Biyahe ni Drew: 'Biyahe ni Drew' goes to Bangkok, Thailand (Full episode)

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[Music] mrs. Manson mullahs opportunity vision comes on una cultura a trainable daya street-food Beckenham asha on the industries of bangkok finding the best Pad Thai restaurant ever but I'm talking to Anna fixity and did I mention it's a religion favorite shopping destination Tasha euros we are in Bangkok Thailand the city of smiles and tonight even Ito say no unless booze at must rise into the Bangkok hello sama gossipy I go [Music] touchdown Bangkok Airport pelipper small one with a terminal design program a forgiving public transportations I am yes Diamond attacks Captagon site setup he compares our dinner last week ago chosen Sakhalin three-week highly my in avoiding your friend I'm going away the hell man having a yes Loretta much melody casa para honk Lebanon Bangkok so Manila kita kita remand Eva my each Omega illa-allah and hop on Hetty traffic I was prayin Callie what errand in kasi and rehabilitation and major roads detour Janelle on my alternative summit traffic the houses are on money lube Guyana Alok nang chao praya it all equivalent that I think passing rivers of India an island granite oriental eNOS until exactly a I say Tom Selleck point I'm clean and affordable hostels Godot try start at 1500 back but two thousand seven hundred pesos bout to be not bad right the robots a selfie were thin even metal then vetoed in and even scenic restos then agree Benton and cool and refreshing snacks Guinan Boogedy shadows Naruto again I ma prowl Nam homes Moo juice Nam element will be low Durvasa head it off unperfect Emily at the new hub would uncle um crop it again at the the temple of God come on major tourist destinations Pizza a Bangkok at right across the child prior River is this restaurant called each side story on son come on never got a minute lunch I mean after I got my viola what featuring our guy but it's funny because when I ate this time of the search it's called common talk and I pronounced it right I'm like what the thing done I suppose you're gonna leave now and I won't cry 9 Thai food that was my ninth I mean I mean usually gets a call late lunch that I can with a mother from God just see everything on site now you're supposed to leave but then I told that producer psychotherapy yes Sabrina why not feature it then boom it's a type of Thai pudding alright coconut pudding you see the opponent on the end something used to join then using a giant pattern I mean she'll no no a pocket mugwort organ and scallops look at that oh my god it's still warm it's still warm weather is warm warm repeat no haba haba collapse Anya this is my 12-piece by the way um if it's sticky right I thought sticky right it's gooey absent maricon coconut milk now personal opinion on a diaper flavor like probably you know fruit babes or Meharry a diet of our am Pharaoh pieces should to have that additional layer extra but it cannot into double okay I need we need on a Filipina goes nothing when it back oxes wollongong suckin and versatil an amtrak um to talk so always remember about Gazzaniga yung toke toke took care okay just took care never took things for granted [Music] BBC Danko and Buddhist temples all that and more is adding Bangkok 1:100 sure I know some of us to be Aiko [Music] sorry cop yawn oh my god ah ro someone at I abandoned Island Latonya but some asthma passed on Cordy and paleta and it's a Philippine Peso tiny man and Camilla native language ooh de semana de Vougeot in Etobicoke al su Mahina doctor I'm personal Island bicycle [Music] momager familiar died mobility neshama public transportation a three-wheeled cattle doneto patted my tricycle Silla my took took on gusto nila go in summer took stalks dressed to impress some Italian designs I'm starting cool light and maximum capacity nam tok tok is probably three three at most so I need to get to a certain leg in three dozen so means cheese but it doesn't mean it's the cheapest public transportation sometimes but small path of origami can exacting depending on where you're going to go that has uncooked oka say tempering on to his parents so when we said your job after Nima prices so I'm Pina report on a nice heaping cup Almaguer Arcanum cookbook important a Bugaboo mashups elope of the shop when you moon about signing final destination you haggle pretend Edo haggling total that is a one of the attractive you know transport in Thailand not only Bancomer when we change a lot about the herb the the country you know to be the urbanized but we used to cook as easy vehicle to reach the village social drivers are very very talented Allen siren - ilie Nastase vanilla that's what they're known for they know the streets of Bangkok anyway now always remember cabacas are going on took took took care okay just took care never took things for granted a lot of emails get still care a