Bishop Paul A. Bowers preaching "Can Your Heart Take It?" (1992)

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[Music] i'm so glad i found jesus [Applause] but jesus is a friend of mine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'm so glad i found jesus [Applause] i don't know about you but jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i'm i glad i found jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the scripture today will be the psalms 113 and 114 if you turn to that portion of the word of the lord be prepared to read these two chapters we shall read two psalms today 113 and also 1 14. i shall ask that minister tyree will conduct a reading of the scripture and he will do that after the voices of emmanuel bring the next selection just expressed their gladness their gratefulness for being saved now would you sit properly as they will bring the next election after which minister tyree will conduct the readings [Music] thank you [Music] i feel jesus i feel jesus i feel jesus [Music] in this place and my soul does it burns within me i feel jesus he's in this place [Music] i feel jesus [Music] don't you feel jesus [Music] your soul sometimes it's burning way down way down within when you feel jesus [Music] when you feel jesus in this place what you sing with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] i love you jesus lord i love you i love you [Music] all jesus heart with all my [Music] it's heart within me [Music] i praise you jesus hallelujah i praise you jesus [Music] i praise you jesus in this place right now my soul [Music] my soul is [Music] your worthy jesus you're worthy jesus should be praised [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i feel jesus i feel jesus the power of god sick this morning but he's touching my body lord i praise you that's your power but you're undoing it overshadow me lord help me help me help me praise your name i want to feel you i want to know you i want to be with you lord i feel jesus i feel leaders i feel jesus [Music] [Applause] this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i feel jesus yes hiya ryan [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of god's word [Applause] [Music] praise you the lord praise you all the servants of the lord rest the name of the lord bless it be the name of the lord from this time forth and forevermore from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord's name is to be praised the lord is high above all the nations in his glory above the heavens who is like unto the lord who raises up the poor out of the dust and lifted the needy out of the dunhill and he may set him with the princess even with the prince of his people who make up the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of the children raise you the lord when israel went out of egypt the house of jacob from the people of a strange land judah was the sanctuary in israel his dominion the sea sword and lamb and the little hills like lambs what eight of thee oh thou see the dark letters now jordan that thou was driven back he mounted that that skipped like rams and any hills like lambs him allowed at the earth at the presence of the lord at the presence of the god of jacob who turned up the rock into standing water in a flint [Music] today we're going to move forward in our service we're going to ask the voices of emmanuel for another song at this time this is usually a period in our service that we have a special prayer we will not have that today although i do not need that you need to be told that the saints are praying for one another daily we seek god for his divine direction thank god let us all say amen amen now let us sit proudly just before the operatory the forces of emmanuel will bring us another song and while this song is going on the ushers will wait upon you with your contribution envelope you will prepare the altar for the offering when the voices of emmanuel have concluded the song and you will be blessed with the opportunity of coming to bring your gift of sacrifice and of love unto god pray now with you for the voices of emmanuel as they will come again if you need a contribution envelope simply raise your hand the ushers will serve you at this time [Music] we love to praise himself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] is going down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you'll find your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] praise him for goodness come on and praise him for mercy and praise him because he's god on the cross yes he did think of all the people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i know he's done wonderful things for me with the 13th and 14th verses behold therefore i have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou has made and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee can thine heart endure or can thine hands be strong in the days that i shall deal with thee i the lord have spoken it and will do it the new testament passage of scripture will be from the ninth chapter of saint john verse 1 and as jesus passed by he saw a man which was born which was blind from his birth his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither had this man sin nor his parents but that the works of god should be made manifest in him i must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work as long as i am in the world i am the light of the world the words of the text today will be from ezekiel and this is a passage that we mentioned some time ago that we would like to talk about again today and perhaps finish it if i can or at least maybe add a little more to it verse 14 can thine heart endure or can thine hands be strong in the days that i shall deal with thee i the lord haths have spoken it and we'll do it coupled with that text third verse of chapter 9 of saint john jesus answered neither had this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be made manifest in him the words of the text of these two passages from both the old and new testament are of interest to me today