if it's not going right at my workplace so we  are saying outer World creates my inner World   which is wrong the truth is if I'm happy my body  will start healing if I'm happy which means I'm   creating the right thoughts my relationships  entanglements will start getting sorted out   if I am powerful and positive my work issue will  start getting resolved so first and foremost every   child needs to be taught the equation of life  now if that is the case how does one first of   course you know step a little away to say okay you  know it's me who is creating my life or that Gap   and what are some of the easy affirmations that  people can do create it you know on a day-to-day   basis given the multiple challenges you know  people have issues with what you said Health   with income with relationships what are some I  mean can we have some examples right yeah let's   just start changing our vocabulary Okay so so  if I say I'm stressed I'm going to change that   word stressed to what I want to be so affirmation  means create that thought what you want reality   to be it's very simple simple what do you want  your reality to be you want to be stressed keep   saying I'm stressed and you will create lot of  stress and by next year your stress level will be   higher than what it is today so just keep saying  it you don't want to be stressed then what do you   want to be you know I need to ask myself what do  I want to be so automatically when mind will say   I want happiness you will not get Happiness by  wanting it you will have to create it so how do   I create it I will simply start by saying I am a  happy being or simple I'm happy always now people   will say why should I say I'm happy when I'm not  happy if you are happy then you don't need to say   I'm happy but if you're not happy then you need  to start saying I'm happy because when you create   that thought is when that energy starts getting  created and when you start creating that energy   energy you will shift towards that vibration but  before that again I'll have to change the belief   system that I can be happy even if nothing is  going right here the outside world the inside   world is different so even if my situations are  not perfect my body is not well my relationships   are not in the best of thing right now and I'm not  doing well at work fine nothing is perfect outside   but to get everything back in its right place I  will need to be fine but if I lose it here yeah   then there is no chance I will be able to sort  this out and get it back and and how do I get into   that zone and how often do I have to say that I am  happy you know and how how does it work I mean you   know basically I need to change my programming so  my programming is creating the thoughts based on   what the reality is then I need to know the lawp  say sidhi andp sayi are laws a law is something   which works always with everyone so like the laws  of science these are also laws so once I know the   two laws so one is my thoughts create my world so  that is sishi and second ISP sidhi which means my   thoughts become my reality my thoughts manifest  I just have to fit these two things here it's   like law of gravity I know if I throw something  like this fall of this I won't go through it like   that once I know it I don't have to do anything I  mean are living out of it using the law of gravity   throughout the day without even knowing that we  using the law of gravity it's not completely in   your control so outside situations cannot always  be in my control so then people say but I affirmed   I did this but it didn't happen spirituality  teaches us to use it here here you might be   able to buy your car you might not be able to buy  your car next year depending on where the world   goes whether you still have your job whether  you still have your salary so even if you're   manif you know you know affirming it 100 times in  a day one factor outside and things might change   but this is the only world where there cannot be  any other influence so use it here and chances   of things happening right here will be very high  so that is what meditation teaches that use the   Law of Attraction and manifestation for here so  let's make a list of what all I want to be as a   person not just what all I want to achieve who  do I want to be so someone can say I want to be   kind someone can say I want to be peaceful someone  can say I want to be happy someone can say I want   to be Fearless you know there's so much of fear  postco it's in the air someone can say I want to   be powerful so now choose who you want to be and  simple vocabulary I am we used to say I want to   be so it will always remain as I want to be the  thought is equal to reality now keep that as the   second equation so if I say I want to be happy I  will continue as a want only so I have to say I am   happy I don't want to get scared will not word I  am Fearless I'm confident so no negative word in   the affirmation no not wish hope no it is it is it  is which means it already has happened even if I   want to use it for my body and the body is unwell  then I will say my body is perfect healthy check   that column whichever one is not in the normal  range create an affirmation for that and say my   cholesterol is normal give the figure you want my  thyroid is normal give the F give the figure so   make the affirmation as specific as you want it  to be so what you saying is so true because if I   go to a doctor I go with the faith that I will be  perfect at the end of a surgery or at the end of   a treatment so I am going there with that belief  and the comfort that the doctor will correct it   right at least most people who go to so it is  it is exactly the same thing where you're just   seeing and you're envisioning a perfect scenario  for your health but we will just change the word   only I will not go with I will be perfect I am  perfect I am perfect and now I go to the doctor   so let the doctor play his part I have to play my  part by creating the right thought right for that   surgery so even in a treatment the mind of the  patient has a very important role to play so Law   of Attraction and manifestation and affirmations  work magically with the body because the closest   to the mind is the body correct so like when we  say I can feel the other person's Vibes if we can   feel other person's Vibes other person can feel  my vibes imagine how much my body can feel what   I'm creating so highest impact here second highest  impact here third on people fourth on the work we   do and fifth out into the environment so we can  create affirmations for all these so first but   ideally we should do for the mind because if the  mind is fine things will become easier outside and   you said you can keep repeating this and doing it  often so how often is is