dog a book a book behind me doctor experience check [Music] that's on our to-do list you see de cebú disabled indie guy in bahasa nomicon team picasa to lessen filipino ebuddy ban thai language hey I made you may hear a pint in the end mahoto dosa forgive the minima went oh cool my English speaking Thai guy do sabapathy no cementery subtractions especially semana templemir diabeetus are what por aqui há uma bean American temples above Thailand so just you know this is the Prai of the Thai people because of our king that flower display for us and today we have so many visitor comes the the tourism industry in Thailand is one of the main income for our country alright moving on to dismiss Thailand Malaga Seleucus and respeto nama be Sita Hanuman attempt low Guyana wat PO laser educational temple parsimony Buddhist in Thailand goodies is the main you know religion 95% approximate number now happily possible templo nan wat po a hoe nigga : isn't even my new Buddha there anytime we have to sit inside the main building or even your the house you know we have to work Matthew in the temple is the part of our website in our culture are our custom we now and leave the tree to drop the dog I have to put on the fun on the map here visitors off it yeah but many temple they provide a huge cake right [Music] say Papa Lala Hoopoe budahas OMA Templar Ito's Thailand mess Miguel de negocios none proper attire and a load bar Sima de la at my mom gasps dogged by an immense amount over by powerless leave this huh the Ottoman over by a are not supposed to had anything directly to the mall Shabri bowel mcgoofy Atta now balcony mosquito the hell no public displays of affection danila honing guide NASA so it is a pinochle opine advantage point param heat amudha have a look the face of the reclining budda sick this is the school apart in Thailand we call rotten apples in school of art it is one of the masterpiece or between Bangkok period so it was filled by King Rama desert they start in the year 1831 the truth about fifteen years of reading but they have to do the reclining budda firm before we build this building to conquer it what while reclining with us what what the hell symbolize can't be a sitting buddha thank you for your question eternal impuestos nano propaganda Breda Catalan empathy connection tau MOT to do Nakata hey Misha Misha Robin tempo Nieto subpoena beanie visit enema to Vista satella arrows are amyandhannah monokuma Dorito Kohala manly trapper Oh selfie cinnamon I ain't Indian talaga Kahuna ganito Seleucus Tigana parent is eternal reclining budda Samata Rahim dictionary Bassam Haddad dice que la niñas manga parson Allah bestow on tanaka a bánh mì any Buddha Sahaba 46 metres mullah flame lights Hangang fan and Buddha become phenomenal Musa satellite so you I would love you to remember the official name of the temple same common name but roll a little carefully is that what ruptures people week monument alarm to Iraq Muhammad war Roger AMA we're on that long okay please remember what cool [Music] except important important and reclining budda antolín Pajarito the inaugural gamut and mother-of-pearl Aparna okay Sam is mon cala behind dr. mundo opinion in evil anomalies [Music] Susan hood shopping spree subpoena measuring shopping areas of Rhode Island [Music] authentic peptides nine Pablito okay unless I hope I don't see back up again Callie and Bangkok Marty Pigman kana what in the world is there the dolly pal hello sama gossipy I go Bangkok Thailand and world's most visited city Nome 2016 8 O'Neill and tourism office Hindi mahira pnina's even Keita's and a minimalist and Umar I reto will be the ball of my own demolish a fast pace in a dog super easy lab well a vanilla scent on origin via I buy a plane a photon Bangkok Thailand arrow arrow MBI pappu Torito MonaVie arrow a low episode island visa free baby buster Bhavna later but a leading mechanical tutorial Bangkok Aramis maganda namo namaha Lala oh pixee shot actor singer yamaganda hotel guy in an igloo yen for star hotels our guys talk about specialty Penta silence cafes Marilla had vodka and Buddha hand I believe in Buddha laughs I think what I would have been a boy be certain of that Athena yeah cuyana must hold a lot people and so bombed our dough in tobacco I'm G I promise I love you nah shopping shopping I move out into area NATO on the left side being vegetable and supermarket the right side flower market to think Divisoria hallouwe dan wah Hana basical bucket slamming yellow neurosis apparently in a couple of days specifically July 28 that the birthday of the king each birthday stay connected to a particular color for this it's yellow that's why as a sign of I guess respect sign of celebration then for Gugu Natasha birthday Nanking mana Tata Mulligan and Mama yellow flowers scores by different establishing suppression 20 to 100 baht for 30 to 150 pesos credibility na nan sawatari Mamula placeto