Biyahe ni Drew: Flavors of Thailand (Full episode)

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[Music] ibaka balance up a bow at last an eternity big man may even even cuento a pagina is a subpoena automata taxes and a hero do let go [Music] I'm sure Karen Pannell hobby arrows [Music] Cimino's a sampan sign a poonamahuja nosaka but if another I steal amigo [Music] at Matunga san javier Oh sir I loved it man amar Pattaya Thailand [Music] [Applause] [Music] he galbi he knows [Music] hello Samus Oh Diego San Bernardino Fatima Lana I think Thai food adventure share press central Thailand and Bangkok you don't do elephant this is a penis iike that I culinary schools upon banza [Music] you know - I know - to gently combine I'm a glutton amount offending tithe delicacy subdue luna founder see ty MasterChef nor a sample boliviana muhammad saw Cena now we will show you how to make green chicken curry green chicken curry okay okay very easy to do you need very important about this it's the ingredients so you have lemongrass like you see ad it is like them for you to pound then we have some talaga this is the have very unique herbs Sri Lanka Colombo aleca yeah actually in type - do believe this is the anti-cancer drink for you have benefit also I did it shop so make your life easy can I smell yeah please it doesn't smell like anything else no it was a unique I mean we put some coriander root [Music] coriander root yes and very important the big for this is the kaffir lime fruit kaffir kaffir gives it it looks like lime yeah but it's not the same but with bad skin coral and zest or essence and lime fruit at all but Nana Ganga - spices award our boy didn't dig dig in [Applause] Chile he's you know the silly a scene at coriander seeds with your head [Applause] traditional way of mixing yeah absolute spices more effective than just using a motorized even youthful you can also say that yes yeah yeah but the type or generation still believe this is better place I panic DB gain of kool-aid Baptists a green curry I'm basal leaves Nicki not this our technique happen petunia was up a big dick anyone any chef found a bit alone [Music] actually the AMIA is an enum ceiling above we have two different casino marketing and ruin Thai cuisine normal and Royal Thai cuisine body look at this way of preparation okay normally when they would put chicken immediately in the curry but I have to push she can first in line cook it at middle so copy that moving that she can be absorbed the so you don't cook the chicken first you put it in coconut yeah how about be know who lon I'm Inox I got that Muhammad system aligned AHA me Musa we start with joy give me the Gaia curry Mexica salmon and continue Antigua that'll be mark miracle yeah - and scoop look at that simmer I didn't you make sure that you are cookery person well cook how to see them well cook when the oil come on the top right when you open yeah gets extracted yes yeah you can see it started and I started but Moss here [Music] can we start to add a bit of seasoning again palm sugar palm sugar fake Thai food use a lot of times you can fish sauce this creamy salty spicy the sweet everything yeah a Royal Thai cuisine I am Alina pacaya in hand a possum or royalty now communal gotta lagana and give Assange curry paste as I said Lord Allah different category and lots of water Oh leader to get good flavor paranoia and sample menu tomorrow Hangul menudo if Lily spicy it's really spicy yes really like go to the hospital spicy but only if I even eat green curry spicy you know one of my favorite scenes in the whole world is its own flavor Philippines you also have Filipinos here yeah good bit improper silly but I think by the Pythons undergone don't be shy silly [Music] it's happy chef aha I'm ugly I'm a decorator I mean green chicken curry it is again Bugs Bunny chicken bean curd all right time to taste it do you taste it already yeah spicy just right yeah sweet sour it's spicy at the back it's just right it's perfect accommodation appears combinational taste whenever I get to cook of curry dish at home yeah you mentioned that we're gonna be preparing green curries yeah I thought you just like bring out will read the powder curry powder now it's so different because back home I just pull out the yellow curry powder and then cook whatever it is right but this one it we started from scratch okay I really enjoyed it so much so much for coming thank you for the captain on earth thank you thank you a B on a tile and um again the tropical climate Landy dog willing to move on upon any man spices parent I live in Islam