Bisnap Streams Enter the Gungeon - Part 244

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oh if you ignored the notes that's fine you can just go look at them all they're all at the bottom okay.what there certainly wasn't was a wall medic in there I missed them though why did they forsake me Oh sent the key flying I'll find you I promise oh you almost hit me because we glad I found it wonder if it's possible for all of them to be one direction well I've only seen one combination other than mine and it was similar to mine in that it used one direction for like half of them I don't know if that's always how it is or if it can be like you know every direction it's like a different different but yeah lines right up right left right up like really uses anything Thanks you have right three times in your notes as well well I'm opening that well I guess that's how today is going huh isn't that interesting I'm still only taking three up up down down down nice wait you need another one all right I only take three the benefits don't matter do they certainly don't want the increased bullet speed down man normally I want to take the damage of Billy Adam but you keep getting damaged ups is this gonna be a starter done only now because I have to try to fight the rat [Music] spicy is complicated but I'm not good enough at this game because I can't beat their activists I just can't do it it's too hard I don't think others are having the same difficulty I am with it hey thanks for the two do my fiery it's crazy right now I want platinum bullets again platinum bullets is crazy it can replace the rat key that's funny I guess we'll see if I'm lucky enough to get to go to the red this time so how much of a damage up and how much of other things punch it later is continuing to get spice and that guy was like a boss maybe there will even be a muncher this work [Music] fifteen percent damage 10% spread like for every single one for every single one so how soon do I start noticing the spread as the robot gage funds wonders at like eight that's not what I wanted maybe I'll get the cold 45 though then I'll have wanted it haha that'll make me notice a little less soon huh okay I don't want the table spice is too expensive my icky though what's the sixth spice dude I thought only the first four were like particularly compelling in normal circumstances I miss Keemun if it was so much better and a little close is this worth it I don't think so god I'm trolling early but when I try to roll on time I roll late so I guess as long as I don't get hit I'll take either one [Music] it's okay I guess I'm keeping that then and before spice instead of the rest I don't know if that one's possible did that be funny did not got him this isn't one of the main boss fights so it doesn't have a master round there only five master outs that was a secret boy look at this cursed boy only at 1.5 curse so the nod key just isn't a special pedestal I understand that's okay if I don't get to go I'll take more spice just by virtue of the fact that I'll live longer yeah but I got rid of Excalibur so I don't have to worry about that all right so 2.5 now is the third spice I remember guys I'm great I'll come back I hate these guys being jammed oh my god how to end me well I wasn't so bad much worse on the rats floor it only took me 370 ish hours to remember that I can put out a fuse just once what a mad lad [Music] that was necessary don't worry no I have no clue how many hours in my first which kill was but you can look like if you can find it on YouTube then you pretty much know cuz it'll just be that number of episodes of us like five hours duct tape ocean of gun friendship hello jammed is those red enemies they have three times as much health their bullets do a full heart of damage though with armor that is actually no different it's exactly the same and they drop more money no bag man don't eat me I got armor for placing the crest yes for the wood and makeshift cannon then I will get again in this run you're right okay I can open all of them that's a good gun for bosses so I'm happy that's useless and there's not a cell creep and that's useless happens if you duct-tape guns that are dual wielded you're thinking next level I'm not at that level yet well sucks to be me huh wow that was so early thanks for the brown chest that's what I wanted anyway I just wanted spice that was my plan now is my secret master plan all along that was suppose this is the starter gun for the robot it's just really good oh no not chest friendship I'm not ready for this now you found the secret room yeah time for lots of junk I can become powerful hmm rink I'm spice friendship yeah maybe I'll just get I'll just get a spice instead of junk every time no no escape my going for a absolutely I'll probably die but such is life I already got one it's been like three rooms so three and a half first right now I need like flute chests are great they have silver bullets in I should be interested maybe brother Albert will be interested in giving me what I desire this is getting interesting they're just gonna be so many chests that I can't open it's gonna be unreasonable Shelton key just as unlimited keys you can open anything that takes a key no cost it's not there just get the a key okay you cannot destroy the rats chests the capable akin are really rare nice you think the bottom left one is always a mimic cuz I doubt I don't know I wouldn't expect it to just always be the same I'd expect it to be a chance thing spice house curse and I mean for the robot otherwise no downsides besides the - spread that eventually affects you 4.5 [Music] that's my fifth spice now I'm opening it anyway [Music] so that reloads a lot which is really all it is that's the whole synergy reloads a lot instead of a little instead of literally one not the most exciting synergy yeah I'd love cursed bullets and I love silver bullets those are the two things that I love Speight the boss first I guess oh I didn't put out the fire evidently whoopsie yeah blue chests are like really appealing to me right now so I'm kind of considering opening