Best "I AM" Affirmations for Abundance, Success, Confidence & Happiness

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I am grateful for all the wealth I have in my life today will bring me an abundance of joy happiness and laughter I am the master of my life and how today unfolds will be determined solely by me good things are coming my way I am grateful for the challenges I have faced in life as they have taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow stronger I am strong and capable I am wealthy I am energized I will have more than enough energy to get through my day I am able to conquer any challenges that may come my way I appreciate all the blessings in my life I have everything I need to be successful today I have everything I need to excel today I have everything I need to make today a day I will never forget I am grateful for my health and the ability to take care of my body with nourishing food and exercise I have people in my life who I can lean on for support today I will be my best self today I will inspire others today I will practice gratitude my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally I am grateful for the abundance of Nature and beauty that surrounds me every day I am ready to complete tasks that I have previously been too nervous or too idle to complete there is so much kindness in the world today I will accept kindness from my friends family and strangers I will acknowledge every act of kindness however small today I have the opportunity to express myself freely today I will take small moments for myself I am grateful for all the past experiences I have had that have led me to this point I feel an immense purpose on this Earth and I am excited to fulfill that purpose today I have an innate power of forgiveness my relationships and soul are healed by this forgiveness I am able to notice and appreciate the smallest pleasures I feel so ready to take on the day I feel strength take hold inside my body I am physically and emotionally strong today I will focus on what makes me happy I welcome all positive energy into my life and kindly reject any negative energy so many people wish they were in the position I am in now so I must make the most of it today is a blessing and a gift I am confident in my ability to make decisions I know that I will leave this day satisfied with the choices I have made I let go of any anxieties I once had for today I am a being of positivity hope Grace and abundance these qualities are innate Within Me me and form my being I am grateful for the power of positive thinking and the way it helps me manifest my dreams and goals there are so many blessings in my life I am eternally grateful for everything that the Universe has provided me with the universe is always on my side today is filled with an aura of [Music] abundance I have been waiting my entire life for today I am a valuable and unique person other people will recognize that today the perfect day to start is today I am so excited for what today holds for me I am grateful for all the lessons that have been passed down to me I am so much wiser because of them I will be open-minded understanding patient and accepting today I am excited for all the laughter and joy I will experience today I will not take my freedom and Independence for granted today it is because of that that I am able to pursue my dreams I am grateful for every part of The Human Experience the grief tears and pain have made me so much stronger and I will use their teachings to make today brighter I embrace warmth today I will grow into a greater version of myself than I was yesterday I manifest my voice to be heard my ideas to be appreciated and my energy to be embraced wealth comes easily to me today I will accept any wealth that the Universe sends me I will have an amazing day because I deserve it I am grateful for the small everyday moments of joy that add up to a life well lived I Will Be So Satisfied IED with today today I will be braver than I've ever been I will be stronger than I've ever been I will be wiser than I've ever been I accept and embrace this growth I release any burdens that hold me back I am one with [Music] time I stride with time as it pulls me into this day remaining present and Vigilant soon I will quietly leave with time satisfied with how I left the day I am cultivating a growth mindset I am grateful for the ability to find joy and Beauty in the midst of difficult circumstances today I will use the power of empathy to connect with others on a deeper level all my relationships will be strengthened today I am part of a journey much bigger than my yourself I will make everyone around me smile today I will discover new knowledge today it will make me an even better person tomorrow there is nothing that can ruin my day I release any criticism and doubt I feel lighter I am a vessel of Wellness I will change the world today I am not afraid of any change that may enter my life today instead I embrace it knowing that the Universe has given it to me at the right moment I love who I was yesterday I love who I am today I love who I will be tomorrow today I choose to focus on the present moment and trust that everything is unfolding as it should I will handle any challenges that may arise today with Grace and [Music] ease I am excited to make the most of the opportunities that will present themselves to me my natural state is one of Peace kindness and love I am worthy of love and respect both for myself and others I will remind myself of this today I I will remember to nourish my body today kindness is a choice and today I choose to be kind towards myself and others today I will take small actionable steps toward my greater goals I woke up today filled with energy and vitality success is inevitable for me I choose to let go of any