what i see in these texts particularly in ezekiel chapter 14. the lord is saying to israel and he's making the statement because of the failures and shortcoming of the israelites he's saying to them i am going to deal with you i am going to help you i am going to correct you implied in this text is the thought that god is saying when i correct you when i draw you to me it's going to be painful you're going to be chastened so i want to know when this procedure begins will your heart be able to take it will your hands be strong because i'm getting ready to deal with you i've spoken this and i'm going to do it the only reason that we ought to be in the church the basic purpose of our existence in the church and i might add the purpose of the existence of the church itself is not to meet our physical needs there may be some today who viewed the church as an institution to supply their needs and meet and satisfy the physical and emotional and financial requirements of their lives but i would like to say to you today that it is true we do expect to derive from god some material blessings we do gain as a result of serving the lord benefits and comforts in this life and in this world but when that becomes our chief objective for serving the lord then i say to you that service will not be honest or sincere it will not be based upon love but it will be because you're seeking from god some physical or financial benefit serving god is based upon love and that love has to be so strong that it involves your heart your mind and your strength if you love him like you should and if you love him like you need to love him in order to effectively serve him then you must love him with all of your heart your soul your mind and your strength your service to god and your dedication to him can never be temporary i might add you do not have the right to decide and to dictate and to arrange the affairs of your own life you cannot dictate to god what direction the wind will blow in your life or if the waves today will become angry or if the sea will become calm that is not your duty nor your obligation serving god has to be on the basis of lord i dedicate myself to you regardless there can be no conditions associated with it it has to be on the basis of lord i know not what the future holds i cannot predict the tomorrow or even the today let alone the tonight but there is one thing that i have settled and have decided in my heart that is that regardless of today or tonight or tomorrow i am going to serve god and be true to him if i'm rich if i'm poor if i am blind or deaf or crippled or maimed even lord if i'm placed out of doors i still intend to serve you dear friend you cannot serve him based upon conditions we cannot be a saint if it pleases us to be we cannot say that i'm going to be true to god if the wind does not blow if i'm not falsely accused or if i have no opposition i'll serve him or if god incarcerates every demon and moves them off of my street out of my neighborhood out of my path then i'm going to be a soldier in the army of the lord don't you know dear friend when you use the term soldier it does not imply a constant siesta it does not imply a constant vacation but it implies warfare if you are a soldier it means i expect a fight it means i anticipate a fight i might add it means i welcome a fight because i'm a soldier i recall some time ago observing a television program of a group of soldiers that was in training and all they did was train and train and train and they look forward to the day that they would go into the battlefield and fight but they ever played they were trained to plan to fight they were told to fight they were inspired to fight but all they did was train and train and train but then when war was declared these soldiers at the course perhaps of their lives begin to cheer and applaud because now the time had come when they would go to the battlefield and wage warfare so when you speak of being a soldier you're saying that i am in the army you're saying that there is an enemy you're saying that i look forward to the fight i'm ready i'm prepared just let the battle begin and so to serve god you have got to come to the place in your heart that you will feel lord i'm going to be your child regardless there is nothing in this life or beyond this life that i can think of more than anybody can tell me about will change my mind when it comes to serving you because i don't base this merely on emotions i don't base this merely on my feelings but lord in my heart i love you with all of my heart and my soul my mind and my strength and so the prophet says as god speaks through ezekiel and says to his people in so many words i know you want to serve me you have displayed your love for me but god says but as i observe you a little closer i see that there are failures in your life even though you have declared your allegiance to me god is saying yet i see as i observe you and as i look at you i see things about you not pleasing in my sight but god is saying to them because i know how you feel because i know that you want to be right because i know that you want to do as i've asked you to do god is saying now i'm getting ready to work on you so i'm asking you now can your heart take it will your hands be strong in the days that i'm going to deal with you i'm thankful today that the god we serve is such a great god he does not turn his back on us because we may fall short of his commandments for i want you to know if god would regard the iniquities of us all then who would stand who is it that would be able to sit in here today and glorify god amen but god looks at our condition god sees first of all he looks at how you feel about him down in your heart and let me say this to you in passing how foolish and how unwise you are if you will allow somebody or something else to make you uncomfortable when it comes to rendering service to the god of your salvation you're certainly unwise here today if you allow conditions and circumstances around you to dictate your attitude toward the god of your salvation amen but