the blue chests one of them instead of the green chests that I know is a gun I think that's a damage up anyway right why not bad gun muncher no not B not a very great gun either it's okay I have my starter gun [Music] okay all right you give TV does that sometimes it's not infrequent Thanks Mean Green Chester's again anyway who cares yeah good character for metronome Oh hearts useless but geez and I'm useless that's an interesting room to have to roll across I didn't like it made me uncomfortable I'd probably get a little bit of money back for taking up the goo on stone man I am doing damage and I thought I killed you oh thank you the room can't get that though all yours buddy enjoy it yes I've heard of that terrible joke I'm not gonna be able to get away from that stupid joke am i I'm gonna see it everywhere for weeks oh no dr. bees now you've done it now you've done it that's what five-point-five curse now my six spice the man am i doing damage you can still barely tell that there's any variation okay I'll come down maybe maybe maybe not what was the backpacks energy let's check the room I turn blue but that's not it it has no synergies the rumor just does what it wants I think my god the damage though this is disgusting Oh like my damage is still disgusting without all of that buff which is even more disgusting honestly well there's the secret room but I can't go in there oh there's also the freakin rad floor taking a hit is not good I need all of the help I can get for the rat I can't take the chances and jam drat I can the game sound has been a little messed up since the update but it's pretty fixed now if I don't die to the rat I have to take all the spice afterwards I can do that I can I can live with that that's a deal I can get behind they patch master rounds and their pedestals can't be mimics anymore that's good so I had freezing last run and it kind of stopped freezing the rat after a little bit which was disappointing yeah beating around a bunch of times and I be punch out on Saturday nice Thanks why wouldn't I be Paul dungeons been going on YouTube for months that was left and I don't need any of that I haven't noticed any well they've been going up for almost 250 videos now I was in the wrong spot I didn't read it in time kind of tough to do that was a really good fight though the room is too good [Music] if I just cancel that attack every time I think I'm in really good shape and it recharges so fast I think I can just kind of do whatever the heck I want now I'm okay with just how Opie Daruma is as as is Oh God powers flickering [Music] oh god I look so weird I don't know how that frickin didn't do the same like what thank you Oh every time dude I don't understand some of the dodges I mean I guess you're supposed to block well I didn't do very much for me I also don't know how to do that one but that's okay we kind of crushed that fight oh no I can only take three of these I'm not taking all of them I'm in 9.5 curse this as high as it goes I'm sorry Oh different mimic so that here is the bunked oh I already killed it oh my god oh yeah I can get a boy let's get a boy oh I move faster with this out now I'm gonna hit the Save button just like super make sure cuz I really don't want to lose this hopefully it would keep this if I were to you know lose power so I'm gonna stop after this run for sure oh my god it does so much damage that's probably mostly the spice so this is like freezing yeah yeah when it storms here I lose power often yes since it's storming and power already flickered I figured I would take the free caution in hopes of not losing this beautiful run this is the dragon game damage what do you mean oh this boy probably doesn't matter oh this has infinite ammo there we go [Music] yeah I don't think this dude it helps me in any way either the damage output I have right now is absurd no I should read about this gun as well I don't understand the pun cuz I'm not a cheese dude and cheese's enemies thanks for the two man the Daruma is so good I and she's the Reaper that's good the amount of damage this is it's just mind-boggling I can only make three tables come on game come on all right I slow mo and they're destructible can I roll over them yeah and then they're dead I'm gonna sell this now why is it so bad like pretty leaf why does the game let you have three tables I don't I don't know why would I want three tables oh it's three before it needs to recharge and that's still bad because the tables weand Chester okay well okay well alright it seems pretty good except that it doesn't seem like it's doing all that much damage have I had the ice breakers energy before I don't think so this honestly doesn't seem that good I would rather have a stinger let's me see into chests oh that's nice I'll have to give it a chance to do so I'm probably gonna finish this run with just the cheese gun though gonna be honest with you so it does Oh cuz it has it has one of the things yeah okay anyway mmm hello friends 9.5 curse will do that to a boy still talking faster than normal well yeah I'm gonna not pick that up Thanks that's not even a mimic what a surprise working you check your curse amount you just got to keep track in your head and know oh right I can still the mustache that's useless she's gun is really good so that's the synergy was this energy no we can have that too and that and that [Music] and that okay down just what I want okay so it's a faster fire rate and it makes me run faster aha you can't catch me I'm faster than the money I don't think the money will ever dissipate or anything [Music] more bruh I guess you can have this too I have the only gun that I needed yeah it's like a stinger but worse but you can see in the chests so it's kind of good I guess my scaly friend helps my other scaly friend become a harder fight I did no hit the second phase of the rap either way and I was pretty good see if we can no-hit the advance dragon oh hello I don't really care I guess I'll get this but like I don't really care I guess I'll get the key yeah there's an unlock the Holy Grail for beating the advance dragon