negative selft talk and instead focus on positive affirmations that lift me up my mental health is important to me today I will never forget this day I choose to let go of any fear or doubt instead I place trust in the path that I am on knowing it will lead me toward a brighter future I am adaptable to whatever situations may arise today when I am unsure I will rely on my inner wisdom to guide me the perfect day is today I am feeling more and more energized I have all the strength I need to be at my best I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor and will attract abundance and joy into my life I will live today to the fullest I will leave today with no regret [Music] I am committed to growth and will take the necessary steps to learn and develop new skills today I am open to New Opportunities and will approach them with a sense of curiosity and wonder I do not bring any negative experiences or energy with me into today I am abundant in selfworth because I know my purpose I have a clear purpose in the [Music] universe I am capable of achieving my dreams and will take all the necessary steps to turn them into reality good things are always happening to me I am so lucky I am excited for all the opportunities I have today to meet new people explore new interests and Conquer New [Music] Challenges today is an amazing new day I am grateful for all the wealth I have in my life today will bring me an abundance of joy happiness and laughter I am the master of my life and how today unfolds will be determined solely by me good things are coming my way I am grateful ful for the challenges I have faced in life as they have taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow stronger I am strong and capable I am wealthy I am energized I will have more than enough energy to get through my day I am able to conquer any challenges that may come my way I appreciate all the blessings in my life I have everything I need to be successful today I have everything I need to excel today I have everything I need to make today a day I will never forget I am grateful for my health and the ability to take care of my body with nourishing food and exercise I have people in my life who I can lean on for support today I will be my best self today I will inspire others today I will practice gratitude my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally I am grateful for the abundance of Nature and beauty that surrounds me every day I am ready to complete tasks that I have previously been too nervous or too idle to complete there is so much kindness in the world today I will accept kindness from my friends family and strangers I will acknowledge every act of kindness however small today I have the opportunity to express myself freely today I will take small moments for myself I am grateful for all the past experiences I have had that have led me to this point I feel an immense purpose on this Earth and I am excited to fulfill that purpose today I have an innate power of forgiveness my relationships and soul are healed by this [Music] forgiveness I am able to notice and appreciate the smallest Pleasures I feel so ready to take on the day I feel strength take hold inside my body I am physically and emotionally strong today I will focus on what makes me happy I welcome all positive energy into my life and kindly reject any negative energy so many people wish they were in the position I am in now so I must make the most of it today is a blessing and a gift I am confident in my ability to make decisions I know that I will leave this day satisfied with the choices I have made I let go of any anxiety I once had for today I am a being of positivity hope Grace and abundance these qualities are innate within me and form my being I am grateful for the power of positive thinking and the way it helps me manifest my dreams and goals there are so many blessings in my life I am eternally grateful for everything that the Universe has provided me with the universe is always on my side today is filled with an aura of abundance I have been waiting my entire life for today I am a valuable and unique person other people will recognize that today the perfect day to start is today I am so excited for what today holds for me I am grateful for all the lessons that have been passed down to me I am so much wiser because of them I will be open-minded understanding patient and accepting today I am excited for all the laughter and joy I will experience today I will not take my freedom and Independence for granted today it is because of that that I am able to pursue my [Music] dreams I am grateful for every part of The Human Experience the grief tears and pain have made me so much stronger and I will use their teachings to make today brighter I embrace warmth today I will grow into a greater version of myself than I was yesterday I manifest my voice to be heard my ideas to be appreciated and my energy to be embraced wealth comes easily to me today I will accept any wealth that the Universe sends me I will have an amazing day because I deserve it I am grateful for the small everyday moments of joy that add up to a life well lived I will be so satisfied with today today I will be braver than I've ever been I will be stronger than I've ever been I will be wiser than I've ever been I accept and embrace this growth I release any burdens that hold me back I am one with time time I stride with time as it pulls me into this day remaining present and Vigilant soon I will quietly leave with time satisfied with how I left the day I am cultivating a growth mindset I am grateful for the ability to find joy and Beauty in the midst of difficult circumstances today I will use the power of empathy to connect with others on a deeper level all my relationships will be strengthened today I am part of