down in your heart everybody that's going to effectively serve god you've got to have the feeling and the attitude down in your heart i love god's soul i admire him so i adore him so that nothing will ever come between me and the god that i love so dear with all of my heart today but i want you to know today praise god whoever in your heart that has the strongest love is the one you ought to follow if the world has a stronger grip on your heart then you will follow the world if your friends control you and they're the ones that have control of your heart then you will follow your friends but i want you to know that if god controls your spirit if you love god more than anything else then how dare you how dare me let anybody come between me and the one i love with all of my heart today thank god and so the lord is looking at his people israel let the church say amen today and god says because i love you and now you love me but i see their mistakes their failures there's some things i can see that you've done wrong you strayed in the wrong direction and now god says since he made disagreement a long time ago or god says i'm going to deal with you i'm going to correct you i'm going to bring you back in line amen but god wanted them to know before this process starts you've got to say down in your heart lord i can take whatever it is that you put upon me my heart is strong my hands are strong my heart can take it whatever it may be that comes upon me amen if i love god with all of my heart i'm going to say lord it must be your will it must be all right with you and help me for my hand to be strong in my heart to be able to endure the process today thank god oh yes oh yes praise god their song today maybe amen that'll say yes lord i will serve you i'll be what you have me to be as long as there's nothing to test my discipleship yes i'll be there you can count on me lord as long as there's nothing to test my love for you remember god is saying to israel amen you've strayed away from me for you see love has to be attended a dedication has to be seen about a consecration must be attended to and so god is saying i can see you've been careless in the past you've neglected me you failed me you brought greed to my heart now god said because i know down in your heart that you still love me and i know god said i know that i still love you and now i'm gonna deal with you i'm gonna correct you i'm going to mold you i'm going to bring you back in harmony with me but before this process gets started i'm saying get your heart right get your mind right get your hands strong because i'm gonna make you what you ought to be here today thank god oh yes let the church say amen today hallelujah hallelujah and so as the lord looks upon this condition and as he sees these things that dwell that dwell among his people we can also observe there as we read in the gospel of saint john when this man was born blind and when jesus came and healed the man and they began to question him who healed you we know jesus didn't do it but no man can do these things because jesus is a sinner but yet the man said i don't know if he was a sinner or not but one thing i do know that i once was blind oh thank god but now i see and then they begin to question the man and then they begin to say lord amen is said in the old testament because the fathers have eaten sour graves or the children's teeth are set on edge and so they want to know who's sinned this man or thank god or his parents that he was born blind and jesus said neither have sinned amen remember this is only because but to give an opportunity to display my power but he said i've got to work the works of him that sent me he said while it is for the night will soon come when no man can work in other words it is saying this man i was born blind in the world because god provided his opportunity i want to work my words i want to show my power i want to display my ability and so you and me as saints of god are to look at condition that prevails in our lives look at the things that happened to us look at the problems we have or even the failures we make and look at this as an opportunity for god to be god in our life god is god but he wants to be god uh he wants to correct him he wants to bring you back to the fore he wants to build you up he wants to revive you or he wants to renew you he wants to make you what you ought to be he said i must work other works of him that sent me a while it is day he said the night is soon coming i've got to get my job done and so saints of god as jesus made hallelujah let the church say amen as jesus made that proclamation you and i have got to look at the same thing i've got to work the works of him that sent me a while it is day before the night is soon coming and so if you're sitting here today and need to apologize you ought to get at it this morning if you're sitting here this morning and you know you mistreated somebody if i'm too low lift me up if i'm too proud humble me lord if i'm too sophisticated bring me to my knees make me pray like a heart of prayer reduce me down to nothing i'll take it lord i'm not here to lose out i'm here to be saved hallelujah let the church say amen and soul work on me lord amen keep me on board you see child of god and the devil will make you feel you're more important than what you really are he'll get you to the place you feel like this church can move without me i'm somebody but listen honey child you ain't nobody and amen god is everybody anybody gets the honor around here today it belongs to god if i stayed saved all week i hold the glory to god if i held to god's unchanging hand if i stood the test and went through the fire i owe it all to jesus and let me tell you also god sees your thoughts just because today you haven't committed adultery you haven't gambled or played the lottery amen don't you sit up in here thinking you're so self-righteous maybe down in your heart you may have evil or jealousy lurking in your soul but man looks on the outward appearance but god looks down in your heart and god wants you to know