Bishop Tudor Bismark "The Soul Of A Man"

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is to use Riki super pros and they were he had bigger feet than these like man so it's self-esteem problem so but I started working hard in school and I began to say I'm gonna prove to this man that's my father I'm gonna prove to him that there's something inside of me so everything I did from that time was to please my father I'm 52 years old and I still do it everything I do I do to please my father it's heartbreaking if I don't get my father's approval it kills me everything I do preaching this message preaching anywhere I'm doing it for approval doing it for approval if somebody doesn't like me if somebody looks at me weird I had because of what happened to me when I was a child I have to be loved I have to be hugged when I met Gigi in 1978 and when she told me she loved me for many many years I never believed her because I didn't think I could be loved I didn't think I could be loved I'll do anything in the world for Sheila velakis my mother-in-law then she loved me and cared for me and took care of me in a very unique way I'll do anything for my mother-in-law anything because she was accommodating she helped me help build my self-esteem took care of me in very unique ways so yes go by I married we have four things amen we have two things at home now amen I just preached at the potter's house there is no African that preach at the potter's house up until that point I was the first and the priest for Bishop Jake's and all kinds of things happen so old on hold on so I'm really pumped and so all kinds of things happen TB ins opening up around the world stuff is opening up I mean charisma magazine and so on and things seem to be going well but even that night when I prefer Bishop Jake's and some of you can still watch it the blessing of a thousand times more I didn't feel I did well I went to the room depressed I was I was I went back to my room depressed sick just felt bad and almost every time I preached anywhere no matter where I am including last week in Matthew Ashima lowest Church and joori Macondo in Zambia and these great guys in idea I just go to bed feeling I didn't do well I didn't do one it's not like I'm fishing for comments it's because I'm for compliments I have to pull the point I have to prove a point so I'm trying to buy something for chichi and I'm running through the mall literally in Houston I'm running through the mall I'm writing to the Moore trying to find something and the song comes on I want to hold your hand I want to and in the middle of the mall I got a flight to catch in two hours in the middle of the mall I break down and start crying I start sobbing and crying howling I'm howling I don't know why and here's what happened this is what happened God showed me that the day my parents left me as a five-year-old boy way back then a five year old boy in me shut down my soul split and in me I remained a five-year-old in one area of my life that I didn't allow anybody into and a song open my soul so I couldn't understand when teach and I would fight why I'd have these feelings because inside of me is a five year old boy that never grew up so when I got home I got in a car I drove to Bulawayo I went to that spot where my mom left us in turn ants he's just a cement slab and I remember standing on when I stepped on that spot I started crying like a baby I was over myself and everything I felt when I was five years old came rushing back everything my confusion my bitterness my anger against my father for doing that yesterday as a 45 year old man crying like a baby I fell on the ground just crying and I realized my problem was my soul with damn it my soul was damaged and they have men here you beat your wives because your soul is damaged some of you can't progress in life because something happened to you when you were small inside of you is a child there are some mother-in-law's the reason you're hateful is not because you wanna be is because of something inside of you that makes you the way you were your soul is split politicians that rule countries the reason some of them are so vindictive go back in their line something happened when they were kids and it split this soul and the puzzle said we must worship Him with our whole soul our whole soul I met a woman one time she said i I've been married for 35 years and I've been unhappy all my life now that my oldest child is married and God said I'm leaving this man David had a soul problem that's why he did what he did he's sole issue and what the devil tried to do to Jesus was trying to make his soul exceedingly bitter but he would not be bitter he would not be it would not be the woman whose child died her soul was sorely vexed fixed that's why when we come to church we have to have the right kinds of music so that people saw can open see when music opens your soul a perfume can open your soul it opens your soul and it can be ministered to a kind gesture that's why women fall for married men because the married man is playing his game he touches a part of your life and your soul opens and then he walks in that soul and does his stuff messes up your heads some women you'll never want to see another man ever again because of what they did to you but when music begins to break down in your life your soul begins to open your heart opens your mind opens your will diminishes and then whoever it is whatever is can work their craft on your life so I've made up my mind I'm going to have a healthy soul a healthy soul for many years many years when my father would preach I be irritated irritated be angry when he was preaching I never knew why I never knew why until that situation and God healed me and God has fixed some things in my book my parents but I look at some of my brothers physically and spiritually that have issues some of my best friends in ministry are strange men they just strange individuals the way they behave the way they conduct themselves the way they posture themselves is not a normal posture and if you track in their lives something happened when they were kids and their soul was split some years ago there was a lady in our church she came to see me a great admiration for this lovely lady that's way back in the pillar way oh yes she told me what her husband did to her she ran away from home the first day she ran away from home it was a man that said I'll help you and took her to the bush on a rape turn anger and bitterness and frustration I met a lady in Zambia last week said that somebody five men broke into the house and were attempting to rape and she said don't rape me said I know you've come for a good time let's do this right I'll go in the room and you can come in one by one but don't utilize me you can come in one by one and they looked at her she said yeah let me go put some perfume on and you can come in one by one she said if I had to fight them they would have had their way with me she said and I'd had that experience before she said and when they walked out the door and apologizing she said even though they didn't touch her that night it was just as though they did everything came crashing back there's some people in this room we've had horrible experiences in life it's hot your song so hot your song it's hot your soul so this is your homework for this week it's your homework you're gonna eat some soul food remember that movie soul food you're gonna eat some soul food not sad than real and Dovie know the soul food you're gonna eat is several scriptures the first scripture I want to give you and C soul food for you it's gonna heal you it's gonna start washing you for that it's the washing of water by the word it's the washing of water by the word where's CUDA the Book of Psalms I want you to read Psalm 27 some 27 and I want you to read Psalm 100 those two Psalms begin to feed on that some just just over and over it's over and over and then you're gonna listen to some good music some choice music get some praise and worship get some good preaching get some word in you amen and begin to pray everyday just for the next week seven times a day I'm healed I am healed I am healed Moses when he
Channel: jabulanlccORG
Views: 36,821
Rating: 4.9475985 out of 5
Keywords: The, Soul, Of, man, Bishop, Tudor, Bismark, Harare, Zimbabwe, Jabula, NLCC, New, Life, Africa
Id: XVtAZ-v1dbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2011
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