a journey much bigger than myself I will make everyone around me smile today I will discover new knowledge today it will make me an even better person [Music] tomorrow there is nothing that can ruin my day I release any criticism and doubt I feel lighter I am a vessel of Wellness I will change the world today I am not afraid of any change that may enter my life today instead I embrace it knowing that the Universe has given it to me at the right moment I love who I was yesterday I love who I am today I love who I will be tomorrow today I choose to focus on the present moment and trust that everything is unfolding as it should I will handle any challenges that may arise today with Grace and ease I am excited to make the most of the opportunities that will present themselves to me my natural state is one of Peace kindness and love I am worthy of love and respect both for myself and others I will remind myself of this today I will remember to nourish my body today kindness is a choice and today I choose to be kind towards myself and [Music] others today I will take small actionable steps toward my greater goals I woke up today filled with energy and vitality success is inevitable for me I choose to let go of any negative selft talk and instead focus on positive affirmations that lift me up my mental health is important to me today I will never forget this day I choose to let go of any fear or doubt instead I place trust in the path that I am on knowing it will lead me toward a brighter future I am adaptable to whatever situations may arise today when I am unsure I will rely on my inner wisdom to guide me the perfect day is today I am feeling more and more energized I have all the strength I need to be at my best I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor and will attract abundance and joy into my life I will live today to the fullest I will leave today with no regrets I am committed to growth and will take the necessary steps to learn and develop new skills today I am open to New Opportunities and will approach them with a sense of curiosity and wonder I do not bring any negative experiences or energy with me into today I am abundant in selfworth because I know my [Music] purpose I have a clear purpose in the [Music] universe I am capable of achieving my dreams and will take all the necessary steps to turn them into reality good things are always happening to me I am so lucky I am a excited for all the opportunities I have today to meet new people explore new interests and Conquer New Challenges today is an amazing new day I am grateful for all the wealth I have in my life today will bring me an abundance of joy happiness and laughter I am the master of my life and how today unfold gos will be determined solely by me good things are coming my way I am grateful for the challenges I have faced in life as they have taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow stronger I am strong and capable I am wealthy I am energized I will have more than enough energy to get through my day I am able to conquer any challenges that may come my way I appreciate all the blessings in my life I have everything I need to be successful today I have everything I need to excel today I have everything I need to make today a day I will never forget I am grateful for my health and the ability to take care of my body with nourishing food and exercise I have people in my life who I can lean on for support today I will be my best self today I will inspire [Music] others today I will practice gratitude my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and [Music] professionally I am grateful for the abundance of Nature and beauty that surrounds me every day I am ready to complete tasks that I have previously been too nervous or too idle to complete there is so much kindness in the world today I will accept kindness from my friends family and strangers I will acknowledge every act of kindness however small today I have the opportunity to express myself freely today I will take small small moments for myself I am grateful for all the past experiences I have had that have led me to this point I feel an immense purpose on this Earth and I am excited to fulfill that purpose today I have an innate power of forgiveness my relationships and soul are healed by this forgiveness I am able to notice notice and appreciate the smallest Pleasures I feel so ready to take on the day I feel strength take hold inside my body I am physically and emotionally strong today I will focus on what makes me happy I welcome all positive energy into my life and kindly reject any negative energy so many people wished they were in the position I am in now so I must make the most of it today is a blessing and a gift I am confident in my ability to make decisions I know that I will leave this day satisfied with the choices I have made I let go of any anxieties I once had for today I am a being of positivity hope Grace and abundance these qualities are innate within me and form my being I am grateful for the power of positive thinking and the way it helps me manifest my dreams and goals there are so many blessings in my life I am eternally grateful for everything that the Universe has provided me with the universe is always on my side today is filled with an aura of abundance I have been waiting my entire life for today I am a valuable and unique person other people will recognize that today the perfect day to start is today I am so excited for what today holds for me I am grateful for all the lessons that have been passed down to me I am so much wiser because of them I will be open-minded understanding patient and accepting today I am excited for all the laughter and joy I will experience today I will not take my freedom and Independence for granted today it is because of that