Bisnap Streams Enter the Gungeon - Part 234

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dude editing this stream is gonna take forever getting nine runs out of it like geez dude I've done a character rotation and a half it's haunting me until the end of my days oh alright I see how this is going I got the coolest inks guys might as well do two full rotations now I can't it's just it can't be done I have to stop them like eat and then maybe play pub G with sniper potentially when you put it - why that masked around up here I don't know I dropped it on the bullet on bullet hell because I wanted to have full health so I could have sword beams and since then it's been haunting me it feels resent towards being left behind why not take it I can't it's not an actual thing that's there it's like I can't shoot it I can't pick it up I can't interact with it in any way it's just it's haunting me it's a ghost of master rounds past I'm buying Richard oh he can't stop me the only thing is the metronome means cool sticks suck that's not what I was hoping for I'm gonna be honest with you save the money for the rat please okay um fine I'll do it for you then I can use the cool sticks number two time thank you so much for the four dollars and deals deal I knew I didn't have to offer five dollars sucker you know that's okay I'm feeling okay about it thanks for the four bucks dude smoking is not cool but cool sticks are cool I almost press Q and I was like wait a minute that would be really stupid don't press Q so I didn't and that is my story thank you for listening uranium spoon things 100 bits and I'm thanking you for 20 okay one two three [Music] okay I'll buy the key I can't even afford the metronome so there you go and then we'll be on our way such as life I suppose oMG he's so cool I know right I think it's crazy how cool can one man be you know I'm gonna be sad when the stream ends like at the same time I'm gonna be happy because I'm really hungry but like I need to rest rest my voice and then maybe play club G which means I might stream again today and usually when I play pub G with sniper that ends up being like at least four hours usually and he hasn't played in a while so maybe or maybe he'll be pretty into it maybe not my gosh forgot the secret room I looked for it and didn't find it secret floor I couldn't do because I didn't have two keys because I open the red chest we couldn't get another king now this will be a normal length gunjan video because I'll cut it into hour-long segments like I always do what the cry hard thanks for the five bucks read after this room I hope your final went well dude alright let's see you got didn't expect you to still be streaming thanks for the surprise hum-hum for those headshots exactly exactly thanks for the 5 dude Oh what changes the update tons of stuff they added like 8 billion synergies they added a bunch of items guns enemies mini bosses stuff like that hey hey hey I in Rowland time I don't believe you okay I just don't need em oh really that's fine I'll take it lowercase R is insane I love it mutant with the five I can sell this if there's a cell cream streamer thanks for streaming thank you for the five my appreciated Bunch all right oh well Mimi I wasn't ready I heard the noise now I was like why is that noise and I was like wait a minute oh my god dude that helped that was that was my opportunity to become cooler and I wasted it oh I must yeah always lucky really what did you tell me tell me tell me oh it's a fist okay so the RPG shoots machine fists now I don't even know if it's that good the haunting master round I bet it'll go away when I close the game but like it's funny it just follows me everywhere I think you saw the secret room I believe that all right it's down at 56 where do you think you saw it cross-platform room which room is this this hello hello no next runs definitely the rat rod it's a good thing I move faster while out of combat thanks to that awesome option it's an indicator for the secret room there isn't like okay if you shoot a wall with a gun that uses ammo and it creates a crack that's a secret room if an enemy shoots a wall and it creates a crack that's a secret room no you can't play as the rat you can fight the rat well start yeah I said if you shoot a gun that uses ammo but like the sawed-off even though I start with it that would work as long as I use ammo to shoot the wall it's fine it doesn't matter dude I kind of want to take this like dang dude but I also want to know what's in the freaking locked room and this is my conundrum I guess we'll see what happens I was up sorry I got the last piece so yes I did figure it out I got the last thing I've been fighting a lot a heck and B holsters lately all right you need to blanks in one key I've been there I just didn't quite get lucky because I didn't have the full directions I want that I can't steal I'm so sad aging D is advanced conscience and Dragons the update to this game every time I've been seeing that a lot two golden junk to you that was awesome it's happening next run oh that means I have to do another no we're starting tomorrow with it tomorrow we will start with the red that means everyone has to come the heck back that's the secret that's how I get you all to come back yes make sure I'm not dead whatever I don't need warm up for this game though I will skip the robot so I can have health that's probably smart where is your money because I spent it whoops nice oh my god dude if I get cloned this run I'm gonna actually die I'm just I can't handle this yeah there's a new item where you can give all of your money to pay towards its total cost it costs a thousand by default so I put in nine hundred and sixty-one yeah that's the time for tomorrow probably somewhere around 1 p.m. and I'll probably go until around 5:00 6:00 p.m. right now it's 827 p.m. for those of you not in my timezone