and what that gives you is it's insane it's a some amount of curse no one who could decide they actually knew how much but it's some amount of curse and every time you get hit you blank automatically and regain 50% of your ammo for every gun well I'm gonna shoot that God and they just getting cheese for standing in to thank God this gun is so busted now I just have a lot of armor because I haven't been getting hit I've been hit like once this whole run can you in cheese the hammer it's a great question if I meet another I'll try this kind of solo fee though what like come on it freezes enemies it has good damage it area-of-effect freezes enemies after you kill a frozen enemy as infinite ammo that's true I don't know just how good its damage is because I have so much more damage than any one man should ever have I can't like not kill this guy and get the gun unfortunately and it has the bad synergy because I have the metronome but yeah it doesn't need damage because it freezes everything like I think this gun just kind of wins the game on its own all you have to do is kill one enemy that doesn't have too much health and then everything near it is frozen [Music] Wow I got lucky this time so what does that have to do with anything Paul oh okay so it's it's easier well it's a mimic anyway it's a jam mimic but that's okay cuz there's literally nothing he can do about it yeah I'll just playin mother gunship a bunch for some number of days I'll be I'll be back with it soon I've just been very focused on this here game isn't always user know cuz YouTube is really really bad oh it didn't activate I rolled over a bullet you liar oh well [Music] there you go no that one actually counted to destroy the other one nice okay I think it'll do the thing in a moment right the boy keeps shooting at me hey boy I can't freeze the boy much as I want to [Music] she's the heart good there you go take that not the triangles she's gun is called the Elementor but I don't you know I don't get the cheese joke because I'm not achieved boy oh I tried nice little farther than I wanted you where is it right where is it Eliminator I don't know no elemental where I'm not crazy nice a good job did hit as much as you want how about that oh no the triangles [Music] secret room secret room nope all right away we go there is literally no advantage to killing the advance dragon after you do it once there's no reason to do it again really like it's a pretty good fight it's not all that hard either so yeah the unlock is the Holy Grail [Music] hey buddy trying to kill him because apparently it's possible and I have a lot of damage and infinite ammo and freeze him so hey buddy you don't see me messing with your business yeah the Holy Grail is insanely good this guy is three times as much health as normal so I don't know if I'm killing him anytime soon he already has like infinity health I don't want to give up it's not worth it just because he's jammed but at the same time it's not worth it she's the unusable don't give up I want to see this oh boy here we go okay so this is another gun that's much faster when you semi-auto it it's never gonna die I can only imagine how much damage I've done so far this is like the worst idea right now how much health is the regular Reaper have there is a lot of cheese they patched it we had about five K okay now he does not know he's actually invincible what a ripoff like how you didn't just tell me sooner cuz that would have saved me too much suffering [Music] well it's fine [Music] he's not immune to being turned into a chicken this I know takes all status effects [Music] that's how little I care that I'm not getting a damaged uncle killing you yeah junk increases the damage of all robust weapons it's not just like your starter gun it's everything my god those things have so much health too dude I haven't had Junkin in forever now who just doesn't like me anymore now I have for junk this run though I too shot that guy that makes me feel very adequate [Music] yeah [Music] complain stress always the savior's I'm one shot in boys that I should not be one shot like I'm really doing damage right now no I've maxed metronome I could have done that room in one mag that's not fair well if I get lucky enough to get a lot more chest drops then Junkin won't even need me Wow I got hit I'm sad about it oh but I found the muncher get out of here [Applause] it took me so much work last time you just spit one out immediately I'm mad about it that boy was jammed also I haven't seen spice since the rat [Music] I guess I keeps the addiction huh [Music] okay so he does absorb cheese I had to know I give Junkin credit for that jam spider-boy I'm not having any of that it's gotten so busted dude yeah I did probably overdose after the rat plane someone's alive okay I'm just gonna push him in the fit I think got no time for this right this is just this is an OD dream this is looking suspiciously like it'll be the right way my dad knows see if we can get a triple jam glitch I've already done that once I had learned to jam that run that was a good run I think that was was that the big shotgun run cuz that sure was a run it was nice all right we've all cleared we even found a muncher and it gave me something immediately and I was mad about it wait is this boy jammed I don't think he is I'm 9.5 curse come on dude how much do I have to try to get a triple jammed witch probably only have like 40% though poor guy [Music] come on come on are you gonna be jammed no we're ripoff 9.5 first for nothing yeah the cheese is breaking the animation Junkin got the kill by the way he's insane not even one Jam glitch what even [Music] at portlets though that run was way too powerful Daruma is way too powerful to it completely owns the rat the room is a green chest item my goodness
Channel: bisnap
Views: 3,859
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon, gungeon, bisnap plays, let's play, bisnap gungeon, bisnap enter the gungeon, dodge roll games
Id: MBvYm0lECss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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