are entangled in oppression of the arrows in august elegant not all out shopping and Duncan Duncan Copp a senior leaves a weekend market than Chatuchak enamel seen shopping area in a bowl Bangkok it all and must do number three shop still via drops in Bangkok La Pampa saludo authentic handcrafted souvenirs fashionable blouses my short straw hats while on habit I am teaching at ref magnet and the name it they have it delivered enamel uzuki so 15,000 small shops by the money everyone Ella he became a hero 6 the gangbanger Santa - tomahto no oh ma but around 200,000 and mokuba Dorito - wing weekend Sam Narita locals interest well as noggin Divisoria to Diciembre bahram elahi lo ho Wan Ellen and great and local health food in a lon Assam Hong Pina in the house native Nana Bangkok see mum Riza about 32 years there - in linear and tobacco started working for companies multinational companies samples after that I built my own school mmm out of the - I am an American is graphics people the British boarding school affiliated with run scores living alone after that I wanted to the UK for this because my kids were there and then I can sell to buy em bigger are you doing my math my science you're on time and it's gonna be Finnegan Amandeep oh if I - bottom British boarding school okay in year saying how is your transition from you know living your life there in vanilla vanilla back many actually Manila una llamada know most Alabama England so everything has to be tired really nice now I'm more involved this is on the whole which is about health and beauty nothing beauty I'm here you can go to my MA amazing which is now I'm all over the world international we have offices in London goodbye and also amen amen generally speaking I'm sample more animal baby video Filipinos we are really well respected Adam and originality check another professional pocket image move or delete among very popular topic you can find everything here pregnancy a drink table and the best ways how do you know how to go you know direct concentrate McDonald wholesale fries and ricotta negotiated in Soho monogamy yeah that's a be monotonic open anymore and that was the being it so coherent that low get it again also measuring valve initially you are going to disoriented news cosig you can even go lower so first you have to learn how to speak time does it even happen even though they know that you're a foreigner but we try to speak yes it does my papa they say all right how are you all right that's a Meccano connection but make the wonder degrees in here what I'm sixth place then letting up tonight one day 250 if you buy three that's after what happiness Parque das uploading Angelina 904 3 yeah let me know get to 9000 people finally having fun or attending another day with like that happened economy being a vessel we met our sample moon and leave in reserve and after acquiring something good I huh my girl a very nice one Kevin team together boxer nightspot sponsor dancing at party games mega hassan alvin shall go I want a taste of authentic cat eye of Bangkok Empress Hindi more well I'm foodventure policies and legit experience walking in the streets of Bangkok finding the best Pad Thai restaurant ever but I'm cooking sure enough it anyways Sabrina this is the best Pad Thai place here in Bangkok you know put that there like a tub you just look at the queue look at the line I'm gonna bus probably at least 30 people lined up food in it and we have connection classic Filipino style start a small chat with the owners and NATO must develop are you mocking and informational knowledge or the things that all-time favorite Thai food book which is third style in that incident has apparently it's pronounced Pattaya [Music] Pattaya the national title we have a long history of Hapai actually Potter in Thailand starting from the around World War two and at that time our previous Prime Minister they trust he tried to campaign the spy local people to use the Thai local things and eat the Thai local food so that's why papaya happened at that time we have such a rich history that's probably one of the reasons why sorafenib Alonso apparently very apparent killing and Gomorrah or niccola the mom is [Music] mine hi the restaurant is called hipster my fifth means super so it's super mom all right super and the name of the mom which is how my apparently it's super super because the recipe that she made like fifty years ago so brown neguin breakthrough for the thing to forego an appetite what I'm saying is that humor a subpoena member duxi lemon shrimp oil nasty laying unum gomorrah non-fat rice wrapped in Amla scapulae gentle this is the classic getting you bestsellers at infinite land number about it out because I a tie okay okay okay means a texture that's the egg and please let's see what the first is all about plus points now Pat I eye-popping a Pattaya Hawaii add another in suspense is killing me tea all right