if you stay here i'm going to save him if you want to be saved i'm going to bring you i'm going to make you what you ought to be here now can your heart stand it can your hands be strong when i begin to deal with you let me tell you it's the wrong thing but to back up from god or when trouble arises you go in the wrong direction if you take an attitude when the hell arises when trouble starts you do the wrong thing when you take life in your own hand i heard the mother psalmist say is the foundation of be destroyed what can the righteous do if you feel like today that everything is collapsing if you have the attitude that everything is going wrong the thing you should not do is take matters in your own hand but the next verse said the lord sits on the throne he still reigns on a high i don't care what's going on god is still in charge i don't care what's going down god is still god he sees everything he controls every demon he runs this universe he schedules your opposition and when god gets ready if you remain true remain faithful when god gets ready he's gonna bring you a powder of the mary clay when god gets ready he knows how to elevate you today hallelujah i'll clap your hand and say hallelujah and so this morning i want jesus but to work on me lord i'm here i want to be what you have me to be when i get up to sing i want somebody to feel the unction of the holy ghost when i testify i want the unction of the holy ghost to be in my testimony when i walk through here i want you to see jesus in my life i'm not gonna wait and everybody in here has had to be forgiven at some time in your life if you've never asked for forgiveness you ought to bow your head right now and say lord forgive me i haven't always been what i should have been but i stayed here and lord work on me chasing me correct me bring me down reduce me to nothing when i find that i'm nothing then you can make something out of me when i realize if it hadn't been the lord who was on my side i would have been divine along the way hallelujah i'll clap your hand and say hallelujah let me tell you one thing i've been pastoring this church for 35 years and things have not worked a god didn't tell me but to take the city he said occupy until i come amen god doesn't deal with numbers hallelujah god said you stand on the hot tower and blow your trumpeter i'll call who i want to call and i'm here to tell you a god will make out of you what he wants you to be god will gird you he won't let the devil have you if down in your heart you still want to serve him god will make a way for you you may be condemned this morning maybe you feel guilty maybe you feel upset over a past behavior in your life but if deep down in your heart you still love god if down in your heart you still want to serve him there's nothing greater than love love is greater than money love is greater than health love is greater than wealth that's nothing can stop love love will persevere love will make it love a push over mountain lover push through rocks love when nothing else could help it was love hallelujah clap your hand and say hallelujah and so god said can you be strong no this man's parents didn't sin but this was only created so i could show my power and i'm here to tell you sometimes you've lived the best you can and done the best you can and then something happens in your life but don't ever feel that god is unfair but god is creating an opportunity for him to show his glory and look at the glory of god almighty look at his power look at god's intervention look at the hills he's brought down look at the valleys he's brought up look at the rough places that god's delivered you from and every time you get a prick you get somebody to project or stick you a picture you ought to say hallelujah you ought to say lord i thank you i needed that every time the thing goes against you that's giving god an opportunity to show his power but if god be with us he's more he's more than all the world again hallelujah oh yes but child of god if you've never had none of this you don't know what i'm talking about if you've never been bumped or hurt or wounded you don't know what i'm talking about and if you've never been hurt or wounded it's because you've been following god from a far off but the closer you get to him the more bumps the more rough places the more crevices of cracks and potholes that are in your way but lord i want to get closer and closer and closer together [Music] i realize that the closer i get to you the stronger my heart will be and you can get to the place in god that you can understand one thing the idea of backsliding never occurs to you you can get full proof to god you can get so inspired and so engrossed and so caught up in serving god that failing god is a foreign thought to your imagination quit doesn't even belong in my vocabulary quit what do you mean quit before i quit i'll go deeper before i stop i'll go higher before i stop i'll pray harder quit not me not me whatever comes let it come i'll take it take it take it some of the things that we have to take is a result of our own decisions we make sometimes we make the wrong decisions sometimes we marry the wrong person amen whatever the results of that are it's our decision we have to take it because we made the wrong decision but god said can your heart be strong i'm gonna put you back israel where you ought to be you drifted too far from me you've gotten too cold you're too dry all right hey man i'm getting ready to bring you back can your heart take it can your hands be strong when i begin to work on you hey man i had my cholesterol taken some months ago and when they got ready to prick my finger i just thought like i was going to get electrocuted hey man i was drawing and getting stiff and screaming and yeah wait a minute hallelujah while i was hollering wait a minute and it was all over and it wasn't as bad as i thought it was that's the way it is sometimes in serving god we feel like it's going to be worse than it really is but god is involved [Music] the question is is not how you will survive that's