You are the Mighty God the Great I AM (African Gospel)

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felt something was very fresh when he started singing the African song I think I think it's time for the nations to begin not just just to not just to sing it but to enter in with them in their culture in their field and I would love if David can do the song again but I want him to do the African moves with it [Music] David sing this song and I'll do the moves show their joke one thing about the Africans is in their body there is a rhythm their whole body moves differently than anyone else in the world so I don't know if you are free to once we start the song they can carry it and then just come and do the moves the mighty God the great [Applause] my god the great I am [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] now are you ready to dance [Applause] [Music] but I'm sorry and then we're gonna tendineae we're gonna turn around are you ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we do [Music] [Music] bilis [Music] did you find the train you guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I'm coming dance team come on up to the stage we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah listen one third of the kingdom is joy kingdom of God is not meat nor drink but righteousness peace one third of the kingdom is joy flatout nothing but joy I want y'all to pull out your phones we're gonna do something I don't know we've never done this before the forum can we release a shout to all the family in Africa [Applause] here's something that as a spiritual father I love that this team this morning all the teams the fort the 11 sessions are all led by full-time IHOP teams people that are on the staff and people that do the prayer room every day is their full-time job but here we have three worship leaders right here Chris Rachel J they've been leading worship 20 or 25 years individually 2025 years David is the youngest member on their team they do the 6 a.m. by the way morning after morning at 6 a.m. they're here I love you guys for that now you guys have been 2025 years he's your youngest guy in your team and Chris you're the leader of this team why did you pick him for all of you to follow well because there's so many reasons I think that he represents Africa and the black community and he's taking primary leadership in the worship movement which I do believe that word that you've you've talked about so much and so a few years ago I just said I'm gonna just take him under my wing and just wait just teach and learn and teach and learn because I think he has so much to teach us and I have some to teach him so it's been unbelievable an unbelievable journey to watch him cross over and be able to just he's so agile as a worship leader like stylistically and all kinds of things so he's grown incredible incredible ways but here in our last one thing you guys been leading 25 years each of you yet you're following a the youngest guy in your team with joy and enthusiasm and I'm watching this on all of our sets a lot of the sets here are being led by younger worship leaders and the older ones are not following them in know like well gave you a chance they're really following the amount of respected honor and I love that you do this so Rachel tell us is that easy to follow a younger worship leader David is very easy he lives a very pure life he has a single vision his vision is to worship and love God it's easy to flow with him in worship because there's no the it's just clear it's very clear and you're highly anointed for it it's like it's following an anointed leader it's so easy and you bring so much joy and your faithful David thank you I'm ready to go okay one more thing he is a David he's a David and one of the high values we have at the house of prayer is that a worship leader can lead from their instrument how many worship leaders can lead from their instrument out there that's that's more challenging very challenging but you know what he's mastered his instrument and he's able to flow in so many ways because of it and so I just wanted to put that out there as well about Jay again you're a spiritual father your spiritual mom we've got all these young ones you're pouring into them you're constantly moving out and bringing young ones forward just give a sentence I just am so proud of David in an age where the worship movement and and just music in general has become about how well you can do how successful you can be how many albums you can make how many followers you can get and all those kinds of things to find a heart that is pure like David's who doesn't literally does not care about any of those things he's very in care if he's leading or following or on the fifth microphone he didn't fight to be where he is all he did all he want to do was wash the feet of Jesus with his tears and so I am so proud to the greatest thing I can do as a father there's porn you are a spiritual father in this house thank you the greatest thing I think that we can do is that we can make those better those were younger than us better than us and so I'm so proud of David okay let's give me a microphone I got one little secret little thing he's my little secret weapon what you guys don't know but we know is that I we play the IHOP you students in touch football I'm quarterback and he is my secret weapon this guy is the best player on the team he got a college scholarship to play football and turned it down to go get trained to be a worship leader he got a scholarship to play football turned in it when I found that out I said hey we're gonna beat the I help you team I need you and he's the best guy I know anyway why did you leave a college scholarship at 19 years old to come poor four years into this now you're raising your own support or you could be playing college football and then having a career what did you do that number one I I'm grateful that the Lord has written and is still writing this story of mine because I couldn't write it or think about it on my own I wanted to play football all throughout high so you're really good well thank you especially on that down out and up at the corner you're really awesome not try I try I still got the legs but my senior year in high school I felt just a drop of passion for the sport I don't know how or why it just completely dropped and I felt like the Lord was calling me to pursue music now everything wasn't as clear as I needed it to be in pursuing music all I knew was I don't want to play football anymore I still played the whole season I was very unhappy with the whole situation and I received an offer from a college that they wanted me to come and visit and see how things are and I was the first the first thing I thought about when I saw this was no I just want to do music and then the Lord miraculously led me to I hop and then I am here and why am I here because the Lord is writing it because it's it's it's his grace that is His grace in his favor that is just leading me throughout this place I have learned so much from these guys I came here to learn the father to know the father in his house and then these people here and a couple more others that the back have helped me safe soon into you they have so much into my life thank you I would not have been able to stay here if it wasn't for them if it wasn't for them and I learned the community I learned how to love people through them I learned how to love the Lord through them you know what we have now of passion for Jesus and compassion for people I learned a lot through these people here and through this core so I'm just grateful that the Lord is gracing me with this story from a Papa to a Papa Mama's good job good job keep it going man keep it going and keep those legs in shape I need you for at least two more seasons
Channel: goojs0
Views: 666,839
Rating: 4.8456206 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, Onething, 2018, You are the Mighty God the Great I AM, You are the Mighty God, African Gospel, Praise
Id: Qe9NiUStKXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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