started off with Wi-Fi and be black still an unpopular Trudeau will happen on World War 2 77 years old our own recipe determine Bureau Nigam Ellis Island Rita why the tourists and the Thai even try locals come back to our info is because of number one the quality of our high we use high quality ingredients and ratio nu do we call it central noodle we are the first one who uses a noodle for cooking for time and we also the first who create the menu the wrapping egg menu and the possibility mall and the other thing is because of the cooking method we still using a charcoal stove which is like the Thai traditional cooking and that gives a very good smell and a very good flavor of our Pattaya Lancome cotton in high in items of Latinas I'm home bag screen I just stronger in see again a lot stronger in this echo solemn laughter no I mean it's probably a good though don't get me wrong good that's good if either they really have good simple traditional attire or and at the same time they really have good marketing really good money because each don't see local locals lining up you see a majority of service that's the difference but hey it is good part I it is no we also tried ordering this one it's all so polite but a different seat oh I you have new fringe tricks but you have you have your dried squid and you have your crab meat which I think you need to make and the noodles are different but I sort of want specific and I think you have green mango you have different types of pop-eyed you have different types of noodles for your fatigue a bikini girls or bronze Padma hot neutral and own recipe you have your different sauces right here on the side fish sauce sugar I think your soup caps American chili flakes maraca Masuka at Naropa enoxaparin Akula Ya Allah Lando unit so in Sabine on Toledo ago unfamiliar to smell on you know I guess it's less impact impact impact impact ah - and potala be peanut nine out of nine article therefore the sound goes something missing but I guess that's what to us to cater to different types of salad you gotta buy that anyway alright another big bust yes mocha mocha hp9 feedback okay thank you back that's like 130 pesos alright very precious and one great thing about this also is that even though and a Medina convener you'll turn over the enemies plus young fennel and orange juice the body make values about it is exact apparently it it's a real true tea I mean not seriously - but it is I'm especially screaming I think drink within the day of purchase 2014 Pentagon Ilona yeah but I told my wife about it - sucker for orange juice we love pandas love Debbie really love it Daniel set up another dig in deep wedding Valentin's Bangkok and straight food [Music] come on Roberto the Southeast Asia my name is davina Venus maybe but also Thailand pedido and one last visit to the most prestigious Buddha of Thailand [Music] hello samehada echo hello 70 million and total population of Thailand barrows parent in eternity billion Alma - Rita Naboo Maya a commercial Dido and Ellen Cassie silently manila important government local cinema - in stock item Malachi sinsemilla - no no Cannella Hadi our king is the speaker head you know of the the country there but because of we are tired we have our culture and we much respect to our you know king of the royal family whatever we have today is live by our King the our king is supply of the Thai people a deal upon a really old Buddhist moon Aaron Baughman City led Jenna Martin flow nah Rafa topics begin respeto big anima Torito the guidance reclining budda Paragon Purina Pat Quran boughs above slope I fouled in a mermaid sink izuta in the south of Thailand you never been to the refinery to delight the other day and the golden buddha is me like I do haven't even especially for us you know if you see the Jordan today you can create the first priority especially this one is considered as the most beautiful bigger image because belong to the practice you - I'm in time you go cut costs okay are you ready to get in fact if you defeat Osaka Nisha and secret city code and given to unburden at all I provided though it's a masterpiece this Big Buddha has a very interesting story apparently it's solid gold but tragic gold-plated it's solid gold and it's 5.5 x and what's great is that someone back in the nineteen fifties discovered that it's actually 95 right let's not just one whole it was nine pieces and then originally very initially they didn't know that it was solid gold is actually covered in plastic but then again when they took it out they found it it's gold with yeah anyway this is not the original place but it's right now cocoa at marami and almond and that has some examples nobody know who made the food a demon right the first we found in the Vedic temple in the southern part of Paris tomorrow Buddhists am bad position on Buddha my epidemic Oregon Liberty balance in is in below as it in utero arebaaaaa