that I am able to pursue my dreams I am grateful for every part of The Human Experience the grief tears and pain have made me so much stronger and I will use their teaching to make today brighter I embrace warmth today I will grow into a greater version of myself than I was yesterday I manifest my voice to be heard my ideas to be appreciated and my energy to be embraced wealth comes easily to me today I will accept any wealth that the Universe sends me I will have an amazing day because I deserve it I am grateful for the small everyday moments of joy that add up to a life well lived I will be so satisfied with today today I will be braver than I've ever been I will be stronger than I've ever been I will be wiser than I've ever been I accept and embrace this growth I release any burdens that hold me back I am one with time I stride with time as it pulls me into this day remaining present and Vigilant soon I will quietly leave with time satisfied with how I left the day I am cultivating a growth mindset I am grateful for the ability to find joy and Beauty in the midst of difficult circumstances today I will use the power of empathy to connect with others on a deeper level all my relationships will be strengthened today I am part of a journey much bigger than myself I will make everyone around me smile today I will discover new knowledge today it will make me an even better person tomorrow there is nothing that can ruin my day I release any criticism and doubt I feel lighter I am a vessel of Wellness I will change the world today I am not afraid of any change that may enter my life today instead I embrace it knowing that the Universe has given it to me at the right moment I love who I was yesterday I love who I am today I love who I will be tomorrow today I choose to focus on the present moment and trust that everything is unfolding as it should I will handle any challenges that may arise today with Grace and ease I am excited to make the most of the opportunities that will present themselves to me my natural state is one of Peace kindness and love I am worthy of love and respect both for myself and others I will remind myself of this today I will remember to nourish my body today kindness is a choice and today I choose to be kind towards myself and [Music] others today I I will take small actionable steps toward my greater [Music] goals I woke up today filled with energy and vitality success is inevitable for me I choose to let go of any negative selft talk and instead focus on positive affirmations that lift me up my mental health is important to me today I will never forget this day I choose to let go of any fear or doubt instead I place trust in the path that I am on knowing it will lead me toward a brighter future I am adaptable to whatever situations may arise today when I am unsure I will rely on my inner wisdom to guide me the perfect day is today I am feeling more and more energized I have all the strength I need to be at my best I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor and will attract abundance and joy into my life I will live today to the [Music] fullest I will leave today with no regrets I am committed to growth and will take the necessary steps to learn and develop new skills today I am open to New Opportunities and will approach them with the sense of curiosity and wonder I do not bring any negative experiences or energy with me into today I am abundant in selfworth because I know my [Music] purpose I have a clear purpose in the universe I am capable of achieving my dreams and will take all the necessary steps to turn them into reality good things are always happening to me I am so lucky I am excited for all the opportunities I have today to meet new people explore new interests and Conquer New Challenges today is an amazing new day I am grateful for all the wealth I have in my life today will bring me an abundance of joy happiness and laughter I am the master of my life and how today unfolds will be determined solely by me good things are coming my way I am grateful for the challenges I have faced in life as they have taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow stronger I am strong and capable I am wealthy I am energized I will have more than enough energy to get through my day I am able to conquer any challenges that may come my way I appreciate all the blessings in my life I have everything I need to be successful today I have everything I need to excel today I have everything I need to make today a day I will never forget I am grateful for my health and the ability to take care of my body with nourishing food and exercise I have people in my life who I can lean on for support today I will be my best self today I will inspire others today I will practice gratitude my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally I am grateful for the abundance of Nature and beauty that surrounds me every day I am ready to complete tasks that I have previously been too nervous or too idle to complete there is so much kindness in the world today I will accept kindness from my friends family and strangers I will acknowledge every act of kindness however small today I have the opportunity to express myself freely today I will take small moments for myself I am grateful for all the past experiences I have had that have led me to this point I feel an immense purpose on this Earth and I am excited to fulfill that purpose today I have an innate power power of forgiveness my relationships and soul are healed by this [Music] forgiveness I am able to notice and appreciate the smallest Pleasures I feel so ready to take on the day I feel strength take hold inside my body I am physically and emotionally strong today I will focus on what makes me happy I welcome all positive energy into my life and kindly reject any