a moussaka person Anu to nominee chef tour I haven't eaten a celeb traditional Thailand guy in Rio [Music] and Rio - the eastern side in Thailand they were all small as a backup either without inquiry but even farm Namita nema spices cool a chaplain with us it's a website and Tourism Authority in Thailand pixie cinema prutas RI of twin brother Mark they remember in Elma we don't put us all year round Ali Bonfield our chart may guided farm tour by romantic mining world famous fruits on Thailand Rayong lugar comes on Marisol on agro tourism apparently my farm land steeped enema 8,000 hectares and thank you so much and they have welcome drinks like this coconut hey the reason why we're here because this is a tourist destination a major tourist destination the hell they showcase different types of fruits I'm not at the bottom on a farm or fruit orchard Nagaya dosatron oh I don't know many boom and boom farm sonica Dhillon shuttle my fruit picking and tasting pas la la vie Arizona [Music] it doesn't get any fresher than this oh he needs a full experience than Cali llama farm life hi if you pass through or pass by him on a different trees tornado in a night in you Mohammed I'm increased now rambutan want to stop over car honey lung food okay which in this case its number time okay so that minimum and he he loved the rambutan Ito enamel a dope inhibit us see it's a Luba it's like a like an eyeball India saving being a woman man I just took mark by I press I mean farm guide myself now Andy Machado Papillon rambutan over right there Akasaka paulina perfect rambutan din da talk semana taquito Paris Hilton rambutan Paulo I'm Malaysian word for who looked or kinky fruit [Music] up ahead river cruise and true high-fashion an awakening go support item julianka Jean or hunch IC River I am cotton person even passing the bill penis it on exceeding trading Sparkle alone in a van on my own seek a facilitator decimal floating market Godot permissible dividend avoiding the rain veto Ward's family game [Music] [Music] - on both its some important thing rivers nonviolent back in the day that apparently need was a fat chin River you to do my dad and your mama Chinese readers say Sidhu Lynette oh what's that type of point actually is the open sea sorry mama Chinese traders manganese open sea up with the data Patchen River at Punta Sadat in capital in Thailand which is a UTI now on a capital I Bangkok but still I think fishermen still use this river as their main highway to transport different types of seafood and I think there's like a sugar cane factory over there as well so you think about it this used to be hundreds of years ago I think 300 to 400 years ago this used to be their main highway that chevre will happen roads Lapham watch a demon girl on cusine ik hadoo tourmaline is potato after all these years well I'm a shopping building in a happily but I got the battle in a pasar Omaha recipes chef Lannister NATO for many generations ito our crew upon Yeltsin what makes the food authentic or Thai food apparently turban and princess now Kalin and momentum authenticity sin una pareja gluto Thai food [Music] at a meanness using all the ingredients ethylene at all this is a different type of flower it's not it's a very common excel go back the day it was a guest but this one is called Johnny type of flower paramita with vine shot but when you smell it it smells like and then you go to Jimmy Santos the opening that way hey Amy its initial authentic Thai way of cooking yo that's a girl bro personally lanham Tom Yum you know tom yum soup we retire whoo you makin thing as him I think it's dynamic gamete Allah ie mackerel but get this with lan-evo Shadow Man huh but lurking inside I the hottest chili dough then kabuki man your mama take us over shopping I took it literally better Chaplin over exaggerate we have a new language generation generation eating anything yet if you featuring a temporal okay Sookie yeah of course the Assam right miss ma huh right behind the in DMSO brown lobosdied alabasta although Hungama pendulum wha-ho type of arm huh it was in Italian ham - it's very creamy white Kristin use coconut gata3 crab and even signal cannon fire on success something in the mind in detail I didn't in the mine it's the sea bass sea bass sea bass for arrow arrow young sweet - spicy champion they complement each other and the guy who loves to have different types of food on my plate you hike home ito Canyon Canyon hydro hydro desolate tip couldn't gardening I think need to go home play make up again but this one I said my Hindi Kumar going on I assure you it