then you can convert Thanks I didn't buy a little kid out for know if I bought it if I didn't buy it the floor before that's also incorrect because I only had it only costs 25 or something and I had 29 left so either way I keep missing here we go the start time is soon after I wake up whenever I wake up I want it I don't have enough stuff to munch I also want heavy boots I just I don't have enough anything but tomorrow actually like have to have something of a life you know go out of the house so I can't stream all day I can't have another nearly ten hour stream I don't get to have a life that's not it's just not a thing for me and I have a life one dungeon but gunjan will always be here waiting lovingly for me to play it fine sadly cigarettes take my armor first I'd better buy heavy boots okay oh okay wait okay never mind we're fine so synergy I would like to buy a synergy it's expensive and I don't have an extra key 57 again got that I'm not a rich boy also I expect that she would give me a synergy for the bow that's just my expectation as of right now but I would still take that chance she could give me the sling right even if it's the Bose energy it could be the sling that would be great I would be super into that food source energy for a shotgun Oh see that's all you had to say now I'm on board I'm super fully on board now I wasn't ready for all of these enemies to spawn normally this room is not as packed as it is right now I don't actually know if she takes into account what you drop right before talking to her or anything I I expect that that's something that you can exploit but I don't know for sure so this is where the rap floor is but like I can't buy the heavy boots and a synergy ah my life is hard dude this is the last run for real I am still at it but for real this time I'm stopping after this run for real I know I said that two and then three and two runs ago but and one run ago but like this time it's for real now regular shotgun see that's more what I would expect let's go buy a synergy cuz I haven't actually done it yet see what she gives me what else do I have what could she give me a synergy for she could give me a synergy for anything but even if it's a sling I'm happy with that hit me up oh so she gives me a synergy chest and it didn't give me a synergy item because it didn't feel like it thanks thanks I got hecan't rolled oh I've rolled late again I've gotten hit every time I fought this boss today oh I'm not even mad dude I don't even care can't stop me from not being mad I had this yet I know that this gun is more powerful if you have armor and I have armor so that's pretty nice right we can't keep trapping me with you you have to do another run now thing we can't we can't it's just it's just not how it works huh I mean that's heck and pecking dudes right up has a huge mag fridge damage I'd say it's pretty worth like I'm solidly into this I think this is really good long as you have armor thank nice ever been liquidly into something [Music] you know I've been swimming before does that count this is such a big mag for to see why thank you so much for the sub my friend oops thank you very much for the support and welcome our does it scale with the amount of armor that doesn't seem like it it seems like it just does good damage with one or more but I only had two and one maybe it is great yeah it's something I would want to try on the robot if that's actually true really okay so now I can't use this gun I deserve that one ah you dodged me much like I try to dodge you I like that it hits the torch and that's when they'd catch fire that's good ah okay I need to use like something more good is there another spider guy oh my god leave me alone how much did you miss like nine hours ah it's okay there's a nine-hour vaad for you to watch now yeah definitely some insane runs I did terrible things to this game [Music] that'll kill sure and like that boy nice to spiders in one room that's really rude what it's good taya thank you so much for the five months with crime thank you for using your monthly available free sub on me just for having Amazon Prime it for giving you twitch crime or your switch prog appreciate very much okay not the high priest happy about it [Music] also I just left that dude that wall mimic like chillin wonder how much that's gonna matter I don't need a mo I need a key he's just good like he's just gonna make noise I'm just gonna leave him there and they don't find me and I'm gonna be terrified it's gonna be great like I already have it all planned out there's a mini patch couple of hours ago well you see I haven't closed the game in nine hours so aha uh-huh that was the tight one yeah Tigers have got this oh I wish I had heavy boots dude oh but I have something else huh he found me how did he find me yeah too bad azure guns empty right now but it doesn't have to be oh it has three thingies well that's nifty oh hey friend there's a oh yeah there is a master round and it's truly haunting me dude oh that's great oh that's frickin hilarious ah dude it will haunt me until after this run when I closed the game for real truly closing the game after this run oh yeah I can use the AC again this thing has knocked back dude it will haunt me forever okay I'm not doing another one you can't make me got'em [Applause] maybe I just won't stream if we if me a good one if I play with sniper now I'll just let him stream and then I'll be living I'll tell you all the watch sniper and I'll stream next time which might be tomorrow who knows ah armor again let's do it how did the ghost master round happen well I did not relate ah you see I dropped the second master round on them on the bullet because I wanted to you know use the thing where you get to full health so that you can use the sword as a projectile is normal and I didn't pick it back up and then it was haunting me forever it was resentful of being