negative energy so many people wished they were in the position I am in now so I must make the most of it today is a blessing and a gift I am confident in my ability to make decisions I know that I will leave this day satisfied with the choices I have made I let go of any anxieties I once had for today I am a being of positivity hope Grace and abundance these qualities are innate within me and form my being I am grateful for the power of positive thinking and the way it helps me manifest my dreams and [Music] goals there are so many blessings in my life I am eternally grateful for everything that the Universe has provided me with the universe is always on my side today is filled with an aura of abundance I have been waiting my entire life for today I am a valuable and unique person other people will recognize that today the perfect day to start is today I am so excited for what today holds for me I am grateful for all the lessons that have been passed down to me I am so much wiser because of them I will be open-minded understanding patient and accepting today I am excited for all the laughter and joy I will experience today I will not take my freedom and Independence for granted today it is because of that that I am able to pursue my dreams I am grateful for every part of The Human Experience the grief tears and pain have made me so much stronger and I will use their teachings to make today brighter I embrace warmth today I will grow into a greater version of myself than I was yesterday I manifest my voice to be heard my ideas to be appreciated and my energy to be embraced wealth comes easily to me today I will accept any wealth that the Universe sends me I will have an amazing day because I deserve it I am grateful for the small everyday moments of joy that add up to a life well- lived I will be so satisfied with today today today I will be braver than I've ever been I will be stronger than I've ever been I will be wiser than I've ever been I accept and embrace this growth I release any burdens that hold me back I am one with time I stride with time as it pulls me into this day remaining present and Vigilant soon I will quietly leave with time satisfied with how I left the day I am cultivating a growth mindset I am grateful for the ability to find joy and Beauty in the midst of difficult circumstances today I will use the power of empathy to connect with others on a deeper level all my relationships will be strengthened today I am part of a journey much bigger than myself I will make everyone around me smile today I will discover new knowledge today it will make me an even better person tomorrow there is nothing that can ruin my day I release any criticism and doubt I feel lighter I am a vessel of [Music] Wellness I will change the world today I am not afraid of any change that may enter my life today instead I embrace it knowing that the Universe has given it to me at the right moment I love who I was yesterday I love who I am today I love who I will be tomorrow today I choose to focus on the present moment and trust that everything is unfolding as it should I will handle any challenges that that may arise today with Grace and [Music] ease I am excited to make the most of the opportunities that will present themselves to me my natural state is one of Peace kindness and love I am worthy of love and respect both for myself and others I will remind myself of this today I will remember to nourish my body today kindness is a choice and today I choose to be kind towards myself and others today I will take small actionable steps toward my greater goals I woke up today filled with energy and vitality success is inevitable for me I choose to let go of any negative selft talk and instead focus on positive affirmations that lift me up my mental health is important to me today I will never forget this day I choose to let go of any fear or doubt instead I place trust in the path that I am on knowing it will lead me toward a brighter future I am adaptable to whatever situations may arise today when I am unsure I will rely on my inner wisdom to guide me the perfect day is today I am feeling more and more energized I have all the strength I need to be at my best I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor and will attract abundance and joy into my life I will live today to the fullest I will leave today with no regrets I am committed to growth and will will take the necessary steps to learn and develop new skills today I am open to New Opportunities and will approach them with a sense of curiosity and wonder I do not bring any negative experiences or energy with me into today I am abundant in selfworth because I know my purpose I have a clear purpose in the universe verse I am capable of achieving my dreams and will take all the necessary steps to turn them into reality good things are always happening to me I am so lucky I am excited for all the opportunities I have today to meet new people explore new interests and Conquer New Challenges today is an amazing new day
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 530,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affirmations, affirmation, I am affirmations, success, success affirmations, I AM, Affirmations, For, Success, affirmations for success, listen every day, affirmations for love, I am, motivationhub, motivationhub affirmations, meditation, affirmations for self love, affirmations for confidence, listen every morning, affirmations for happiness, morning, try it for 1 day, listen when you wake up, i am affirmations, morning affirmations, sleep affirmations, sleep, abundance, 2024, gratitude
Id: 8agHXbqKT_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 18sec (5358 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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