complements everything so sweet salty spicy perfect upon him Auguste a mangina butas but Yamaha would improve the South Island deer in LA or sahteen maybe yeah manga longsword s Lanka dunya @e Baba parry Thomas I didn't and Saleha it it looks like it looks like pili it looks like it looks like cleaner passion garlic I'm we I'm William and I see him we got button partition billet and the garlic Inu children yeah 50 texture better get more debug even a shot - yeah let's move on to whom more familiar fruits mm-hmm this one it's like you chopped the head of a monkey and then you eat the brain no but in a partly the home and then one hopper you go to my town hanyan all right your heart dangerous food neither again Aloha papaya banana mangoes [Music] ah oh there you go right and good people well Hama compared I mean Yahoo gonca Adventures of hoods hello Mei Xiang you asked me in this operation I seem to make that miss you new character pero para is a pie at the home pootis not deep analytic man DDoS at Island Nausicaa damn it oh I'm king of fruits durian please pray for me a little English gonna see me suborn telega you dirty and telegin eco Shama appreciate now a few minutes ago in house of coal in local tour guide that in leaders of Thailand Sabina are not very different different durian he/she doesn't sound anything like that then shiny Center all I'm saying is that you didn't don't need a Dido well I'm funky smell me my bad even variants dunno fellow I'm so damn proud I'm proud o shah-i I'm Dorian chips at under Ian chips ice habanero like potato chip no artificial flavor you cut cut cut and b mv5 please attend a senator [Music] I'm back thank you thank you for your support I'm down whoa how many producer go the aftertaste yeah you aftertaste now para huncle Mayan no potato chips then dip condom Hey no honey mustard mmm Yuma Graham Devin Moore game well I designed my probably one minute after movie night [Music] just a minute let it out so I'm not good Yannick that the do drink alone Julius oh my god sobbing oh man I love dude Anna where are the chips like a funky smell - I'm funky application yourself tastes like heaven smells like hell [Music] I am enjoying do again that let that chips well I'm tryna active ultimate Thai food venture diet eat when Co MP namaha apartheid I no distract em Thailand second era Natural Resources Diadema Pilipinas semicircular meters influences of economic erotic botanical Guinan Tina komai Bernardo sahteen sahteen ela my you are at the man he don't agree on Chinatown so Bangkok except Atlanta be a Cihangir now but you have Busta EBIT evil food stores in the he totally party Salukis Athenian color dips ordering detour until I look on the random Bangkok nanny [Music] BuddyTV arouse acting on why job is on soup dish namana Chinese standing in the bulletin animal [Music] and pull you restaurant come back a Lumi possibility now somebody from Thailand yeah he studied there during that time and English there are more universities there than here each other way back symbolic Munira and Zi Lisa Bangkok long pal 1975 yes pierrots 42 years - Alito and a lion I'm a shoo-in young Thai admire and love sorry Nina Andy a Tonka yonezawa makes you less about you after graduation semesters 42 years ago [Music] they have been doing this way way back a very intrapreneurs Chinese Chinese yeah of course but you know because they like to eat spicy [Music] [Music] new coordinates society may also file is my surname a Papa a lot yes usually combination of flavors a combination of change okay okay back lots of your pepper yes because that's how it is a lot of pepper okay yeah this is pepper it's very very peppery anyone about me cheating is leagues better play Sebastian so yeah we allow very pungent [Music] all these assad rolled up it's very [Music] classy it's funny three defense attorney on condiments go yeah they're all units right so Jenner Cassidy's LaGuerta's acne Annie conga are not here at campo de pena nieto la Luna we got of words in divinity pronounce oh yes yes well easily because you know why I took masters in linguistics and linguistics it's like you have the cone of silence right right and Thai language is their tone oh yeah the back one word could have five different rainbow depends on how you pronounce a if I say to Y so Y means pretty so are you saying on that's how you learn it not but if it's Doctorow it's like solution for the five major delay challenge I can imagine that a proper back so I so why it's like you're it's very hard for you to distinguish sometimes if you you mean totally a job yes good good so I