left behind in bullet hell alone dude watch my stream tomorrow though you want to watch my stream do it tomorrow you know it'll be here okay I did that to myself you idiot well I did it again I'm really good this is how you know I need to stop I need to be fresh for the rad none of this oh but you're warmed up now I've been playing all day I'm warmed down Oh does the RPG make this homing [Applause] I need ammo like a lot of it I also need that Oh a mini-boss and I guess the bouncing probably as well he's insane dude this gun is insane oh and this shoots nice do you Bennett don't have or Gunny oh there's secret room with the key I'm going that way how am I supposed to open all these chests student I just don't understand alpha bullet how am I supposed to steal that this is gonna have the box that's how Oh for bullets oh this excites me I've been becoming cool I hope that that scales with coolness I've been honing my coolness all along oh wow there's another secret room it's a regular muncher though oh it's exactly what I dreamed of I've been bamboozled okay even that crits all right I can't do it Wow leave me alone time to test it's gonna work I promise told you oh I don't have to go down there the way the vorpal gun works and thus I assumed and was correct in assuming vorpal bullets work is that if the crit happens it hits the nearest enemy to your cursor no matter what's between you and them no no bag no bag it got me [Music] I'm so close but I'll probably I'll be able to get the rad gun and I'm totally into that heck you is the alien engine my hero you know what you guys are right vork will gun on the alien or vorpal bullets on the alien engine will probably be insane I bet it will create all the heck and time it does but then sometimes it doesn't I mean it's exactly what I was hoping though what you were all hoping we we got our dream I'm gonna start shooting being lunch or at it now I'm not cool enough yet man I would love to have that one run that I had with the cool sticks in the vorpal gun but with the alien engine and the vorpal bullets oh man assuming were pible at scale with coolness which I don't know it would make sense for them to yeah the first time you get the loot bag you have to steal it very useful item though dang I tried how do you steal stuff you have to get enough um there you have to get an item that allows you to steal they're a bunch of them so something that makes you invisible something that will charm or stun the shopkeeper or something that will be a decoy stir those kinds of items but a vorpal bullets give Worple gun a second chance to create probably they're on a munch anything like I can munch like one thing why bother well okay to be fair I could munch two things oh it is actually the evil muncher I apologize for being wrong I don't think I fed it at all so you know that's cool I should keep that yeah that's all I'm feeding it I've just never seen one of those outside of bullet-hell nice yes the evil munchers that take more than two guns do keep up they keep track of what you have and have not [Music] man good stuff nice whoo I need that do they nerf the rad gun like seriously [Music] does the rad gun stack with coolness no but it adds coolness maybe they didn't I don't know it felt like I was not one shutting things or to shotting things that I absolutely should have hmm I don't know maybe I'm crazy now that seems normal hey hats reload as a kickflip he's insane whoops alright so this room I don't want to waste my ammo anyway nanhee just won't buy noise castle Vere Nath thank you very much for the 50 month sub thanks for sticking around for such a crazy long time it's awesome [Music] it's a skateboard on a gun or a gun on a skateboard why not both it's a mutually-beneficial gun skateboard combination you should have stopped at the edge I only rolled there because oh I didn't take damage I have the pit Lord ain't even mad dude ain't even men Oh mm tier three sub my god I'm blind thank you for the extra support as well sticking around and being crazy I knew that too see that's how I know I have to stop screaming I'm just uh I'm missing the easy details dang [Music] can't get past the third chamber any tips you just got to play a lot that's how this game goes it's really really hard you just got to get really really used to everything nice got'em how did I miss yeah I knew it I was early really oh well trumpet thank you very much fruit using your prime sub on for nineteen months in a row welcome back my dude thanks so much for the continued support and remembering to use your free sub [Music] okay now I have some stuff for fighting the boss which is good killing the future you say [Music] that sounds a little intense nice rad gun and sunglasses synergized that's tragic people are saying that it also does with Casey or something this is tragedy and I'm sure it's godly and it makes me want to have the sunglasses even those sunglasses are garbage wow it's really early on that one nice wall mimic are you coming in okay [Music] Todd nice crib you're a flighty has the update come out for consoles - I assume so but I don't know I know it is coming for everything that this game is on all right here we go now I can use something else it is on console all right good I figured it would be but yes all the crits dude trumpet thank you so much for gifting uranium spoon a sub yeah I play with mouse keyboard what thank you so much for Downton monk for the twitch prime sub thank you both so very much please support your very very awesome and welcome to both of you welcome back I think we'll both of you actually
Channel: bisnap
Views: 4,343
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon, gungeon, bisnap plays, let's play, bisnap gungeon, bisnap enter the gungeon, dodge roll games
Id: En9ekdYWlcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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