Bitwarden vs 1Password | A battle for TOP Password Manager!

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so hey if you're thinking about getting a password manager well you've come to the right place because today I am going to do a bit Warden versus one password review to determine which of these best password manager contenders is worth getting okay to start things off I just want to mention that bit Warden does have a free version available however as usual it can't really compete with the premium versions meanwhile one password doesn't even offer a free plan but it does have a 14 day free trial which is plenty of time to see if you like it and in either case I recommend getting a premium password manager as your long-term solution when looking at the bit Warden and one password premium plans bit Warden is more budget friendly and slightly cheaper in general and yes one password is a bit more expensive but it offers more robust features that well I'll go over later oh and before I forget I gotta mention that with our exclusive deals in the description you can get these contenders for the best password manager at an even more affordable price alright so neither provider is gonna break the bank we've established that so maybe let's find out which one is more secure one password or bit Warden well both are safe and both offer robust security features so let's go go ahead and start with bit Warden now it's got industry standard and virtually unbreakable encryption bit Warden also offers zero knowledge architecture meaning that their servers only receive already hashed versions of your data instead of plain text and that plain text would be readable by anyone so no one including bit Ward and staff can view any saved information and besides it's got plenty of two-factor authentication options making it much harder for an unauthorized person to access my account so now bit Warden has also gone through third-party security Audits and it's open source software so definitely earned our trust it's even accessible by anyone on GitHub and is currently and often checked by willing developers now if I look at one password it uses the same encryption as bit Warden and even a similar deal for the master password it also has two-factor authentication methods but not quite as many as bitwarded however it does have a 34 numbers and letters secret key that can be used to authorize devices which definitely trumps bit warden's advantage of more authentication options and just like bit Warden one password has gone through a round of audits and also offers zero knowledge architecture so I guess if I add everything up one password slightly pulls ahead for this bit Warden versus one password review now while both are safe premium password managers with robust security one password can offer a secret key for that extra layer of protection alright so both providers are safe up next for this one password versus bit Warden review let's see what features they offer starting with the password generator feature both providers can quickly create strong passwords with a customizable length uppercase and lowercase letters in addition to that one password has a passphrase system and a PIN number bit Warden has a passphrase option as well but it lacks a PIN number generator that passphrase is great for when I can't copy paste my password it's just easier to to remember and enter the giant string of random letter symbols and numbers right and it happens to all of us you know what I'm talking about yeah sometimes we just forget our master password it's rough but luckily one password in bit Warden have solid account recovery options one password offers an emergency kit PDF document you can also set up emergency access if you're on the one password family plan with bit Warden it's a little bit of a different story when you set up your two-factor authenticator you get a recovery code in addition you can set up a master password hint or just enable emergency access now I notice that one password excels at sharing passwords it allows me to create a customized link for shared information with a recipient list to make it all secure all recipients need to verify their emails to access that link now you can also share entire vaults if you have the family plan oh by the way there's another one password families review and it even has a one password tutorial tutorial for all that Vault stuff it can get confusing now unfortunately bit warden's password sharing is a little bit limited by comparison with the free plan you can't share passwords at all and Premium Accounts can only share passwords with one other user you'll need to upgrade to families to share passwords with up to six users and another feature to quickly look at in this one password versus bit Warden review is AutoFill because look nobody wants to type in those complex passwords and all that repeated information every time you log in somewhere so I've tested how autofill works on both providers and I gotta admit I was actually a bit disappointed one password autofill required me to click on the one password icon and then the login item before I could sign in and when it suggested more than one item well apparently I needed to scroll down and search through the safe credentials and yet bit Warden not any better to autofill my credentials I need to right click the Box click on the bit Warden icon then search for the right login entry series and only then click autofill not really Auto and yeah that really is more tedious than it should be huh so overall I think that both should minimize their clicks needed for their autofill I know it's possible I mean come on just look at how nordpass does it click click done well at least with one password importing passwords was a seamless experience it offers easy data and password importing from a number of applications including your browsers and other password managers now I can also import passwords and other data using CSV one pucks or one PIV files however I'd like to see more browser and password manager options that I can import from and now looking over at bit Warden well it supports password importing from other browsers other password managers and CSV as well as Json files but the experience not as smooth as it was with one password on the bright side it has more browser and password manager options to import from and it offers a step-by-step guide on how to do it alright so both password managers cover their core features pretty well but what about any extra ones well one password has a Unique Travel mode feature it allows me to mark vaults as travel safe which means that when I leave the country the vaults that are not travel safe they're going to remain locked for security Now bit Warden doesn't have anything quite like that unique feature but I like their breach databases report because with that I get notified about exposed reused or weak passwords as well as unsecured websites or an active two-step logins I also get information about data breaches so I can take immediate action to change my passwords when need be so overall when it comes to Features one password simply has a lot more in store alright when comparing ease of use and compatibility of one password versus bit Warden well there is a clear winner while bit Warden has more browser extension options one password has by far a more intuitive and developed interface both one password and bit warden's desktop apps are supported on all major operating systems so I had no trouble navigating or finding anything that I needed on one password 2023 desktop apps and if I have a problem finding something well there's a search bar right on top for quick access now bit Warden looks yeah dated and well it's actually not that easy to get around but I guess it is well organized with the menu on the left in the search bar at the top one password and bit Warden on mobile were both really easy to use and also looked really clean and IOS and Android apps on both providers look somewhat similar to each other however their features are limited to just the core ones like autofill password generating and data sharing so unlike bit warden's desktop apps its mobile ones are modern and intuitive but with limited capabilities so does bit Warden or one password win the ease of use category it's kind of an equal kind of a fair fight on mobile but the bit Warden desktop app just feels clunky and outdated so overall one password is better in this case now if you like more content like this do not forget to subscribe to our Channel because you'll get even more password manager reviews and well all things cyber security related all right let's sum up this bit Warden versus one password comparison it's a close battle bit Warden is more affordable and a true Contender for the best free password manager however one password has more variety of their polished features and an extra layer of security therefore me thinketh one password wins But ultimately I could recommend both of these managers since it really is going to depend on your specific needs and preferences alright that's it for me thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one hey come here you know online security is crucial and various tools can even give you peace of mind alongside enhanced protection so take that little box there yeah that one because you'll get the best possible deals out there on all those great reputable tools
Channel: CyberNews
Views: 15,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1password vs bitwarden review, bitwarden vs 1password review, bitwarden vs 1password, 1password vs bitwarden, 1password, password manager, best password manager, best free password manager, 1password tutorial, 1password family, 1password or bitwarden, bitwarden or 1password, 1password families review, 1password 2023, bitwarden, bitwarden 2023, best password manager 2023, 1password review, bitwarden review, 1password reviews, bitwarden password manager, best password managers
Id: V_HC_82c7m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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