but actually what he meant was but than the path they don't you know Nico and open Yael Amara me my lamp a Cohiba cigar in my opinion at molokai Alan Potentilla iron respects about Assad Dalia politics religion et similar opposite Osaka Leland Hari that elegantly respected isomer booting in iguana para similar power on an island [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mongoose to new Bynum asthma began a Cohiba try a Thai meal when we talk about youth on food what if that food is actually a lot of food from they're not even part of Thailand it's a regional food and definitely it has its own flavor and okay especially because of the different ingredients that we have imported from her MonaVie science is an authentic North Eastern Thai cuisine restaurant it's called celebrity son [Music] trying to be specific about it but a major regional name in Italian which is actually very interesting and surprising at the same time para elunatan I moppet I or young satai or Yuma curry dishes but what we're gonna do now is its feature something different what we're looking at is their signature dish it's actually grilled fish better how they do it is that they don't use charcoal apparently they think I said that when they use charcoal it's cancerous title add charcoal delegate itself not by Becky but anyway I'm Carol unbelief I get a grilled nila using infrared no mine it in your bag away from my subside restaurant tomorrow Ellen appetizers never selling noodles mention spice I mentioned see they mention an onion special and garlic and Marisol and part of some sort of kimchi but right smack in the middle is their own version of children which is actually drizzled on different types of salads then that they are serving us anyway I think filling up in a very interesting I'm not even sure if I really eaten it's a some type of salad but even you go yawn yawn yawn ian callum Abu Lena some type of insect which fine I'll try he's a good around and uncommon insect to the top yeah seasonal and Epico I did end up kind of rough a giraffe sadena very very pronounced you see a very pronounced you mint and basil but yeah you insect early on but gonna get much ado more natural Saturn infrared grilled fish non-bio it's a Bangkok 20 chamomile in ambassador balm wasa marcozzi our cafe diner handcraft pods [Music] an Indian food story Cimino bubbling up in peanuts I wanna be already designees prior restaurant leaves to Bangkok but apparently at own chain of restaurants actually contain a common syllabus to restaurants at or domain name restaurant ago hails from the south side of Thailand you say at is Phuket which we featured already back in there back in the day but anyway apparently coupling southern Thai cuisine doubt it to you must Muhammad not I dishes okay so nearly ridiculous a new pilot court this is the deep fried shrimp and then surrounding it is some fresh veggies but I'm guessing it on deep-fried shrimp Nakamura being shrimp paste that Dinah mm-hmm my eyelids are kamijo i guess k i'm aiman uncooked or raw vegetables dial Callahan Minh balance out in Gaza riding its crab and fish stick holy smokes on unhung we can now make links to the now Machado Marlena hopefully my mom asked her to do a combination of flavors yep crabmeat no meat low I think inaudible ha [Music] my hungry child you want your hunger it's not like instantaneous I do the rain one gig it's a slow burn slow burn but you enjoy it though chaser mantle against Ebola Oh I seen operator so amazed acquainted either time violence of pudding book something I are gonna live ego my mom Sabra unhung make a moose hunt Nima an indie Mon Homme sacked among ham Hindi Mangano pear pod Neil Gaiman at all piranhas are a bit more mom Cthulhu on Hanna kamati uno hunt angle and him getting cool a developer tank I am candolyn cultura casting unhung concealed in the vinyl in it lamp on Tonka Neela semi Sita a marine you are Amina Cohiba Valentin do you know a baby person cop the newborn of a dilemma I don't die I wanna peel exam usamos incognito unshunned Papa Lhasa I could be big a cool I say some for a shows a Thailand lung ah calm down it's been amazing Thailand [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow Geico [Music] you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 358,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showibiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Thailand, Bangkok, Thai dish, food trip in Thailand, Foodventure in Thailand
Id: TJBToau32Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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