often I mean is there a   formula no it's just a thought so you can create  it any number of times there's not going to be   any negative impact of creating positive thoughts  too many times because negative thoughts too many   times have an impact positive thoughts too many  times is powerful and our aim is that this should   become our vocabulary this should not remain as  just a set of five thoughts it should become our   way of thinking but timing is very important  that first thought in the morning and last   thought in the night these should definitely be  the affirmation because the first thought in the   morning is also going to go into the subconscious  the last thoughts before going to sleep are also   going to go in the subconscious so it's a  deeper impact you know so I've sewn the seed   deeper you've dug the mud and then sewn the seed  during the day it's more outside but those two   times we can never miss and that's why you know  we used to say oh what was my first thought in the   morning my day is not going right that for me it  always works that you use that as your last that   God's power and blessing a highest Divine energy  vibration is your circle so I would create 8 to 10   thoughts like this as a package and continue doing  it till I've reached there I can add something to   it depending on what's going on in my life but  basic bundle remains and I can say all of this   one after the other at one point time yeah at  least one minute I need to spend now for it to   go deeper in and then first just before going to  sleep first thought in the morning so the first   thought is of gratitude gratitude to the Divine  gratitude to your mind and body very important   to be gr grateful to your mind and body because  these two are going to work with you throughout   the day grateful to people and gratitude to Nature  because these are the four things that we are   surrounded so gratitude and then 10 affirmations  first thing in the morning these two timings can   never be missed never be missed anytime I'm having  an opposite thought I need to immediately pause   and say the right one so it will counter that  negative thought and I would do just before my   meal because the meal has a direct impact on the  state of mind not just on the body so it is Jessa   Ana so food is not just nutrition it is vibration  now where were those vegetables grown then which   Market they came to then which shop and then who  cooked and who served these five vibrations are   a part of that food so I may have said in the  morning I'm peaceful I'm powerful happy but I   don't know who has grown that who has cooked that  who has brought it here if they were stressed they   were worried my affirmations won't work for the  next one year old so if I keep doing so we have   to do the affirmation but we also have to plug  the leakages which come in and food and water   is a very big leakage because it's bringing the  world's vibration into my life like the water of   the city has the vibration of the city so those  are two times which we should like have a short   bundle of those affirmations 5 Seconds just say  it and then if one meditates or you know spends   time in silence I think the ability to do this  more often automatically builds in into do it   ritualistically for about a month as a duty I  have to do it discipline and discipline after a   month you will see the result and then after that  you don't need to do discipline you want to do   it because one person also shares and then it's a  ripple effect so it's like when I change my world   starts I change I change in many ways right I  change like what you said gratitude becomes natur   natural to me compassion becomes natural to me  giving you know becomes natural to me I think all   of these are human qualities that exist probably  in everyone you know you need a a trigger you know   to to to make that happen qualities are emotional  health yeah and the opposite are emotional   weakness so it is in everybody but if I take care  I'm healthy if I'm not in simple words my karma   creates my destiny now I've changed the quality  of my karma so my destiny has to change but most   important is it does not mean that everything  outside will always be perfect there can be things   which are not your way but they really don't  impact you in a way that they would have impacted   you earlier so even today someone can behave in  a way which is not as per my expectation but then   now I'm not going to create 100 thoughts about  them so the journey was earlier to be critical and   judgmental how could they not they this then it  shifted to okay full stop I'm not going to create   any thought for them shift it to now you can bless  them MH you can bless them okay it's like someone   didn't have something so you gave so if someone is  not behaving right they don't have something they   don't have that happiness right now in them they  don't have that confidence so they are behaving   in a different manner give them but we were not  giving them earlier this is the easiest one to   do you don't have to take out extra time you don't  have to go out of your way your so just being who   you are is radiating power to people so people  will say oh I got those vibes from that person I   didn't so we are more focused on what Vibes we are  getting what Vibes are we giving that is important   so if I raise my vibration lower energy will not  affect me so how how did that change come in your   life through the Journey are there instances you  know which because of obviously all of us you know   it's been a long journey now so it's very gradual  it doesn't come like today this and tomorrow like   this it's not that obviously but it's a very  gradual Journey but because on the journey the   priority has been that so whatever I keep as my  priority attention will always go there so once   that is my priority that my state of mind should  be perfect that's my priority my priority is not   work should be perfect my priority is not what I  achieve should be perfect so spirituality taught   me that as the fundamental thing for before that  it was situation should be perfect so priority   changed now once priority changed attention is  always there attention is always there so five out   of 10 times it will be there if it goes off to the  other track again attention is there so you bring   it back sooner than what it would be before  and even if I've messed it up and made a big   mistake then sit back and again work on yourself  rather than blaming the other person so the whole   dynamics of how we're going through every scene  of the day starts changing it's a very it's it's   absolutely opposite to what I would have lived my  life earlier absolutely it's completely opposite   so that's why I understand that actually it's  very