apakah ho ho Akbar cinema Jimena Buddha at all Mahabali storia para para simple army type very popular position and attitude first of is educated people are encouraged the people don't do not keep up when you get into any trouble fit a lot death could fight I get over the evening on doable nominal templo - iguana Catalan Ned and Harry gamete imagination la semana de voto [Music] another Moscow serviço a Lebanon cuento da moneh templo at Buddha say NOP no food on a lady llama selfie I'm a yo-yo mullah semi-open visita okay the first thing is to eat that's that's what you should definitely in Bangkok or in Thailand number two to cook that is more like the signature of the transportation it's more like the taxi in the other countries but we have the special characters taxi in Thailand we call it soup to see a part of the history you know that's the grand palace temple of the emerald buddha convenien ability' indian pathologist hello Division one a dosa Bangkok my Thai Thai market complete Omaha autos or one town one product man Thailand we also have high product like the earth like a Thai Thai market is illustrated all the products from all over Thailand in one center here [Music] c-captain Cassie Andorian dito guy NSA Davao opossum alluvium fanatics Guyana I mean assistant cameraman NASA Danielle's me cuarto para la semana durian room bolting of fruit I'm panicking entertainment center non-volatile Andy de Lima interactive show Susilo guy named Shiva pan avatar panelist on Intel's about an adventure of God and animal optimist on a magical and visual imagination that lie between heaven and earth but Asura the God of Darkness want to invent him upon say to experience them BBJ Lu the National Data deeper dinner in thermometer than that we also believe in the 10 min it will be a new version of hi product as a destination as entertainment tourism destination pero combat ineligible at all and begin tourist friendly nito nito Valley mapping a monetary sector is lounge celebrity wedding relax have a hint I am you shot over to air force deities KU mojos nella Keaton karin-sama harpoon Pegula me showers insula as near below her spar cinema maleta [Music] banana the back when you come to Thailand you come to Bangkok you can visually see it's always a live show every day a booty magnin happens about Michelle Juan Miguel Allah a Pakistan 4 to 5 p.m. and al-abbas and al Manac it in balance out selling Street food generally nothing master here's a Bangkok sample the film's bangkok street food i found a local market so maybe tomorrow me repeatedly on a street food actually besides the fish ball hog or sausages usually referred as a street lat I'm in Joburg Osaka and that's a good thing about it different country different types of street food you need you to galloping a gap I got zoom on down back streets so fortunately seafood sauce science telling us a permit a glioma you know for today yeah didn't get off home resting Dale and Marvin and styrofoam episode I'm in my club nobody here I like it it is I'm never getting in on quality oils opposite I've been getting in a good sermon enough come on man I mean I have a good place holding it will be an audience Gabrielle I demand the opposite that was like them too [Music] - a prey kunsan Maha van pilla don't IOB arrows what is it my button all right what in the world is doing damn it ow they're just a little oh my god Virgilia yeah like M's ice cream Jinyoung fan young fellow there alone yeah just like sugar sugar was going on in a order banana grilled banana banana q30 but the suburban style salbo 50 the sauce 54 vanilla allah miyan conversion good is krishna Michael Polanyi keen on uni we saw Percy non-violent gusto the banana Hughes NATO in DD DD Fraga to the charters SOP Negril occupied along jogging I believe it to top it off literally and figuratively para my caramels burrata Cara Mia when I'm not being a halt the violence upon my photo so Southeast Asia my name is davina lady but also pile and pile Dido Oh ma'am Wow sue caramel sauce oh very good hey Lorna you know I know me sup hello Newman viedo it's a must to travel and experience bangkok thailand 5-nil Alyosha ban sanity Lambada 800k the monotony while aurelion sol Edina Adeline Piranha pallid aya [Music] Novato to arraign company monogamous at masuleh tan Bower truly at impugn natural on the bia name Angela and it's probably the most similar trait we have is our warmth and hospitality and that's what's so amazing about Thailand Top Gun Club [Music] lemon would an alien would perish and Gemma or Bennett also will hostilius relented
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 531,590
Rating: 4.786727 out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showibiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Bangkok, Thailand
Id: Pwv865liyas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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