not the question the question is not how will i stand that's not your responsibility the question is do you want to stand how bad do you want to be saved how deep is your desire to be saved how great is your enthusiasm how spiritual is your desire how deep is your admiration to god that's the question you can get so much in love with god until you let nothing cause you to frown on your face so that you can't look at the child of god's face and know what's going on in their lives how did you feel when you come out of the wilderness oh lord have mercy hallelujah isn't it wonderful isn't it glorious isn't it inspiring to know that when you come out of the wilderness your clothes won't be stored and tatted your face won't be scratched you won't come out living but how did you feel when you come out of the wilderness i felt like shouting oh yeah you know why you know why you watch god he does it every time when you've been in the wilderness and down there perishing and hurting and crying god is working something out of you that doesn't belong in you so work on me lord work in me work on me because when i come out of here when i come out of this wilderness when i get up out of this valley i want to be ready to shout hallelujah you don't have to shout in the wilderness amen you can shout because you know on the way out i'm going to shout because god healed israel it didn't heal them when they were going through they were going through because of their hard-heartedness and hard-headedness god led them around and about hallelujah until every unbeliever died amen everybody that didn't sanctify god in their hearts perish amen deliver a body that didn't want to go to the promised land perished you see if you want to die in the wilderness god will let you die he ain't going to make nobody he ain't going to drag you and push and force you and if god ain't going to do it i ain't either hallelujah i'm almost through but there's some hope that can't come to church unless if i miss church if you don't call me to see what's wrong with me i won't be back listen honey if you're sitting there waiting on me to call you i didn't die for you i didn't purchase you ah my blood didn't wash you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got the wrong idea we've got the wrong idea somebody's home sick and take an attitude because the pastor didn't call you that's why you ain't can't get healed you got an attitude you better sweeten up your spirit amen it's if i do come every hour on the hour if i call you every day at 12 o'clock high noon it's got to be god still that's going to heal you [Applause] [Music] you know the pastor he ain't he just don't show concern amen anytime a pastor preaches and leave us from this pulpit anytime a pastor teaches bible class anytime a pastor if you call him he'll come if it's midnight or early in the morning two and three o'clock in the morning sometime my phone rings when instead of calling me you ought to call the police i'm not the one you need to be calling hallelujah to god almighty but i'm here to tell you if it's not down in you you'll never make it if i hand feed you if i spoon feed you you won't make it because it's not down in your heart [Applause] this ain't no place to be petted i want you to peck me i want everybody to stand when i walk in amen i want to listen and let me tell you there are some folk will stay around as long as you let them have their way do what they want to do they'll stick with you let me do what i want to do listen honey you didn't call me to preach you didn't send me you didn't you thank you jesus lord make my heart strong make my hands strong to be able to take it thank you jesus pastor you didn't speak to me today you didn't call me you didn't you didn't do this you didn't you didn't show enough concern i'm not your savior i'm not your savior jesus is there ever present help in the time of trouble he's there thank god you listen child of god i'm not to make your way i've got a i've got a fight i'm in a fight just like you all right i'm asking god to help me just like you are i'm asking god to crucify my flesh just like you are oh yes hallelujah to god but you've got to have it down deep on the inside you've got to have it in here nobody's gonna baby you around here nobody's gonna pet you and sugar you and give you sugar diabetes to keep you in here if the holy ghost can't keep you honey i'm sorry [Applause] i believe in doing my job i believe in doing what god told me to do i'll help anybody if i can praise god but listen it's god that's going to save you oh yes don't come in here thinking you're going to use me in getting by not so honey there's an all seeing eye that's looking over you praise god oh yes sometimes folks you bring them in here you marry them you you spend money for them to have a wedding you buy flowers you you by punch you you spend your money to help them you decorate so they can have a wedding and then when they get married they're through with you they walk on off somewhere else but i want you to know i won't lose my reward i don't do it as unto you i do it as unto the lord amen sometimes there's been cases and i'm not saying this for sympathy i'm trying to illustrate a point today sometimes you go in the hospital in the wee hours of the morning amen their friends their relatives on the bed dying you get up out of your bed at two and three o'clock in the morning you rush to the hospital you go up in the room you stay there with them in the midst of death while death is claiming their relatives you stay there you pray with them and then you stand by them you go through the funeral with them you encourage them you help them and then after a while they got the nerve to say the pastor's not considerate enough but i'm here to tell you today my hands are strong [Applause] i ain't got no argument with anybody hallelujah my record is on high and my witness is in heaven god put me into this god put me into the ministry and if i can't take it i don't belong here if i can't stand up those folk withstood moses made him so angry he threw down