simple is just getting the equations right   so everybody wants to be perfect but they want to  be perfect in achievement prioritize Perfection   here your achievement will be more than your  capacity it will not be more than other people   but it will be more than your capacity everybody  wants to have a perfect healthy body be perfect   here it'll be healthier than what you could have  achieved otherwise so once you understand that   then it's just a journey so now throughout the  day you know it's like how in school we used   to play that lemon and Spoon race that lemon was  the priority right even if I reach the line first   but there's no lemon it didn't matter so it's  nothing so that lemon is here yeah now that I   have to remember that I have to walk I want  to go towards my finishing line but I do not   want to reach the Finishing Line having dropped  this at the beginning there so we can drop this   at the morning first hour of the morning like  hle bule your it's dropped in the morning now   go throughout the whole day as a consequence the  whole day keep that lemon as your guiding thing   and whever you get you know it's also our you know  the tortoise and the hair race right you have to   finish the race you know slow and steady at least  you'll win so that is that is mindfulness that is   mindfulness so we how can I take care throughout  the day why cannot take this is what it is it's   like you know we see the women in the village  they have these four matkas on their head and   they have the baby in the arm they will walk  on that very very narrow track which balancing   all this but they know the priority is the baby  anything happens on the way they don't drop the   baby this can fall but the baby will not fall that  baby is my mind that is my priority I can have lot   of responsibilities lot of tasks to do if there  is a crisis if there is is a challenge I know   what to drop and what to keep so I know I want  to keep this even if everything falls because if   if this is fine everything will come back again  if I lose it on this and that's where the think   right just becomes so much more powerful right  because manifestation everything else is right   if affirmation everything if the Mind Is Right  otherwise you will not make affirmations or you   might make wrong affirmations what you're right  unaware we are making wrong affirmations all the   time yeah but because that is not aware it's  our vocabulary even if I say oh Rajan is like   this this is an affirmation people say it for  their children oh my child they can't do this   you know negative affirmations is something we're  doing throughout the day because we are repeating   what we are seeing correct so if my child is  not studying obviously I will say my child is   not studying is what people will say so they will  say 10 times in a day they've got board exams they   are not studying got board exams they're not  studying they're not eating right they sitting   with the TV throughout the day they talk so you  are looking at reality making that your thought   speaking it out putting that energy into the air  setting that vibration to the child and after 6   months you will see more of that happening because  that was your affirmation now the affirmation is   If the child is not studying I will consciously  create a thought my child is studying more than   their capacity their concentration is highest is  that's it keep doing this radiating that first   keep yourself calm radiate that energy into the  house send that vibration to the child and watch   the magic happen no and what you say right the  goal for everyone is to become the best version   of themselves actually what you rightly said here  you become a better version than the best version   of yourself without you really having and if we  go back to the think right. me conversation right   and today what we have made it available free for  millions and anybody in the world to go and use is   this daily journey of affirmation and what you  rightly mentioned even journaling right so we'   also created that that you Journal it you note it  because all of that that reflection enables you   to do a lot more of it and I think it's a virtu  cycle you know the more you do this the more you   journal the more mindful you get and we come back  to that to that original point that you said that   if you can be controlling that everything around  your world will change and your world will shape   the universe and the world world right I think  and it's such a such a powerful you know thought   and exercise that you know in our own humble  little way we are trying to do through think   right.me and our only wish and of course uh you  know affirmation is that everybody everybody you   know on the planet who is able to use this uses  it to make not for anything else to shape their   own lives and and you know get to the best version  actually everyone should everyone who's using it   now or has used it seen the benefit of it they  just need to do one thing share it with at least   one person more you know today if I go into a shop  and I like a product I come back and tell five   people yeah I think we there is a power to shape  and change and help Society you know together to   make the world a better place and no I think it's  been such a wonderful inspirational conversation   you know as always and you know one always goes  back so energized to want to do more when whenever   one talks with you because every we using high  energy words see why we're feeling better because   for one hour we using High vibration words as our  vocabulary this is the power of affirmations we   have not spoken any negative line the mind and  the body automatically starts feeling the energy   because one hour we're speaking only that kind of  vocabulary now we want to make this our vocabulary   right our vocabulary so then you will be feeling  I mean everyone would be feeling energetic here   and here even if you've worked 18 hours a day  because it's not the work which tires us it is   our thought process which tires us and it brings  us down like that if we had multiple versions of   you and multiple people being able to have that  one we have AFF on the app all that we have to do   so that's the one way to to access and to really  have this affirmation and conversation you know   the the the omnipresence in a way one could  say of good thoughts good and positive inform   so again thank you so much it's always been a  lovely conversation thank you so much shant thank you
Channel: ThinkRight
Views: 209,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thinkright.me, positive videos, liveright, doright, motivation, mindfulness
Id: Shxxg2ajlEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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