the tables of stone and broke them but i'm not about to let you do what you want to do to keep never never never never never this ain't no community church this ain't no social hall hallelujah this is god's house this is why i tell you reverend's a house of god when you come in here respect the house of god this ain't no place to play this ain't no place to joke it's god's house cheering god i'm going to stop i should have stopped long ago but can your heart be strong can your heart take it god's going to work listen i was ordained consecrated as the presiding bishop of this organization most every congratulatory card i receive has not come from fellow bishops one letter from a fellow bishop maybe two one and a hand every card every message has been from the saints [Applause] but listen i have not politicked that's right i have not schemed all right i have never lost but one election since i've been in this organization and i should have lost that one i voted for myself once and then said lord forgive me i'll never do that again all right and i won the election that i voted and i didn't need my vote to win it but i want to say lord i will never ever again vote for me that's right all right that's right amen i've never called one soul to say vote for me i have never politicked i've never written a letter nothing all right and i'm telling you here you don't have to be wrong to get somewhere in the lord god knows where you are [Applause] i don't expect it to be a glamorous three or six years three maybe six i don't expect that i expect it to be hard i expect it to be difficult but i'm ready for the fight i called that office personnel together at the last convention before we left chicago called them to get all of them in a meeting that morning friday before i left saturday i said from now on if you're going to work in this organization you're going to dress like saints [Applause] i told them sisters are you i said this is a professional office if you're coming in here to wait on the saints to register the saints to work in this office you're not coming in here with no stockings on and i'm gonna check you out and i'm gonna be looking you up and down sizing you up that way i'll be checking you out i said you got old saints here that are conservative i said you're going to come in here resembling saints i said when you go back home then you home you do what your pastor said i'll pray for you but you're gonna come in here and look like saints you ain't coming in here with jewelry hanging all over you everywhere you can hang something [Music] naughty here you're not coming in here with cool lots if it gets 120 degrees you ain't coming in here [Applause] with your booze em out your side out you back out if you die but you're gonna come in here looking decent here's a man on the computer he's a computer expert he's hired to run the computer there he is his shirt open down about four buttons hanging out his tail shirt tail sticking out in the back and he's looking he's put your shirt tail in button up your shirt and put on a tie if you can't do that move on [Applause] i didn't stop that i went over to the headquarters office in indiana about a week ago a week and a half i preached the same sermon you want to work in here be on time do your work and come dressed this is a professional office come dressed what you mean bishop you want me spell it out i will and i did listen i'm through if you want to play baseball for the cincinnati reds you can have on not even a mustache no facial hair no long hair that's right here we are saints saints saints looking any looking like everybody saints looking like nothing we saints i don't want to see your knees [Applause] cover up your cleavage [Applause] oh i'm through let the church say amen can you take it can you take it [Applause] and all he preaches about is that that ain't all i preach about but that's getting to be about all i see [Applause] you coming up to me saying praise the lord your stomach out and half of your bosom out that's right and you praising the lord praise the lord bishop i'm gonna say one more thing i'm gonna be through you take and i'm not being super critical i'm not super saved i need help just like anybody else but any church today that's thriving and flourishing check it out there's one thing common with all of them i mean that's blooming they are all liberal they've thrown if this church had no standards we'd have to have a church that see two thousand people but this church got standing we don't leave the church and go to the cinema we don't get in the lottery line [Applause] we don't strut down through the shopping mall in our in our in our tight pants and shorts switching [Applause] glory you want to be saved now's the time maybe this sermon was for us today baby god said i'm gonna get you together can you take it i want the lord to work on me we had a young lady in this church years ago that defied you can't when you defy your minister you're making a drastic mistake she had a little plump body physique as the world said she's built up she said pastor i'm gonna wear my pants i don't care what you say i said fine you go ahead and you put on your tight pants you strut on down the street you switch from north south east and west go right here about three or four months later she had to take him off because she had to make some room you got the message and then women wonder why they don't have respect you don't act in such a way to get respect come on and let god bless you he's going to do it he's going to do it the brothers will sing if you're here get up and come on to the old and ask the lord to help you
Channel: Emanuel Broadcast
Views: 942
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Paul Bowers, Pastor LaVelton Daniel, GEAT1150, AllAboutSouls, Evang. Patricia Daniel, Greater Emanuel Apostolic Temple, Greater Emanuel Cincinnati, Cincinnati Churches
Id: L-XLr2N8HOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 20sec (4880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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